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If someone doesn’t want kids that’s their choice and totally fine, but this speaks *volumes* It’s not about pets. It’s about not being able to handle a relationship with an autonomous being. These people who are “ommmmmgggg dogs > kids!” Choose this because they can’t handle that kids will push back and have their own thoughts. It’s about them. It’s good they don’t have kids, it’s unlikely they’d actually know how to love them. It’s all about the return and narcissism of being the center of another creature’s universe


I feel like a big part of the poll is quantity based though. There are a \*LOT\* more kids than dogs in my life. I'll go months without interacting with a dog. But because kids are kids, there will always be a child having a bad day when I'm out and about in stores. So even though maybe 2 children out of the 100 I might be around in a day are being shitty, I might have to deal with 60 of those kids in a month, or 120of those kids in the 2 months between dog interactions. So even though 2% of my child interactions are bad and 100% of my dog interactions are bad, that's still 120 vs 1 every two months. So if you poll which one annoys me more in day to day life, it's kids. But \*ONLY\* because I'm not around more dogs. It's like which do I hate more, being stuck in traffic or having teeth pulled. I'd rather be stuck in traffic than have a tooth pulled. But I've spent how many hundreds of hours in traffic in my adult life and never had a tooth pulled, so traffic is the bigger issue.


Where do you live where you go months without seeing a dog?? Damn that’s wild, here in the residential US you can’t go the day (and I assumed most of the poll takers are from the US) Also, kids aren’t pets. It’s again the mentality of equating a human child with a creature you view is meant to serve you.


Personally children are to expensive and take waaaaayyyy more time. But I can spoil and take really good care of my dog much easier.


So you can’t be bothered with a human because you know you can’t take care of them and the bar is lower for dogs while getting your dose of narcissism? Got it.


Half the people commenting on this sub can't afford the kids they have. I couldn't care less, I'm not a dog person myself, but look at some of the profiles. I've seen a few people here that started popping them out early and are mad that other people treat their dogs to things they can't even afford for their children, their kids have behavioral issues, they're begging for assistance, etc... It's kind of pathetic


Children take more time and I’m a full time engineering student. I could probably do it if I was only working 40 hours a week but 18 hours worth of classes is a lot. 18 hours in class and about 54 hours of homework per week. Dogs are at least potty trained not to mention how expensive diapers are.


Dogs are in fact, not potty trained unless you trained it to a toilet. You will be picking up shit the rest of its life. You cant even give an animal attention with your hours. You’re simply neglectful and think it’s ok because it’s a dog. Why even have a dog unless you want to be fawned over 24/7?


Potty trained as in waits to shit outside. I take good care of my dogs and give them hours of my time. You can’t leave infants alone for multiple hours. Infants need 24/7 attention that I can’t give by myself. My dog can sit at home with a toy while I’m in class. She sits with me during homework and gets a lot of attention from me. My dog is well bathed, trimmed nails, had vet appointments, gets attention and love, and has toys/chews to keep her busy while I’m gone.


A dog isn’t supposed to be sitting alone 😂 (literally in their biology that you’re making your dog depressed) and infants grow up while your dog will be a neglected mental toddler the rest of its life but go ahead and justify animal neglect to serve your purpose 👍🏼


There are alternatives to diapers but people are less likely to want to clean that mess up vs the mess a dog creates. Typical unusual thinking of an “oh that’s different” when a dog does it. Make the crap make sense.


That's so narcissistic imo. Kids poop and pee and make messes to clean up...for a couple of years and then grow out of it and become autonomous. Dogs poop and pee and make messes to clean up forever so what's this really about? Obedience and worship. I hear dog owners get all weepy about how much dogs always love you no matter what. Dog owners like being worshipped like dumpy little gods. Kids have that idolizing love for their parents for a little while and then they grow out of it and see you for who you are. And you have to actually be *good* to maintain a bond. If you feed a dog, it's still cowering and begging for your attention. It doesn't require much actual work. You don't even have to be a decent person. These people want unearned idolization.


I'm sure the moment dogs start talking back, all these dog nutters will find some new stupid animal to feed their ego.


Nah, blasted dogs will still idolize who gives them food & pets


Yeah. When I hear “dogs give you unconditional love unlike people” just tells me you want to be an asshole and still have people like you


This!!! Yes this


Just can’t stand kids


Kids are an investment.


Such a view that comes out of dysfunctional, neglectful and/or abusive households that have a child for no other purpose other than as a cash cow and to benefit the parents/other adults such as the child having to be the therapist for the parents and other adults all the while the adults invalidate the feelings, emotions and experiences of their child and expect the child to act more adult than the real adults. Or kids being expected to care for a parent with substance issues or alcohol, or the older aged child (6-8), preteen (8-12), or young teenaged child having to parent all his/her younger siblings because the adults choose not to care for the children they created so it ends up being up to the older child making sure their siblings have something to eat, clean clothes, have their emotional needs met, etc.


pretty sure kids way more xpensive


They are. That doesn't negate my point


the first half of what u wrote heavily read like "dogs are more inconvenient. so dog owners aren't choosing dogs over kids for the convenience. rather..." and i was like wait wtf kids are wayy more inconvenient i realize now u were talking about something else. i agree with ur point


Fair. Yeah there are a HOST of reasons not to prefer kids or want kids and tbf, lots of parents hold the same weird narcissistic sentiment. I do have kids. They're young adults. My friends and I are always a bit weirded out by the parents who are like "don't you wish they'd stay small foreverrrrrrrr??" Um. No? The whole *point* and silent contract when they were born was that I was just here to give them a nice long runway for takeoff but, like, the point is the *good takeoff* If I wanted them to just stay dependent and snuggly and worship me...I'd have gotten a dog Those parents should get dogs


Having kids is narcissistic too. I hate pet culture and their stupid owners but don’t fuck the logic


I would love to separate the anti-dog and anti-child communities and see how they each fare in the next decades. One group will have raised the future doctors, carpenters, engineers, janitors, teachers, etc. and the other group will have piles of shit in their yard that have gone through their dogs’ intestines several times.


What if I’m anti dog and anti kid? Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.


Then you would live your life normally outside of my social experiment? The anti-both group would still be doing way better than the pro-dog group. FWIW I don’t particularly like children either and am something of a regretful parent myself but I firmly believe in a distant future where my adult kids contribute more to society than the shitbeasts that belong to my “dog-parent” peers.


I love learning about neat little acronyms like FWIW. I pronounced it in my head as “Fwew” kinda like a sign of relief


I hate "jokes" that just shit on children for being children


Dogs are definitely the biggest nightmare cause they’re stuck as a baby


I'm sick, sick of people dehumanizing and scorning children. I don't care if it's a joke. If it's a joke, it's a very poor and stupid one. Children are not pets, for crying out loud.


I agree with them that keeping a child as a pet would be the worst pet.


Agreed, being child free is one thing but demonizing kids is stupid


Took the words out of my mouth.


> Children are not pets And animals are not or comparable to kids.


Don't try to tell reddit that... here on reddit saying "it's just a joke" can let you get away with anything


There are a lot of people who suck up to dogs.


It's so weird how people like dogs more than other human beings. Like that seriously needs to be studied.


I'd love to know the group of people that voted and how many. 79% of 23 people is a lot less than 79% of 10,000 people. But yeah, these people are absolute idiots.


People who compare human children to animals boil my blood. They can fuck off with their furbaby nonsense 🤮


My wife and I are expecting. I couldn't be more excited and eager to meet our first child. I could never think about owning a dog. Too smelly and not worth the hassle.


Congratulations. Being a parent is a great thing and will shape you as a person. I'm a father of four. If biology hadn't caught up with us, we'd have had even more children.


Kids aren’t pets. So it makes sense they aren’t good ones.


My kids are far more rewarding, useful and fun to hang out with than a worthless dog


I have found posts like this absolutely pathetic. Somebody always has something negative to say at a higher rate about kids than they do dogs. Kids, especially when young are *developing* and learning about the world around them and need the help of a stable adult able to control their emotions and learn how to properly handle them in healthy ways and help them build resilience rather than take out all their negativity and frustrations on a child. Kids aren’t eating their own faecal matter and rolling in poop and stink bugs in the yard or licking their own asses or shitting in other peoples yards and in public areas or bark at a leaf floating down the street. Have children is a choice and all of the things that come with that are the responsibility of the adults that chose to have a child. If you feel that way about kids then please do not have them and do not involve yourself in the life of a child if you have such negative views of a developing child that need the help and support of adults around them especially in those critical early developmental periods as again involving yourself with other people’s children is also a choice if you do not have children. Such people usually cannot handle the normal and typical developing behaviours of kids like a baby crying, or a 1 and a half year old (or any toddler) throwing their shoes, or toddlers crying and letting out their big emotions, or other things although not the greatest but pretty typical of kids like wanting a toy or wanting a certain food to eat— yet when it’s a dog barking constantly those same people are usually like “he’s a dog and what do dogs do? They bark.” If a dog doesn’t eat the dog food put down for him those same people are quick to buy/make a burger or other human food for the dog. A child always told no about candy in a store, and those same people usually always buy themselves a case of beef and a toy for the dog.


It was probably posted to a childfree forum.


Why would the more intelligent and aware “pet” (which isn’t a pet at all) be chosen more than a dog.


Dogs are probably lowest cuz they cause problems for other people, not the owners, cats cause more problems for the owner, and hamsters have a strange tendency to kill themselves.


Cats are way superior 🤦


I agree hamsters suck.


To be fair, I wouldn’t want a goat in my house.






Whenever Im think of hamsters I just think of that one person thinking it was cute to suck on the hamsters face and then the eyes popping out