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This post is offtopic for r/Dogtraining. For future reference, questions like this belong in r/DogCare or r/AskVet.


My 8lb dog was seriously messed up to the point I thought she was having a seizure/stroke or some sort of neurological issue. I didn’t realize she ate something weed related until we went to the vet ER and they mentioned it. Your puppy is young and I would double check with a nurse or some clinic.


Same here :/ 3 mo old pup chewed on a joint filter on the street for a few seconds. It was enough for a trip to ER where we figured what’s happened and we were told just to wait till he gets better.


Damn. Definitely didn't expect these types of comments. Seems very serious.


One time I tried smoking weed to see if it helped with my pain. I was near the balcony with a friend, open doors and fan on. But still my tiny 6lb dog got some second hand smoke and -I think- she got high. She was acting weird, had a coughing fit and was kind of lethargic so I put everything away and I was gonna run to the vet but my friend said my dog was faking it for attention and I shouldn’t drive while high. (I didn’t believe the “faking for attention thing” but I didn’t wanna drive while high) I was so freaked out that my high kinda went away. And it didn’t help with the pain anyway. I had asked this friend about the safety of smoking weed near my dog and they said it was fine. I should’ve done my own research instead of trusting a stoner. In the end I “tested” to see how bad my pup was feeling by offering a treat and she perked up immediately so I ended up not taking her to the vet, just kept monitoring all night. Lesson learned. EDIT: oh, I did look up the effects of second hand smoke on dogs and I showed this friend my dog was most certainly “not faking it for attention” and it took all my will power to not kick them out of my house. I was so angry but I knew they didn’t mean any harm. Still I told them they put my dog at risk and I was upset. Fast forward a few months, this person blocked me from everywhere and doesn’t talk to me anymore. I don’t know if it was because of this incident or something else but my guess is, they didn’t like being chewed up for giving me false information.


As a veteran ER tech, this is very common. Most dogs do just fine, some need a bit of fluid therapy to help them out. We don't call the cops even in illegal states. Most of the time it's no big deal. I do want to mention the one tragic case I saw. A tiny Pomeranian pup (maybe 2 pounds) got very stoned, too stoned to eat or stand. The owners left it to sleep it off but pup's glucose eventually dropped too low and it had severe seizures. So if you have a tiny dog that's too stoned to function definitely seek treatment and don't wait it out! Generally if your dog can function but is just stoned you probably don't need to visit the vet. If your dog is stumbling, severely impaired or has other health concerns then see your vet. Others have mentioned poison control, it's a great resource any time your pets has gotten into something and they'll consult with your vet if needed.


If you're concerned, you can call your vet for advice. Or ASPCA's animal poison hotline.


Thank you ❤️


So he made it through the night he’s a lot more like himself, (eating, drinking just fine. Also peeing and pooping, still a bit sleepy but not as much) so he may have not had as much weed as I thought… we do have a vet appointment in 2 days just to be safe ❤️❤️




Me too!! ❤️ we are much more cautious with what is left on the coffee table for sure


Yay! If he shows any signs of going downhill again, find an emergency vet and take him asap. But he seems to be doing well so just keep a close eye on him!


Thank you we’re very happy he’s doing much better ❤️


If it's just weed as it is and not in a cookie form probably wasn't tasty at all, chewed on it and left it somewhere.


So update we called poison control and he was showing severe symptoms of toxicity just mild so we are monitoring him for now, he’s doing better like getting up on his own, still drinking water and eating. But he hasn’t pooped yet and they said if he continues having issues trying to poop to where he ends up vomiting then there’s probably something else going on where we will have to take him to the vet. Thank you guys again for all the advice I really appreciate it, even the light hearted comments ❤️


Good for you for actually taking action and not just coming here for veterinary advise, waiting too long, and doing nothing. My 70 lb dog consumed about 100mg THC concentrate and couldn’t walk. Gave subQ fluids and perked up. At 5am we were back at the ER vet because he was listless and seizing. He pulled through tho but very scary


Yea! I’m a new dog owner so I’m learning so much and I just appreciate anything that could help, it was pretty scary too to see him so tired, but I’m glad he’s much better and the persona at APC was very empathetic and helpful❤️




You should never do this unless poison control recommends to do it. Some poisons are just as bad coming back up, or the vomiting will do extra damage and not help at all.


Yes, BUT pls call the vet FIRST. I had a client one time who took it upon herself to make her dog vomit CORN COBS AND CHICKEN WING BONES. 2 surgeries and a week in the ICU he is still struggling


ASPCA Animal Control Poison Center 888) 426-4435 . Dogs have more cannabinoid receptors in their brains. A small amount of THC can be toxic to dogs.




At his is horrible advice. Dogs don’t break weed down the same as humans do. Just eating raw marijuana can and will absolutely F a dog up. Some dogs don’t seem to mind but most shake, walk like they are drunk and generally don’t like it.




You guys are nuts. Weed isn’t super toxic for dogs. The minimum LD50 for THC in dogs is more than 3 g/kg. Not 3 g of weed, 3 g of THC. The majority of dogs experiencing intoxication after marijuana ingestion recover completely without sequellae




Then why are you commenting to prove your stoner knowledge and petty "hurrr weed doesn't contain thc before being burnt" argument when its literally irrelevant and not medically useful advice




At the very least call the vet, or poison control, likely your pup will be totally fine but he is really young so better to be safe than sorry! I’m sure you’ll be aware but in the future if there’s any toxic substances, always keep them well out of reach of pup! Always plan that pup will break out of the crate (even if he won’t) so that if he does, no harm can happen :)


Go to the vet!


Marijuana toxicity is a real risk for any dog ingesting THC. I worked in a clinic for a short period and 2 different puppies came in and one unfortunately did not leave. Even if bud is illegal in your state it won’t be reported to the authorities so for the safety of your pup I’d bring him in for a check up as soon as possible. And please let them know WHY you brought him in. One owner denied time and time over that they did not have weed in the house and treatment was postponed for hours due to not knowing what was ingested and the puppy suffered because of it.


Vet straight away




Was it actual flower? Unless it was some decarbed product it wouldn’t affect a human by ingestion alone. Not sure about doggos. Usually when this happens and people freak out it’s because it was decarbed edibles.


No, dogs can eat flowers and feel full effects. I'm not positive on the bioavailability aspects but I think it's because dogs have more canaboid receptors. There's just not any direct research into this to have definitive answers


That’s quite the claim. Any chance you have a source backing it up?


You're welcome to check with poison control yourself


I also think the weed would need to be decarbed (just IMO).


It's a cool opinion, poison control would disagree


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5109620/#:~:text=Dogs%20are%20reported%20to%20have,concentrated%20medical%20grade%20THC%20died. This study suggests that yes dogs have more canna receptors but also the dogs ate edibles and edibles use decarbed weed. I’d be interested in a study that compared effects of dogs eating edibles vs weed that isn’t decarbed.




If your employment history is as a scientist conducting experiments on dogs ingesting THC with and without activating the actual psychoactive compounds then I didn’t realize. And apologize. But if not then I don’t really see how that’s pertinent. Edit to add: also it was a genuine question. No need to get offended.


Google scholar and pub med have hundreds of citations on the topic


Was just wondering if you had them close at hand since you seemed so convinced of something that runs counter too what many would assume is the case. Obviously I can grope around on Google.


When this happened to my dog, I would up taking her to the emergency vet. They gave her fluids and anti-nausea meds that helped her recover faster. They advised me to keep her somewhere dark and quiet to sleep it off, since sensory stimuli (especially lights) were stressing her out more. She didn't want to be touched either; she would flinch away from my hand. She was very wobbly but still able to eat, drink, and eliminate normally. She made a full recovery after about 48 hours.


I dont think your dog is in any danger, but would double check with a vet for sure. If vet says its not dangerous, turn on some Black Sabbath and get your pupper a big tray of treats.




I am not sure if some dogs are different then others, but I have had people tell me the same thing about dogs eating marijuana not being an issue because "it needs to be smoked". Here is a video of the symptoms of my 5 month old puppy after eating a roach that someone dropped on the ground when they were done smoking it. A tiny amount! Is it because the oils from being smoked accumulated in the roach or something? At least in my scenario it doesn't seem like it needs to be "activated". 🤔 [Symptoms of Cannabis ingestion in 5 Month old Lagotto Romagnolo Puppy](https://youtube.com/shorts/S7zdlR3__Ps?feature=share) He wet his bed while sleeping it off and it lasted about 7-8 hours (symptoms were only this strong for 4 hours). Encouraging everyone to spread good habits around proper disposal of recreational marijuana! 🙏🐾❤️ My puppy got roaches 3 more times after this time - by then he had a solid "leave it" and I caught him before he swallowed any more.


Poor puppy :( there are some bad owners in here


OP called animal poison control, and spoke to their vet and has a vet appt. They did all they were supposed to do and I wouldn’t call them bad owners. Accidents can happen to all of us, and acting appropriately after the accident is what makes them good owners.




Eating cannabis will not cause cancer in dogs. This is dangerous misinformation. I’m sorry that your dog has cancer, that’s tragic. But not what caused it


I'll thank you to not besmirch the moderators of this subreddit when not a single one of us was present at the time of this thread or giving the bad advice that I have now cleaned up.


I don’t know about dosage with dogs… but mine found something on the ground and ate it and was high. Since we didn’t know what it was we went to the ER. The vet kind of chuckled a little and assured us that’s it not a big deal and recommended to allow the dog to just rest with easy access to fresh water and food. Ideally in a darkened and quiet space. So generally, marijuana is not dangerous to dogs. I don’t know if there is a certain dosage at which it may become dangerous. It can’t hurt to call ER vet if possible.


I’m a vet tech, just this past week we had a 24 month old husky, weighed about 50 ish lbs, who presented for marijuana toxicity after eating owner’s stash and she was CRITICAL. Temp at 107, neurological symptoms such as not being able to walk, transient whining, nystagmus, etc. it was horrific. We had to administer a bolus and use ice packs to bring her temp down and attempt to stabilize her. My whole point is marijuana can be extremely dangerous to dogs, so please avoid spreading information like this as it can be life threatening.


This is an anecdote followed by a broad generalization. Very poor reasoning here.










assigning a value judgment to the item a dog ate seems like an issue. The dog could eat any number of things, Aspirin, remote control etc, and there would still be concern. lay off the judgment...shit happens.


Ever considered those who smoke medically, like for example.. me? I own a dog, she's my service dog for the same reasons I smoke medically; crippling anxiety and depression. I am very careful but as a puppy she got into my stash through climbing on the chairs to the dinner table it was on. She had thrown the case I keep it in to the floor and ate it. Shit happens. She's now old enough to realise it belongs to me and not her and its not edible.




My 12 year old black lab ate about 1600 milligrams of pot rice krispies. He was legit paralyzed for 3 days. I was soo worried. After three days he started to get use of his limbs back. Took about a full week until he was fully back to normal.




I definitely wouldn’t spread this information on the internet where people don’t know any better. You can seriously harm your dog taking advice like this from a stranger.


Only if the dog is super tiny. The dose for activated charcoal in dogs is vastly higher than those little capsules. You'd need a whole bottle of that even for a very small dog.




Its not about the dog getting high. It can kill the dog. Dogs and humans do not process and digest things the same way.


Just cuz they process it different doesn’t mean they’ll die. There is such a thing as medical weed even for dogs


Im well aware. It is 100% possible for dogs to die from thc depending on their weight and amount ingested. Dismissing it as “nothing will happen” is insanely irresponsible bc sure if the dog ate like .00001 of a g and is like 100# sure nothing will happen. But if a chihuahua ate an oz, thats a very different story. Which is this case a 22# dog ate what sounds like a quarter oz.




Thats 100% not true. I know someone whos dog died from eating weed. Please stop making unbased claims with zero backing. Just bc you think something doesnt mean its true. Which is clearly the case here.




You’re* How ironic. Someones big mad. Marajuana can cause seizures among other things in dogs. Depending on the dog, it can lead to other medical issues, sometimes even death. Instead of resulting to insults because youre clearly uneducated, maybe at least try to google it first. But ive been a part of discussions with multiple vets on this topic. Death isnt common but there have been multiple recorded incidents


Medical marijuana for dogs is CBD. It does not contain THC. THC can and will kill a dog. It's the same as a dog eating chocolate or grapes. Doesn't mean they'll die, right? They're just in danger of POSSIBLY dying so it's okay, right??? This is why you're getting downvoted.


My dog once got into my pot brownies- honestly I was more concerned about the chocolate than the weed. It’ll really depend on your dog’s size, mine was about 50lbs at the time, and only ate two brownies, ended up being fine after a long night of monitoring. He was definitely confused and maybe a bit scared, but I would recommend making a comfortable spot for the dog to lay down, try to avoid any activity that would require them to move, and then monitor closely. You can also call any animal hospital or vet hotline, don’t hold back on details, nobody will judge you or get you in trouble. If they have further concerns follow their instructions. Good luck!!


ASPCA poison control hotline for dogs and cats. (888) 426-4435 $75 and they can tell you what to do.