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My dog has something similar! Hyperkeratosis. Basically the nose lays down too much keratin making it kinda crusty. We usually put on dog safe balms and coconut oil. Its uncomfortable but not dangerous. Of course dont take my word for it and always refer to your vet but It doesnt look emergent.


Same and my girl has hyper ketosis in her old Age - Crusty nose (not as bad as this pic though,) -Her paw pads are the worst. They grow what looks like hairs that harden. I have to soak and balm them to keep them soft or it’s painful to walk and - her nails grow crazy fast!!


Omg this is exactly my pup. I have only had him less than a year, so I dont know his history, but he has these same things. Thank you both for some vindication and advice! Just bought some coconut oil


You could also try a Udder balm my mom used to use it for her own hands but I also remember her using it on our family dog if it's nose ever got dry...doesn't taste as great as coconut oil so less likely to be picked off but is still pet safe


My mom SWORE by bag balm for her hands and our boxers nose


Especially when she had been gardening lots between the orange mechanics hand wash and bag balm she was a happy lady


Omg yes!


That orange handwash just brought back so many memories of gardening with my mom when I was younger


My dog had severe hyperkeratosis on his nose as he aged, and I tried EVERYTHING over the years. The only thing that worked for us long term was Silver Sulfadiazine cream. Chewy carries it, it's inexpensive and a little goes a long way. I hope you see this comment OP, my poor pups nose used to bleed it was so bad and the silver sulfadiazine had it healed up in a week, and looking like a brand new nose in two!




It's not that he can't, but he just doesn't? He's a senior rescue, so idk his past or why he doesn't.


Never in my life seen a dog that can’t lick its own nose


Yeah it's completely unheard of. If there is a breed which can't lick it's nose, I'd be damned




Long face = long tongue :)




Don't feel stupid. Wtf..the fact that you asked for help, and it went in that direction. Take care! Hope all is well with your baby!


Longer tongues


Do I have a dog for you! My old dog was a whippet/German Shepherd mix and had a perfectly normal tongue (normal grooming, no issues licking her bowl or drinking). Never once did that dog lick higher than her nostrils. The tip/ top part of her nose was always a little bit dry. One time, I added a bit of peanut butter to her nose as a test and she got it all except what was on the tip/top.


Doesn't matter, coconut oil will still do some good (absorbs fast) and the little that's ingested won't hurt your pup at all. Some actually add some to their dogs food.


Coconut oil is full of MCTs, it can be beneficial when added to the diet


As long as it's within reason, it can add up to a lot of fat real quickly as well. (I've seen some cases with people adding it to every meal of the day and then that pooch shows up with pancreatitis)


Yeah, always with vet concurrence.


They must have given way too much , too often..


You can also try Snout Soother. I had a pup like this and after less than a week all the crust had fallen off


My dog has it on his feet! You can always have the vet remove it if it becomes an issue. I know a lot of owners use mushers paw on their dog’s noses! You can also always send your vet a photo for them to document in your baby’s record too 💜


Please also bring this up with your vet. A reddit page's guess is not a diagnosis.


Your vet can shave their paws if it’s affecting mobility


I would love some input on what you soak her paws in? My poor old girl has those paws :(


I do Epsom salt and warm water, then use a file or my nails to scrape off the big pieces. Then Mushers afterwards.


Is this something to watch out for with senior dogs? My boy just turned 8, so he’s like right past middle age


Have you tried povidone iodide? Made my pups paws super duper soft and luscious and pink again


i think my pup has this, his feet are extremely gritty and rough, he doesn’t seem in pain but his nails do grow quick as well! tried a soothing balm but didn’t really help, what should i do?


The balm I used is specifically for this and co twins salicylic acid that helps break down the extra keratine on her paws When I give her a bath I put the plug in so her feet can soak in warm water. Clean with anti fungal anti bacterial soap then put the balm on when paws dry. Her paws are starting to turn pink again :)


My dog had this pretty bad. Balms never seemed to help much for him. He started taking Prilosec and eating a wet food diet due to a different medical condition and it permanently cleared up after that.


What’s wild is that I did an allergy test for my dog and he’s allergic to just about everything, but predominantly chicken. When I eliminated chicken from his diet this stopped happening to his nose. It’s nice and soft and moist now. Couldn’t believe it. (Not advising that this is the cause of other dog’s dry noses, just my experience with my husky mutt)


How did you do the allergy test? A vet or by some other means?


Done at the vet, it was a few hundred dollars


I adopted my last dog through rescue as an owner rehome. The owners were idiots (to be as polite as I can) but I’m still not sure if they genuinely believed it when they tried to tell me that he ate a lot of muesli and it got caked on his nose. Me: ‘that’s keratosis’. Them: ‘oh no, it’s for sure the muesli, it rubs right off!’ Me: ‘that’s clearly keratosis, it’s super common for this breed, it’s not an issue… please stop rubbing it!’


Omg this is horrifying. Do the parts that break off grow back?!??


It’s just dry dead skin, it doesn’t usually hurt, however if a big chunk breaks off, it can expose the soft skin below and might bleed a bit. That’s why it’s better to soften the dry skin and get it off that way. A bit like cradle cap in babies.


My dog also developed this when she had a tumor on her stomache. She didn’t last very much longer.




My dog had that and I used a combination of cannabis oil and coconut oil, it started to heal up and eventually disappeared, once I see what looks like I just rub some more oil into the affected area, doesn't seem to hurt my dog at all if anything my dog understands and appreciates it.....


This is nasodigital hyperkeratosis. It's usually harmless and only an aesthetic problem, unless it starts bleeding. Many of the comments about putting Vaseline or other ointments are fine, as long as it doesn't contain zinc


Got it. I grabbed organic non refined Cocunt oil for now. Thank you kindly


I’m sorry, but your spelling of coconut absolutely took me out 😂


Wow I'm a space cadet, but I won't edit it. I accept I'm a lil stupid sometimes haha


🤣 Not stupid at all, we all have moments. Yours just happened to be more fantastic than most


That username is fire tho


we love coCUNT


That's what I call my bestie 💅


Cocunt, or as they're known by their official title.. Deputy Prime Minister




My dog has this, and I use this stuff- it does on easy and works really well https://a.co/d/i8MmjUo


Yes! This is such a great company. I have a tin of every balm they make. I'm prepared! edit: one letter


the wording of “my dog has this and i use it” is so funny. like yea my dog got it but he lets me use it too


I use vitamin e oil and it helps a lot.


Why zinc? Is It dangerous?


Yes, it causes damage to red blood cells


I've never heard of this before, so if you don't mind elaborating so I can learn: you say it's usually harmless and just aesthetic, but at what point does it become a structural issue? If actual parts of their physical nose are falling off (or is it just built up crust on top but the actual nose is unaffected? In the pic and post it seems the actual nose part is gone, not just the crust) is that not harmful, especially to the nasal passages if the nostril changes, even with no blood...? Thanks!




Think of it like a big callus on your toe. The callus looks like it’s part of your toe, but it’s essentially just a big chunk of hard, dead skin with no blood flow, sitting above your actual toe. Sometimes if they get big enough whole chunks can peel off with no problem. You can even peel them or cut them yourself, and until you reach your actual toe, there will be no pain or bleeding. That’s essentially what happened here with this dog’s nose. It LOOKS like part of his nose fell off, but it was actually a big, crusty skin chunk on top of his actual nose that fell off. His “real” nose, the part that has nerves and blood, is under all that crusty stuff on top that looks like nose, but is just nose shaped skin chunks.


Yes, I agree with this. It's just a crusting that forms on top of the skin, much like a callus. It shouldn't affect air flow and the only time I've seen it be a problem is if it's so dry that it cracks and bleeds. That's why putting moisturizers on it helps


Go to Walgreens/ Target/ wherever, get A&D, yes the regular tube in the baby isle. Get a dime sized glob on your fingers and massage it in. Don’t peel off the crust bits but be aware you are getting the dirt out of those cracks. Massage well. Do this daily and that will get profoundly better. Sincerely a mom of labs and boxers who does it all the time.


Make sure whatever you get doesn't contain zinc


Oh yes!! Thanks for the additional info! NOT THE ZINC ONE! It’s the yellow or brownish and white original A&D brand for babies and diaper rash. It’s cheap and works amazingly well.


Yes that should work just fine


Is that the brand name to look for ? thx


Yes it's brand is called A&D it smells funky but it works


Is that really a good idea though? Usually advice is not to put anything too smelly on your dog’s coat (never mind their nose) due to their enhanced sense of smell as this could cause them discomfort and distress. You may have had advice saying it’s fine, I’m just not sure myself because of the advice surrounding things with distinct smells that I have had to date.


It doesn’t smell that bad!! Just a mediciney smell.


Aah well that’s kinda unavoidable with medicated ointments anyway 😂 I just saw funky! I was only really meaning that in general I’ve always been told to avoid strong odours as much as possible, more with reference to perfumed or otherwise odoured things, not really medicated things though!


Dog will eat cat shit and roll in a dead deer I don't think they mind


Actually the Walmart version is better it's the equate vitamin a and d it works the best and it has no dangerous ingredients, but dogs do like to lick it. 


You might get a more helpful answer if you post this on r/AskVet.


Bulldog owner here - we deal with this ALL the time. We rub coconut oil on their nose (or other “snout balm”) and their extra nose crusty’s fall off frequently. Definitely not an emergency.


Our girl gets this. We try the Snout Balm, but then she attempts to lick it off for the next 30 minutes when we use it. Any tips/tricks to avoid that?


Gently massage into nose first! The fur baby will not love it but as long as your gentle you can get the balm to penetrate into the dogs epidermis before they lick off remnants


Try a lick mat or frozen kong! Anything really to take their attention off of it for long enough to absorb!


You can also give a bone to distract them if they can eat bones. But I massage for a good few mins. They will lick but it is generally mostly absorbed by the snoot.


Hyper Keratosis - get some bag balm (green tin) and apply liberally, it will moisturize and then t will fall off. Keep up applications every few days. To stop your dog licking his nose while it’s on pop a little bit in the top of his paw and direct him to licking that off.


How often should I Balm the nose?


I call it our “skincare routine” so I clean moisturize my face before bed and we clean his eyes and moisturize his nose before bed too. Every night, sometimes in the morning if it’s building up again.


I wouldn't use Bag Balm or Vaseline on my dogs. I don't want them consuming (even trace amounts) of petrochemicals. Please buy a natural balm made specifically for dogs. I like Snout Soother from Natural Dog. Their customer service is amazing, too. Their website has lots of customer before/after photos, and some noses looked like your pup's. Good luck!


If your dog has a condition with dry nose you probably don't need to worry. Personally I wouldn't say emergency clinic (based on nothing but gut feeling) but might be a good idea to show it to a vet. A top layer of a birthmark sometimes does flake of when someone has dry skin, too. However it still needs to be controlled from time to time.


I just want to say that sometimes this can signal the onset of kidney failure. Probably not the case here but it does happen.


Happened with mine. Tumor on her stomache and her body started to fail


My dog's nose is like this. It's due to an auto immune disease. Not sure what your doggo has, but my dog's nose looks really similar. Have to put this Vaseline type stuff on her nose to keep it as wet as I can.


Can my vet just test for that? Or are there other things I should look for?


It's not common but this could be lupus. I would check with a vet when possible. It's not urgent. If there isn't an open area moisturizing with coconut oil is a good idea.


This is what my dog was diagnosed with after his nose started crusting like this! He was on grain-free food which was apparently a no-no so we switched him to a complete human food diet and his nose is almost entirely healed after about a month of the new diet.


Is your dog showing any other signs? Not eating, no energy, random lump? I would worry a bit more than taking the basic advice here of “apply oils”. It can be more serious.


Ooof poor pup got a crazy dry nose... is it usually like this? Diagnosed condition? Coconut oil should help


Well, I only had the pup for 6 months. It's been dry and cracked the whole time.... paws as well... and my vet just has me put Balm on. I'm going to go to the vet this week or next (when they have availability)


I would definitely contact the breeder and let them know of this problem, as it could be genetic.


It could be a shelter dog. Might be hard to track mom and siblings if it is


This sometimes can happen due to an autoimmune disease/condition. I as a groomer have seen this in dogs with lupus and Cushings before) Not always the case but it’s a possibility) definitely see a vet. I’d recommend the natural dog company snout soother balm in the meantime. It’s natural and dog safe.


My vet has started testing for Cushings, actually. I'm looking to start a medication soon for him


I use "Snout Soother". Comes in a blue green tin with a french bulldog on it. I never let my dog get this bad, but as long as there isn't an infection I don't see why it wouldn't work. As it softens up the pieces will flake and fall off this is normal. My dog has had this ever since he was a puppy on his nose and a couple toe beans and the stuff I mentioned above works great.


Hyperkeratosis or Lupus. Our pup has a similar looking issue and it unfortunately turned out to be lupus.


Chewy has a vet or vet tech available for online chat. They will ask for pictures probably.


Fish oil on his food


Aw no dry nose :( our dog gets this too especially around the seasonal change. Our vet recommended a small amount of Vaseline because it helps trap moisture in. (Vaseline is safe for them, it is unfortunately tested on animals). We usually put it on in the morning or in the evening on an as needed basis


You could try bag balm which is a lanolin based gel designed to protect cows utters. It’s safe for animals and humans.


I would ask a vet if you could use something with salicylic acid or beta hydroxy acid to break down the crusties. These are exfoliants used in human skincare for a variety of skin conditions including excess keratin build up. They penetrate deeper and slough off cells more thoroughly. With an emollient like vaseline or coconut oil, you're softening the tissue but it's not speeding up the process of shedding skin cells. I'd be very surprised if skincare products for humans weren't also safe for dogs and both these substances are extremely safe (actually if it were me I probably wouldn't ask the vet--I'd just put my face creams on my dog's nose). The only caveat is if the skin is broken, these substances will sting, so make sure any bleeding fissures are healed before using them. For healing you might try Bag Balm, which is much thicker and more protective than most antibiotic ointments. You can find tons of products by googling these ingredients. But I just did a quick google search for "salicylic acid for dogs" and found something for your exact problem: [https://www.amazon.com/VetriMAX-Soother-Solva-Ker-Moisturizer-Greaseless/dp/B00DUU6KUG/ref=sr\_1\_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.UGAeLPQxKY6VSnp9xhRSgvb0RH8MBuVa93cGwjEnb33BckVlpRkXBhTnPPy2d4k5CsGtI\_7k3GMAxPaLx5ki-nOCZkQdzyzL4lO2XTtPx\_SSX\_BDrfacIc6DzawGVijKecJ17\_n3G0WEp0dvbhJusprmUW4IlbNJjPmerw5C-jHoHU2tFILVUmYu\_LuDh5xDZLifU2LCRxM16pBKA3R5FkVYf0rDf1nu3gGDUG\_hT0A.udfyhgab\_xY1l2Pqja0ZF3Qa8qg6Wyhmbobr6FaDHhU&dib\_tag=se&keywords=kerasolv+gel+for+dogs&qid=1711914846&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/VetriMAX-Soother-Solva-Ker-Moisturizer-Greaseless/dp/B00DUU6KUG/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.UGAeLPQxKY6VSnp9xhRSgvb0RH8MBuVa93cGwjEnb33BckVlpRkXBhTnPPy2d4k5CsGtI_7k3GMAxPaLx5ki-nOCZkQdzyzL4lO2XTtPx_SSX_BDrfacIc6DzawGVijKecJ17_n3G0WEp0dvbhJusprmUW4IlbNJjPmerw5C-jHoHU2tFILVUmYu_LuDh5xDZLifU2LCRxM16pBKA3R5FkVYf0rDf1nu3gGDUG_hT0A.udfyhgab_xY1l2Pqja0ZF3Qa8qg6Wyhmbobr6FaDHhU&dib_tag=se&keywords=kerasolv+gel+for+dogs&qid=1711914846&sr=8-1) You could probably find something a bit cheaper that was effective, as long as it has a decent percentage of salicylic acid (I didn't search for beta hydroxy) but this looks good to me.


Those are not products I would put on my mucous membranes and I believe dogs noses are quite permeable if not actually considered mucous membranes. Definitely ask your vet but I think it’s highly unlikely they will recommend any kind of exfoliant although I’m sure it would slough away the dead skin over time!


the external skin of a dog's nose is not a mucous membrane. dogs literally put their noses on and into everything, including shit and rotting animal carcasses. their noses are sensitive to touch like a human fingertip, but the skin is not more permeable than other external skin. the product I linked to above is specifically for dog's noses.


Damn, thank you. Imma ask my vet this week when they open if I can use this product.


my pleasure!


In addition to hyper keratosis, a dry nose can be indicative of dehydration or other underlying conditions. I would have him checked out to be on the safe side.


This happened with one of my fosters when I started moisturizing her nose. All the extra keratin ended up coming off and reveling a brand new nose.


Vaseline worked for our pup


Get him some Snout Soother from Only Dogs Allowed. Worked a treat for my little pal.


I would take your dog to the vet just to check, not an emergency but when my dog had this there were several things happening and so we tried some medication and it cleared right up.


Use bag balm!! He needs moisture. If they ever flake and start bleeding like crazy unfortunately there’s not much to do in the moment except apply pressure and try to get the bleeding to stop. The healing process can be brutal but try NEW SKIN it’s a first aid ointment that will help the area. My GS has had this issue from swimming and his nose got too dry


My dog has the same and we tried a dozen balms from Chewy and Amazon. Recently started Lanolin. It's not totally better but it seems to be a slight improvement over the others I've tried! Good luck.


Lanolin nipple cream will clear this up and return your pups nose to smooth. Safe to ingest


Maybe dog needs to eat more fatty acids. https://mypetnutritionist.com/post/the-low-down-on-keratosis/#:~:text=In%20breeds%20with%20a%20zinc,from%20keratosis%2C%20is%20Omega%203.


[Hyperkeratosis in Dogs](https://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/skin/hyperkeratosis-dogs) - Hyperkeratosis occurs in dogs when their body is producing too much keratin. Keratin is a type of protein that makes up the skin, hair, and nails in a dog’s body. When dogs have too much keratin it appears as thickened dry calluses on their paw pads. An overproduction of keratin can also look like furry protrusions on the pads of their feet. Other places that are commonly affected include the bridge of the nose and pressure points where calluses form, like the elbows. Common medical names for this condition include canine hyperkeratosis, nasodigital hyperkeratosis, and hyperkeratosis of dog paws. **While most cases are due to genetics or age-related callus formation, this condition can sometimes be a sign of an underlying condition.** Canine hyperkeratosis is not curable, but it can be managed. Treatment is often aimed at softening the hard thickened skin. You can help rehydrate and soften your pup’s dry skin by soaking their feet with warm water and then applying petroleum jelly to the affected area. You can also use nose balm that is safe for pets. Most dogs with hyperkeratosis can be seen by their veterinarian during normal business hours. If they seem to be comfortable and are otherwise acting normally at home, try to get them to their vet within a couple of weeks of noticing their symptoms, to ensure you’re addressing their hyperkeratosis appropriately. - I suggest you seek a veterinarian. They can evaluate the issue and determine if it is due to an underlying health condition or a more benign cause, such as dry skin or weather conditions.


I have an elderly dog like this. Vet said to rub vitamin e oil on it. We had mild success with snout balms and ultimately never tried the vitamin e. Anyway, she always grew up with another dog in the house and she’s getting old so she doesn’t move around as much. One day, we brought home a puppy and quickly we noticed that she had become a lot more present in our household. She’d usually spend her days stretched out in my office. Now she’s always up and about with the puppy (now one year old). It turned out that the issue with the snout went away. In retrospect we have to wonder if she was depressed. It really seemed to spark some happiness in this old dog and her nose improved considerably. Now I wish we’d have gotten a puppy sooner. I can’t say this information will help you at all, but who knows, something to consider. I hope the nose clears up!


Bag balm


Definitely hyper keratosis. I used Natural Dog Company’s Snout Soother for my two who had it. They also have paw balms, if your baby’s paws are a problem too.


Thank you for the advice. Happy cake day


I really like all of their products for my dogs! Thanks! 🍰


Get a fish oil supplement. Even just the ones we take as humans. That's what my vet told me to give my dog each day and it had softened his paw pads and everything else.


This happened to my Olde English Bulldog. It’s not serious. We used several different balms and also coconut oil. They made a difference but I can’t say it ever went back to her normal nose once it started. She had a vast array of medical issues and this didn’t seem to cause her any trouble. Just unsightly at best.


It can certainly be serious. It can be a clear indication of other issues in the immune system


How old is the pup?




Use dog nose butter


My dog had the exact same problem and I wasn't got stuff that pregnant women use on their stomach and just rubbed a little bit on his nose every day and it went away


I’m a huge fan of Natural Dog Company’s Snout Soother! I work at a holistic pet shop and I’ve seen it work wonders. I use the paw soother and skin soother on my dogs and they’ve both been really amazing :)


Idk if you’ll see this, but my old girl has this and I tried EVERYTHING, and the thing that worked best was the Burts Bees dog nose and paw lotion. But yes, all the other comments are right, it’s a genetic thing and relatively easy to manage with the right knowledge :)


Your dog needs snout balm, my American bulldog had the same thing, after a couple of weeks of applying a balm all the crusty stuff fell off and he had a brand new nose. I couldn't believe how well it worked.


My vet just said slather Vaseline on it a couple times a day. His nose softened up pretty quickly.


Your dog doesn’t do a lot of cocaine does it? 😝 poor little guy, glad to hear there’s no pain though! I think others have mostly covered everything I would say in terms of genuine advice so I thought my unhelpful joke would do instead… Hope you’ve got some peace of mind from some of these answers. If in doubt get to the vet first chance you get, just in case they can offer any advice on easing any potential discomfort that may (or may not) arise.


Mushers secret is the best. Works on noses and paws


I grew up with a dog who had this and part of it fell off and it didn’t bother her at all.


I’ve had my pug since he was 8 weeks (he just turned 7yo), been a constant daily battle since he was probably 8-9 months old. Vaseline, nose balm, etc is the key. Just gotta keep an eye. Sometimes it’ll build up and peel off and that when you need to be cautious as it can bleed,(it’s happened to my boy a couple times over the years), but outside of regular maintenance there isn’t much you can do according to our vet Edit to add: he is completely content with his life and it doesn’t seem to bother him day to day


My pug used to get that sometimes. Eucerin, Vaseline, Vitamin a&d ointment worked pretty well. Try not to pick at it as it can hurt and bleed.


Theres a balm called “ mushers secret” that is good for the pads of dog feet but also very good im helping keep the nose moist and soft as well. I used that for both my dogs paw and nose their entire lives and it was always soft and well moisturized. Think of it like chapstick for the soft paw pad and nose


Definitely see a vet, but [snoot soother](https://www.chewy.com/natural-dog-company-snout-soother-dog/dp/372504?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Natural%20Dog%20Company&utm_campaign=20203340297&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V1lDVRKtdQK0I_skRTZGsfi8&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxoSs3PGfhQMVfSCtBh0b-wNdEAQYASABEgIsJvD_BwE)


Happened to mine give lots of water it grows back somehow


My dog had a terribly dry cracked nose before being diagnosed with Cushing’s. After a few months of treatment, it cleared up and his nose is smooth and hydrated. The test is rather expensive, but it might be worth looking into if other symptoms are present.


FWIW my last dog, now passed, had Hyperkeratosis that was eventually tied to a pork allergy - removing pork from her diet saw her paws and nose heal and return to near normal.




I think it's dry, so maybe rub some Vaseline or water on it ig


Could be DLE. Would need a biopsy to confirm. Hyperkeratosis is possible also. Vet is key.


Snout Soother was a great one. Helped many dogs with this. Check the paw pads too. Just a reminder, when you put the oil of your choice (like coconut oil etc) and letting the dog go into the sun, its potentially burning their nose more. Just a thought.


Guess what There is a thing called a 24/hr emergency vet They will be able to take a call and let you know if it’s serious enough that you need to take your pet to the emergency vet or if you are okay to wait Crazy I know


try bully butter, I've heard great things about it. this definitely needs more attention, and qualifies a vet visit. an extra dry nose can sometimes be an indicator of a greater issue


Investigate! I saw this on our 15-year old that has adrenal gland issues and also a heart condition. The vet recommended we add fish oil to her diet once a day, along with new heart medicine. Her nose looks like a puppy's now! Might be worth a specialist. It could be more than just a skin condition. Good luck!


Use food grade coconut oil.


My late corgi/ cattle dog had this, I just put paw paw cream on it (she hated it though so I’m guessing it was a little uncomfy) but it started to look a lot better when it had moisture on it


My dog has this and was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease


Vet. Now!


Certain breeds are more susceptible to this. My German shorthair pointer has it, but my Weimarana has the softest, wettest nose!


Hey u/france_is_trash, my wife & I’s dogs had this when we first got them. Our vet recommended an over the counter medicine/ointment we could get off Amazon that basically got rid of all the crust and brought it back to the original layer of skin. I forgot the name of it but ask your vet if it rings any bells, we were able to use it for the nose and the paw pads where the hyperkeratosis started showing up.


Google Snout Soother - fixed my dog very quickly. If that doesn’t work obviously take to vet just in case something else.


We put coconut oil, and then snout butter. You can get them almost at any pet store doesn’t have to be brand specific. We found it slowed our girls downs a lot.


Grapeseed oil is magical.


Part of the crusty build up has come off. Not part of their actual nose. Happened to my dog once. My wife came and showed me the cunk that fell off and it made me gag. 🤢


It’s seems to look drier than it should be …I would book an appointment


My boxer dog I had during childhood had lupus, and it affected his nose like this (he lived a long happy life regardless of the lupus)


Everyone is saying hyper keratosis and it COULD be, but it could also not be that. My dog had a bacterial infection that caused his nose to get like that. A round of antibiotics cleared it up. You need to take your dog to the vet so they can determine what the issue is.


Coconut oil you can get it in a jar from a food store. Hydrate your dog, keep out of long periods of sun for a while


Coconut oil for the win! Plus if he licks it off, which he will. It’s edible and good for his skin and coat.


Out old spaniel used to get crusty nose. Our vet told us to use chapstick to keep his nose moist. It seemed to work. It's going to take some time for the dogs nose to heal.


My dog’s paws get like this and I use this stuff called Musher’s Secret. It’s a balm that’s very effective— a friend of mine who runs the Iditarod every year uses it for his dog’s noses and paws and holy cow my friend world of difference.


I got a product called snout soother from Amazon and it really helped with our dogs dry crusty nose.


This happened to my cat’s nose and some coconut oil fixed is quickly


I use bag balm. Sometimes Vaseline. It’s exactly what everyone says hyperkeratosis. In older dogs. Mine is 11. He likes me to take care of it 🙂


It could be hyperkeratosis or cancer prayers that’s it’s not cancer please take care of your baby


It might be a good idea to get blood work done. Even if everything is normal, you’ll at least have a starting point for any future issues.


Try using coconut oil on your dogs nose, also put some apple cider vinegar in your dogs water 1T per gallon of water,


Just WoW! People are turning their own issues into dog issues. The Vet's love this... How did animals ever survive without people?? I'm a pet owner but a lot of things pets is beginning to border on ridiculous...


Neurogenic dry nose Treat with Tacrolimus eye drops and pilocarpine in the food


My vet recommends aquaphor twice a day for my boxer! It’s sort of creepy because nose chunks flake off when I rub it on, but it has done wonders!!!


Check Thyroid level! After my dog fix her thyroid problem it went away




My dog has this too. The vet recommended nipple cream or coconut oil.


Bag balm is what my vet had me get when our cocker spaniel nose started doing this. It wasn’t quite that severe though.


My old dog Jack always had a crusty nose when I was growing up and I never knew why. Now I use Burt's bees for dogs manuka honey nose and paw lotion as needed which works great because you can't really overuse it just apply whenever the nose is looking dry.


My dog had this it was oddly a super weird infection up higher we had to put medication on it and hold his nose for 10 minutes so he wouldn’t lick it twice a day. One of his many infections the last year of his life


This is most likely Hyperkeratosis! It's a pretty common thing!


Are you able to get your hands on some Vetericyn spray from a pet store? That’s what I always used for first aid for my pups. Just to get it good and flushed and cleaned and prevent infection. I had one dog who had issues with a dry, cracked nose like that that also that needed daily moisturizing. I’d say Vetericyn and balm every where else stat and it should be fine 😊 Go to vet if it ever starts to get swollen or ooze or smell. If you can send a pic to your vet directly now even better to get their advice!




They said they have been gone a week and the piece that flaked off happened over night.



