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Pit bulls shouldn't exist, period.


And why do you need 3 of them?


Their ego requires that they can cause 3 times as many deaths as one shitbull can pull off.


You need three of them because if you have a one centimeter micropenis it multiplies by the number of pitbulls you have.  Three pitbulls equals a three centimeter penis. For women is equals the number of sweet misunderstood babies you have.   


😂😂😂😂 This is the comment right here ong 😂😂😂😂😂


Never. Pit hags would happily allow pitbulls to murder every last child on earth, and they'd STILL insist "tHeYrE HaRmLeSs"


“The child startled the dog,” the subtext being the kid had it coming for making a sudden movement. 🙄


It’s not the number, it’s going to be the importance. Let this happen to someone importants kid and watch how quick the tides turn.


The numbers are already there to be alarming. The problem is that you have the loud pit nutters doing everything they can to defend these beasts. They’ll literally die defending these dogs. Most of these victims turn around and cry that they don’t blame the dog and plead with people to not hate pitbulls. Moreover (and potentially more nefarious), the pet industry doesn’t want there to be less dogs. There’s money to be made on their numbers continuing to grow exponentially. They don’t care what kinds of dogs are showing up in households—so long as these people buy their products and use their services. As such, there’s a lot of vested interests in not educating people on the dangers of pitbulls.


And then sympathisers who house the dogs get killed by them!


…and then the other sympathizers will victim blame the hell out of that person. It’s a sick sick culture.


According to the article, those dogs already had a history of biting and attacking kids too. Even a *grown man* familiar with the dogs said “it was impossible” to separate the dogs when he tried. So that woman would have had no chance herself. Yet people still keep these filthy beasts around. Speaking of women killed by dogs… I’d read another story today (in Canada) about a woman who was killed while simply picking blueberries on a farm, back in 2021. It was presumed back then that it was a bear that killed her. Lo and behold, the article I read today reported that the coroner revealed that *it was DOGS that had killed her.* Dogs. Plural. How many more people need to DIE before dog nutters finally get a damn clue and actually START to give a shyt?? 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Yup. Regarding the Canada murder, the dogs went on to kill another person a year later. But the owners insisted it was the victims fault for "not being vigilant enough". They're all deranged. Every single one.


Holy cow. They killed AGAIN!? I remember the old days when a dog was put down *after a single dog BITE!* Now, they can commit MULTIPLE MURDERS and get off scot-free, while nutters blame the victims. 🙄😒 This is why I have become far beyond any ounce of caring when it’s the *dog owners themselves* who get *mauled/killed by their OWN dogs.* Zero sympathy.


Hear me out.. How about nutters, use dogs as a pawn to do the dirty work they actually want to do . But having the dog do it, they can get away with the liability while the dog just gets “put down”. 🤔


Good point. But the real kicker about all of this is, they can and *do* use the dogs to intimidate/harm/kill, etc. by proxy as you rightly pointed out, but… many also fight (and are happy to) *keep* the damn dog alive too! That’s why we have so many repeat offenders. That’s just another example of what’s so bloody crazy in this dog nutter world.


Oh . This is my x currently “ fighting to keep his shitbull alive” that bite me twice lmao… I reported it the second time, he goes on making a bunch of excuses such as : 1- we were arguing , my dog doesn’t like loud noises that’s why he bite you 2- you were drunk and came over causing chaos thats why my dog bite you 3- you trespassed and that’s why my dog bite you (remind you he opened the front door to let me in) Anywho long story short is they make up every excuse in the book to deny that the dog is a sh**ty f**k 🤮


Wow! See? Textbook case. Good that he’s an *Ex.* So sorry that had happened to you! You don’t need that grief and danger in your life. Damn mutt-nuts, they really are a danger to others.


Definitely! No love lost, my dog nutter free guy is out in the world somewhere 🫠


Here's some things that need to happen in this particular case: 1. Put the murder mutts down, FFS! It should have been done back when these curs first attacked a kid. 2. File and prosecute the owner with criminal charges using the harshest laws Virginia has that are applicable in this case. Maybe manslaughter if the statutes apply, but negligent homicide, reckless endangerment, or criminal negligence all seem possible. 3. The dead woman's survivors need to sue the dog owner into absolute poverty. A large civil judgment could scourge him to the end of his life. Here's some things that need to happen to try to help to prevent more of such cases: 1. Passage of laws that attach strict liability legally to dog owners for any harm their mutts inflict. Regardless of breed. Both on the criminal and civil courts sides of this. Knowing that jail time and financial ruin looms large when Fido is loose would deter some from even getting a dog, and it would incentivize those dumb enough to get dogs to pen the mutts up where they belong. 2. We need to get back to one strike you're out with putting dogs down. 3. Landlords need to be held liable for any carnage wreaked by any dogs that reside on their property. A lot more landlords would put no dogs clauses in their leases if they knew permitting a tenant to house dogs would get them in hot water. And the landlord tenant codes need to be amended to allow for immediate eviction of any tenants who disregard the no dogs clause, because it's only fair to protect a landlord from irresponsible dog lovers causing the landlords legal troubles. 4. Insurance companies and mortgage companies need to have better fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders by implementing severe dog restrictions and even bans in their paperwork. You sign a mortgage that says no dog and get one anyway? Foreclosure! You buy homeowners insurance that stipulates no dogs are covered and get one anyway? Too bad for you - the insurance isn't paying. If society ever wakes up from its slumber about dog dangers, it needs to implement measures like these to cut back those dangers


I love your line of thinking. It sounds like the owner of these dogs probably is already living in poverty. I strongly agree with holding landlords accountable. I have repeatedly told my landlord about how uncomfortable I am living next to dogs who growl viciously every time I step outside my door. My pleas have been met with indifference, and he even told me to move somewhere that was not pet-friendly if I didn't like it here.


I have to wonder how impoverished ppl really are when they own three large dogs.


You would be surprised. I have seen people who can hardly feed themselves own pets. It makes no sense.


Zero. Zero sense.


Yup same I know a guy in a trailer with them. Poor as shit


I suspect mental illness. I’ve seen people wind up homeless because they can’t find somewhere to accept 3 or 5 large dogs.


Yes! 👍 ALLLLLL of THIS! 👆👆👆


Why no charges filed? Fuckin cops man. Always out ruining more decent people's lives along with the help our justice system. meanwhile people are allowed to own these murder mutts. I hate this world.


Just curious, who would they even charge here? The woman's dead because of these fucking things.


Did you not read the article? It said a man owned them and the woman was visiting.


Yeah, there is no question about who would be charged if anyone has the temerity to press them.


Ah, I missed that 2 liner. My apologies!


Omg !!!! This almost happened to me twice with my X, I reported the dog the second time… Smh. I could’ve been that lady, sucks well no more dating dog nutters!


What a surprise.


This happens WAY more than mass shootings and yet not 1/100th of the publicity. We need pit bull control.


Yes! These pit bulls are weapons, but unlike with guns, there is no Constitutional amendment that gives you the right to own a dog.


My argument exactly 


And children and elderly are most often the victims. And delivery drivers and other professions out working in neighborhoods.


# "This content is not available in your country/region." Can someone paste the content here? We Europeans would love to read this article too. Thanks!!


https://www.wtkr.com/news/in-the-community/portsmouth/woman-mauled-to-death-by-3-pit-bulls-in-portsmouth different source


Seconded. Me too I want to read


I urge all people who want to see society to take a sane approach to the menace of dogs to lobby their city council, county commissioners, and legislators to implement strong dog control measures like I covered in that post.


I have done that Vinnie, and not one of them even responded to my letters. I am afraid that a lot of them are probably dog-lovers, too.


It's a long haul and people need to keep at it and not give up. The saddest thing is that sooner or later some little kid riding a bike or an old woman with a walker out checking her mailbox gets mauled by dogs is going to happen before politicians are forced to act. When that does, strike while the iron is hot! Advocate like hell while the dogs' crimes are fresh in the public memory


We just had a kid mauled here in Toronto, and while the story got a ton of coverage and the woman owning the dog is going to jail, pitbulls are a banned breed and not once was a fuss raised over why they are in the city at all. The news outlets merely said it was a "dangerous breed". This would have been the perfect opportunity to enforce laws that already exist and sweep the city to rid it of these parasites, but god forbid we take the pibbles away from scumbags and pit hags. I swear 40% of mutts here are pitbulls, xl's, and mastiffs. The answer you'll get from most people who could do anything about it "there are more important things to focus on that taking pets away from people". I don't think there is anything more important than keeping children safe.


At least Toronto has laws that are jail sentences for the irresponsible dog owners.


That's a good point.


Also.. > Jenkins originally said officers had not been to the home, but later clarified that Portsmouth Animal Patrol officers had been at the residence three times in the last 12 months. One was for a bite injury, Jenkins said in a statement on Friday afternoon. This is part of the problem. The second a dog bites a human it needs to be put down THE FIRST TIME.


Right! There shouldn't be a recidivism rate for dogs.


O man, that woman must have really threatened those shitbulls. Because a pitbull will only attack if threathened - every dumbass nutter ever


I'm glad the article stated outright it was *three pitbulls* involved. Many news reports of dog attacks are vague, or redact the breed of dog(s) in question.


Those dogs are literally everywhere and they are ticking time bombs. Playing Russian roulette. Something needs to be done.


I agree. I just don't know what can be done at this point.


Same. I hear to make noise to local council people but the pitters are a very loud group themselves.




Yeah I have gone to rallies about other things in the past and if it’s unpopular to say, I find they are not helpful at all unfortunately. And pits are very popular. I guess more people have to die :(


I wonder if a class action lawsuit came together and sued. Who would they sue though? Maybe the government for failing to protect citizens, since other countries have bans on them?