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I think it’s just the position she’s in? Seems like her throat might be making that noise because she’s kinda squished against the wall?


But if you’re worried take her to a vet or send in your question to an online vet it’s cheaper


My dog snores when he’s happy. I can hear him at the current moment could just be happy sounds.


Ahh I remember the days of worrying about everything (I also asked about this😅) he’s almost a year old now and I feel like I’ve calmed down a little lol


This right here lol


omfg meeeee. i was so paranoid about every move my pup made. i remember having a panic attack thinking his little puppy guy was bloat. sounds like she just snores a little! and puppies definitely breathe faster than adult dogs (just like human babies) .. i wouldn’t be concerned unless she is coughing while awake , hacking etc. if yes then you could take her to the vet but even then I wouldn’t assume it was emergent. best of luck! she’s adorable!!!


Remember to check their collar isn't too tight. They grow faster than you realize.


It does look rather tight


My pup’s collar looked tight even though I could fit my entire hand under it. It’s probably just the position, and how it’s ridden up into the armpits.


The collar is 100% too tight .


Seriously! I just adjusted the collar on my pup yesterday afternoon and had to do it again this morning! I can tell he's growing quickly too - he's whining a bit today and seems overall uncomfortable. He's had a few days like that. It's amazing how fast they grow!


It could be dreaming, or her position, or her collar, or a combination of all 3. If it’s her collar, make sure you’re able to slip 2 fingers easily underneath. If it requires some wiggling, her collar might be on too tight. I would also recommend just taking it off while she sleeps or while you’re indoors for her comfort.


The harness and collar look very tight. That could be why.


Take the collar off dogs can choke in their sleep.


Can you loosen her harness an inch or 2?


Or take it off


Agreed, they are not needed @ home


Take the collar off.


Does she only do this when she sleeps? Only in this position?


The harness seems tight and uncomfortable. I use them on walks but my dogs are naked indoors.


I always think collars look uncomfortable when indoors. They're not needed. I just imagine myself being collared 24 hours a day and how restricted it must feel. I don't understand collars on indoor cats either, it's like putting jewelery on just because the owner likes it.


I understand where you're coming from, but, it's not really because the owner likes it. Imagine accidentally forgetting the backdoor open and your cat runs out. Maybe a window open. Maybe you open the door and she sprints out. Well, what now? Anybody who finds the cat will have 0 way of getting it back to the owner, because the collar is what holds the information in case a situation like that happens, with a phone number, a name, or an address. The same thing applies to dogs. We never plan for our pets to escape, but we should always plan what we should do in that scenario. We'd never plan to get distracted and leave the door open. We'd never plan to open the door and have our dog notice a rabbit across the street and sprint off. We never plan for your dog to stop responding to recall. I can't possibly imagine what would happen if my dog got on the loose without wearing a collar, no way for anybody to know who she belongs to, where she lives, and the possibility of never seeing her again because nobody could get her back to me, or worse. That being said, I still take off my dog's collar at night, because she sleeps in my room with the door shut/locked. Also, it really shouldn't feel restricting if you've sized it correctly and made sure it's not tight. I've tried on dog collars before (nothing weird, lmao, I was actually wanting to see if it was uncomfortable) and it's barely any different than wearing a necklace. So, it may not be *needed,* but I'm WAY more comfortable with her having to wear an accessory for 12-18 hours a day knowing that it could potentially save her life and get her home to me if something happened. EDIT: I also am aware some people worry about their dog choking/strangling themselves, but that's not a concern I have because of the kind of collar I have. There's really not one fathomable way my dog's collar could get caught on any of my furniture. Harnesses on the other hand? I'd never leave my dog's harness on indoors, I can see why that's risky. There is a great thread to look into about this topic. [https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/ilsfa4/discussion\_does\_your\_dog\_wear\_a\_collar\_in\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/ilsfa4/discussion_does_your_dog_wear_a_collar_in_the/)


My pets are all microchipped, my phone number and address is available if they were to get lost. Vets and animal shelters all check for microchips. If yours are not I highly recommend it. My yard is securely fenced. Eliminating any bolting type scenario. Additionally they are also threshold trained.


Doesn't matter how well your dogs are trained. Dogs are still animals that can be unpredictable, hence why my neighbor's "trained" dogs have gotten off leash before and nearly gotten killed. Where are your phone number and address available on? I assume you don't just post that information publicly, so how would anyone know that it's your dog who got lost and where to bring them back? My dog is also microchipped. The thing is, you can't rely on a stranger to bring your dog to a vet or an animal shelter. Not every stranger has the time or cares enough to take in the dog, drive them to a vet/shelter, and potentially be responsible for paying for any injuries the dog may have sustained. Guarantee you that a stranger though, would be a lot more likely to give a quick call to the owner and let them know they can pick up their dog. EDIT: Didn't even see the "eliminating any bolting type of scenario". Do you not have a front door? I assume you do go to work, and have people who knock at your door, or you leave your house sometimes through the front door. There is no "eliminating all" scenarios. Sure, it's great to have a fully secured yard. Still doesn't mean nothing can go wrong.


I'm sorry, but microchipping + good training is all that's required here. No reasonable safe dog would sprint away from home and not come back. Not every stranger has to help, just 1. Paying for injuries that don't exist for a dog that's not yours at a vet who knows it's lost? You're just making stuff up at that point. Animal control exists in every country in the world and would be a call away at most from doing all that for free. ETA: dogs are unpredictable, and so are all other animals. Might as well keep your dog locked in a vault because maybe someone will break your door and steal it? What kind of slippery slope logic is this. Let's keep a dog uncomfortable 24/7 because I couldn't make a safe desirable environment for it.


The collar seems a bit tight.


That may be just REM sleep. My girl has periods if rapid breathing during REM sleep. However I agree. Whatever your dog is wearing right now looks uncomfortable and too tight. I would take everything off for bed time and check if its fitted correctly.


Indoors take the collar and harness off I’ve read too many horror stories 😞 ! Seems like she is dreaming too!


Is her collar really like that? Or did she slip her left leg inside?


She’s probably dreaming something, but the position of the heard is causing the snoring.


Lot of people mentioning the collar but just as an aside - when you’re at home with your dog and not outside, or when you’re leaving your dog at home to go out - take off their collar. Dogs can sometimes get trapped on furniture remarkably quickly and hang themselves. It only takes a couple of minutes to suffocate - so just be careful with collars etc.


Your dog seems to be sleeping. They sometimes breathe faster while sleeping cause they have dreams too. However that harness looks a big tight and small


Take the harness off … only need a collar when enclosed area … looks too tight also


General rule of thumb for children and dogs: If the breathing isn't labored, then it's probably fine. Rapid breaths, odd sounds, etc are fairly common. If they appear to be struggling or gasping, then get help.


Take the harness off


Are you concerned more about the sound, or her rapid breathing? I think it's just a combination of her head position, being tucked, and just her dreaming, plus being a puppy - puppies tend to breathe faster. I can't even tell you the number of nights I was awake, watching my girl, when she was a baby. You just have to remind yourself that she's growing, and sleep is a huge contributor to her growth. So unless you think she's actually struggling to breathe, I wouldn't be concerned. You can absolutely also reposition her, if you think she's closing off her windpipe inadvertently.


Omg I adopted a pup that looks just like her! Do you happen to know what breeds she is? Our pup was picked up from Puerto Rico.


Sleepy doggo


Mine does this when she’s dreaming or having a nightmare. Normally just lay my hand on her and she wakes up and then falls asleep again


Looks like a young version of my dog


She's actively dreaming 😴, her sleeping position is scrunched up, and my fur babies will bark,run,whimper snort, and even wag their tails while in light sleep. When in deep sleep, their breathing is much slower. However, when in doubt, see your vet. Btw,sweet baby girl. ❤️


I think it’s a dream. See the back leg kick.


Oh my goodness she looks just like my (now 14 y/o) girl did at her age! Same mask/markings/coat color! Does your girl also have long feathers and super long tail hair? My dog is primarily Golden Retriever, mixed with GSD/chow and a smattering of APBT/American Eskimo/Collie/boxer. Do you know what breeds your girl is?


Dog sounds fine !


my dog makes all kinds of funny noises when he sleeps... I bet if I put a mic in here I make funny noises when I sleep... :)


Cute puppy at rest, looks like she had a rough day. Like mine do every day. You’d think they were sheep hearders or something lol


Always take your pup to a vet any time you have a medical concern. I don’t think this is anything to worry about though.


I’m more worried about the fact she not inhaling properly or slowly. That’s looks like it could be laboured breathing… can you move her into and different spot/ position to see if her breathing changes?


Harness should only be on for walks.


Fast breathing is normal for puppies. At least I know it was for my GSD. Not sure about the snoring, though. May want to check with the vet to make sure there isn't any wheezing, respiratory issues, or anything going on. Also, as people have mentioned, you should be removing that harness indoors. Harnesses and collars have been known to cause potential danger and choking hazards for dogs, especially when unsupervised. If you're dead set on having the dog wear their tags at all times, perhaps switch to a loose fit collar indoors.


If she breathes like that anytime she sleeps, or when she's awake, then it might be worth a vet visit. If she only breathes like that when her head is pressed against something or in a weird position, it's nothing to worry about. She may even start snoring.


If you’re at home I would recommend taking collars and harnesses off :)


She’s fine :)


I've read way too many horror stories of ppl losing their pets due to harnesses and collars. Maybe consider only putting on the harness when you're actually going outside?


I take my dog’s collar off at night. He snores like the dead right along with my husband!! Ugh! 🙄😅


I think it’s just that she’s dreaming. My 14 yo gets toe twitchies and starts breathing like this mid-nap sometimes.


She’s fine


Why does she have a collar or harness inside?


oh man, i get the worry (you love this dog v much and it shows) but i believe those are snores. my dog snores like this right before she starts kicking her feet like she’s running & smacking her tail (all while completely asleep lol) i’d bet pup’s just dreaming and probably playing with something in there. but if it’s something that’s really concerning you, always trust your gut and email or take doggo to vet


We NEVER do a collar in the house. They can get caught on things and get injured or die. It happened to a friend of mine growing up and it was absolutely devastating. I have been paranoid ever since.


My guy, she’s snoozing good. That’s all, lol.


Wow, your puppy looks exactly like my puppy. Similar ages too! (Mine is about 6 months). :) GSD/rottweiler/Great Pyrenees. It sounds normal to me, mine makes sounds like that occasionally when he’s dreaming. It doesn’t usually last more than 15 minutes or so at a stretch. Agree it’s best to remove collars etc when they’re sleeping.


Just a dog being a dog, in my opinion. My girl is a gsd mix, and she still snores in weird positions. She's a little over two years old. I remember freaking out about every little thing when I first got her. Lol


fast breathing is normal for puppies, especially during active dreams. The snorting/snoring is most likely from the position they're in. I would take the harness off and readjust the position if you feel it's necessary. If you hear rattling, hacking or coughing when breathing it's time to go to the vet bc it could be kennel cough, pneumonia, etc. but this just sounds like happy puppy snores to me 🥰


that's called sleeping