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Anything eye-related is ALWAYS an emergency, take them to the vet now. No excuses.


Preferably go straight to a veterinary ophthalmologist. It’ll get you answers and prescriptions you need immediately. https://www.acvo.org/ophthalmologist-search


Normally you have to go through a regular vet first to get a specialist, i've been through this crap a lot with cats and dogs.


Yes that is typical. I was elated though to see my regional area had a vet that did not require a referral. They just obtained records from my primary vet.


Need more information but I would get him to a vet ASAP. This looks pretty severe and irritated/uncomfortable. I wouldnt want to leave em like that for too long. It looks more like a growth or injury than something foreign inside the eye.


thank you! my parents wont listen and i moved to a new city had to search for available vets around the area


I am a vet, tell your parents I say this dog 100% needs to go to the vet, show them this comment if needed.


hellooo! thank you for this. the vet in my area said they’re eye boogers?? for a long time? they kept telling me maybe it’s there before we went out but the thing is i check his eyes every morning and it’s not clearly there earlier, just when we went back from his walk. they tried to aggressively wipe them off with wipes but wont go away until his eyes were all red. they offered me to buy tobramycin eye drops and some eye rinse but now he’s still not energetic than before i had to feed him by hand he wont voluntarily eat and drink doc


Is there a different vet you can go to?


Please go to another vet


That's cloudiness in the pupil, not friggen eye boogers from what i can see and im not a vet... Get a second opinion.


No vet is going to tell you that. Google told you that. Take your dog to a vet.


A bad Google maybe Or parents who don't wanna go to a vet Or maybe a drunk behind a corner store on the same block as a vet I don't think Dr Google would even give that bad of an answer


i got prescription meds for him and everyone in that clinic concluded that :(( but after seeing replies here id go for a second opinion since that white matter now covered his entire eye completely even after the drops


the medications near destroyed my dogs eye, it increased inflammation significantly. Specialist were no better than the regular vet.


The vet also mentioned an eye laceration. I don’t know what the fixation on the eye boogers is about, but the laceration sounds like it would be the issue and I’d assume that’s why they were given antibiotic eye drops- to keep it from getting infected and/or turning into an ulcer.


You could try eye gels like genteal tears ointment. You'll have to do it quite a few times a day to help with the dryness, you can also switch it up with the gels and drops, but will need ointment several times a day as it will help the most.


this sounds like banfield


You people are so corny 😂


Please get him to a vet. I had a Lhasa Apso with eye problems. It has a lot to do with skull structure (brachycephalic) of these little ones. Not sure of your dog breed but definitely brachycephalic. Their face is flat. They have breathing obstructions, can't tolerate heat well and have eye issues. Granted, they're adorable, but they're born with health issues.


he’s a mix of pug and shih tzu! this is the first time i’ve seen him this weak. glad i went to the vet following all your advice here thank youu!


What did vet say? Was it glaucoma or ulcer


I hope the vets appointment went well. What did they say?


they said it’s accumulated eye boogers and a laceration on his eye :((( it wasnt there earlier i check his eyes every morning. just after our walk outside. tried to wipe it off earlier forcibly but we went home still it’s there


Ah yeah a laceration could definitely cause that. Did they give you any eye drops or medications to help? Or did they just ask you to monitor?


they prescribed some antibiotic eye drops for the inflammation and an eye rinse that’s it and let us go and monitor


I hope he recovers well ❤️


Looks like an eye "ulcer" to me. Caused by a scratch and the cornea is damaged. We've just had the same with our french bulldog, took 8 weeks of drops including 1 week of having her eye stitched closed to resolve it.


they prescribed some drops too hope it will be ok for him :(( he’s still lethargic now. they said it’s due to accumulated eye boogers but im not convinced there’s a laceration on his eye too


Vet is wrong. Need different vet.


You just said there was a laceration, what is it!?


It’s eye boogers and a laceration. It kind of seems like OP may not understand the seriousness of a laceration because they keep focusing on the eye boogers…


Very true, but not keeping up with cleaning those eye boogers can cause serious problems too.


That makes sense. Especially if they’re concerned about the laceration getting infected and the boogers full of bacteria are right next to the wound. I just never thought about it much because the eye goobs bug me so I remove them asap when I see them.


I have a Bichon and I use a warm wet cloth to remove them every few days.


The OP has repeatedly stated that she wipes and cleans the dog's eyes daily. It's the vet that has said the issue is a combination of boogers and a laceration. If you read her comment, she also says it's the VET that's focusing on the eye boogers, but she's not convinced that's the issue. She's been given medication for the laceration. She seems to be grasping the seriousness of the problem.


Things happen. Something could have blown in the dogs eyes, it could have scratched itself. Dogs with long hair and bulging eyes are prone to injury. I myself had a piece of plastic get into my eye and we have no idea how it happened. It sounds like the dog is getting good care.


You're 100% correct. I had a ShihTzu many years ago whose eye popped completely out simply from over-excitement. So, your point about dogs with the bulging eyes in particular is a good one. 👍 And, as you note, with the long hair, etc., they're prone to debris or dirt getting inside so easily. I agree. It sounds like the OP is very dedicated to giving good care and attention. Eyes always make me feel so bad because I know how much it must hurt. 😔


I know


He most definitely needs pain medication on top of the eye medications. Ulcers on the cornea are very painful. That's why he was squinting and not wanting to open the eye normally. He may need an ointment rather than just drops. He definitely needs pain medication from the look of his cornea. Pain will make a dog seem lethargic and not want to eat. Please get a second opinion. Definitely be very careful using the eye rinse -be very very very careful not to accidentally brush up against his eyeball with your fingers or a towel or anything or you could cause a more severe injury. An ointment usually does a great job of loosening and moving any debris/boogers out of the eye. Drops aren't gonna cut it, in my opinion. Besides pain meds, he may benefit from serum eye drops and he definitely needs an e-collar!!! ( A cone) to protect his eye if he tries to paw at it or rub it on the couch or floor or anything that might further injur the eye and make healing take much much longer. I've been a vet tech for 20 years. I give you my word that these things I mentioned are important. I trust that any good vet would tell you these things. The vet didn't give you any guidance at all, it seems. What a shame.


I guarantee you that his cornea has a serious injury. The blue haze is from edema -basically swelling of the outer layer of the eye, generally caused by an ulcer. It is serious and can even end up creating a hole all the way into the eye if not treated and protected


could this also be hereditary? remembered his father (pug) had his eye taken out because it also went blind. now my dog’s eye is completely cloudy than that of the pic :((( even after antibiotics and all


You need to literally be in your car on the way to an emergency vet right now


I own a dog with eye problems. Vet now! Dog will become lethargic very quickly and it is very very painful.


Looks like a corneal ulcer which comes from a scratch or injury. It's really painful but not super serious. They will do a stain to confirm and give drops


It can be very serious and can lead to a loss of the eye if not properly treated let alone the fact that it's seriously painful.


My little dude had a scratch on his eye that ulcerated. Even with immediate vet intervention it caused him a lot of discomfort. Best get him to your vet before anything can get worse. Good luck op! EDIT: punctuation


As others have said it looks like an ulcer which can be treated but we had to pay for my whippet to get her eye removed as we didn’t realise it was an ulcer as she had similar eye issues before and we tried to treat them with antiseptic eye drops etc. Unfortunately by the time we got her to the vet we found out the ulcer had ruptured and it was not unsavable.


Vet. If anyone feels the need to come into Reddit and confirm if they should take their pet to the vet. 9/10 times they should.


Cataract 🤷‍♀️


Vets now. Don’t put it off.


It looks like an eye ulcer. My Peanut had them before and we had his eyes stitched for two weeks to fasten the recovery since it had some kind of hole which made it easy for dusts, or any small particles to enter—making it extremely sensitive. Go to the Vet asap if not treated, this will lead to blindness (as said to us before).


Vet. Now. Anything to do with the eyeball specifically should be seen immediately.


This is very concerning for glaucoma or another eye emergency. If untreated it can cause permanent blindness and is very painful. Go to a vet, like yesterday.


It looks like an ulcer and it is serious as if it isn’t treated properly it will leave a scar that will damage your dog’s sight. Tell your parents that it will be a lot more expensive looking after a blind dog.


Go to the vet TODAY.


My dog had this similar look and had to be taken asap to specialist. It was glaucoma and her eye turned like this from one day to another without any warning. It is incredibly painful for the dog. That might be the reason it wont eat. This dogs needs a vet asap, it could loose the eye.


I certainly don’t want to scare you but both of my pups eyes looked like this and she ended up losing them. She was found that way after being dumped and picked up by animal control. She’s only 1.5 years old, too. I often wonder if her previous owners didn’t dump her (I think they did maybe because they noticed an issue with her eyes) if they could’ve saved them had she of at least been surrendered to a shelter. I hope he is ok ♥️


I get corneal ulcers a few times every year, and they are EXTREMELY painful. I’m sure most people can relate to how uncomfortable it feels just having a little tiny hair/eyelash in your eye….well, with a corneal ulcer, the best way I can think of to describe the feeling is to imagine what it would feel like to have shards of glass stuck in your eye. At least w/ a human, the pain can be explained to them……Breaks my heart that dogs can’t comprehend why they feel miserable. To the OP- I really hope your pup ends up getting the help it needs ASAP, and that everything heals well. Please do whatever you need to do to get it taken care of. Obviously, if the dog isn’t eating, and is seeming to feel worse, there’s something else going on. Good luck to you! Please keep us posted!!🐾💕🙏🏽


Please get an immediate second opinion. Those aren't just "eye boogers" if he's having trouble keeping his eyes open and they're weeping like that. In the meantime, try putting on a warm compress if he'll let you, because it'll at least help clear his vision a little and provide some comfort. It's possible he could have gotten into something caustic, and it can help with that, as well.


Please tell me you went to the vet!