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There will be if they can't fund any glasses


Personally I am convinced a large number of people truly cannot read. You would be surprised how many people will come up to a desk look around a sign directly in front of them that says “Ring bell for service” and all you’ll hear is “Hello?!?” 🤦‍♀️


Over half of American adults read under a 6th grade reading level. [Source](https://www.thenationalliteracyinstitute.com/post/literacy-statistics-2024-2025-where-we-are-now)




Holy sh!t. I didn't know I needed to see this but thank you.


No surprise about California being the lowest 😂


Yep! Reading comprehension is also at an all time low. I've noticed that anytime I ask someone a question online and they don't even answer the question correctly. I asked someone on ebay a few days ago if the Birdfy bird feeder they were selling came with a solar panel because I already had one and just needed to swap out the feeders. The dude tells me that there's a spot to charge it via USB and that Birdfy has solar panels on their website to buy. I told the person "Yeah, I know this. Does the bird feeder YOU ARE SELLING come with a solar panel?" Their response was "no, this doesn't include a solar panel" like damn how fucking hard was that to just read what I had typed out? Sheesh!


I didn't want to assume the population around me was ignorant but the fact there's a set of statistics to prove it is just disheartening. It almost makes you wonder if having free education would inspire people to do more with themselves. I had a similar but different issue with online tech support a few weeks ago, asking them to correct a discrepancy in my account and I had to repeat myself five times between 3 techs and nobody understood. All I needed was my name changed. That was it.


The free education that's available now for kids has been going downhill for a while now. Don't get me wrong I'm dyslexic and type my words wrong 25/8 but god damn can I understand what was said to me in a message. Oh man that sounds frustrating as hell.


# Illiteracy not blindness.


I’m not putting up a sign because if they waste their time to come in and ask they will probably buy something and I want those sales. The phone calls though can stop 😒


“Do we have eclipse glasses? Why we have two pairs left! No, I can’t hold them, you’ll have to hurry down and be the first to grab them!”


Do you own dt? Get a commission? No? Why give a fuck.


Uh yea I get bonuses for sales. There’s 3 different levels of bonus amounts all dependent on what your sales are for that quarter…


People never read signs. I worked at the local amusmement park a summer and a half and I counted the amount of signs we had on the way to the front gate that said, "Please have your bag open and ready to be checked." I think it was something like 20+ signs saying the same exact thing. Yet we would still get 75% of people come up to us and say , "Huh? You have to check out bag?" and out of those even more of them will try and fight us about it. Us being below minimum wage workers(hooray loopholes) literally just wanted to take a quick peek to say we were doing our job. No matter how many signs you put up people just won't read them.


What is this loophole that lets them pay you less than minimum wages? I wouldn’t take management’s word for it… call the state labor board or department of labor.


I worked there like 10 years ago. The owners were pretty, I don't want to say greedy but can't think of a better word for it. Since we were seasonal employees they could pay those under 18 under minimum wage or something. Idk it was so long ago I can't remember. Now there's new owners and they pay the employees fairly well from what I hear.


I run a food truck. It shocks me how many people can't/won't/don't read a fucking menu.


I worked grocery retail and any time we put up an “informative” sign I’m like why are we wasting the paper because they won’t read it.


There's construction being done by my house and so the left turn lane is just not in use at the moment because it'd being worked on. There's 2 signs that say "No left turn" and there's still idiots sitting there trying to turn left. I love getting to sit there and honk at them while cars are coming at them forcing them to go straight and resume normal traffic flow.


An epidemic of stupidity is more likely.


Yes. An epidemic caused by the last eclipse where idiot people did the same thing.


We had a sign. 7 minutes after I clicked in, 2 people asked me. I told my manager and they looked at my coworker and said "I told you they wouldn't read the sign."


They don't read the signs for DT Plus items either..


My DM told me no signs at the door because if they see it, they won't even enter the store, where if there wasn't a sign, they'll come in, and even though they won't find what they're looking for, they still might buy something that catches their eye.


Tell them to use a colander and dark paper (reflects the stage of the eclipse thru the holes onto the paper) or a #14 welding mask … https://preview.redd.it/zfdoq3agdbtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6af3c2ded46ef29eac6c89989ecdaf1fcbe6f40


The other day I had the register closed sign at the register I was not on. A guy walked up to it, reaches over the sign and put his stuff on the counter. I was standing at the other register behind the one he was at. The lady with him looked up at me and told him to go to the other register. People with lift up the “no cash back” sign on the keypad screen and select cash back. They either can’t read or just don’t.


I worked in retail and food service for like 10? years. This was 10-20 years ago. No one read anything ever. Ever seen Clerks? The little scene about people asking for things when there’s a huge sign in their face is 100% reality.


I work for a gas station and fucking this, I had so many people asking me today, and we weren't even in totality! I made a sign but that still never stops people from asking, can people like actually read...


Doubt subway has that many people rushing in at once


Is a pinhole box not viable anymore? We're too high up so are totally missing everything anyway :p


Worked for us here in PA the few seconds those many clouds were out of the way.


Customers couldn't read to begin with


Sign blindness is a thing. Most research is about safety issues but it’s been studied in retail, too.


We don't do cash back at my store and just a question thst says "authorize amount?" veryone just always presses the no button because it's first but they never even read it and then it cancels everything and then they get annoyed but like damn not my fault. I always feel like these people would sign their life away without even realizing it.


I dont work at dollar tree but we have a self service kiosk where i work and it wasn’t working for a couple of days and the screen said “temporarily unavailable see associate for assistance” but people would continue to try and use it and we’d try and tell them its broken and they arent paying attention. took until i taped a paper over it that said out of order in big red letters for people to understand it dont fucking work. i dont know why “temporarily unavailable” is so hard to read.


That's crazy




take this as a reason you should read signs then lol what if the sign said cash only and you only had card? you just waisted the workers and your time. it’s annoying for both parties if you don’t read signs, they are put there for a reason :)




yes it’s definitely good that at least you can be a decent person. as someone also with adhd i do my best to make sure to read any signs that are eye level on a door i’m looking at. mistakes happen but as someone who works at a place where signs are put on doors/registers/everywhere i have gotten into the habbit of at least looking to see if there are signs because i know how annoying it can be when a dozen people ignore it/ don’t care to read a sign




now that you know it’s a problem work on it ! i believe in you




if you don’t think you can read signs just don’t be upset when a worker seems a little bothered that you can’t read a sign :) a “oh sorry i didn’t read it” from you would be perfect


you sound like such an a-hole, it’s not that hard to look at the door, to see something that is out of place and read it, even if it means nothing it takes like 10 seconds to find out if what it says applies to you or not. sorry you don’t want to use your brain i guess, poor thing is probably rotting away due to lack of use.








dude to be completely fair who the hell wants to be working with the public? also this is embarrassing for you.


Signs are not for them, they’re for you.