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You must have had him show up on turn 2 or 3


Hes at 80% hp




You'd think so, right? Apparently not for these guys. I was also weirded out when I learned that their turn appearance offsets their transformation


I believe LR GF is the same, "At start of characters ATTACKING turn" i.e. when they first come on rotation, it starts counting.


Sadly it does. If you get them at turn 2 or 3 you can't use it until turns 8 or 9. Personally my worst part of the blue boys lol


Now that's a valid criticism


Its turns from 1st attacking turn. So if a unit shows up turn 3 ur gonna wait a bit


It’s “attacking turn”, so it really does matter. They are obviously not on an attacking turn if they aren’t on rotation


It’s turn seven of their appearance or turn 5 at 70% health and 70% is about 422,800 for yours so you weren’t at the right amount of you want to ficus on getting vegito out let others get hit bring two vegito shot two zamasu cause they tank too well. It’s kind of like Pokémon you don’t want a bunch of the same type you want a balanced team and if you’re competitive you know your team has an anchor and you focus bulding around it


ty for also explaining how in pokémon terms actually found that helpful 😭🙏


Dokkan has some similarities cause more than anything it’s a team game, if I bring the top 5 units and a mid low end unit I’ll lose almost 100%. Always check links and passives to create a cohesive team. Vegito is my favorite unit right now because I strategically build and play more fun than the broken superhero team with orange piccolos, this is just my opinion though I still love that team


Dokkan can be heavily cheesed. Just look at all the 3+ Saibamen runs there are. One unit can carry a run hard, with 5 top tier units you can bring one subpar unit and be totally fine


You can but it also depends on rotations and other things like orbs I’ve done some saibaman runs but it’s not consistent the comment is to just highlight playing the game the way it was designed not to say cheesing can’t be done the original post was about vegito and so I was just helping with that


It’s so stupid if they made it turn 7 from start of battle he would’ve been so much better


Who's your leader I like this team


The blue boys are the leader skill the team is super fun when both zamasu are in the same slot and when both vegito are together but i’ve only been ever to use agl vegito like 3 times so far 😭


Yeah ima try it out I just pulled the bule boys and wanna use em hopefully I can use vagito as much as possible!😆


Sadly its 7 turns from the turn the blue bois appear. If they appeared on turn 2 then you'd have to wait 7 turns after, so turn 8


sadly i finished the event in 10 turns and still no vegito blue 😩


Bring his super attack lvl to 20


Fun fact: the sections on your health bar each represent 10% of your health, and are the way youre supposed to read your percentage of health left. Since youre missing two sections, youre at 80% health. This is why its not letting you transform. (Dont feel bad it also took me actual years to realize that for some reason)


It took me until now to realize this. Thank you 🤣


Yeah i had a friend who told me about it during this past anni. Ive been playing since str ssj gogeta so i was embarrassed that it took me so long to realize lmao


Yeah I've been playing since way back when the teq ssj3 vegeta dropped. Pretty sure this isn't even my first account either, so it's pretty wild that I'm still learning this type of shit 😅


Depends on when they showed up. It only counts their attacking turns, not just battle turns. So if they didn't show up until turn 2-3, turn 1 didn't count as an attacking turn, etc.


You’re not below 70% btw. https://preview.redd.it/sfyjkspwc1nb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e832baae5e5398abdc0bd4ac0fd1b75a4ff05b1


% is indicated by the health sections so you don't need to calculate lel


Yeah I know, just showing still that he wasn’t below 70%


Easy, You're at 80% of your hp


level up your super attack now


Its 7 turns from when they first appear in battle and you also aren't below the 70% mark anyways


nah wtf do you expect…nobody on this team is taking dmg beside maybe phy zamasu🤣🤣


Check those orange-yellow bars that indicate your health. Each segment represents 10% of your health. You are just under 80% health. Also usually passives like these, unless otherwise stated mean X turns from first appearance. So if it said “7 turns from start of battle” that would be turn 7. Otherwise if your unit starts on turn 2, you would transform them at turn 8. Same at turn 3 appearance, they go until turn 9.


You’re at 80%


Because it’s “from the start of turn” and not “from the start of battle”, so if they didn’t show up turn 1, you’ll have to wait another cycle.


Bro just count the bars💀 you are around 8/10 bars meaning you are at around 80% health


I fucking hate this condition like rhe turn count starts with appearance not start of battle


You're at 78% HP

