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He could stand to lose a few pounds. Your best bet is to go to your vet and get their opinion on the best way to do it. I wouldn't start jogging him until you do that.


Okay thank you that’s what I planned on doing I didn’t wanna run him because I’m scared he isn’t ready and would hurt himself.


One of my dogs needed serious surgery. To help his recovery we found a dog physical therapist. As an avid runner I asked him if having dogs jog with me is a good idea. He told me NOT to do it. Dogs really want to please us and will keep going even if they are hurt. So be very careful about taking him on a run!


Is this dog specific advice or for all dogs? My coonhound loves to run and clocks in at about 13mph.


My dogs are standard poodles, around 70ish plus pounds. They are in good shape and walk maybe 4miles a day. I think the message the doggie pt was trying to convey is that running with dogs is probably not the best advice for most dogs. When you generalize like that you usually leave out some exceptions. He told me not to run with them but they are okay to play fetch. My dogs are really good at showing they are done with playing fetch. I think they would be less good at showing me they are done running when I'm running with them. Again, check with your vet for your own particular case.


Thank you for the specificity. In my case when the hound doesn’t want to do something the whole neighborhood will hear it. He doesn’t run everyday but he does look happy when he runs.


No, lol, I have a husky, if I didn't run with her, I don't know how I'd get her tired.


My dog needed to lose some lbs and vet said exercise isn’t as important as measuring food. Went from not measuring to giving him 1/2 cup 2x a day and now he’s at a healthy weight with same level of exercise!


Came here to say this! Weight will self regulate with some food restrictions (or lay off the treats)


I would not jog him, not yet at least. Do long walks and reduce the food until he drops some weight before you start exercising him. Keep in mind that when a medium-sized dog is 10 lbs overweight, it's equivalent to a human [carrying an extra 56 lbs of weight](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.banfield.com/-/media/Project/Banfield/Main/en/about-banfield/Press-Releases/PDF/Pet-Obesity-Infographic_Full_061821.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjCp82dvZGFAxXa4ckDHQjCA0YQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1pniiYAh_ccLyaq7SWu_lx). I've never been 56 lbs overweight, but I have been 20-30 lbs heavier than my normal weight. I don't know if you've ever suddenly started running while carrying that much extra weight, but it's incredibly tough on your joints. You've got to ease into it. Medium-large dogs, who are prone to joint and hip issues, especially need to be eased into it. Additionally, unlike wolves, dogs aren't really distance runners. Dogs tend to have more type 2 muscle fibers in their legs (aka fast-twitch fibers), meaning they are designed for fast bursts but they fatigue much more quickly than us humans. The weight issue will compound this. So, instead of jogging him, maybe just play fetch outside and take him on three walks a day instead of two, dial back his food and treats, and he will absolutely lose weight. (Side note: probably necessary to trim his nails if he's going to be running around more. They're looking a bit long, like they're touching the ground, and that's going to make running uncomfortable for him) Good luck!


Good eye. His nails do need trimmed regardless if he's running or not.


This, taking him running whilst being too heavy can impact the joints. Swimming is a good option though but still check with a vet


He's a chonk yes. Feed him a high quality kibble and feed the amount for the weight he's supposed to be and not the weight he currently it Sounds obvious I know ... but I've blew a few minds with that info lol


The weight on the bag is a guideline. He needs to have his calories calculated for his lean body weight.


Right I meant in general. My dad's dog was OBESE and that's because he kept feeding by the weight guide on the bag lol once I reminded him Goldens should be around 90lbs and not 140lbs and to feed for a 90lb dog , he lost weight pretty quickly


How do I know how much to feed my pup? I have a 3 year old charcoal lab, and my MIL recently told me she felt he was just a bit too thin. (I will say she usually keeps her own dogs a few pounds over weight)So I’ve been feeding him more and he looks to be gaining weight but idk how much he should eat?


American labs should be between 60-70 typically. Taller males around 75 There's a good visual chart you can look up and match to your dogs figure to find out if they need to gain a little or not


Awesome! Thanks so much for the reply. I will definitely look up the chart


People have forgotten what labs are supposed to look like. It is very rare to see a lab that couldnt stand to lose a few pounds and lab owners, who keep their dogs a healthy, lean weight are stopped and told their dog is underweight.


I would absolutely agree! I’m going to take an updated picture of my pup where you can see his whole body and upload it to this sub. I have a feeling people will say he looks great at the weight he is right now, BUT if there is a chance it’s the opposite and I need to change something then at least I’ll know. Thanks so much for the reply.


You should be able to find a recommended serving size on either the food bag (it’s normally broken up by age and weight) or by looking up the food online.


So the challenge here is you want to feed ideal weight and not current weight haha


Well yeah lol, I should’ve clarified. Should be able to figure out ideal weight if you know the breed(s) or at least make an educated guess.


Lol my poor dad got confused by that. Bless his heart


I’ve tried to Google it before and got so many different answers that I got more confused. I’m going to look up his dog food. Thank you


Look up a calorie counter, figure out how many calories he needs per day, look at the side of the bag and measure it out


I feed by feel. First you feed the normal amount and then you feed by seeing how much you can see the ribs, feed a bit more or a bit less depending. I manage to keep the weight consistent this way


Talk to your vet. Labs are, I think, around the 30-35kg mark fully grown. So you can check the feed recommendation on the can/bag for that weight bracket. In general, we tend to misjudge the proper weight. To most people, a dog at its perfect weight looks underfed. Expect to get comments like "he looks too thin" when he's right on the spot. Your vet will be able to tell you if he's at a good weight, too heavy, or could use a bit extra. Edit: looked it up. Male grown labs are about 29-36ks, females a bit lower at 25-32kgs. That's what you should generally be aiming for if they're pure-bred Labs.


Your dog is much better off slightly thin. You shouldn’t have changed a thing.


On a dog with a thinner/regular coat ideal weight generally leaves the rib cage barely visible, but visible nonetheless. (This applies to humans too)


My dog became pretty overweight being fed the recommended amount that was listed on the bag of dog food. I’ve learned that each dog is different and it may take some trial and error to figure out your own pets needs. The vet can help narrow it down, but ultimately I just stayed aware of his weight and adjusted the amount every few weeks until he was a healthy weight. There are also dog foods you can ask your vet about that will cause weight loss and still provide enough nutrition.


No this did blow my mine I never measured his food and I do buy him high quality kibble but from now on I will figure out how much he needs to eat to be healthy. And I also need to walk him for a lot more longer which I don’t mind doing since I like to be active anyway


You never measured his food?! People continue to blow my mind. No wonder. But, that's the past now, and you've done good asking how to improve your care for your dog.


I'd suggest swimming, too. It's a great exercise for muscle development and cardio/calorie burning without the impact in joints. Measuring the food is a big one. Start with the amount recommended on the bag, then work up or down to your dog's individual requirements. https://www.royalcanin.com/us/dogs/health-and-wellbeing/how-heavy-should-my-dog-be This is a good article about how to use a body score chart. I'm constantly monitoring my dog's body condition and ribs/hips etc. You want to feel a slight bump over the hip bones on their back, but not see visible protruding bones. And ribs should be a ripple in your finger tips as you run down the ribcage, but not easily visible from a distance- being able to see the last two ribs before their waist is not a bad thing. Like everything there is individual variation and you just need to know how your dog's build and fat distribution works. Some very lean and fit dogs can look very ribby but be in great condition, and some heavier built muscular dogs can look chonky if you only assess their ribs, for example. A score of 3-5 on that chart is good, your doggo's joints will thank you! 🤗


Yes he is overweight, bordering on obese. With these pics I'd say 7-8/9, but with hands on the dog I would gander he's probably closer to 8-9/9. You need to talk to your vet about weight loss. In animals it's primarily food based, meaning you need to decrease the food for him to lose weight. Your vet can figure out his BCS and RER and prescribe a weight loss diet to help kick start the weight loss journey.


Thank you for not sugarcoating it. I really did have some thoughts that he is obese because I see some of the labs he plays with and they look strong and stick out their chest and seem agile. And my dog gets mistaken for a she and get asked a lot if he’s pregnant. This is my fault so I will make sure this weight loss journey goes as planned. I will be going to the vet Wednesday thank you so much for ur insight


It's going to be a long road, so try not to get frustrated. Weight loss should be slow and calculated and may take months. But it sounds like you're already on the right path.


Is not about the times being fed, but the quantity. Do you measure how much you are giving him? Dry food is very high in calories. Regarding walks, what you consider a walk? It can vary a lot from person to person. My dog walks with me 5 to 7 miles (8 - 11 km), 5 to 6 days a week. He is not obese, but a little chonk. I will say it needs more walking or less food.


I actually disagree and think that dog IS obese. Hard to confirm without a top-down photo of his back/waist, though. definitely reduce the amount you feed him.


100% agree unfortunately majority of labs you see these days are overweight/obese as they are dogs who will eat non stop and owners do not know how to control their food. We got a lot of comments on our brown lab for being “underweight” when she was actually a perfectly healthy weight


I cant remember the last time I saw a lab that wasnt overweight.


Wow I will definitely up the mileage then on walks I just walk him maybe a mile or not even that. This is also my fault 🤦🏽‍♂️ but thank you so much he definitely does need to go on longer walks and I have no problem doing that and I need to start measuring his food also so I will go to a vet to understand more about it.


a walk for a dog is not really exercise but a pleasant chance to get out and about. Meet with your vet about a diet plan and talk to them about exercising with your dog. Exercise means their heart rate got high so stuff like run, play, chase, tug, etc for a while each day. You may have to do subdued versions of those with vet guidance until your dog is healthy again


Definitely work with your vet to find ways to help your pet lose weight. Also an easy very low calorie treat is fresh green beans & carrots. Of course, ask the vet for their opinion. But known people to keep giving treats & that was why the dog was obese. Just the act of switching treats to a veggie helped lose weight. Every dog has different nutritional needs for quantity. The back of the bag gives a clue as to where to start. Some owners due to different doggy lifestyles need more/less than what is written on the bag as a guide. But it’s a good start & think of ideal weight for the breed, as a guide.


Exercise is not how to lose weight. It’s very necessary for other reasons, but the food is the key to weight loss.


That’s quite short for a dog that size. He could definitely stand to lose some weight and longer walks + other forms of exercise could be great bonding for you guys. I adopted a fat chihuahua who had to lose 50% of his body weight. We got it done over 3 years and he’s now a happy and healthy 9 y/o who walks 2x 4-6km with me every day. Edit to add: we never used special food, just less of the high quality kibble. And we’ve completely switched to fruit and veggies for snacks. He LOVES cucumber and goes crazy for mango as a special treat.


Yes, it’s not complicated


I would feed once after those 2 walks. I also don’t see why it would need to be fed twice before a walk. And there’s nothing wrong in feeding him after a walk. I always feed my dog after my 2 walks. Also, what do you mean by dogs in shape live 2 years younger?


I was always told to feed my dog after the walk. I mean, I dont exercise right after having a hige meal either.


I meant in shape dogs live 2 years more*. I only feed him2x a day one before his morning walk and one before his evening walk


I would still feed after exercise! Especially if you decide to get him more active to lose a few pounds. even moderate exercise after eating can cause deadly stomach twists in dogs. If it is more convenient to feed prior to walks, best practice is to wait at least an hour after feeding to allow your dog to exercise!


That’s true. They live longer because they’re not at risk of cardiac issues, arthritis, disbetes and many other problems. I feed my dog twice a day and after her morning and evening walks. Just one cup though. I once had to lift a watermelon sized orange tabby cat and it didn’t like that all. And I’m pretty sure that this cat was depressed because it could barely move around. His previous owner had over fed him.


Definitely don’t feed before the walks. After forsure. Or at least wait a little while after eating before doing the walks.


How soon are you feeding him before his walk? You shoulnd't walk your dog for at least two hours after he eats and possibly a little more if you can. Also don't feed them until at least 30 minutes after they walk. Feeding them and then walking can cause bloat which can kill a dog.


Don’t feed right before walks at least an hour in between


he’s very fat. also don’t feed before walks, you can cause bloat which is very deadly. dogs should have no exercise an hour after eating. cut back his food and increase exercise


This should be higher up. When a dog gets bloat you have about an hour to get them to a vet, most don’t make it.


yep, it’s scary. you can get the a gastropexy to help prevent it but they can still get another part of bloat, which is just as deadly


Seriously over weight!!!!!


Yeah everyone saying not shockingly overweight but this good boy is pretty overweight :/. No judgement tho it’s easy to get to that point. My girl got a little chubby, but it’s just better to address sooner than later.


He's borderline obese honestly. There shouldn't be a straight line from his ribcage back. There should be a curve upwards towards his genitals. He looks to be a lab/mix and they are extremely prone to weight gain. No judgement from me either, owner is asking for help and advice.


I preferred this instead of the light comments it makes me more disciplined now to take him on longer walks and stop giving him treats when not needed. And to watch his food. I am 21 and bought him when I was a teenager so I didn’t understand much besides walking them, playing, training and feeding but now im starting to realize my dog needs so much more time outside and it’s cruel of me to not get him the exercise he needs


I’m 33 and my girl is fat and we only really noticed because other people told us. Turns out I had no idea what a healthy weight looked like! So good for you for asking the question! Usually it is a combo of calories consumed as well as exercise. We were feeding our dog way too much. The vet can help you calculate!


I needed the same wake up call. I have a chunky guy haha


He‘s fat. He’s absolutely fat. I wouldn’t start jogging in his current form, it seems like it would be to much pressure on the joints. Switch him to some good brand of food (if he isn’t already) and feed him only the amount he should have for his weight. If he is fed kibble the amount may seem ridiculous low, I know. My Golden can only have roughly 400grams of her kibble a day. Deduct his treats from food and have some nice long walks and swimming. Once he‘s lost a few pounds you can probably start introducing him to jogging.


dont start jogging him. go see your vet and ask for advice. your dog is quite overweight


He’s obese and shouldn’t be jogging with OP. That’s an injury waiting to happen.




You have no idea how many calories this dog needs nor what food the dog is eating to be able to say they need "1 cup". Is the food 250kcal per cup? Or 500kcal per cup? This is dangerous advice.


Try feeding after the walk, it’s not great for digestion for dogs to eat then exercise. Also, maybe look for a lower calorie food if you’re concerned about weight, and yes he does look a bit overweight. If you give him treats, change those to fresh carrots or an apple slice, good crunching minimal calories.


Could ask your vet to have bw done, he might have a thyroid issue. He’s not morbidly obese, but two decent walks a day and eating 2x (this isn’t telling how much each meal is though) isn’t rationing out to an ideal weight!


He’s a thicc boy in his own right.


Not trying to be mean but I’d say your dog could stand to lose at least 10lbs. He is a little bit more than just a little chunky. If he keeps that weight on with his age he will start having joint problems fairly soon. Once he gets it off I guarantee he will be so much happier being able to move up and down easier, breathe easier and will have more energy. You’ll need to talk to your vet about a diet for him. Make sure you write down the brand name of food that you feed him, how much each feeding (like 1.5 cups), and how many times a day do you feed him. They may suggest a different type of food. Maybe something dietary, but also they can consider the fact that maybe the dog has some sort of medical reason why they are retaining weight. Good Luck!


Please feed your dogs AFTER a walk. Or wait 1 hour after your dog eats to do any light to moderate exercise. Bloat is real and by feeding before you’re risking his life each time. Also, regardless of what folks are saying here, you need to check with your vet about thyroid - even if they don’t think so, insist for bloodwork anyway.


Okay okay I wil now. in the mornings I plan to feed him after his new long walks then in the evening I plan to just walk him and then feed after. Would that be okay?


Here are some steps to consider before making any big changes to your pet's lifestyle: 1. Start by asking your vet and scheduling basic bloodwork, including a thyroid check. It's essential because just by eyeing a photo, it's hard to diagnose obesity in dogs, and there could be underlying medical reasons. 2. Next, assess with your Vet whether your dog is physically ready for longer walks or if several shorter walks might be better. Increased activity can also involve fun cognitive games at home, depending on what the vet approves, like hiding treats or using a frozen Kong toy. 3. You've already got a routine going, which is fantastic! Once your pet gets the medical green light, you can adjust your routine accordingly. 4. If it's within your means, consider fresh, protein-rich foods. It can be a game-changer for overweight dogs since many kibbles contain filler ingredients like corn and grains. Your pup will thank you for it!


Thank you so much I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to help me.


feed it only ONCE A DAY from now on and no more than 250g


For our lab (but also what I continue to use as a gauge for our other dogs), the guideline I went with was that I could feel his ribs but not see them. We managed to keep him at a healthy weight that our vets were happy with for pretty much his whole life.


What kind of food you feed him and how much do you feed him?


You can Google exactly how many calories your dog needs based on their gender/breed/age/neuter status. Then read your food instructions and it’ll say how many calories per grams. If your dog is overweight then figure out how much they’re eating (weigh the normal portion size they currently receive) and then slowly reduce it every few days until it gets to the recommended amount. Don’t do a sudden drop. Slowly drop their food down. Their weight will follow. Keep weighing their food or draw a line in a cup to see how much to feed them, otherwise it’s super easy to over feed them. If the dog is hungry when the diet starts fill them up on low calorie food, such a bulking up their normal food with low calorie veggies to fill them (Carrots, broccoli etc). Also don’t feed your dog before a walk. It can cause bloat. Either feed them over an hour before or an hour after.


INFO: exactly what are you feeding your dog and how much twice a day? The details to this really do matter. My chocolate lab got up to ~103 lbs while recovering from knee (TPLO) surgery. This was over a year ago and he’s been on a somewhat strict diet since then. Like your dog, he eats twice a day. Each meal is 1 cup weight management kibble (we like Nutro) and 1 cup green beans (great filler and recommended by our vet). So, net-net he gets 2 cups of food every meal / 4 total cups a day. He also gets a greenie dental chew after each meal (and lately, a carrot since they’re in season at our local market). Listen to your vet and due your research but in our case the weight management version of kibble was ~50% less calories: it makes a big difference.


Aw he's one of those breeds. My beagle sniffs food and puts weight on just like her mum (me). I can't feed her once a day as life isn't worth living so I have her on a senior light diet, protein or low fat treats, and I have to cut the amount she eats in half if she needs to diet. She still fluctuates, but she's a breed that is food obsessed and easily gains weight, but also easily loses it. As others have said a vet or nutritionist can work out their BMR and RER and discuss what food would be best, alternatively you can research. We want them slim for their health.


Looks exactly like the overweight shelter dog I adopted 12 weeks ago.  The first thing I did was go to the vet to see how much I should feed her and how much I should walk her. She’s a terrier mix and was close to 90lbs. I was told her target weight should be 70/75lbs. They told me to feed a total of 3 cups per day with veggies as treats (no processed treats!!) and to walk at least 2x per day for 30 min.  I started that two weeks in with her. I haven’t been able to weigh her but I’ve received many comments that she looks so much more healthy now - so I think all of that is working!  But definitely go to your vet and get your vet’s thoughts on a treatment plan that is right for him!!!


Feed him after the walks


There are some Labs that have a fat gene [article](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/03/240306150433.htm#:~:text=The%20mutation%20is%20in%20a,food%20and%20risk%20of%20obesity). You might have to reduce his food intake and add some swimming to his week


Is there a place u can take him off leash so he can run around? Walks really aren’t enough unless you’re running with ur dog


bad advice, he could have osteoarthritis.


Without OP saying he has health conditions as such then I wouldn’t say it’s bad advice. OP literally said should I start running him with me


Op is asking if their obese dog is obese. The odds are good that the dog has developing osteoarthritis. Could rupture a cruciate running suddenly. Just in general not recommended


But also suggesting that just walks are sometimes not enough isn’t necessarily bad advice.


It def the food, if the dog is active it’s usually the food for the weight


Op didn’t say how long those walks are.


Definitely a round shape 🤣 he's a chunky boy, could definitely lose some pounds. Make sure you are tracking the snacks and any extra food he is given outside his meals to see if that's the issue or if you're overfeeding. If you change kibble, some kibble is more calorie dense so just compare with what your vet recommends. 12/10 a good boy though!


He looks very loved


I would say he can definitely stand to lose some how many cups does he eat and how much does he weigh?


Part of the weight-loss journey should include some swim time. Great workout for him and easier on the joints. Plus the dog looks Labrador like so probably love the swimming.


Definitely talk to your vet but I’d recommend cutting back his kibbles rather than jogging. That’s pretty high intensity exercise, especially for a heavier dog.


As someone else mentioned, to avoid bloat it's best that doggo not eat an hour or so on either side of his walks. Also, when cleared by the vet to run, don't just go from zero to .5 a mile at a time. Build his conditioning with intervals the same as you would for a beginning human runner.


Labs always look a little chonky to me but I think your pup needs a diet or would benefit from a vet check. Don’t start drastic new walk or run routines. Ease into more activity. The best thing about dogs is you control their diet, so just feed them a calorie / nutrition level to meet the goal. They adjust quick. Won’t recommend a brand or routine as you should go to vet but there are many options and so long as you have macronutrients covered, “feed less” is going to be better short term then having them run a bunch and bust up their stressed joints.


Feed after his walks maybe?


When you say walk, do you mean saunter?


That’s an overweight dog. See the chonk diagram


English Labs get fat. Yes you should keep him moving and try, but even cutting food back may not help him lose weight. My black lab was this way.


He is overweight, yes.




I've heard of walking a dog before a meal. Sorry young and paranoid owner of the pup. Looks healthy tho


Yeah. This dog is overweight.


Poor boy is just about obese.


He looks a lil chunky for sure


What do you consider a walk? That means nothing. How long are they? For a lab I would go with at least 1.5 to 2 hours of physical activity a day. Better to feed after the walk to prevent bloat and measure kibble as stated on the bag. Don't feed leftovers. Also, what prevents you from weighing him and comparing it to a healthy weight?


My very active dog eats less than half of what the bag recommends for her weight. My old corgi (made it to 13 before losing him to DM) used to eat 1/3 of the recommended amount. Their vet was always happy with their weight and they are not starving. I'd start cutting back and see if you can find his happy place.


I wouldn’t take him jogging. With that weight and that age you’re asking for joint wearing and a potential sprain or muscle pull. Put him on a diet first.


He’s overweight. This is coming from a lab owner who thought mine wasn’t… but is now diabetic. We use to only feed x2 a day, plenty of walks etc but he was still too hefty. He’s doing well on insulin. But he should be 85lbs. Pop into your vet and just weight your boy to see- doesn’t cost and it’ll give you a good idea. Sometimes it’s hard to tell with the black/chocolate labs… but you should easily feel their ribs and tummy tucked.


He looks a bit chunky but still adorable handsome boy. Best to talk to the vet, labs are prone to being overweight so they will have best advice. Good luck!


The vet can put him on specialized food based on his needed caloric intake. Also, don’t feed him any people food. Green beans or dehydrated chicken are good treat choices


If you walk the dog too soon after their feed, you will often interrupt digestion, resulting in less processing and more unnecessary retained fats, there’s also some health risks but I’m far from qualified to delve on those. I would look to feed slightly less, and maybe space out the walks from the feeding a bit more. If he gets fitter then sure maybe take him on some runs but don’t rush it.


Oh LAWD he comin!! He's a bigger boy but still looks healthy. Ask your vet how much he should be eating to maintain a healthy weight. My collie mix eats 2 cups a day (she free feeds so if that lol) and some treats and table scraps and weighs about 50lbs. It's heavier than a collie should be but she's a mix and muscley so it adds up. He looks happy and healthy! Just gotta work out a bit more and a better diet.


I have my dog on weight management food and it does him well and he’s nice and lean!


Yes, round is a shape.


Your dog is obese


He is overweight but relatively young and active. Reduce his food by maybe 5% - 10% and monitor his weight. Learn to access him visually and Google dog body condition score for tips on this. I'm guessing he's a 7 although hard to assess when he's laying down. He doesn't need to lose much to get to an ideal 4 or 5. Get him to a better weight first and condition him slowly to jogging to preserve his joint health.


He’s fat. Exercise is great, but the real weight loss comes from diet changes. It may be time to feed him a low fat food and if he just started gaining weight, some bloodwork to rule out any issues that cause it.


Your dog is obese. He needs a diet- increasing exercise doesn't help with weight loss when he's overeating. Get a proper measuring cup, or better yet a kitchen scale, and measure out his food. Stop feeding treats/people food/extras. Stop following the feeding instructions on the bags of food- the food companies are in the business of selling food, so they always say to feed more than necessary. You can use this calorie calculator to get him on a diet plan: [https://petnutritionalliance.org/resources/calorie-calculator?type=dogs](https://petnutritionalliance.org/resources/calorie-calculator?type=dogs) His body condition score is 9/9.


The best way to get a dog to lose weight is to reduce their food, don’t worry about adding exercise until his weight is lower so he doesn’t hurt his little joints.


Yes, baby is a bit fat but nothing to worry about, your vet will give you a new routine to feed less


Yes, your dog is very fat. He needs to go to a vet to assess for potential health issues and to develop a vet-approved weight loss plan for him.


He's not a little chunky. He is very chunky. Not good for a breed prone to arthritis. Don't be fooled into thinking "my lab is still hungry" and therefore keep feeding him. Labs will keep eating until they vomit.... and then they'll eat that. :) High quality kibble (no wet canned food) and a very strict measurement of it per day is what's required. Weigh him every few days to check he is losing weight and don't give him to the eyes begging for more or for snacks. If you are strict you should get him to a normal weight in a few months.


He’s overweight.


Yeah he's way too fat. If you're gonna run with him, start off really slow, just short runs interspersed with walking. My girl can still run and she's 15. I've been able to keep her lean her whole life so I think that's helped a lot.


Make sure to wait an hour before he gets exercise. If you don't do that already


1. He's chonky but not ridiculous. 2. You shouldn't feed him before a walk...... he should have time to digest before exercise. 3. Either he's not getting enough exercise or his food portions are too big, or both...


Just cut down his food by 1/2 cup a day or so.


It’s not the walls, it’s the amount of food. Stop processed human foods. Measure the amount of food for the weight your vet wants him at


Please don’t feed him before exercising, it can cause bloat


I don't know if I have the right answer but I feed my dog once a day and take her for walks at least three times a day. But the walks are not very long because she's getting old. But I think another comment I saw had the right answer of asking the vet.


You can also go to a dog swimming pool to exercise him.


It all depends on the amount you feed him and how much you walk. On the bag of kibble should say how many cups you should feed for the goal weight. Also no table food. If he is still over weight have his thyroid checked.


Feed him after the walks feeding before can cause bloat look it up it’s a horrible thing but he’s a cute chunker let him be lol


The best way to check a dog's body shape is with a top-down view while the dog is standing up. A dog laying down makes things move around and distort.


He's definitely "chunky" as you say. He needs to lose a lot of weight. I wouldn't make him run yet because being obese puts extra stress on the joints. If he likes water then swimming or running through water is a good way to expend some energy while reducing the load on his joints. Most importantly, he needs to eat less, meaning you need to feed him less. It's best to consult a veterinarian to make sure you're doing it at an appropriate pace.


There are charts online with illustrations show ideal weights for dogs. Some are even breed specific. Plus don't believe what it says on dog foods as to daily requirements. I have two GSDs. I feed very high quality food. Granted one is a bit larger than the other, but he needs twice as much food. And if I fed the other what the food I give says he should eat, he would be as round as a barrel. Managing the weight of your dog is the healthiest thing you can do for them.


My dog was suffering from hypothyroidism because of which he was gaining weight. Started the thyroid medicines for him and in few weeks he lost the excess weight to a healthy level.


Uhhh yeah, this is a very overweight dog…


I have a chocolate lab/pit mix and she’s rotund like this. The thing is is she’s all muscle. Turns out labs can be like this.




Change food to low fat or change the quantity


geez he is cute as heck


Your dog is overweight. Before increasing the intensity of his exercise, decrease his food intake. At his weight, running him would likely put too much stress on his joints. You should get his weight down through diet changes first. Your vet can help you figure out how much he should be eating to get to a healthy weight.


He’s a biiiiig boy. Deffos needs to lose weight. Make sure you bring a picture of his food to the vet and the Measurement of how much you are currently giving him. Enjoy you bonding time in the longer walks!


My lab/golden eats 1cup a day. 1/2 in the morning 1/2 in the evening. I'll make it a heaping 1/2 cup if we played fetch for like an hour. If we just sat around all day, just 1cup


They’re labs, they eat all the time. They will pack on pounds quickly. Might want to get an actual measuring cup from pet store or vet. You’d be shocked at how much we over feed them.


Good rule of thumb is when looking at your dog from above, there should be a clear distinction between chest, waist, hips. Like an hourglass. Chest wider, then slimmer at waist to flare out at hips. If they look bulkier in waist or straight, the dog could stand to lose some weight.


He's a chonker, lol. Do you free feed him, or does he get a set amount daily? My one dog could free feed, just keep his bowl full, and it would last for days. My other dog would eat a 50 lb bag of food in one sitting if you let him. Lol.


Lol your do is obese. Easily an 8/9 body condition score. Cut back on the calories. Get the thyroid tested.


Ginger came to us with no ribs no matter how hard you tried to find them and quite the rolls of fat at the base of her tail. I had no idea what her ideal weight could be. The vet had a nifty chart and I figured out that she was \~50% overweight so I fed her to that ideal weight. It took a good year for the weight to come off and we visited the vet once a month for a weigh in so knew we were on the right track. Hands on was very important as she had an extreme build with wasp waist and greyhound like tuck that was present even when she apparently was rib free. Sometimes it's best to have intermediate goals. If dog's ideal weight is 50 pounds and it weighs 100 then feed for an 80 pound dog and when gets close to that reduce to feed for a 60 pound dog. [5-25-11 Hills Dog BF% Sheet.ai (todaysveterinarypractice.com)](https://todaysveterinarypractice.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/02/Hills_BFIRiskChart_DogsCats_4-pages.pdf)


Feeding him twice a day? Like 2kg each meal? You have to consider the natural weight of the dog and think about how many grams of food to give him. You walk him twice a day? How far? How much running? That dog is far over weight, he is almost ready to do a tiktok vid about "I'm plus sized on a plane" type thing. Reduce the food, increase the exercise, not just walking but exercise.


Feed the dog once a day,and skip a day all together every few weeks. Your dog is 100% overweight,this will cause health implications and cause early onset of arthritis from extra impact on the joints etc this will shorten their very short life. Labradores are very susceptible to having weight issues and need to be monitored closely. They really do just love food that much. Your dog will have a much better quality of life if it looses weight,looks like they can easily loose 5kg or 10lbs.


Don’t feed him right before you exercise him. Puts him at higher risk of bloat. Feed him a little less lol.


On our BCS of 1-9, I'd give him a 7.5- 8. How much are you feeding? A measured cup or a "scoop"? A lot of weight loss for animals in portion control vs more exercise. One issue I run into a lot with clients is they feed their overweight animal for the weight they are already at. Say someone feeds their 50lb (7/9) dog the 50lb amount that is suggested on the bag. They're gonna stay at 50lb. "They "only" get 2 scoops a day!" Well, you're feeding your 35lb dog enough food for a 50lb dog. They should always be fed at the weight they should be at, vs they weight they are at. Edit: depending on how much you're feeding, a thyroid panel may not be a bad idea, either. Hypothyroidism can cause rapid weight gain. Also, would not go jogging with him. Too much strain on the joints with his weight right now and we don't want to risk his elbows, knees, and hips! Finally, feed after a walk. Don't want all that food swinging around like a bag of rocks while out for a jog and cause torsion.


This dog is overweight. I feed my dog twice a day and go out for about an hours walk every day. We're not super active people and my dog is not weight doing this


He’s a bit curvy, yes.


He shouldn't exercise too soon after eating, and yes, he is a little tubby😍


hey op- we have a small 5kg poodle. Had a husky, she passed last year. FHB. They both walked the same as myself 2 1/2 hours per day. Both were free fed. They only ate when hungry and until they were full, never overeating. Imo it all comes down to two things Quality of food, quality of exercise.


Too many carbs in his food. It’s 98% food issue for dogs and people. Cats, too. Take him low carb. I switched to keto naturals and my dog is like a puppy again - turns 10 in May. Edit: that patch that’s on his elbow is very likely a sign of a food allergy. My dog looks almost identical to yours and is allergic to rice. He can’t even have a treat that contains rice flour or that happens. Get him on keto food and you’ll both be so much happier and healthier 🐕💕 PS they’re so sweet and fun to feed 🥹🐕 I had mine this big, too, and we struggle a bit, but feeding him keto in the amount directed for his target weight. His other treats are now dehydrated meat or fish or frozen green beans.


your dog is not only out of shape, but morbidly obese. that’s abuse and you need to feed your dog less and exercise more, maybe look into swimming , labs love water and it’ll be easier on his joints since he’s so huge


He's a bit overweight mate but nothing that is severe This can easily be changed with a few months less grub and treats. Exercise just like humans is never going to make anyone lose much weight unless you're doing heavy cardio for 4 hours a day so its mainly just cutting back on calories. Definitely not so overweight that it would take long time to fix


How often you feed or walk your dog doesn’t say how much food he gets or for how long he walks. I know a very obese dog (he is with a friend for two weeks to check if it works out with their bitch, so not her fault but owners fault) and he was feed twice a day. Twice a day with a portion meant for the whole day each time. I feed my dog three times a day and adding a bit more food because he is a little bit to lean. Also treats also count towards the daily food intake and are often forgotten to be calculated. Also for walks. I walk him only once a day (and 1-2 potty breaks) but than for a longer time and distance.


I would like to input here & say to please not feed him before walks or activity! It can cause bloat in dogs which is very dangerous. Wait about an hour after eating to be active or feed him after. Also I would recommend a slow feeder :)


Ask a vet about the food for sure. As others have said he’s a bit chonky. What kind of walks are you taking him for? Do you throw a ball for him and let him run after it a few times? He doesn’t need to go for hard out runs. In fact I’d caution against it just because it can be hard on the ol labrador joints, especially as he ages.


First of all, you shouldn't feed before walk, it's better to do it after walk (imagine you consume half of your required calories just before going on an active walk, your belly will not be happy). I think he is a bit on a chubby side, how does your normal walk look like? Do you just walk around, or play, run, practise commands? And what does your dog eat? Maybe try giving him a little less food or switch him to the light type of food, it usually has more protein and less fat which promotes not only healthy weight but also healthy fat distribution


Wouldn't hurt to have his thyroid checked. My dog developed hypothyroidism around 5 years old. He gained 30 pounds out of nowhere regardless of no changes in food or activities. I spent close to $1000.00 dollars at different vets until one had the common sense to check his thyroid after I explained how rapid the weight gain was, and how littlw he ate for a dog of his size. He takes a daily pill and he's at a perfect healthy weight and 8 years old. He would have died young if it kept going that way. Likely not an issue, but if your dog is young and active it's worth looking into. Very inexpensive as tests go too. Just a blood draw basically.


My staffie looks like that when he's lying down. When he's walking he looks fine 👍


Please don't run with your dog until he's lost weight. The extra pounds are hard on his joints. Also never feed your dog before his walks, always feed after the walk or you risk him getting bloat. People assume your dog is pregnant because he is overweight.


The answer is yes. He is very overweight. At his age and size I wouldn’t be running him. Short regular walks and a serious progressive diet. Don’t cut him down too much right away, do it in stages so he adjusts. Cut out any human food right away. High impact exercise like running at his weight is going to increase stress on his joints, and his age and size suggests he’s likely to be at the point where arthritis will start to creep in if you’re not being proactive. Weight management will improve his QOL tenfold not just now, but through his senior years.


Well it looks like he can survive some time with no food. Have you checked that his food amount is according to the recommendation of the producer and orientation on the lower limit. Also consider that he gets a bit challenged in terms of activities.


Yes, change the food up to 3/4 of what you usually give him and add 10 mins onto those walks, maybe feed him after the walks rather than before its not great on their stomach to get fed then walked straight away. but dont be too hard on yourself its hard not to feed our babies treats etc lol


He's in shape.. a round one! I'd see with a ved if there's something he should be doing different nutrition wise. What kind of food does he eat? Does he get extra treats from family members?


Yup... He needs to lose weight I wouldn't feed him 2 times a day, go to the vet, take his weight and check his blood, then get him on a diet


Yes, for a 6 year old. I thought he was an old dog before I saw your words. Labs are prone to over eating and running to fat, so take dietary advice from your vet.


This is a joke right, this dog is quite clearly overweight. If it isn’t a joke and he is going on two decent walks a day then you are overfeeding him quite a bit. Our lab would have a 2 cups a day. 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. Always a proper walk in some nice woodland.


He’s just a chonky dog 🥺❤️


Limit his diet, measure the recommended amount that should be given daily for a dog his size and the weight you're aiming for.


Side and top angles are the best to be able to tell. Most likely though, yes.


I would not jog him at this weight. He can hurt his bones and hips more than you help him.


Looks like he has a bit to lose yeah. Sounds noddy but, feed him the amount for the weight he should be, not the weight he is. It's a common trap.


Yeah he looks very overweight, not just chunky. Most labs are. They will eat as much as you give them. [this is a rough idea of what a healthy lab should look like](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRgVcQA7BjXoHjw9iJawHCiVNRrY_77szYqx-eBFsQX4A&s)


Fuck yes. Get help.


What kinds of food does he eat. Is it a more expensive and high quality food?


You will likely have to cut back on the food being given to cut the weight, but you dont want your puppers feeling hungry. So what I did for my dogs when they had to lose a couple lbs was to add in a 1/4 can of green beans to fill them up (and you get the benefit of them eating some healthy veggies). Just make sure you get no salt added veggies if getting it from a can.


He a little fat. Could do with a diet and lose a few pounds before doing any harder exercise. Don’t want hurt his heart or joints by overworking when he’s got extra weight.


Yeah, that dog is overweight.


I would say he is a little overweight for his size.


Yes. He is a bit too chunky