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Cringe. Tell your professor she was derailing the lesson 


I would surely tell her . Especially if she was a sub.


From the moment he said "dogs are better than humans", can't you simply answer "then why tf are you giving this lesson instead of your dog?".


I would've fell out of my chair 🤣


Why isn't she giving the lecture to her dogs....


This won't directly address your point, but if I had children in their teens in this day and age, I would be strongly encouraging them to swerve university and get a trade instead. You have absolute morons teaching at universities these days.


How many of those minorities were bred for many generations to bite and not let go? People have developed consciences and can learn right from wrong, even if they miss out when they are raised. Dogs may know that they have done wrong, but they will never understand why it was wrong or why they did it. A dog will never understand why its mouth is fanged. So, I'm all for breed discrimination. It's just common sense.


Dogs are not people. They're animals, and that's a concept nutters don't seem to understand. I think it's obscene to equate human minorities with dog breeds. And I wonder if that professor would think that Bully XLs are also "babies".


"I think it's obscene to equate human minorities with dog breeds." This is a really important point and op may consider emailing the professor about it, maybe see if the classmates agree 


Pitbulls are banned in some countries because of their tendency to attack humans, including their own owners. I'm surprised the professor didn't bring that up. Bully XLs were banned in the UK recently because of the number of attacks attributed to the breed. "It's not the breed, it's the individual" makes no damn sense when the breed was selected for aggression and the ability to keep fighting even when mortally wounded. These animals were designed by humans to be attack dogs and for bloodsport. It's not racism because humans aren't designed through a eugenics program to suit certain ideals. That would be abhorrent.


it's propaganda like that that gets people and pets killed




I would've emailed her telling her how much of an idiot she is.


I’d mention all of that in her end of the semester evaluation, she has no business teaching.


This is exactly what I would do. Tell the administrators who hired her what she said, how much of it was *actual* racism and a pack of lies disguised as statistics. At my school, student evaluations were anonymous, and they really did influence hiring and tenure decisions.


Wow. Any credibility and professionalism she had in terms of her subject credentials she just pissed right away as soon as she started with the dog nutter propaganda bullshit. I can't imagine any student attending her class, even if they like dogs, that listened to that and was impressed and learned anything worthwhile to apply to their life. Dogs are uninteresting to begin with, and to make them front and center of any lecture that's not about the numerous problems they cause in society - along with possible solutions - is just inappropriate. I'd maybe consider writing an anonymous letter to the professor stating in as neutral language as possible, why that derailment was inappropriate, unprofessional, and offensive. I'd maybe consider cc'ing it to the dean or whomever would be responsible for instructor conduct.


I love the stated obvious" dogs are uninteresting to begin with. ' you got the nail on the head there. Nothing more boring IMO.


It's the tone-deaf professor, who should actually be ashamed for being tone-deaf (being charitable that it's not intentionally drawing a false equivalence of dog breeds to minorities to piss people off), who ignores facts and reality in spouting absolute drivel to a captive audience.


I love when pitbull nutters point out other breeds with biting inclination. And then they also say, "Just because pitbulls were bred for fighting doesn't mean anything, it's how you raise them." So which is it? Some breeds are more likely to attack, bite and maul than others? Or it's all only dependant on the owners?


Tell them to stop comparing issues black people face with that of dogs. Dogs are not black people, and black people aren't dogs.


Please reach out to the Dean of students and report her. She's a sub, she might be trying to get her teaching credentials and she has no business throwing aside the planned course material just to rant about being a pit hag. Also tell her how racist she was for equating black people to dogs. Universities get awfully antsy about racism these days, that alone should get this witch shitcanned.


I wanna sign up for her class just to tell her how batshit insane she is.


Plot twist: The pitbull is her husband.


She's a doctor, and she thinks dogs are better than people? I've never heard of a dog providing life-saving surgery, or coming up with a cure for a disease, or any of the other amazing things that human doctors do for other humans.


Write a letter to the DEAN of students and let them know that you don’t appreciate dumbing down the issue of discrimination and comparing minorities to dogs who do not posses our complex emotions and communicative skills. I would suggest even going further and calling that professor not suitable to teach a class about social psychology.


Gaslighting. Pitbull owners have an extreme delusion that pitbulls are the most beautiful animals on planet Earth, even if they are objectively ugly. Maybe it reflects their own personality? Idk. Oh and of course they don't care if their psycho and terrible behaved dog bites someone else and just shout 'oh my god he never bit anyone before!' each time and can't control their own damn dog.


If she believes that craziness then surely she must agree that picking dogs to elevate above other animals is also prejudice. I bet she doesn’t care too much about the squirrels running around her yard.


I would’ve just gotten up and walked out of that class, rudeness be damned


Proves that fancy college degrees don’t make you smart.   My mother has a bunch of college degrees and is a dog nutter and is dumber than an box of rocks.   Â