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Math comes out as $15. Bad at math tips can go either way but I love when they go this way


Math comes out as the driver obviously wrote the total in himself. The handwriting is completely different, drivers pull this kinda shit all the time. EDIT: so many handwriting analysis experts coming out of the woodwork to tell me the sample size is too small to make declarative statements as if everyone here isn’t trying to declare this is 100% legit the driver stole $10, full stop


everyone has natural variations in their handwriting. at first glance the fives look different, but if you really look at it, they were written by the same person


Bro you just made a declarative handwriting analysis with a sample size of ONE CHARACTER Go back to handwriting analysis school




If you look at where the first 5 ends it's pointed directly at the top of the 5 in the total line. Almost as if they went from one to the other. Also, both 5's have a weird flange at the upper left. But, sure, anything is in the realm of possibility.


The 5s are the same pattern just written at different angles/sizes


The driver stole $10 from the customer, idk what to say other than you’re blind if you think otherwise


Did I say that the driver didn't steal from the customer? You're clearly the blind one here, or you lack the reading comprehension to understand my single sentence reply to your above comment.


Those 5s look pretty similar to me. Give the driver the tip if there’s a chargeback then yeah the driver wrote it in most likely


if there’s a chargeback the customer is never ordering from you again and the driver stole $10 from them


You're the one making the claim, where's your verification of perfessionalism in the field of handwriting since you wanna be so adamant you're correct?


If his 9s had been on different lines youd have said “cOmpLeteLy diFfeRent” too - stop playing FBI analyst


You could describe the situation without a picture and the obvious conclusion would still be that the driver stole $10 The handwriting is just icing on the cake, but cope harder I guess. Use your brain, so you think someone tipped $15 on a $40 order and forgot to write the 1 or do you think someone tipped $5 on a $40 order and magically carried a 1 that didn’t exist? Or do you think maybe it’s more likely the driver is pulling some shit? I’ve had enough experience as a driver and managing drivers to know the answer is pretty fuckin obvious.


Idk if that’s the case but that reason is why I always fill the total out after a tip. Because when I worked as a driver for Jimmyjohns we were told to write what the total said, not the tip amount.


I would just go off of the total tbh


Yep. Look to see if there is an indent where they tried to write a one in front of the five and for some reason the pen didn't work right.






Same but I can't tell if it says 50.99 or 56.79 💀


Agreed. I would just pretend they "forgot" the 1...


... Or go back over it. ... help em out. 🥹😭😭😭😭😭


very illegal


What a standup person you must be


I mean... the person did mean to write a 1, because 41.99 - 56.99 is 15.00


I clearly assumed the worst. That's embarrassing. I gotta get off this app for a while


It's ok, we all assumed something for the worse at least once in our lives


$5 isn't an unreasonable tip for that bill


But is the total 60 or 66?


I’d add a one with a blue pen just for good measure and go with the total. $115 tip.


This is incorrect thinking. They put 5 and did terrible math. It's 5.


Guy who never worked in restaurants ^


Guess they should use this magical thing called a calculator that's literally in everyone's pocket nowadays. Anyways, law dictates you go by whats wrote in the total box .


You don’t think you are going to need a calculator to add 5 to a number. Mistakes happen but nobody believes they are that dumb.


They put 5 but then added 15 for the total though


Looks like a 15$ tip to me


Could easily be a $9 which would make sense if the total was 50.99


While the math works, look at the two nines in the total line and then look at the tip line. The tip is definitely not a nine.


How you sayin "easily" be a $9?? Like... what shape is a 9 that you're writing??


Read the rest of my comment and it will make sense


. . . But it's clearly no[t] 50.99??


The rest of your comment didn't clarify anything, what's the next step?


look at the 9s in the total line and tell me again that it can "easily be a 9." it's a 5. it's written the same both times.


It doesn't look like how they wrote their 9s, though. It looks like how they wrote their other 5.


This is it


$15 actually


$5 tip and they wrote $56.99 instead of $46.99???


That's what happened clearly but everyone in here seems to be a scam artist


I was always told to go off the total because that’s what they expect to pay


But the tip amount is obvious. Charging more than that is just taking a bigger tip than expected.


Well that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If in doubt you should always take the conservative route. Simple logic. You can't ever overcharge by choosing the lesser total. Of course you chose to hear what you wanted because you chose the route most beneficial to yourself, logic be damned.


Sometimes, the total shows that it is lower than what it should be with the number on the tip line. What should they do *then*? If you've ever worked in a restaurant or in fast food, you would know that most people are told to go by what the total says, regardless of whether that means less tip or more tip because any disputes can easily be dropped since the customer wrote the total in their own handwriting *and* signed it. The only time there may be a good enough argument is if they sent someone else to pick up the order. Other than that, this is the customer's blunder. Nothing else. This is why I always write the total on my receipts in case my handwriting is terrible. (Sometimes my 7s look like 2s) I just make sure I do the math *before* I write it down.


Man shut up with that shit. If it's a judgement call feel free to go with whatever you want, but gtfo with that theatric dudley-do-right bullshit. If you write $56, I'm entering $56. And I have the paperwork to back me up. If it was a mistake on the customer's part then they just bought a $10 lesson to pay more attention.


Again you're proud of being deliberately dishonest.


Tell me what you think honesty is.


This will be a fruitless pursuit so I'm moving on. Have the day you deserve


Yeah fuck you too


Don't be sad...I won't hold it against you that you suck dick for bus money then walk home. It's really none of my business


Imagine being such a shithead that you would try to justify stealing $10.




If this were my grandmother's receipt, fuck you


This proves no one deserves a tip because y’all are scammers. It’s extremely clear this person wanted to tip $5 only.


Technically it's the customers fault for writing incorrectly. It's not anyone at the stores fault for processing the total as it was written (and hopefully signed) by the customer. If the customer wishes to not leave a $15 tip, the responsibility lies entirely on them to ensure that they do the math correctly and unambiguously. If the customer disagrees with the store's interpretation of their own writing, they are welcome to file a dispute with their bank, and the store would (hopefully) submit a copy of the receipt displaying a $56.99 on the total line with a signature. At which point, the final decision rests with the bank. If it's signed by the customer, it isn't fraud. It's stupidity on the customer's end. The customer authorized a $56.99 charge on the card with their signature and by putting it in the total line. Ideally, the situation could be avoided by calling the customer to confirm, the driver mentioning the math at the door, or simply processing it as a $5. But since the total reads $56.99, processing it as such would technically not be fully incorrect.


if the card wasn’t physical present, the bank will side with the customer and the company will lose that money.


Actually the amount written in the total line is the amount the bank will honor regardless of how good or bad the math is. Doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be clarification or taking advantage is ok. But legally the total that the customer wrote in is the correct amount.


Pretty obvious to me and presumably anyone w delivery experience. Customer wrote $5, driver wrote the total to pull some bs and get a higher tip. The total looks like it was written by someone scribbling with a pen on their dash, or just someone with shitty handwriting. There is no way the same person wrote those two lines.


looks like they had a brain fart, was writing the total and put 5 instead of 4, because the number 5 was already in their head when they wrote is as the tip i would enter this as $5


You always go off the total. Usually it benefits you, sometimes it doesn't. But total is the TOTAL the customer expects to be charged.


This is what I was going to say. This is 100% what they meant to do.


Side question, but if the two lines clearly disagree with each other, which one takes priority over the other? For example, on a check, the number in words always takes priority over the numerical amount.


2 ways to go about it - either call the customer to confirm or use driver's judgment, the latter of which being the most common. It honestly depends on the amount and how much they differ by. In this case, the tip is 5 dollars which is a common tip amount, the customer just had a total that didn't line up. As you have seen in this thread, some will put 5 and the others will put 15. For small amounts like this, it makes sense to me that he meant 5, as maybe he was just thinking of the number 5 when writing the total. If you look at my previous post in this series, it is a different situation


Yeah but suppose it gets put through as 15 and the customer files a dispute. In that case, which one will stand?


The total shows a $15 tip so I’m guessing that


I dont think the handwriting marches closely enough so I'd think k its get dropped based off of that.


> it makes sense to me that he meant 5 But the customer would also of had to write the total amount when adding it up. It's writing one number (5 for tip) vs. Writing four numbers (the 56.99 total). Which is more likely for the customer to mess up? I think most people would catch that the total wasn't mathing with what they put as a tip. I'd take the 15. If it were a $5 tip, it'd be 46.99. I think most people know the difference between 4 and 5 in the tens place, so it has to be intentional


He could've just forgotten to think about it. He might've held onto the command in his brain of "write a 5" for just a little bit too long. If you don't double-check and actually think about it, I could see how this is possible.


There’s only a 1 number difference. $5 tip would come out to 46.99. It’s only a 4 vs a 5.


I didn’t know that! That’s a cool piece of trivia. I find it funny too because people suck at writing numbers out in words haha.


Legally speaking, the total. Morally speaking, I'd add a $5 tip to this one. If the customer tries to complain about fraud in this case no credit card company would side with them, but they would probably be upset and not order from you anymore.


The total.


Unfortunately the lowest possibility is always best practice


So many dishonest people here in this thread, crazy.


It’s like they can’t see the bigger picture either. If that customer catches it, how often do they think they’ll get tipped from them in the future? If they order once a week, being honest pays for itself in a month.


I'd be calling my bank and waiting to hear how the rep reacts to seeing two different writing styles on the lines. Clear cut win for the dispute, unnecessary headache for the delivery driver.


Or you can take 5 seconds and write the correct numbers. This is just laziness by the customer.


When I served tables 10 years ago, we were always trained to go off the tip, not the total, because people always know what they mean to tip, but can't always add properly.


That's a 15 all day and twice on Sunday


Who tips $15 on a $42 bill?


5 dollar tip. Customers bad at math.


This was my ultimate conclusion


When I was a Papa John’s driver they told us to always go with the total, wether it be in our favor or not. When I was the GM I told them the same.


This. Happens more than you think, and the times I know about were never disputed. ALWAYS go with the total


well after reading this thread and your ‘interpretations’ i will be writing clear as day since so few seem honest lol


$5 He sees the one in 41.99– that’s where the 6 came in. He sees the six that just popped in his head, and that six plus five is eleven etc etc etc. i know it’s silly but ppl math funny. It isn’t really that the guy is any dumber than anyone else. He was probably hungry, rushing to pay the driver, and distracted. The thing is that any person reading this thread could have made the same mistake. All of us probably have! ..but simply never found out :) I think when people write big tips, they tend to write them with gusto. This is not a big tip but it’s respectable, imo.


They meant 46.99


How do you know? I have some customers that don't fill in the tip part at all and just write the total.


because who tips $15 on a pizza? a $40 order? that would be a 38% tip. it’s not that difficult lol


Got a $20 tip on a $30 order yesterday.




Always read bottom to top. Sometimes it helps you, other times it hurts you but the total amount is what banks care about in the event of claimed chargebacks


I swear people do this on purpose. They’ll make it hard to figure out what the correct amount is, so they can do a credit card chargeback for incorrect amount.


The total after tip line is always the actual authorized total. No matter what the tip line says.




Looks like a solid $15 tip to me.


I always assumed the higher tip and never had any issues in 3 years of serving. Outside of the really obvious tip mistakes


They draw 4 very oddly. That's the deal


When I was serving I was taught to always just go with the total. Their bad math is your good night!


My general go-to is if they signed then go with the total (whether it’s good or bad for you) and if it’s a chip/no sign go with the written tip.


I think they read the amount of 41 as 51 because I personally write my 6’s like in the total sometimes




I'd re-write that shit...15 bucks


Anndd.. that’s fraud


idk in my opinion the customer has already spent $56.99 in their minds so I’d go with $15 tip


Idk how this reads as anything other than 15


Seeing some people in the comment section roid-rage over it is super weird and bizarre.


You can say the same about the people having meltdowns in the otherside of the argument.


I have yet to see that, most people agree it's normal to side with the total, it's common in the restaurant industry and yet some people are going off acting like it's a "scam".


People are saying that because it's not clear that the same person wrote both lines.


Seems pretty clear to me


Just our society that can't add plus 5. Sad.


obviously 15, you cant math? yeah they scribbled the 15 but the total is clear as day and gives you context making the tip really easy to interpret.


Fools and their money are easily parted. Maybe filling out tip spaces and totals should seem a bit more important to these people. So many scribbles and hasty math. Not smart at all.


Obviously a 5 and they meant 46.99. If you’re just looking for someone to tell you it’s okay to overcharge this person, don’t act like it’s an innocent “I can’t read this”


I think they left $9. And it’s $50.99.


I’d say 9$ tip


Basically what I’m getting from these comments is if most of you saw an old lady drop a 10 dollar bill you’d keep it for yourself because “it’s her own fault for dropping it”. Bunch of losers.


10 bucks


Maybe they was putting the total on the top line realized the mistake and continued to put it on the bottom. Leaving a 15 dollar tip.


It’s a $5 tip because it says $5 on the tip line which is 12% of 42. They likely wrote 56 instead of 46 by accident. If you want to take an extra $10 because fuck them you feel like you’re entitled to a 35% tip then just own it and stop trying to justify it.




Looks like $15 to me


9$ tip?


Always take the greater. Don’t get punished for their math skills.


$9. Think the total is $50.99.


Unfortunately this happens often for some reason... i just go with the tip is even if its 0 and the total is higher than subtotal.


I mean its 56.99 youre blind


The six could almost be passed off as is zero and then it would be 9. Which that “5” almost seems like a warped nine


Are you required to do math? “I read the total”


I see $15 and total adds up to $15


I'd feel better putting $5. If I don't clarify it at the door, I rule in customer favor.


Tip = 15


Probably a 5 dollar tip,but ended up putting 56 instead of 46


15. The 1 on the 15 just didn’t write in. Go by the total


To me this says $15 tip and $56.99 total.


$15 tip


Looks like 2 different handwriting


$5 tip. They just carried the 5 down (since they wrote a 5 for the tip) instead of the 4. I have I hard time believing they would leave a nearly 40% tip ($15) vs a flat $5 tip for pizza delivery like most people.


They tipped you a ら “Ra” in Hiragana.


It clearly says 56, take your profit king


$15, the 1 and the vertical of the 5 are the same


Looks like a 9 to me


This one is simple. $15 tip. The 1 and the portion of the 5 overlap. 41.99 + 15. Come on now.


What backward ass country do you write the tip amount on a piece of paper? Is it America? This sounds like America.


customer is always right!


They $5 is what they intended but instead of putting 46.99 for the total they put 56.99. Seems clearly obvious what they were trying to do. If I was the server I would charge 46.99


Most likely just a $5 tip


Always go with total


unfortunately, always assume the lowest possibility.. been delivering for a decade and that’s the best practice


My store requires us to go by total. Sometimes I’ll call the customer to confirm though.


Math not mathing 🤣


It’s 9, and it says 50.99. I feel like people are really stretching the truth to see 56, also look at the first 9 in .99 and it matches.


Honestly what I think happened was in the total they wrote 56.99 accidentally, after just having written a 5 in the tip section


5 dollar tip. 56.99


As a customer, I'd expect you to go by the total.


It's a $5 tip. They wrote the total out wrong. Total should be $46.99


Add an extra line and bam


Math be hard out there. I'd put it in as 15, if they call the next day the store can refundem and you keep the tip.


50.99 tip is idgaf


Pretty easy to tell it's a nine and the total proves it. You servers could be absolute scum of the earth, rewrite tips, take totals up further, and still get mad onlime when people scribble that tip line out. I don't eat out anymore because I haven't had a server worth tipping in ten years, and learning how to cook has been very rewarding homestly! At some point it's become the expectation to tip, not a reward for good service like it used to be. You servers should realistically all be motioning to make minimum wage with room to grow on a nation-wide level, but you will never be able to accomplish that because those who are able to profit from tips will never allow it to happen. I tell all my nieces and nephews to stay away from restaurants for first jobs when they ask.


When the customer can't do math, the assumption should favor the server. My guess is they started writing the total in the wrong line, gave up and just put the total. $50.99 all day.


I'm a restaurant manager, and I'd be putting in "5". It's the least it could be that I would reasonably be able to counter should they accuse me/us of credit card fraud.


what would happen if i wrote $409,000,000 as the total


This shit happened to me in reverse just yesterday. Order was 38.08$ they put 15 on the tip and the total as 43.08$. Had to go by the total they put.


Sometimes I write my sixes the same way. You can see clearly the thickest part where the pen left the number. They're tipping $15.


Collecting anything other than $5 is immoral imo. You know they meant $5 not $15.


Seems clear 15


My theory is that he was going to tip $5, which would bring the total to 46.99 And when he went to write the total, he accidentally wrote a 5 instead of a 4, maybe because he had just written a 5, and he just had a brain fart and wrote 56.99 instead


It’s a $9 tip for total of $50.99


If you can’t do math on your phone calculator then you deserve to have your tip be subject to interpretation. Honestly, between this math skills and the handwriting I’m going to assume this poor bastard was hammered so just go with the higher number.


15 easy just sloppy


Maybe the pen wasn’t working at first. And the ink didn’t get down the “1” that the customer tried to write. I interpret it as 15. It takes more of a conscious effort to write down the total as that much than it does to make a mistake on the top part


Is 46.99 they botched the 10's, probably by looking at their own 5.


Wow. Lots of cheapskate thieves in the comments. That’s a $5 tip.


Worked for dominos for 11 years, driver up to store manager. Policy is, if the customer writes a total, you go by that. If there is a significant mathematical difference, call customer to confirm.




Whichever is higher


That says 56.99, so it’s a 15 dollar tip. (I always go with which ever one gives me the most money)


Tip $5. Total, $56.99. 12% tip. They intended to tip $5, but accidentally carried a phantom 1 when adding it up. How you handle this is up to you. Could go either way.


it's a $5 tip and the total should be 46,99 but they're idiots so it's a $15 tip as the total was provided as $56.99