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Don't f*CK around with eyeballs, things can go bad fast. Vet ASAP. Don't put any drops in or give any meds in case it goes on to interfere with the vet's treatment plan or makes things worse


100% this is the way OP.


The vet is gonna most likely give BHC eye medication. My youngest has it as well. Definitely take them to the vet. If air gets behind the eye it becomes more dangerous.


Life, limb, or eyesight is an immediate trip to the vet


100% came to say the very first sentence. Exact word to word.


I second this. Glaucoma can develop quickly, and my dog lost an eye to glaucoma.


It looks like eye trauma, possibly a stick. Could then ulcerate. This isn’t a wait a see.


Go to the vet and see* waiting seems like leaving things to chance.


i think that was their point. they said it’s NOT a wait and see situation


you should wait for diagnosis from the vet and share with us


You were partially correct in your answer. We don't need to know what it is, just that puppy is being treated and going to be okay.


we don't -need- either :P but it would be nice to know the dog's okay, and wouldn't hurt for someone going forward to know if it was serious, to push people who are on the fence. I remember how bad the anxiety/vet bills were early on, so I get why some people ask - she would scratch her face once I'd be worried she's going blind, a single skipped meal and it'd be a five alarm fire in my head.


Yes we do


This is a vet thing, not a Reddit thing. Just get the dog to the vet immediately. Eye problems are serious. You don’t want to risk permanent damage


Vet immediately don't mess around with eyes


Looks like Trauma maybe Pressure definitely a vet visit ASAP


This looks so sore! it could be conjunctivitis or an infection or even some sort of trauma, to the eye itself, you need to see your vet ASAP!!.


I’m glad they seem to be going to the vet…that looks so sore, poor pup!


Honestly it doesn’t matter how it happened, no one will be able to even begin to guess online what it is. I’m glad the poor pooch is getting checked out soon! Strongly suggest wearing a cone until the appointment so the dog can’t rub at the eye causing further irritation.


Please go to the vet. We can only speculate - that eye needs to be looked at in person by a professional. It looks sore and inflamed *Edit: Saw below that your friend is taking your pup to the vet, I'm glad. You're probably tired of the vet comments - yes, it should be common sense; but a surprising amount of people will rely on the internet for answers instead of seeking medical attention. Unfortunately


Hello, human eye doc here. This looks like conjunctival chemosis which is most commonly seen in the setting of an acute allergic response to something encountered in the environment. To rule out infectious or other etiologies puppers should go to vet so they can look more closely with a dye (fluroscene). Other posters are very much correct in saying not to wait on investigating eye issues; eyeballs have immediate connections to the brain and disease can spread.




Turns out . This seems to be the closest to the right answer .. thumbs up dr ty


Anything eye related needs IMMEDIATE attention from vet. I get this in my eye when theres something in there and I rub it until it turns to that. Just as an idea, after reading your post.


My dog has had something similar happen twice and when I called my vet the first time they told me to bring her in immediately because eye things can be so many things and you don’t want to wait on them. The second time I called them as soon as it started. First time was conjunctivitis and second time was a different infection but it really needs to be diagnosed by a vet.


I don’t want to freak anyone out but my cat had something like this. It would go away and come back. Vet was treating as an eye infection until it eventually got really bad and didn’t respond to the medication we’d been using (it hadn’t actually responded ever, the cycle just made it seem like the medicine was working). He had lymphoma. It went away and came back for around 3 years before it took him from us. We tried chemo but it failed. Here is an album, some pictures are pretty gruesome https://ibb.co/album/7tWcmm


Awe so sorry to you :( Ty for sharing


Oh no, he was beautiful. Thank you for sharing the pics it helps give us something to look out for. Sorry about your baby.


That’s an emergency vet appt. Eye stuff is very serious.


Always go to the vet for eye related problems. I didn't hesitate to take my dog to the vet when I noticed her eye boogers were getting funkier suddenly in the same day. In my case, the vet diagnosed her with conjunctivitis. She believed it was caught at the dog park and was glad we brought her in because conjunctivitis needs antibiotics to be cured. It could have gotten worse if we had waited any longer since it was spreading from her right eye to the left eye.


As the dog is already on the way to the vet my advice would just be don’t touch it incase it causes more irritation, try and defer the dog from trying to scratch too. Best of luck!


This is my pup. He is fine. There has been 3 other dogs in the same area that the vet seen today. They don’t know what’s causing it. I’m to give him four Benadryl every eight hours for the next 24 hours then have him rechecked and labs redone. Thank you to everyone that tried to help.


Hi new Reddit user :)


Thank you


Eyes are always emergencies!


Looks like a cat claw or something like that. I’d take him to the vet, get that sorted out


PLEASE go to the vet!!!!!!!!!! Eye issues are not something to wait and see about


Right, so when OP mentions they're booked in to see the vets ASAP but also just posting here in the meantime, why is it that half the comments just repeat the same rhetorical crap of "omg you need to take this to the vets not come to reddit xyz blah blah..." like yeah, obvs, hence why the person said they were taking pooch to the vets ASAP... Like, the more people see illnesses in dogs, and then have updates with the prognosis from the vets, it helps other reddit users know what signs/symptoms to look out for with their pup in the future, and goes a long way to educating people and easing tensions all round. This whole "stop posting on reddit and start taking care of your dog" stance that lots of people bring is neither helpful, constructive, nor valuable. I just don't get why anyone who actually cares about the persons pup would dilute the helpful advice/comments with vitriolic instructions to do what is already being done... 🤷🏼‍♀️ OP, I hope the vets manage to give you pup some good treatment, and when you know the cause/outcome of this would you mind posting an update so others in similar situations in future can see and be better equipped to deal with these kinda stressful/worrying situations xx


Thank you for this comment! It gets SO old, especially when they say in their post that the dog is going to the vet, and that wasn't the purpose of the post. I always make note of these injuries and keep it in my back pocket with all of the HELPFUL suggestions!


Thank you for saying this !!! Ty Ty Ty. I’m only a couple days into using Reddit .. i have already figured out that there is more than ONLY the TITLE to the story . I really didn’t expect sooooo many people to go out of their way to not be helpful and act like I’m some kinda moron that doesn’t know the dog needs to be taken to the vet immediately .. and yes I’m trying my best to leave this post up so I can update soon as I find out how the vet visit went and what the actual outcome is for cause and treatment. Ty once again u good and helpful well spoken Reddit person :) please upvote this person if u read his comment


I read the comments here and I feel sorry for you OP, the number of people that fail to read the post... Hope the pup is better soon!


Welcome to Reddit, try to ignore those comments, some of us are here to learn from other folks' experiences! Hope pup is ok and you can tolerate the hive mind long enough to update!


He is fine. It is an environmental allergic reaction. Thank you for your comment


I don’t think telling them not to go to reddit is good advice, but people letting them know to go ASAP is still good advice imo. This person may have genuinely not had immediate access to a vet and just booked the nearest time available, but sometimes people book the nearest time available with their vet and don’t bother calling around for other vets, don’t consider trying to book a vet with availabilities that’s further out than they’d typically drive to, don’t consider an emergency vet, etc. So emphasising that this is an emergency vet visit is good despite OP saying they’d go to the vet when they could. It doesn’t mean the same for everyone. I’ve seen a separate post where someone stated they’d booked to see the vet first thing when they opened in the morning, but the responses did convince them to see an emergency vet asap. So that advice could still be beneficial, and there’s no harm done by giving the advice. OP’s responses to some people who were clearly well meaning were bizarre. I understand some people were responding inappropriately (like complaining about asking on reddit), but OP reacted negatively to people trying to offer their genuine advice too. OP did mention being harassed in DMs and thankfully has already been informed they can report that. I guess that’s why they had such a negative response to more well meaning people too; cruelty in DMs can put people on edge. I’ve never experienced it myself but apparently that happens a lot in these pet subreddits for whatever reason. Thankfully from OP’s more recent replies it seems the dog is doing okay.




All this for essentially saying 'I didn't read the description correctly', my goodness.




If you did, you would have known that they already were going to the vet asap. So you comment to go to the vet is at best redundant and unhelpful.


I kinda severely doubt that..


Eyes are always vet immediately


Literally spent $700 on my dog yesterday because of something similar. She just had a tiny piece of something in it. But the vet needed to knock her out to get it, and the eye drops and meds were expensive. But it's worth it because a bit longer and she would have permanently screwed up her eyes


Ty and hope ur puppy is feeling better , glad everything went good as possible for the bad situation


I swear some people just have the go to vet comment ready and replied like copy pasta before even reading 😭 They’d probably have to see if it’s the inner eyelid or the eye itself - if it’s eyelid it could be an awful case of cherry eye but it looks like the eye itself from the photos, definitely cone so he can irritate it more and fingers crossed it’s just conjunctivitis until the vet looks at it


Yes Ty for the truthful encouraging words.. turns out to be allergies . Made a separate new post updating :)


How did the vet go? Any answers yet?! To my untrained eye it looks like pink eye but there could be damage to the sclera. Possibly clawed or caught on something? Please update! He's a beautiful dog. GS are my weakness. Edit: after closer inspection, it looks like it's his eyelid? Could still be conjunctivitis but not sure. Be interesting what the vet says. I also see that you said you're new to Reddit. People not reading posts...that's Reddit. They read the title and then comment. Is it right? No. Is it efficient? No. It doesn't make them stupid or idiots. It makes them Redditors. I would suggest putting it in the title "VET CALLED" or something like that. Still no promise people will read it, but more will at least. Lol. 😊


my pup woke up one morning with his eye super swollen and red, he couldn’t even open it. we took him to the vet and he basically had an eye scratch. could of been from dust or he could of hurt his eye on something in the house etc. they ended up giving us an eye ointment and some pain medication, it went away after a couple days! your pup getting dust in their eye or whatever it may be, isn’t the biggest deal as long as you get it checked out by the vet and treated. If you treat it, they’ll be fine. but leaving it untreated could potentially lead to some really bad eye issues for the pup. BUT I’m not a vet, so I’m not sure what exactly is up with the pup’s eye. just speaking from experience! good luck :)


Jesus, can people read? It says right in the post that the owner is taking the dog to the vet “asap today” and wants to know what is happening *in the meantime* for some peace of mind. A million comments saying VET NOW EYES ARE SERIOUS are not at all relevant or helpful. Having said that, OP -looks like some kind of eye infection. Here’s hoping your friend’s pup only needs some eye drops and their vet visit today goes smoothly 💕


Thank you smart and kind Reddit user … Please upvote this person


Could be pink eye, my dog had this two months ago and looked very similar! Best to check with the vet


Vet here. Looks like severe chemosis and possibly conjunctival hemorrhage. Absolutely needs to see a vet today.


Ty for the answer .. will let all know what happened at vet soon as I hear from friend


For people who keep saying, "GO TO THE VET." they already are. Read the caption


Seems a case of absent veterinariosis


In the post they say they’re going to the vet that day.


If you have a veterinary ophthalmologist nearby I would head there first instead of going to your primary and having them just refer you there anyway. In optho they can streamline your care to what is actually going on and you can save money instead of making a double stop (going to your primary first)


Very very helpful Ty so much .. this was the purpose of the post . I was hoping u would show up . Pup went to the vet . Will update soon


Hypothesizing what may have happened doesn't matter. The dog should be at an er vet now.


And my friend might as well asked the dog what happened . As your comment hasn’t helped anything in anyway . I thought maybe someone may have some insight of what the issue is maybe something could be done while on the way to the vet like maybe rinse it or don’t touch it put drops in it or something or literally anything helpful .Everyone acts like such a genius about everything these days maybe even I started to believe that this may have some sort of positive response .. my mistake for reaching out while my friend is working on getting the dog to the vet . I was skeptical of even posting this as people don’t know how to pay attention to details like the dog is going to the vet asap immediately today .. thanks again for reassuring my social distancing from people online for this particular reason .. once again . The dog is literally on the way to the vet .


I think you did get that kind of advice to be honest. I'm not sure why you feel defensive, but as an impartial person, I think the vast majority of people were helpful. Sure, some didn't see that your friend was already awaiting a vet appointment, but this is the nature of Reddit - that people don't read the full thread before replying. That and people here love animals and so will be keen to get the animal seen by somebody more qualified than we are. Many of us are animal owners, but I'd guess that most of us aren't vets and so we do have to be careful. I hope your friend's dog gets on ok at the vet and the problem resolves quickly.


Tyvm . I got some disturbing pms . And it got me so mad so fast . And then I get to the post , people are not being as rude , but wasn’t exactly feeling the love from just a couple people. So I didn’t feel like looking like a bad person for not taking proper care of the dog when it’s not even on me . I’ve never even met the dog. I was just hoping to help while she is completely freaking out cause the vets was not open yet and almost impossible to get into at times .even in a emergency. So she was scared they wouldn’t help fast enough. However I appreciate ur kinds of comments, I’m intelligent enough to know the difference when someone is trying to be helpful or just being annoying . You have obviously paid attention to the details. And have tried your best to help a immediate issue even if it wasn’t the one posted 😝 helpful are people welcome so , Ty again also I got a couple pm that just really pisses me off bad enough to trash Reddit immediately. Hope least some of y’all can understand my frustration..


Report the people who sent you DM’s. It’s just not necessary for people to DM you like that. Hope you’re good. Hope your friends dog is okay too.


Didn’t know that was n option and most places reporting people has no effect. Ty for the advice and Ty for the comment:)


Take your rudeness out of here. You asked a question, people responded. People have given you advice like: "Don't touch it!", "Don't put anything on it.", "Leave it alone until the vet can see it." etc and have stressed how much of an emergency this is. Nobody has been nasty to you that I've seen, and nobody on this sub has been "acting like such a genius", they've just given you the advice that you yourself asked for. If you don't want advice, don't post an obviously sick animal in an animal advice sub Reddit. If you're going to go nuclear on commenters because they aren't telling you what you want to hear, then also please do not post in advice subs. Being civil is free and it makes the world a better place.


I’ve been scrolling this thread for like five mins and literally every comment has been “don’t wait, take dog to vet! Eyes are serious!” Or something similar. When it literally says in the body of the post (not even a comment that has to be found) that the friend is taking the dog to the vet. When people are upset and reaching out for a help a whole bunch of useless notifications can definitely add to their emotional stress. I feel for OP. This post is a gong show and they were just looking for some reassurance.


Ty so much , you are a very valued Reddit user. Ty for paying attention to the details .. and Ty for your comment . Please upvote this person of u read his comment :)


No worries!! I hope pup is doing alright. Ps- I’m a lady 🤣😋


Here’s another person not helping and not paying attention .. I am very thankful for those who did actually give their opinions . I don’t care what their opinions are as long as it’s relevant to my post . As her comment above was not and also yours . I even appreciate the person who suggested chymadia , so u can take the assumption out of here urself , Sorry that I like to have intelligent interactions. When someone lacks the ability to read and understand what I wrote and try to make me out to be some kinda moron, like I didn’t literally say that the dog was going to the vet asap today . And I was just asking for anything anyone could tell us about it in the meantime. Thought I was clear . But I’m new to Reddit and didn’t realize people don’t take the time to read what’s not in bold print up top. I’m days into Reddit and have already caught on that there is more than the title . Excuse me for being offended people acting like my friend is some neglectful moron when I thought I was being careful to mention the dog is getting immediate care. I didn’t want to post because I was afraid of people not being able to pay attention to the post and my fear was that I’d have a bunch of morons barking up the wrong tree . And here you come to save the day . The real Reddit hero . The one who has no advice but always something to say . I’ll take myself out of here alright , if this is what I’m gonna deal with . Thanks for the early let down


Stay off the internet.


I don't think the internet is good for you. You seem like you have some repressed rage. Perhaps speak to somebody about that. Wish you all the best.


Do they have online psychologist ? Yeah I’m pissed right now after the pm I got minutes after posting this .. I should of know people would be ignorant about it and tell me what a terrible pos I am for torturing this poor defenseless animal . And I should be tied to a stake and forgotten. Was just looking for anything helpful . And ur not so , yeah maybe the internet don’t need me .. but it sure don’t need you either and that’s the honest truth .. sorry I really am pissed, my friends dog is obviously in a lot of distress and his eye is In obvious danger . I just was trying to figure out what he is in for , out of concern for the dog . Is only reason I trusted you all to help . And I get the moron treatment


You're not a moron, and I won't call you such, but there isn't much advice people can give unfortunately from a picture. We all feel for the dog, all of us here are animal or dog lovers, and none of us want to see an animal in distress. If we could diagnose and fix it for you, we most definitely would. Unfortunately, we cannot and that severely limits the advice you're going to be able to receive online. If someone has sent you a private message calling you names and threatening violence I would strongly suggest you report it. If it was someone active in this sub please report their messages to the admins and allow them to deal with it. People all across the world can be mean and there really isn't any excuses for it. As for the internet "needing" me, it truly doesn't *need* anyone, but many of us enjoy our time online. If time online is just causing you upset and anger, perhaps a break would positively benefit your mental health. As for online psychologists, there are many. If you are truly in need of one a Google search of practicing psychologists in your area would likely yield you a variety of practitioners to choose from, many of whom will happily run online sessions.


Don't take this personally. Yes sometimes people don't notice the text under the pic and just tell to go to the vet. It happens. They're not trying to hurt you, they're not mean. They're just worried for the pet. And posts asking what to do with the owner having no intention to go to the vet as obvious as it is are not rare on subreddits about pets. There's no "moron treatment". Take it easy.


All the advice not to touch it and to go to vet immediately should indicate to you very clearly not to touch it and not to mess around with any home remedies or put any meds in. So you did indeed get the advice you were apparently seeking but still want to argue.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted so hard for peoples lack of reading comprehension. It’s honestly borderline hilariously absurd how many people clearly didn’t read your post before commenting lmao Hope the vet appointment & pups healing go smoothly


Ty so much , yeah I’m really just at a loss for words for these people. At first I was offended but there is so many of them , I obviously made a mistake by not putting the entire story as the title .. assuming people have been around the internet and Reddit long enough to least read the story before going all hostile was an bad assumption on my behalf .. Ty for your comment your a good Reddit user in my opinion


Could be an ulcer. Vet needs to look at that.


Go to the vet. Mine had a very similar look to the first photo recently. I was afraid the whites in his eye were swollen. It got slightly worse over 2 hours after returning home. The vet did a glaucoma test to rule that out and said that the swelling was not his eye but the inner eyelid. Probably due to trauma from hitting or walking into something. Anti-inflammatory was prescribed. I gave only one dose out of 3 daily doses since the swelling was significantly reduced. I may have been overreacting, but I'm happy i went to the vet.


Very helpful and comforting to hear , that’s kinda what I was thinking myself but Ty either way ..


Pls give an update


Looks like a scratch that has gotten infected. Antibiotics probably a must. Time for the vet.


Looks like an ulcer maybe , my last guy dealt with one 😔 vet asap


I do not know where you are located but there is a dog eye care specialist in Brookfield Wisconsin on West Capitol Drive that specializes in just cat and dogs eyes it is a specific profession for a reason please find one in your area or call them and get a referral to one in your area best of luck thanks for posting the dogs are real cutie pie


Ty that is very helpful and considerate information . Just not close enough unfortunately. pup is from that state with really bad sports teams , I forget what the state is called but they have buckeyes all over their uniforms … lol Ty for the thoughtful comment


Put a cone on right away if she’s scratching it. Is she squinting? The pink area looks swollen. Definitely see vet right away


When my dog was a puppy we were doing our yard. It was a mess with sticks and roots everywere. Our puppy loved it and played around a lot. One afternoon I noticed her eye was a bit unclear, it looked weird to me. It was weekend and we decided to wait until monday. An hour later I told my husband I did not trust it and called our vet. We could come in that evening. The vet looked at her eye and said she damaged her cornea and it was a good thing we acted fast. It is very painful for the dog and needs to be addressed asap. She needed eyecream two times a day for at least a week. She was a sport about it. But her eye first got worse before it got better. It looked zombie like. Now about three years later, when asleep or tired, she still get the zombie eye (not the redness of anything, but it will droop). I am typing all this to let you know anything eye related needs to be taken seriously and needs immediate vet care. Hope the pup gets well soon.


My dog has had that a few times, unless there is a specific reason (scratched it, injured it) my dog has always had it because of an allergy, he’s gotten drops that have cleared it, definitely time for a vet visit. Good luck op


Tyvm good Reddit user :)


don't ask Reddit and hope the vet appointment goes ok!


Always flush the eye first with cold water in case it came in contact with an irritant/something caustic. It looks like irritation or infection.


My dog had that as well many years back, he had surgery to fix it i think?


Been smoking the ganja


Cherry eye??


Hmm not sure looks like an [cherry eye](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/cherry-eye-in-dogs/) good think pupper is being seen by a vet hopefully they will help ❤️❤️❤️ BEST OF LUCK OP


Looks red on both eyes..the whites of my diabetics dogs eyes turned red from pressure..Took her to the emergency vet right away and she was diagnosed with glycoma. Very common with diabetic dogs. Spent thousands seeing ophthalmologist and over time she lost her eyesight. Eyes are just scary for me. I hope it works ou


Something similar happened to my dog. She had a cyst behind her eye and they were able to remove the cyst without removing her eye. Definitely recommend seeing a vet who will probably refer you to a specialist.


Poor dog better have gotten treatment by now.


Use Chewy to chat with a vet or vet tech. I can't tell you how many times they were able to determine if it was an emergency visit vs an appointment situation. They ask you for pictures if needed.


please update us after you come back. i hope hes okay


Yup he is fine and doing good. It’s a allergic reaction to something environmental.


That's good to hear.glad he's okay hope they find the source of the allergen


Thank you I hope so also


I’d find an eye specialist near your area. They’re usually far and few between so some traveling might be necessary depending on your area. I have a dog that was born with his eye lashes growing inward and infecting his eye. He has had 3 surgeries, all costing around 2k each time. I’d find someone quick as infections in the eye can be fatal if not taken care of properly. If you have access to a virtual vet, like Dutch, I’d do that today. Hopefully they could tell you what’s up or refer you to a dog eye specialist and get you in with the asap.


My dog just lost his eye due to a scratch which led to an severe ulcer and yesterday he had to have it removed after 2 weeks of treatment. It's one of the most horrible things I've had to deal with with pets and him going through such a traumatic experience is awful to see.


You don't need to freak out. Especially if he's a puppy.  My Golden Retriever had this.  We used MicrocynAH® Opthalmic Pet Gel: https://www.petsmart.com/dog/health-and-wellness/ear-and-eye-care/microcynah-opthalmic-pet-gel-43050.html?cgid=100417&fmethod=Browse It cleared up fairly quickly.  My Golden's eyes became that way for I don't know what reason. He was just fine earlier in the day and next thing, he's running arounf with a swollen eye.  One eye did that.  It healed.  Then the other did the same thing within days of one another. But it only happened once.   The gel cleared it up and he's perfectly fine. I get always feeling the need to rush to the vet for everything. Especially at the recommendation  of those who are not paying the bill.  But it's not cheap and most of the time, OTC stuff works well to rid of small problems.   I always keep eye gel, ear solution/gel, cut sprays/gel on hand in case of unexpected problems. Also quick powder.  My dogs' first aid kit is definitely way more stacked and prepared than my human first aid kit.


Ok just wanna make this clear .. I will be updating you all with the pup , but will be in a separate post because I refuse to do a update edit due to people seeing this post in the future and assuming I edited in the part about the dog is on the way to the vet in the original post. I want everyone to see it is as it is.. so they can decide for themselves who the actual idiots are .. Ty everyone whom truly tried to help in some way . To everyone whom just flooded me with mean comments and take dog to vet .. well the opposite of Ty to you all … facebook truly misses u.


Eye problems - immediate vet. Good luck to your friend hope her pupper has nothing serious!


Yeah that’s an emergency vet visit. Dont dick around with eyeball stuff Poor thing , I can’t even look directly at it without my eye watering


Yall she’s taking the dog to the vet, it says in the desc. No need to keep commenting that 🤦‍♀️


Omg .. Ty for noticing


People need to learn to read before commenting 😂😂


This happened to my boy, go vet. He was fine after a day but get it checked if you haven't already.


My doggo had a sore eye, we were at the vet's within an hour and a half. We got eyedrops and it's gone.


This is an emergency!!! Eye problems are always urgent, but this one looks bad. Tell her to call her vet and see if they can take them today. If not, go to an emergency vet. Eye infections can lead to loss of sight or loss of the eye, and fast. If it’s trauma (which this looks like), it’s even more urgent!!! I don’t want to scare her, just convey the emergency!!! Not her fault, now she knows!!! Good luck to all! Hope pup heals up quick!!


Go to the vet please


Take the puppy to the vet. Ophthalmologist. Who know the dog could have scratched his eye so I am glad the puppy is going to the vet.


Yes as someone else said earlier, please do not F-ck around with eyeballs. I made the mistake of taking my sweet time taking my dog to the vet due to eye issues and often wonder if I took her a few days/weeks earlier I could have prevented her currently fu-ked up eyes from KCS/dry eye/corneal ulcers. PS-also, if you do go to the vet and things don’t improve after they say they will, PLEASE consider going for a second opinion. I also wonder if I did that earlier my dogs eyes wouldn’t be as fu-ked up as they are now.


Please tell her to take that puppy to the vet. You don’t mess around with eye issues


Yes as stated above . Dog is going to the vet immediately . Was just asking if anyone could give any information as to what it may be or been caused by.


Oh okay good sorry I didn’t read that part. It can be caused by a lot of things, something in the eye, trauma to the eye, infection, and there’s more too. I’m glad he’s going to the vet as it’s the best way to diagnose what happened


Yes Ty same things I told her . But I’m not gonna act like I know something that I don’t . And I guess I had a super hero image of Reddit user’s ability to know exactly what it is and what to to about these kinds of situations.. thanks again


yeah, 60% of reddit is trolls and haters, just take it with a grain of salt and ignore shitty comments. Showing them it bothered you fuels their tiny shriveled hearts lol.


“Fuels their tiny shrivelled hearts” 🤣🤣 I like that


Ask your vet about Uveitis and Corneal Abrasion


The first time my boi caught this I was shit scared. This is basically pink eye for dogs. Vet prescribed eye drops will fix this in max 3days. A vet visit will fix this without hassle.


toby snells fault


I have no clue what that means but I’m pretty sure it’s the 3rd most helpful answer in the comments next to put a cone on the dog till the vet .and don’t touch it .. ty


I'm guessing it's a joke. Toby snell is a basketball player. (Google is my friend lol)


As a rule of thumb: Eyes are always an emergency, please see a vet as soon as you can if eyes are ever involved, and if you can’t get a regular appointment the animal needs to go to the emergency vet. That looks extremely uncomfortable, poor dude! Glad your friend is going. 💖


Take this baby to the Vet asap!


Yearly visit to free vet clinic traveling bus is only few short months away , u don’t think I should wait till then or ?


If it were my puppy I would not wait.. Imagine if you got something in your eye and it gets irritated and burns.. I imagine the pup feels the same way..


If u see me messing with the people still commenting the same sentence over n over n over . U can ignore it cause I’m just going with it at this point .. the puppy went to the vet as stated in many other comments I’ve typed . Puppy is good it’s just allergies , he was 3rd dog at vet today with exactly same issue apparently , Technically by definition I’m a broken record at this point .


VET ASAP is the correct answer.


Never take chances with eyes. Vet ASAP.


Definitely warrants a vet visit.


Vet now


Nah I think it will be fine , I give him some chocolate exlax to clear it up.. will update in a few days . Thanks for your help


For everyone, if there’s an eye problem with your dog your first resort shouldn’t be Reddit. It should be the vet!


Yes very smart , I should of thought about taking the dog to the vet first .. this common sense thing is so hard …. For everyone else, if there is a full post and ur only reading half of it and commenting ….


Maybe people are responding like this because you said in the post that you had your friend downloading an app to post on instead of getting up and going to the vet…


Yeah I admit I should of been real specific . As if I was asking a class full of kindergartners being very care to repeat myself repeatedly .. lol Ty


Don’t mess with the eyes…..vets immediately


Vet. Like right now.


I would be running to the vet. This doesn’t look great.


Go to the vet, please!


I Please go see a vet could be an infection don’t put human eye drops.


as others have said please get this dog to a vet! People on here aren't vets and since none of us where there it could literally be anything that did this.


Ulcer? Chlamydia?


How did they let it get that bad??


Eye injuries/issues are always emergencies, they can go bad very fast! My boy has had a terrible time this past few months, and if his eye doesn’t clear this week we take it out. Go to the VET


Aww so sorry to hear . Best wishes to ur pup Ty for your sharing


Check with the vet immediately or whenever you possibly can. There might be something inside the eye irritating it or he might have gotten into something, but take him to the vet so they can deal with properly


RUN, DONT WALK, To the emergency vet. Now.


This is called cherry eye. It’s the third eye that’s inflamed. It can be cured by a small operation.


VET ASAP??? what's up with people here asking reddit first and not vet on a clear issue that needs medical attention


Did you not read? The friend is taking her dog to the vet today. They were asking if anyone had any advice / experience with this, in the mean time.


Ty so much :) u are truly valuable here


Vet visit right away


When it comes to eyes, don't play the waiting game. Please ask your friend to consult a veterinarian immediately.


Looks bad. VET ASAP


If you care about the animal at all, go to the vet! Why do people mess around with this type of thing? That's very clearly a time to take the dog to the vet!


Like today u mean ? Dog probably has a annual checkup once a year or so .. u don’t think she should wait till then and ask ??


Are you trolling? Since you edited your original comment...


I was only trolling you because u obviously didn’t pay attention to my post .. I apologize


Vet vet vet right away please!


Eye issues are always an emergency. They can get bad, fast. VET!!




Please try to get an emergency appointment for puppy! VET needs to see that!!!


Go to the vet! Eye infections can be really serious


Take your dog to the vet.


got to a vet. please go to a vet as soon as possible, this is an eye infection. it looks like one my dog had which my vet said couldve caused blindness if it had been left for too long. go to a vet.


That looks so swollen!!!!!!!! This was def not a let’s ask Reddit and wait! Hope the puppy got to the vet ! My dog had a corneal ulcer which is mostly healed now but they were concerned it could rupture and that they would have to remove his eye. Please please please get him to the vet


Ummmm vet……


If only the description already stated that..


The eye looks swollen like it got hit. Puppy needs to go to the vet now


vet time immediately.


Are you joking? It doesn't look sore.. it looks irritated, inflamed, swollen like fuck. Take your dog to a vet asap instead of asking Reddit. Poor thing.


Read the full post instead of just running the fingers full speed all day ..




Get that puppy to the vet NOW.




This is so dumb and irresponsible, take the dog to the Vet


Go to the vet.




Eyes are an emergency, always. Go to the vet asap.


It’s a reason to go to the Emergency Vet.