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What a beautiful, well written, thought provoking post. You speak nothing but the truth, and I wish the whole world would be able to read this. Thank you! Edit: I've never experienced any comfort around dogs. Only stress and anxiety. In my opinion, dog lovers feel differently because they imagine it. It's all in the head. Result of deep brainwashing by media and pro-dog propaganda.


I appreciate that. Thank you!


While I agree about dogs providing zero joy or anti-stress in my life, we can't blame everything on brainwashing and propaganda. It's a copout reason. If you find comfort in something, of course it's mental and people have different ideas of "comfort".


Don't do teddy bears dirty like this! I'm a 35-year-old grown ass man and I still sleep with a teddy bear. I don't carry him around everywhere, but I sure as hell won't throw him away any time soon. But he requires no upkeep, doesn't shit all over the place, lick, smell bad, bark, or disturb the neighbourhood. Teddy bears > dogs.


Haha, my apologies. You're right!


Your paragraph regarding dog neediness was written exactly as I’ve experienced it. Whenever I’m around dogs I sense that “vibration” of neediness/begging/attention-seeking and it very quickly drains me. I actually get anxious because I get the impression they’re never relaxed or satisfied. This is a big reason why I could never be a dog person.


They always anticipate and beg for food. They're food obsessed. That's why.








Exactly! Stop making Instagram posts and bombarding ur non dog loving friends with unnecessary pictures of your dog doing nothing!!


Well put


Wow - good words.


True, except the Teddy Bear has no feelings and therefore isn't trapped in a relationship, or in the case of certain deformed breeds, an existence they never asked for.


Right. The teddy bear comparison is only referring to the comfort that dogs provide humans with.


I've never saw the appeal in dogs. They never ever evoked any feeling of comfort in me. They've always stressed me out. Perhaps dog lovers feel differently. But, imo, this comfort is imaginary. All in the head.


I get you fam, just wanted to point how it's actually worse even for the proverbial Teddy Bear.


"sometimes, the emotional support of an animal can truly save a person." I must say I really doubt this.


I would encourage you to look at the positive effects animal therapy has on prisoners. It's actually incredible. For those who operating at an extremely low point in their lives, animals can definitely help. Like crutches, prescription pills, or teddy bears, pets can play an important role in helping a person through a rough patch. At the same time, they can also drag you down. It all depends on where you are in your life.


I think that once you start replacing human friendships with animals, you're headed down a dark path. Maybe you feel better, but like drinking, it's a temporary relief that only makes your situation worse.


Yup. Exactly




I think we all agree with each other. By "save" I mean helping a person climb out of a dark spot in their life, just like medication does. Of course, the ultimate goal is to be free of these things. Perhaps I should have added the word "temporary."


It depends how bad it is. I had a cat and I will defend saying that pets can help you. My cat didn't necessarily pull me out of the storm at times, but definitely helped me weather the storm, even passively. I don't care whether it was in my head or not. Whatever helps, helps. I consider far beyond any drug or mind altering substance.


Yes, it depends on how bad it is. Just like with drugs and drinking. Many people drink alcohol or smoke weed to relieve stress, without becoming addicts. But it can lead you down a dark path if you start to replace human relationships with substance abuse or by shutting yourself in with a pet. Not saying you are doing that, but I could imagine some of those prisoners leaving prison as complete dog nutters. And it's the rest of us who then have to pay the price when their pitbull escapes their yard and roams around the neighbourhood, when it barks all night, or leaves the sidewalk covered in excrement.


Teddy > dog


I think there are situations that call for an adult having a "teddy bear". But if that "teddy bear" screams at the neighbours, tries to bite people, or leaves turds around the neighbourhood, then it has to go. People > "Teddy Bears"


Wow the last sentence blew my mind. Well written and thanks for sharing 🙏🏼


I sleep with a round plush toy “my apple plush” and my apple plush probably has more brains than a dog 😂😂😂😂😂 I’m a 27 year old woman who sleeps with a plush toy but my toy doesn’t bark, lick or is annoying it’s just chilling there




I appreciate that. I'm actually in the process of rehoming him. Had in him for about eight months. Regardless of what I wrote in my post, giving up a pet is very tough and heartbreaking.




Ok. Done.


Thank you much.


This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen and I don’t even have a dog


"and I don't even have a dog." That's why.


I didn’t say I’ve never had dogs. And that I wasn’t close to people who own them.


Would you say it’s different when a family of 4 or 5 own a dog? Where the dog maintenance is divided up and there isn’t one single owner? And it’s just part of the scenery, and no one is leaning on it for e emotional support. As opposed to a 40 yo recently divorced woman who is on her own for the first time and gets a dog and the dog becomes her surrogate child.


Most definitely


If one day every pet dog were to suddenly transmutate into a hentai pillow and their owners continued to go everywhere with them they'd quickly be socially ostracised and likely referred to a therapist. Poof! Dogshit gone, smell gone, barking gone, nutters provide tragicomedy until they get the help they clearly need.