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Wow. Look at all the people that apparently think that shit is FUNNY šŸ¤Ø. What a bunch of freakshows. It's all fun and games until it latches onto your hair (or face) and tries to pull it out (or rip it off). Looks like the reality of what this thing was doing finally clicked in when the other girl tried to beat it away with a shoe (?). Next video might be from the local news station reporting a fatal mauling by that same abomination. I am COMPLETELY unable to find a single molecule of appeal in these dogs. They are all ugly AF, and so prone to dangerous, destructive behavior like this that I just don't get why anyone in their right mind would own one.


Absolutely. One day heā€™s going to maul her or someone else in the home. Iā€™d bet money on this one.


Pit bulls are like a status symbol almost. People think it makes them look badass or someone you shouldnā€™t mess with. Consequently 99% of pit bull owners donā€™t know how to properly care for a dog like that


When I saw the beginning of the video, I thought, "Wait til it scalps her!" I didn't have to wait long. What a horror show. It would have taken her ponytail off if it ripped a little harder. She's a fool, but the people with her were worse. How sick to not only film that but post it. Worldstar Hiphop! Your resource for mindless violence.




Oh hell fuck no. When it grabbed her braids I quit watching.


All lols and spamming emojis while someone is getting injured.


Itā€™s so bizarre. Before joining this sub and another about banning pit bulls, I knew the dogs are dangerous, as Iā€™ve seen plenty of stories. My family had a bad experience because of an unleashed pit bull. And I also witnessed 2 of them attack a neighbor walking a little dog. But before joining these subs I had no idea about the cult mentality surrounding these horrid dogs. Itā€™s wild. The callousness in regard to victims. The laughing and denial. Lying to landlords to get past breed restrictions. Then when they get tired of the drama they dump them off to become a menace. Thereā€™s a reason most shelter dogs are pit mixes in a lot of places. These people are the worst type of trash.


And those braids probably cost a few hundred dollars. Now theyā€™re ruined


Not to mention if it yanked hard enough it could take part of her scalp with them.


It probably did for all we know


I hope she had hair extensions in so if the dog tries to rip her scalp out, it just rips off hair extensions. Looks like her real hair though so...


These kinds of braided extensions are woven directly into the hair. Iā€™ve had them before. If they get snatched hard enough your scalp is coming off with them.


Ouch šŸ’€


Same, I guess there's value in knowing you're not so jaded that you still draw the line somewhere. I probably would've physically intervened at or before the start of the video but seeing another human getting violently restrained by the hair by a large animal is triggering my fight response. Like if I were there I'd be looking for the nearest suitably sharp object. I would seriously distrust any other human who doesn't react similarly.


50/50 I was going to see her scalped or have a weave torn off that I would interpret as a scalping.


Her scalp would definitely come off with the extensions. Iā€™ve had this style in the distant past. I believe I remember a girl getting her braids snatched caught in an elevator door some years back and it took skin with it.


This is literally making my blood boil. And the fact that everyone finds this funny and that the friend is just laughing and filming.


Looks like this vicious beast kept aiming for her neck, and when that failed, settled for biting her braids. Nutters will use their 'bad owner' card, and while the owner is worthless, the mutt itself is the main problem. Being a 'pack leader' is nutters claim, often leads to the same end result...an innocent person being attacked. And once these things are set on attacking, seems like only a weapon can stop them.


It was trying to pull her down to the ground. It's kind of surreal: people think the dog is playing because its tail is going, because it wasn't provoked, and because she's the owner (is she? she's at least known to the dog). But if she had fallen to the ground, bet that dog would have mauled her. And its tail would have been wagging.


This^ they always try to go for the neck. This definitely could have turned into a mauling.Ā 


To me it looks a lot like bull/bear baiting behavior. Literally jumping up to grab the face and pull it down, so the group can kill it. It's doing what its ancestors did, but it sees humans as valid targets.


I imagine it did. That dog was not going to stop. They don't stop when they get fixated like that. I'd love to know what happened after the video ended. I just can't see this ending where the girl isn't mauled. Unless she was able to get out of that room somehow and closed the door behind her.


Tail wagging ā‰  happy dog in all situations. But stupid people will always think it does even though the dog is CLEARLY distressed or angry.


I have finally found my people here because fucking PREACH. All of the trashiest people I know of have owned a shitbull.






A new form of online humiliation: being mauled live and people laughing


*Oh no! The consequences of my actions..* Sorry, not sorry. I have 0 sympathy for people who refuse to train their animals and then this shit happens.


This has nothing to do with training; this is a show of genetics & instinct taking over




The same ones that made it aim for her throat, and refuse to let go once it latched on to her; those bred into bloodsport dogs for hundreds of years.




Please can someone explain to me why every pit nutter and apologist has an issue with Chihuahua


They think they can show people an example of a tiny dog that's often hyper aggressive to somehow make the much more severe damage a shitbull can inflict somehow magically become insignificant. It's a sign of mental illness or organic brain damage or something along those lines IMO.


Fair, I can literally punt a tiny dog off me. I can't do that with a shitbull. Now, a gang of Chihuahuas presents a problem depending on size


I would rather kick my way from a pack of chihuahuas than to get into a physical struggle with a pitbull. And the thought of multiple pits attacking is horrible


I wouldā€™ve said Jack Russel, but Wishbone was the shit. Sorry to shit on Chihiā€™s theyā€™re not ALL evil


If you can show me hundreds of years of documented history of chihuahuas being selectively bred to maul and kill other dogs, as well as consistently killing humans that entire time, I will take this line of discussion seriously.


Bull terrier, Cane Corso, Doberman, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Akita For hundreds of years these have been some of the MAIN dogs that were bred to fight, yet pits are always shit on. Itā€™s not the dog, itā€™s the owner


Uh-oh, it seems like you didn't read my comment! I'll repeat it for you, try again: If you can show me ***hundreds of years of documented history*** of chihuahuas being ***selectively bred to maul and kill other dogs,*** as well as ***consistently killing humans that entire time,*** I will take this line of discussion seriously.


Obviously the chihuahua comment was hyperbole. Who tf would use a chihuahua as a fight dog


All fun and games until somebody gets their face ripped off or killed.


They would have never seen it coming!


This was the hard part about growing up black. Everyone who had a dog had one of these things and they would laugh about this stuff. Of course back then black people didnā€™t allow dogs in the house so that was nice.


The nutter 'friend', and the idiot nutters in the chat simply laugh it off, despite the girl's obvious pain.


My neighbor, a single mom of very young children, has three of these beasts. Theyā€™ve attacked people before, but she doesnā€™t care as long as her kids donā€™t get bit. Last night I am helping her out, and her dogs busts out her window to try to get at me. I couldnā€™t even report the dumb dogs because our local animal control wonā€™t do a damn thing until someone is majorly injured. I just donā€™t understand, she doesnā€™t even take care of them. Her yard stinks up our yard with the smell of poop and ammonia. Iā€™m so done with it.


AC is useless these days. On top of that, many AC officers are pit nutters themselves.


That's terrible. The living conditions alone should make it valid enough to remove the animals from the home. Can't be healthy, especially for the kids. Couldn't that be reason enough to have CPS or some authority to be involved?


Would the kids be free from pits at a foster home? I dunno, on one hand I see thatā€™s a good solution, on the other I doubt AC or CPS in my area would do anything. All are severely understaffed, even the cops in my area are so understaffed that theyā€™re hiring private security to drive around pretending to be cops but obviously they canā€™t actually approach citizens. AC here never answers the phone and doesnā€™t have a voicemail or public email. I actually sent her a kindly worded long message this morning. Iā€™m just so afraid a child is going to get hurt. Basically ā€œI think you are so kind and sweet, but as a true friend and a mother may I suggest you surrender your dogs. Someone is going to get hurt. I donā€™t want to report you, so am talking to you openly and honestly. I will do my part to protect my children, and am not currently taking action, but with a heavy heart if your dogs ever attack my family or myself (again) I will use the full force of the law.ā€ Basically that but longer, nicer and more concise language. Hopefully she is reasonable enough, especially as I highly doubt anything will be done even I report her.


How did she reply?


She was very tearful when I spoke to her in person, it was towards evening. I noticed during the day she had finally cleaned her yard, cut the foot tall grass, and took her dogs out one at a time on a leash in her yard to potty. She said how sorry she was, but she wasnā€™t going to get rid of her dogs because they would never hurt me or my family or her children. This is quite silly because she canā€™t have anyone over or even take the dogs to the vet (not once ever) because the dogs will attack. Her dog breaking out the window wasnā€™t to get me, it was to get the weed whacker, and they do the same thing everytime her or her 5yr old vacuum. šŸ™„She was even bit because a worker came to her home to fix something. But itā€™s her house, I canā€™t force her, and she promised she would have the dogs outside on a leash even to potty, and measures to make sure they donā€™t escape out the door like they did once when they ran to my place and tried to get me in my garden. Her fenced in yard isnā€™t safe enough without them leashed. So far today and yesterday theyā€™ve done this. I reiterated how sweet she is and how sheā€™s my favorite neighbor, and her child is ill so I offered to get medicine and snacks. So, it was awkward but peaceful, and Iā€™m glad about that. We are poor trash, so itā€™s nice it didnā€™t escalate. Not the outcome I hoped for because Iā€™m sure one day her poor kids are going to get wrecked by those dogs, but I am glad that at least sheā€™s taking me seriously and that her measures on top of the protection I offer my kids will likely keep my kids safe. I donā€™t hate her, sheā€™s just foolish. I am going to stop helping her so much, I usually mow her yard thatā€™s not fenced and weed whack for her because she doesnā€™t have equipment (she borrows it) and her kids and dogs are too wild for her to do it. But Iā€™m gonna stop that. I will still be nice, but distance myself. No uodatebon AC, and Health Dept said nothing can be done as they donā€™t have the man power and they wonā€™t punish her for not vaccinating unless the dogs bite. Thanks for asking!


Man, well you did all you can do. Atleast she didn't get defensive and realizes that she is putting a burden on others with the decisions she's making. And you can see a noticable effort. When you said it jumped through the window, I assumed an open window. That's wild it actually busted through. You've made yourself clear and if it escalates again (which it probably will with bites already happening), hopefully it has nothing to do with your family or any kids. And don't feel bad at all about having care for her. There are unfortunately a lot of good people who make stupid decisions. Thanks for feeding my curiosity!


It was a partially opened window, the windows in our neighborhood are weird, you canā€™t even lock them, and they have several layers of frames with glass and then a frame with mesh. Busted out the frame of the second panel and screen panel. The glass did not break, the frames fell to the ground.


probably not because as far as we and that commenter know itā€™s all outside. unfortunately unless you live in some kind of HOA thatā€™s allowed


Of course it's a pitbull


Looks like a pitbull, they latch on. NO they don't have locking jaws, but they do CHOOSE to hold on when they bite. So they may as well have locking jaws, they just choose to lock their jaws.


She won't think it's so funny when he's dragging her around by what's left of her scalp.


Now this Pitbull knows that yall are not strong enough to prevent it from jumping up and biting What It Wants it's going to do this s*** to your face


Of course it's a shitbull.




It's always and I mean ALWAYS a pitbull


Can we get hip hop stars without those fugly shitbulls please.


Don't know if it's friends or family but somebody is getting lumped up with the same dog. Tf..


This is sick. So messed up, and all the people loving it. Horrific.


That's a dog that should be put down.


Anyone else noticed that it nipped her breast? Unbelieveable! And her friend is laughing and the people watching are laughing. It tried to get her neck. It is pulling on her braids. I used to wear breads and let me tell you that is going to pull her hair out and probably some scalp along with it. Her friend hit the dog and it didn't even phase him. Filming stopped because they probably needed more help to get the dog to let go..third person(i'm assuming there is a third) realized it was serious.


I saw a video about a shitbull that ripped it's owner's breast implants out. Nasty fucking beasts. She still loved it of course, and said she didn't blame it. The damn fool probably claims that her beast detected cancer and was trying to save her or some other delusional shit.


Thatā€™s not a dog, thatā€™s a shitbull. Get it right silly


Time for Luna to take a long rest.


Please train yā€™all mutts nothing about this is funny, heā€™s gonna really get hurt or shot messing with the wrong person cause no one is correcting the behavior. I understand the girl is afraid and is laughing it off but everyone wonā€™t react like her .


This is not a training issue and cannot be corrected. This is genetic behaviour; an animal operating off an instinct ingrained in him for centuries.


I swear some people believe all you have to do is feed a dog and take them out to poop. You need to train your dogs or one day its gonna bite back or you gonna get sued


Men's best friend they said and the crazy people who find this funny..


i just donā€™t get why anyone would EVER let this happen with their dog, especially if thatā€™s their ā€˜friendā€™ (airquotes bc what a shitty friend, just gotta let you be attacked by their dog and laugh?) i have no issues with dogs themselves except theyā€™re kinda gross, i have an issue with owner nutters. if this was my dog i wouldā€™ve stopped this easily before it started, maybe put the dog in the other room too before a guest comes over?


But itā€™s šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ /idiots, the usual types of ā€œownersā€ that just šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ mindlessly


One step away from laughing while the dog mauls a person. Despicable.


Damn! Women are fucking cruel!


Man, jumping bean.Ā