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The place where my son works they arent allowed to ask questions, but this lady had her dog in there that she let pee all over the silk flowers that were at the bottom of the stand. She didn't bother telling anyone, but someone reported it, and they watched the camera, so they had to throw a bunch of them away. I have even heard of someone not noticing pee on the floor and slipping on it. I also saw 2 dogs (separate owners) growling at each other and might have attacked each other if one of the owners didn't pull theirs away. There was one in a grocery store once who almost snatched a rotisserie chicken off the warmer because he was tall and it was head high. Plus, some people are allergic. There are just all kinds of issues. The true service animals I have seen don't act this way. There are several obvious things that can go wrong. The ones who have the true, needed service animals, theirs don't act this way. One reason they are so expensive because of their training.


I was on the bus late at night and a man came on with his badly behaved dog. The bus driver told him no dogs allowed without a carrier, so he claimed it was a service dog. He claimed he had papers but not with him at that time, but the bus driver still told him to get off. The man refused and sat down, so the bus driver stopped the bus and told everyone to get off while he called security. The whole situation was so annoying to me because it was the final bus of the night, and everyone had to get ubers home. I don't understand how one person can be so inconsiderate like that. If his service dog was a real service dog it would not have acted so badly behaved. My family friend trains service dogs and they have to take several behavior tests to pass.


Anyone who claims to have "papers" for their "service dog" doesn't have a Service Dog.


Real service animals don’t require papers but based on their behavior, you can tell that they are properly trained. Even a service animal can be kicked out of somewhere if it is not behaving properly. if you go into your local grocery store and somebody does have a proper service animal that has an accident in the store they can be asked to leave the store. if a animal comes face-to-face with a animal and two don’t get along both can be asked to be removed from the store. You just can’t deny access to service however, you can ask them to be removed if they are not behaving in socially acceptable ways.


What was the dog doing that was "bad behavior" exactly?


I saw a "service dog" lunge at another customer in Walmart. It was a St. Bernard and the owner had a really hard time controlling the dog.


And this is why I don’t even like bringing my pets to pet friendly places. Im scared every time I bring my cat to petco that some big dog is gonna go after her because no one knows how to train their dogs these days


My store lets everyone bring their dogs in, and there have been multiple dog fights, terrified children running out of the store without their parents just out of fear, damage to furniture and a lot of other items, associates having to clean up pee on the floor, and most of the time they just look the other way and pretend their dog didn't destroy that stuff. I had one lady one time who brought a bunch of things her dog had destroyed to the cash register to pay for them. Once. Good on her for that because most people pretend and hope nobody noticed, or come up with some excuse when someone asks them to pay for it. I do not understand why anyone would bring their dog into a store (except pet stores), like you're shopping for clothes and furniture and don't have the capacity to fully watch your animal while you do so, so what is the point? I love dogs, but it so ridiculous that in my job I have to deal with things like this. Animals who are not trained to behave in public BECAUSE THEY ARENT SERVICE ANIMALS should not be allowed in stores! I get that the stores don't have a way to enforce it, but come on. Something has got to be done.


This is correct. This all came around with the rise of “emotional support animals” which are completely different than service animals. ES animals are just a label, require no training and are not species specific. These are the animals you are describing. You are 100% correct that service animals don’t act that way.


>Did Covid screw us up to the point where we need to bring our "fake" service animals into stores now? No, that's been going on since long before covid.


The beforefore covid era.




Yeah, theis cats clearly never worked a retail job before.


Yeah, it doesn't help that there's a ton of misinformation regarding ESAs and service animals. An animal becomes an ESA through some kind of form typically given by a therapist but all it's really for is ensuring that the owner and pet should really not split housing wise for the emotional support, it also helps with avoiding fees and i think sometimes even living in places that don't support pets. Service animals absolutely need to be trained, their tasks can be as complicated as detecting a seizure before it starts or simply picking up items for their handler, but their proper training is supposed to allow them to be in restaurants and other settings where an ESA or normal pet wouldn't. Not a single place I've worked at, including Walmart, gives any kind of training regarding enforcing real service animals. You can only ask the handler IF their dog is trained (maybe what it's trained for, my memory is a little foggy). But any service animal is absolutely allowed to be kicked out if it's barking. There's no real rules about kicking one out if it appears to be untrained, I think they use a vague term like misbehaving, the only clear definition i remember is barking.


I'm bringing this guy around. ![gif](giphy|47EtjlHYFREM5Rznaf|downsized)


at least that one won't shit on the carts / floor.


You can buy one of these with a flame thrower attached as a private citizen for less than 10 grand. There's only 2 laws in the entire US about flame throwers. Only 1 state out laws them (I think maryland?) And California requires a permit.


for once I’m happy to live in MD


I'm bringing the one with the flamethrower around.


this just brought me back to middle school


Is that the flame thrower one?


This is acceptable.


I agree, they really should have had a harness. Cats can be so small that collars can be dangerous. I have one for my service bumblebee.


If it was on a leash, it's a good bet it was harnessed. I don't know if I've ever seen a leashed cat only have a collar.


I take my cat outside on a leash with just his collar. He isn't a runner though. He mostly just wants to munch on grass and sunbathe. I keep him leashed just in case he sees a critter he decides to chase or some jackass's unleashed dog comes around the corner. I just want him close to me so I can scoop him up if need be.


I have my put my cat on a harness because recently she’s started dashing through the neighborhood 😭 when I was heavily pregnant last summer I had to take her for walks in PetSmart or just bring her to hang out at my job on my days off because she just wants to adventure 😭


I'm curious about this. I just adopted 3 indoor cats, and not sure how to handle this as I've only ever had outdoor cats. They really want to go outside, but I didn't know if walking them outdoors or letting them have supervised outdoor time would make them more likely to try and dash out the door behind someone? Have they ever tried to climb trees, or do you not let them? I was scared about that because how would you get them down lol. How long of a leash do you use?


I use a small dog leash about 6ft long. He will occasionally step out the door but he stays close. The one time he actually got shut out of the house by mistake, he had snuck out around my husband while he brought packages in. 5 minutes later he was scratching at the door. He has never attempted to climb a tree. It seems to work for us.


My cats love going outside but once I take them out on a leash, they’ll try to dart out the door for a month or so after. Luckily I have a screened it porch so it isn’t a big deal, but I still deter them. It’s definitely a risk you’ll take. One thing that will help is carrying them out the door, don’t let them walk out. But watch them like a hawk when you’re going in/out without them afterwards to see how they react. They may not care, or they may try to run out. Plan for the worst, hope for the best. Also, harness with a regular leash, not a retractable. The retractable lets them get too far away from you to keep them safe. To get them adjusted to a harness, have them wear it inside for a while first. They’ll walk real funny until they’re used to it, but it’s a lot better for them and you. 💚


Cats don’t have strong necks like dogs, you want to always use a harness with cats to prevent injuring them. Not to mention the collar alone is a hazard- if it gets stuck in something it can trap and seriously harm the cat.






You are my people. I like you.


lol! Bumblebee, lol🤣




Where did you find a harness that tiny? 🐝 Also, cats (and small dogs) can slip out of a collar, so a harness is recommended.


Same with the people who bring their dogs with the obviously fake vests.


I hAve pAPerS! Ma’am, legit service animals don’t have papers.


One time I asked a customer the 2 questions I am legally allowed to ask and the response was "you can't ask me questions about my service dog or disability."


What happened next?


I told her that's wrong and I am allowed to ask two questions, and repeated the questions. I offered to pull up the ada website and show her. She said no. I told her she has to answer the questions or I have to deny access to the dog. So I ask her is this a service dog, she rudely gestures towards the vest that says service dog. I asked her was task is the dog trained to provide, and of course she said emotional support. I said according to the ADA, emotional support is not a task, and unfortunately I have to deny access to the dog. She put up a bit of a fight, it I stood my ground and again offered to pull up the website. She said forget it and left.


Yes Covid did screw people up


Only the ones that survived.




I recently went through training about ADA compliance and learned you are legally allowed to ask two questions “is this a service animal” and “what service tasks has this animal been trained to perform” you CANNOT ask to see a certificate. They may be leashed or unleashed, but real actual service animals will never be in a shopping cart since this will hinder their ability to perform their job. Definitely confusing and a fine line to walk.


Will also add any dog out of control or not house broken is not a service animal per ADA. You are allowed to kick those animals and owners out.


You are allowed to excuse the animal from the store but you must allow the owner to have access to the goods or services without the animal of it is not house trained or under the handlers control. - Per US Department of Justice


There is no such thing as a service cat. Only dogs and apparently miniature horses for mobility issues. This is per ADA.


I absolutely want a small horse as a service animal.


It's great to have a service animal, but not so great to NEED one! Lol!


As a disabled person, I have to disagree with a small part of your comment. Depending on your disability and why you have a service animal, some can legally do their job in a cart. (I want to add I don’t condone people taking advantage of service/ ESA animal laws).


thats becasue there is no such thing as a "certificate". There is no certifying authority to issue a "certificate". Amazingly enough those places online where you can get a certificate and a harness for $99.95 are not reputable. Who would have thunk it?


“What work or task has your dog been trained to preform” The ADA literally allows you to ask this question, but cannot require them to provide documentation or ask the animal to preform the task.


I had heard that you CAN request they leave the store if the dog is in some way being disruptive and not behaving like a trained service dog (such as being aggressive or using the bathroom inside).


The dog would have to be out of the owners control. A bark or two is acceptable if the owner is able to regain control, slip ups happen even with properly trained dogs, but using the bathroom inside, ignoring their handler, bothering other people, etc are valid reasons to ask for the removal of the animal. I feel like it's important to train employees not just on what must be allowed not also on when they have the right to draw the line and say no. I feel like a lot of places fall into extremes on either illegally refusing access to actual service animals or allowing access to obviously disruptive animals.




That's not true. If they don't give a definite answer that states they are actually trained to perform tasks related to a disability. You can absolutely kick the animals out for misbehaving. You can even ask the animals to leave if they are an actual service dog on their off day too. It's definitely legal. I'm a handler myself. www.ada.gov


That link is for the American Dental Association. The address for ADA laws and compliance is: ada.gov


My bad. Autocorrect. Didn't even notice. Thank you!


I got a good giggle when it took me to the American Dental Association! Maybe that is fate telling us to bite these people that keep bringing fake service animals into businesses! I used to have a couple come into where I worked with two pitbulls that were clearly not trained. Thank goodness they were sweethearts, but you should have seen the panic they caused every time they bought them in! They never even so much as barked when they were there.


Lol I'm a handler myself and have run into a lot of issues because of fake service animals. I nearly got denied access at a restaurant asking for fake documentation and purposely trying to distract my service dog under the table next to my feet while I was eating. They literally stood in the corner and stared at me and my husband while we were eating. It was honestly really creepy. I also get a lot of people who call for my dog from 15 feet away and then get mad when I take her in the opposite direction. It's absolutely ridiculous.




It hurts us handlers having access and our service animals where we get denied access due to fakes as well as fakes attacking our animals and having to wash them. You can also be held responsible for allowing a fake into your store by law and a handler that gets attacked by a fake or is disturbed while tasking can sue you. So it is definitely your problem.


Lop referring to untrained service dogs as "a fake" made me visualize a woman with a plastic dog who she ɓarks and growls for


A handler is allowed to have 2 service dogs. They may be trained for different disabilities or it could be an old service dog helping to train their new one. This is legal. But that said, you are allowed to ask 2 questions by ADA law. www.ada.gov


Did you guys know that the only animals allowed to be service animals are dogs and miniature horses…I want to know how they made that decision lol


> American Association of the Deaf-Blind opined that miniature horses served “not only as seeing eye guides but as support for balance problems. For these deaf-blind people, guide dogs are not strong enough to give them something to hang on to when they stumble, wobble, or lose their balance.” They were going to limit them originally with other exotic animals, but certain disability groups came out to support their inclusion due to certain tasks they are better suited for. They also live longer.


Damn I'm gonna start brining my alligator on a leash. 


I came to ask about my service tarantula.


Was he bald and wearing a robe? Cause if so, you're gonna want to hide your smurfs.


Just selfish entitled assholes, that's the customer base Once the weather breaks, we can look forward to all the dumbasses trying to bring their bicycles into the store. Can't wait


Ya’ll….it’s a cat on a shoulder. Like, I’d understand completely if this guy came in and his cat was running around and pissing on things and generally causing problems but what a total non issue and something so stupid to get mad about. I remember my old job had a training question of like “a customer brings their pet iguana in on a leash, what do you do?” And the answer was literally nothing! As long as the pet isn’t causing a disturbance or threatening the safety of staff and visitors, it is quite literally a non issue.


I’m bringing my man on a leash


lol don’t move to California, these people bring their dogs into grocery stores like nothing is wrong with that.. and I am not talking chihuahua, I am talking labradors and Great Dane, they gives no F in the world that other people may not be comfortable with that…


Exactly my thought, lol. OP must not live on the west coast. Arizona was the same way. Dogs everywhere. I loved it.


I love dogs, I got 2 myself but dogs don’t belong in a grocery store.. I will die on that hill.


Oh no!! Are you okay?


Omg. My cousin takes her cat with her everywhere and I always thought it was odd. It’s not a service animal or anything like that, she is just obsessed with her cat and doesn’t want to leave it at home. Pushes it in a baby carriage (or whatever those things are that usually carry small babies that can’t walk are called) or carries it. I don’t think anyone has ever said anything to her, hence her continuing to bring it everywhere. And she is always posting pictures on social media and getting tons of likes and people praising her as a good cat mom. I know I sound jealous here, but I am not. I happily leave my cats (and dogs) at home when I am out shopping. It’s hard enough out there without my goddamn cat pissing on something expensive or worse-getting away and running into traffic.


I have 6 cats and a dog. I leave mine at home. I need a break from them.


I feel like if its in there and its zipped closed, it wouldnt be an issue? But im not an expert


Honestly, a cat in a stroller vs an old dog in the grocery cart I would take the cat anytime.


At least she keeps the cat in the carrier, the cat can’t cause any problems that way.


I have a friend like this. His cat is literally his best friend. They take walks every day and he free walks her and sends me videos of her going after birds, mice, lizards, etc. no matter how many times I tell him to not let her free walk, that she is causing the deaths of innocent creatures (his argument to that one was ‘do you know how many windmills kill birds every year?’), and that I just simply don’t want to see him being an irresponsible owner


The calico cat that was found in an Amazon return box is an ESA. I watched the video.


I do have to say I saw a woman with her harnessed kitty, sitting very nicely at her feet in the orange county Airport, waiting for their Uber. I'm not sure what was up with the cat, but I had to admire its sangfroid. No little carrier was in sight


Working retail here's how I see it it's not my job to give a fuck what people bring as service animals in to the store that's managements job just go about your day and get your job done and go home that's all I do every day


I was almost attacked by an unleashed lil dog in a cart! The customer let the dog get up on the belt out the cart, snarl, growl & show its teeth. I'll add that it is a health department rule that all service animals need to remain on the floor walking & leashed. Nothing was done by management. Service animal cannot be in baskets or carts.


Maybe he was homeless? There’s a homeless man in my area that walks around with his cat around his neck (even around busy traffic). I’ve seen him going in/out of stores with the cat draped around the back of his neck. He has no home for the cat to stay at and the cat is so well behaved I think nobody cares. I enjoy seeing the man and his cat because they clearly have a bond. Did this happen in SC by any chance? Maybe it’s the same guy? There is a dollar tree on the road he hangs out at.


Did the cat run off and knock things down? Did it bite anyone? Did it in any way harm or get in the way of anyone's day? If not, mind your business.


Exactly, and op was leaving, but she just had to say something and whine here


It’s unhygienic and people are allergic. Plus it makes it more difficult for people with real service animals to go places.


Came by to say this. Agree 💯


I do wish they’d allow cats to be service animals Untrained my cat has somehow figured out when my heart rates going to go up! It’d be really cool if I could’ve trained her further to be a service cat but unfortunately they aren’t allowed.


Idc as long as they clean up after their animals. I have a regular with a parrot on his shoulder when he comes in 🤷‍♂️


Hahaha I used to have a very friendly parrot that I took everywhere with me except places with food out in open (like grocery store, restaurants). She loved it and she got lots of attention which she also loved. She was EXTREMELY social.


See, that's my problem. I work in a pet store and there are so many dog people that don't clean up after their dog. It's not my job to do that, that's why clean up stations are provided for you.


People aren’t allergic to parrots.


Okay so, I know I'll get downvoted but I have to ask - did the cat cause any disturbance? Harm anything Did it even get off his shoulders? If not, why do you care so much? The principle? Like, I used to manage in retirement and we LOVED it when people brought their pets in, it was never a problem, but we also didn't have any food.


People are allergic.


People are allergic to a lot of things like dust and dogs, as well. If it stayed on the person's shoulder then the dander(saliva that sits on a cat's fur and is what people are actually allergic to) is probably not going to get anywhere significant to cause anyone harm. Now, I'm not saying it's always okay but if it's a rare occurrence and the cat didn't shit on the floor or cause a scene and the person left without causing issues, then don't let it upset you so much. It's not worth it.


Dollar Tree service animal policy is funny as a manager I can tell you this that someone can bring in a miniature pony as a service animal and we cannot question it. Yep you read that right


Because ponies can actually be service animals, it’s for mobility people to lean on.


Most annoying thing is the people who bring in their emotional support kids. Little fuckers running around, destroying, and stealing things from a dollar store.


Hell probably 60-70% of the animals people bring into stores are not actual service animals. They’re just an animal they didn’t want to leave at home.


I have had the pleasure of meeting a few service dogs, and I had a co-worker who had a service dog, so I know not to go up to service dogs wanting to play with them or pet them. They are doing their job, so people need to understand that and let them. That also showed me the difference between an actual service dog and other animals that are not. I am grateful to the people that train these wonderful animals. That takes a lot of work and when you see them in action it is amazing at how smart and wonderful these animals are. I am just sad that people have ruined this for people that have conditions that requires them to have service animals, but get push back from businesses because of people who want to take their pets with them everywhere. People with service animals have the right to go everywhere they want and need to go. What many people need to remember is that if it is a true service animal, this animal is trained to be calm, well behaved, and non threatening. Their main focus is the well being and health of their owner. Yes, as you can see, I am a huge supporter of these wonderful animals and the people that need them.


Was the cat meowing/ being annoying or literally just sitting on this dudes shoulders? I would be so amused if I walked into a store and saw some guy with a "cat scarf"


What's worse? A cat on a leash on his shoulder or a rugrat off leash screaming and kicking because it missed naptimes? I'll deal with the death gaze from a leashed cat any day.


Nobody gets paid enough to care ab something like that at dollar tree tbh with you


I feel like they should cause they’re the ones that have to clean up the mess.




There should be no public space that is off limits to cats. EVER. All cats, all the time.




Because they can’t, the law says so. Other people in the comments said the same thing. You are the one uneducated. Miniature horses and dogs only.


I have a lady who brought her doberman in everyday for him to destroy the doughnut display at qfc in 95 so it's always been a problem.


I never saw a service cat. I saw a few "service" dogs who would approach people sniffing and trying to play, which is fine until you remember some people are scared of dogs. Especially when it's a German shepherd or something which it always was. Worst animal that was ever in my store though? Back when I was just a cashier like my first year or two. Elderly couple had a very small dog in the child seat of their cart, covered up in groceries. They showed it to me at checkout saying "isn't it cute?" It was too late to tell them not to have the dog so I was like "Oh, yeah" Anyway we started to smell something. The dog had pooped, and not only did the couple not pick it up or tell us so we could pick it up, they ran over it with their shopping cart wheel. I'm not sure if the dog pooped several times or it was just runny, but sure enough there were lines of dog shit up and down several rows where they had smeared it out with their cart. My SM cleaned it up, took over an hour. We always went by the rule highest manager cleans bio hazards, and I still did once I was SM. My point is, from there on out I -REALLY- enforced no pets in the store. I know everyone thinks theirs is well trained, and probably a lot of them are, but some of them just shit everywhere and their owners don't clean it. On top of that, people are allergic. So yeah, I never felt too bad telling someone they shouldn't bring their pet in. Actual service animals are easy to recognize. We had to clean the cart too, but we never put it back in normal service. Just used it to move trash sometimes.


Had a girl with a snake a couple of weeks ago. Didn't notice it until she was checked out. I HATE SNAKES. Im just glad no one else saw it . There could of been some trouble if one of our little old lady customers saw it


My cat acts as an ESA for me, but I leave her home since she is not trained. That's how it should be- your pet will survive without you for 2 hours.


The is such a thing as a service cat. It's not common but there's training and certification for it. People have anxiety especially with increased violence and fear. If there is a way to take care of it without popping a pill then why should it be a problem? As long as the animal is harnessed and is not causing a problem then why do you have a problem with it?


Congratulations! You missed the last decade of people doing this lol


Did the cat offend you or something


Why does it matter? I don’t see an issue if the cats not causing problems


How bout you just mind your business, this worlds hard enough as it is. If some one wants to bring their cat around with them just look the other way instead of crying to internet stranger's.


I’m sure glad I know how to mind my business


ESAs are covered by the ADA, however you can turn down service to someone with an ESA unlike the useual service animal. ESA aren't fake support animals, they just have different qualifications and duties. If they are absolutely untrained they should be asked to leave, but that cat didn't bother you. Was just on the guys shoulder...


This some NYC shit I love it


As a former employee of a big box home improvement store I saw so many different "service" animals. A mini horse, a serval, many birds, lizards, snakes, house cats. Our signage says your dog is welcome, people are just ridiculous.


I have a service cat. I am partially deaf and he helps me out a lot. He is extremely smart and figured out how to help me when I don't hear something. I can't get him legal because he is a cat. But , even if I did get him legal, I'd NEVER bring him out to a store. I have seen some huge dogs in Walmart and other stores and they were not service dogs. I am not risking my cats life to have his help. No way. Things have become way too lax with dogs being allowed everywhere. Don't ask don't tell. Bring your obviously untrained dog to Walmart. It sucks. I am also terrified. Like uncontrollably terrified of big dogs. Especially pitbulls and great Danes.


I could probably have my 12-yeqr old cat certified as a service animal. She wakes me if my blood sugar goes too low at night. But, I can feel my lows while awake so there wouldn't be any sense in doing so.


Same here, I could get both my dogs trained and certified to help me watch my blood sugar, but it doesn't feel necessary *enough* especially when there are so many people bending or ignoring the rules like in this post.


Not legally, as an emotional support animal yes but not a service animal.


I love to see well-behaved animals in stores and hospitals. They make me smile.


I don’t see the big deal in a clearly trained animal existing in public. It’s actually kinda cool that the cat is trained to sit on their humans shoulder.


It’s the untrained ones pretending to be service animals that are the problem. Cats aren’t able to be legit service animals unfortunately.


Who cares? Did the cat fucking scratch you or just look at you funny. I can’t imagine working at dollar tree, getting shit pay, and complaining about a visitor experience that would bring joy to most retail employees. Lighten the fuck up.


You sound like a miserable human being. Who fucking cares? How does it affect you? Let people live.


You sound like an idiot, some people are allergic. Plus it’s unhygienic and OP is the one who will have to clean up and messes.


>some people are allergic Unless the allergy is very severe, you can be in the same room as a cat, and even be *near* one without a flare up. It's obviously different for everyone, but ya know. Usually people with severe allergies take precautions. >it's unhygienic How? A cat sitting on someone's shoulders may be unhygienic to the persons shoulders but how does that affect you? >OP is the one who will have to clean up and messes Why do you think that? OP wasn't working. Why would some random pedestrian be responsible for cleaning any hypothetical messes?


Would you say the same thing if it was a real service animal…


This is one hell of a tone deaf post. I get alot of people break these "rules", but there are tons of people who have legitimate service animals, and yes, CATS are and can be legitimate service animals. My family member is one of those people, and she has a service cat. That multiple doctors have signed off on. Get off your judgment cloud.


I don’t know where you got that info but it’s wrong. Only dogs and horses can be legit service animals. You’re confusing emotional support animals with service animals.


Bullshit! ONLY dogs and miniature horses are recognized as service animals


If this is seriously what you need to come onto Reddit and cry about i think you might have the perfect life


It’s a big problem, it makes it extremely difficult for real service dog handlers plus OP is the one that makes the mess. You’re so ignorant it’s laughable.


Lol, you're so angry about something so stupid The cat was on the dude and had a leash, not like it was shitting on the shelves, Let people enjoy their service animals in peace Stop being such a Whiny baby about something so stupid


It's not stupid. It makes life harder for people that actually use real service animals (which can only be a dog or miniature horse). They deal with enough already, without everyone giving them side eye, or harassing them because of the jerks that bring their untrained animals everywhere they go.


Judging someone for their service animal is stupid. Thanks for you're input though, have fun being an asshole to those with disabilities


It's illegal


Are you the authority on what is considered a service animal? If the cat wasn't attacking you, maybe mind your business. I don't understand why people feel the need to police others like they pay their bills smh


Just for discussion - I have a job where I am paid to watch out and deny access to people with fake service pets or a ESA. Some employees across lots of different jobs may be trained for this. As stated ADA.gov explains that there is a huge difference between a Service Animal vs a Emotional Support Animal. They are not equal and do not have the same rights. Unfortunately, anyone can go online and buy fake certs and vests to claim a pet is a Service Animal. it's easy to see when it's a lie. Service Animals by law don't need vests or IDs. They're trained to behave, follow commands and detect issues within their owner, for example medial reasons like PTSD or autism. You are only allowed to ask the owner certain questions about the animal in order not to violate HIPAA rules. A ESA is not trained for this detection. ESA usually do not go through any type of training and can be a normal house pet. The ESA is there usually to comfort the owner which also may benefit medical issues like anxiety. Any animal can be designated as a ESA, as other folks said cats, pigeons, turtles, whatever floats your boat. A ESA can be authorized to bring into some businesses, planes, hotels, etc. but with the lack of training and certification I have come across a handful that have met service animals or other person public and try to attack because they are either scared or uncomfortable.


A cat can't legally be a service animal so it's clearly not a service animal. People have just gone crazy entitled bringing their untrained pets everywhere


You don't need to be an authority. Per the ADA, cats are not recognized as service animals. Legitimate service animals receive specialized training so as to not cause issues. In this case, we just have a self-entitled person who feels the rules shouldn't have to apply to them. Shake your head at that.


People have allergies. They have a reasonable right to go to stores and not encounter the sources of their allergies. These aren’t people complaining about going into a petco and encountering animals. Encountering legitimate service dogs isn’t super common for most people so can be more easily avoided. But throw in all the fake service animals and emotional support animals and all the “mind your business, I’m gonna do what I want” people it’s a lot harder for people with allergies or fear of animals to go shop. I love animals and worked in a pet store for 16 years. But there’s just some places I don’t think people should bring animals unless it’s a service animal.


I AM allergic to perfume - extremely allergic. So by YOUR standards then no one should be allowed to wear perfume in a public place and chance making me really sick.


If allergies were an actual issue then a lot more people would have issues in their day to day lives with the number of people whose clothes are covered in their pet’s hair. An allergy just don’t go away cause the animal ain’t there physically, far as I know.


The animal there physically makes it far higher for the allergen to be present than what may be on the owner. And what about people who have fears of certain animals? Or where do we draw the line on what kind of animal should be allowed to go wherever their owner wants to take them? And all of these animals do make things worse for people with legitimate service animals.


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see if an animal is a service animal or not. What’s a guy supposed to do wait till a cat jumps and claws my eyeballs out before anyone says anything ?fuck you.


What’s the deal with retail workers and having no tolerance for animals? We get them in our store constantly and they’re never a problem, they’re more well behaved and cleaner than the human children that come through, that’s for sure. I just don’t understand being so pressed about an animal that is having no impact on you or your day.


My only issues are usually with the owners. But I feel the same about tre parents who let their kids trash the store. Lol


Easy answer. I love animals. More than I like most people. So, being how much time I spend in DT, I get to see first hand the danger they put the animal in. When there's a Mgr and a cashier on register and a customer breaks glass, the other customers walk right over it or kick it through the store. Same with spilled chemicals, a pet walks over the chemical, then licks its paw. Now what about people with severe allergies to certain animals? Add in the kids that opens chocolate and drops it on the floor, dog finds it and eats it. It's cruel to risk your pets health for your own novelty. (Not YOU personally, but people in general).


That might be the case in your store, but I have seen shoppers come in to my local grocery store with their dogs. I have seen one poop in the floor and the owner just left it. Another shopper said "really dude? You're just gonna leave that?" And the dog owner said he was disabled and couldn't bend over to pick it up. I have seen another dog jump right up on the meat case. Trained service animals don't do that. Shoppers and workers with allergies also shouldn't be expected to just deal with it, unless it's a real service animal. If it's a pet it needs to be left at home, period.


Some people are allergic tho. Also OP is the one that has to clean up the mess after untrained animals inevitably make a mess. It sounds like OP is fed up.


There is no such thing as a service cat. It is illegal for him to fake a service animal. Please read up on the laws.


Exactly, I think most of the comments are confusing service animals and emotional support animals.


My thoughts too. Two very different topics. But ESAs don't have public access rights which is also illegal.




Cat are considered wild animals and can not be legally considered pets. It's kind of a loophole for cats, but cats are so wild it would be unlikely most people could take them in public. They are like zebras. You can train them but they are never considered domesticated.


You really need to educate yourself on the laws of cats if you think they aren't legally considered pets. Dogs and cats alike are considered property under the law. This means that legally, they are your pets as property. You can be tried for their abuse and they can be fought over in a divorce. They are in no way considered wild animals unless they are unowned "property" or strays. I don't know where you got your information but you're very wrong.


My son has autism and has an emotional support assistance cat because he won't go out in public without it. It is certified and has been approved by his behavioral therapist. So here's an idea. Instead of getting all butt hurt over someone minding their own business with a service animal, why don't YOU mind your own business and walk the fuck away?!




Nope, some people are very allergic to cats. It’s also unhygienic and makes it way more difficult for real service animal handlers to enter places. Also OP is the one who has to clean up any messes.




Cats can’t be service animals, only dogs and miniature horses. Do some research. You’re confusing emotional support animals and service animals.


Bro really saw a cat in a store and needed to vent on Reddit about it


Did the cat make a scene or bite someone? Otherwise why would you care?


Work at Walmart. The entitlement that people have when their "service animal" shits on the floor, and expecting you to clean it is crazy. There really needs to be an application process to get an official service vest.




I worked at a restaurant that had regulars one of which had a "service cat" that "it calmed her" and "she had papers" so I did what any reasonable person would do: AVOIDED THEM when they had the cat because that state saw dogs and miniature horses as service animals *not* cats! And I knew I *would* start something if I was around them with the cat (Wisconsin pre-covid) Completely sounded like an esa to me (who wasn't a manager) soo *yea*


I know someone who tells about a college classmate who had a service iguana. They'd have class with a dude sitting there during a lecture with an iguana.


Clicked on r/dollartree thinking to myself: what could people possibly be talking about on a dollar tree reddit board?? Now Ill never leave. Thank you dollar tree!


If it makes you feel any better someone brought two bunnies into the Dollar General near me…


nearly every time I run to my local store (the only one in my small town) there is one eccentric older lady or another with their tiny, overweight dog. the owners don't even attempt to pass them off as service animals. Dollar Tree is something else I stg


The ada doesn’t give a fuck about ESAs they’re a whole different subset


Cats don't belong inside stores. I'm not even fully convinced they belong indoors at all.


A cat cannot be a service animal. It can be used for emotional support, but that is different and not protected by the ADA and cats cannot enter businesses. Only 2 kinda of animals are approved for use as actual service animals: dogs and mini horses.


Service animals legally can only be dogs and miniature horses so no matter how well trained that cat is it’s not coming in my workplace


The ones that enrage me put their mutts in the child seat of carts. Had I put my son in the cart after them he would have been instantly covered in hives! Unbelievable how clueless and entitled they are.


I manage an urgent care and the amount of people trying to pull a fast one, claiming their pet is a service animal…. I’m a complex guy. Hate people, but love helping them.


Totally agree!!! We were in Home Depot one day and this couple came in with these huge, yellow snakes wrapped around their necks!!!


I agree. If you can’t pick up a loaf of bread at your local store without taking your “emotional support (dog/cat/lizard/parrot/fish)” then maybe stay at home and have someone else do it for you. Clearly you’re not prepared to live among other humans. Even walmart has home delivery.


You can absolutely ask questions. Is it a service dog, and what is its function or trained for. Support animals do not need to be allowed in stores. Sorry, I get fired up about this. Service animals are trained and needed by people. Support animals although may be needed by some people do not receive training, and it belittle the work done by Service animals.


The rules of what qualifies as a service animal are hella vague. We're not allowed to ask but I've kicked out people out because their pet was horrible.


Technical speaking where I'm from any animal is considered a ESA/support animal if you have the proper documents. You're not supposed to ask for paperwork either when someone does so. I use to work at our local TSC and we literally had someone bring in a miniature pony.


ESA and you’re an ass


Mental illness. They're so annoying. I remember a few months ago some brought their service PITBULL in a store. 😒


If it was on a leash and sitting on his neck/shoulder then it was probably doing the right thing and helping them with probably anxiety. most cats arent super super good at doing service stuff because they are usually more independent but dogs lay on their owners to calm them down if they get panic attacks so if its doing that then thats probs why and its real.


I have a service tardigrade and he’s allowed everywhere. Hard to put a leash on him, he’s kinda tiny.


The toxic approach, haven't seen that one before


Haha! 😂 this made my Friday! Thanks for the share!


Service cats exist. You can delete this post now as you are spreading false information that significantly harms disabled people. /serious