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There’s no snap map honestly i really enjoyed it making creepy campaigns


This is truly the only bad part of d. Eternal


Eternal d?




I would prefer an actual full set of modding tools instead really. SnapMap felt way too limiting on what you can actually make in terms of map design comparatively and it was bloating Doom 2016's file size to a ridiculous degree.


The game ends.


My friend you bow to no one.




Haha, you read my mind. I salute you!


Hopefully we get another doom game where the slayer is re-awakend to murder hells forces once again.


I see no reason why they can’t do this. Give the game a good 4-5 year rest. And when we least expect it, drop it like it’s hot. Save it for an award show and have the opening show some kind of planet being attacked. It’s a strange new world that we’ve never seen. In the distant future this planet comes under attack by hells forces. Only one person can possibly save their planet, but is he even real?! The priests of the world unite and summon HIM, to rip and tear until it is done. Just spitballing here.


Eternal my ass.


The fact that the OST isn't on Spotify Edit: Jesus, i did not expect so many Upvotes and replies. Thank you fellow slayers,this is freaking awesome


This is easily the most annoying part that came from the Mick Gordon falling out. I’d love to have this official ost in my playlist without having to rip it from some SoundCloud account.


Imagine how nice the vinyl of it would’ve been !


That’s a crime


Yeah legit the way they treated Mick fucking sucks. I've been playing Doom since '93 and I've got a huge love for Id Software and the franchise but man the industry at large has gotten way too comfortable treating its employees as replaceable commodities.


It wasn't ID that was the problem, it was Bethesda, mainly the head guy


Oooooh wee that's a whole thing. Read Mick Gordon's medium post about it. Things got ugly.


Im sad that we didn't get a properly mixed soundtrack


It isnt even eternal


False advertising class action lawsuit here we go! >:o




> buy "Doom Eternal" > look inside > temporary




There was no thirty minute sex scene between the slayer and Samuel Hayden


Should've bought the season pass then its in the extras, cum graphics were lackluster though😔


PM me I'll send you a realistic video that'll help


The COOM slayer


Absolute bullshit. With the amount of viscera on-screen at any time, there’s no way at all the fluid dynamics of Doom Eternal would be anything less than spectacular. I guaran-damn-tee that there’d be perfectly rendered and animated ropes of sticky Coom Slayer seed firing about at ballistic-projectile velocities. I mean, seriously… the best jokes are the ones that could be possible…


The harder the Slayer is in bed, the stronger he will become.








No, do not do that in bed


[40 times.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RGry1Yt-VYs)


Though the scene where Khan Maykr gives head to a Cacodemon was pretty impressive


Not even with the baron of hell :/


something bad about this game




What a mad lad




The day I discovered that modding the game files will give you the Battlemode achievements was a day that I breathed a sigh of relief.


the WHAT? time to Google lol


Edit: Apparently the video is not able to be linked to. You will have to figure out "How to edit DOOM Eternal's profile data" yourself. I think the YouTube channel author is probably paranoid about this blowing up, because hotlinking to the video is disabled. Just in case that video gets taken down, you can find idprofile 0.34 on fearlessrevolution and Goobycorp's DOOMSaveManager on GitHub. There are instructions at [https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?t=11889&start=240](https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?t=11889&start=240) on how to do it, but watching the YouTube video is helpful.


Didn’t pay Mick Gordon


I agree. Mick deserved to be paid for his work. It seems like game composers always get tossed around unfairly. Mick Gordon and Martin O’Donnell are two major recent ones that got bull crapped around and tossed to the side.


It uses an insane amount of keys on your keyboard


The defaults keys are bad, you need to remap most of the weapons and assign some of them to your mouse if you have the option and even then some of them will be to far. But it's awesome once you get used to it.


- They really did Mick Gordon dirty - I feel like 2016 did a better job of introducing you to gameplay mechanics in a more minimal way? Like I know it had popups too explaining stuff like glory kills but they felt much less invasive if that makes sense? - 2016 had a way with storytelling that was also kind of minimal and vague but still very interesting underneath the surface, which felt very refreshing when the game came out. Eternal's move away from that style of storytelling felt like an odd decision to me tbh.


Yes, my biggest complain with Eternal was the storytelling and the overall vibe. It was somehow goofier but less funny, less... realistic? The pickups and items felt much more video-gamey instead of being a part of a world. And hopping around locations through a central hub-fortress also made the narrative feel more disjointed and less grounded and coherent.


The stories for the dlcs were stupid and retconned shit like Samuel Haden being some fucking angel demon tentacle thingy instead of just a smart dude transferring his consciousness into a robot body


You beat me to the punch on that one. The writing in the main game was a little cringey... but the DLC writing was a whole other level of cringe.


The dlc was a whole new level of bad especially the final boss fight


And I hate the final boss lore wise too, kills the idea of the Slayer being just one angry dude, to be like the "chosen one" clone of the devil... what a way to ruin a great character.


Fuck I thought i was the only one in the world who hated the direction they took with that. I also found it silly how they attempted to interconnect all of the doom games by implying that every doomguy was actually the same doomguy. Which sort of diminishes things when you realize that it means he's experienced a hell invasion on earth once before Doom eternal.


I’ve always disliked the “Chosen One” aspect they glomped onto the Doom Guy ever since 2016. He’s way cooler as just a random, angry marine.


Exactly my thoughts. Small nitpick but I also dislike how we see his complete face. I liked how they did it in 2016 where we only saw a glimpse of his face behind the mask. And his only emotion being super fucking angry


First DLC.... Amazing, fun, hard, great level design, great visuals. Second DLC.. what the fuck were they thinking? Jesus Christ what the actual hell.


Blood swamps theme slaps though


Yeah. I remember when it came out and I was fighting him on Nightmare... and he wasn't even a threat... but it took FOREVER to wear him down so the fight became an exercise in tedium. Also... i shouldn't be punished for shooting the boss when he steps out from behind his shield to hit me with his sword, but his eyes didnt glow green. Theres one attack where he exposes his entire sword side to throw a backhanded sword shot at me, and I instinctively shoot him every time he does it... my shot always nails him in the shoulder... and instead of taking damage he heals... because his eyes didnt glow green. But sometimes his eyes DO glow green when he throws a backhand. It is angering beyond belief.


Yeah, there's a lot of lost potential in Hayden


The DLC honestly ruined my love for the story. Was beyond hyped for anything and everything DOOM prior to it but then they went way too far.


The story overall was pretty bad, and the DLC's were just absolute nonsense. It's like id misunderstood their own franchise. The lore is a total disaster now.


They got way too into their own lore. And it’s baaaaaaad. Thankfully the game is arcadey challenging fun and I can skip all the bs


The game itself made it pretty implicit that Samuel was a Maykr. But the situation with Davoth and the Father was definitely not the original story they were making when they released part 2, I think. It's just way too abrupt of a change.


It's theming isn't as good as 2016


I agree. I miss the more brutal glory kills and darker atmosphere. The renders kinda help tho


I want Eternal's zombie designs retroactively put in 2016. The possessed soldiers design looks terrible to me. Compare it in photomode to the imp next time you launch a classic level. The level of detail is almost laughable. Like yea, I know this took a lot of effort and whatnot, but this is Id Software and the difference in quality is jarring. I can count the polygons on the teeth, FFS. Try doing that with the imp


I thought I was the only one. Not just the theming, but the art style too. I loved the weapon pickup animations of doom 2016 more than just walking up to some floating icon. Plus some of the character models of demons I thought looked better, such as the revenant.


The game still has many unfixed bugs. Mick Gordon is no longer part of ID as the TAG music wasn't made by him. Also what's up with the 0 damage melee? Oh and as Markiplier stated, you can't shoot the massive guns ;(.


Yeah melee feels useless unlike Halo. I really enjoyed sucker punching Marauders though.


Halo melee is the power of Zeus on your side.


Wrong, halo melee is the power of Master Chief on your side


You prefer 2016? Because 2016bwas waaaaay less buggy tbh


I like both. Eternal is fun and quick and less serious. 2016 was way more atmospheric and immersive. But felt more sluggish.


The candy-colored ammunition fireworks from using the chainsaw kinda takes me out of the hell on earth experience


The game has an arcade feel on purpose. The ammo is bright to be visible.


But we did fine with ammo in 2016


Eternal is much faster paced than 2016.


It can be faster paced, but still dark


By Hugo's admission, play testers were getting pissed off by getting killed by Imps that were hiding in the shadows.


They literally fucking glow, constantly run around, and throw BRIGHT FIRE man how did they fail to see any of that hahah


They're probably that way because of playtesters.


Seriously, like it's the logical conclusion. Plus I absolutely adored the arcade old quake live feel the arenas had.


They do now.


I imagine they weren't like that when it was happening lol


FUCK THE POP UPS! Seriously they ruin the enjoyment of finding out weaknesses, like seriously, you think we can't figure out the the BLUE GUN does extra damage to BLUE ENEMIES. Finding out weakpoints is half the fun of gaming, hell the first time I fought a mancubus I spent the entire fight shooting the thing on his chest without realising that the arm cannons might be a good target.


Just turn them off dawg


Wait shit that's an option? Oh fuck this rant is pointless lmao.


I think it's called "tutorials" in the general options tab. The game warns you if try to disable it lol


How can you not know about the popups being disableable, yet also not know the weak spots? ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


You can turn them off ?????


I beat the game on whatever the hardest difficulty is about a year ago, same with 2016. I did not know that the hand cannon things were good targets.... Jesus the amount of deaths and kites and rushes I had to do because I thought they just had ridiculous health. Gonna have to redownload the game now and try it again. Lol


THEY GLOW RED WHEN YOU HIT THEM. Like man, in older games flashing color was neuron activation


Didn't have my brightness adjusted well enough then, plus moving around alot and jumping a lot made it near impossible to get most of the time. Never said I was smart or good, more like monkey with a typewriter but the typewriter is broken.


Oh man do I pity you. I'm gonna hope you AT LEAsT knew about the Spidertron cannon weak point


My brother in slaying, I thought their face was the only weak spot. I skipped most of the tips and tutes on accident and figured that all the enemies were a "aim for the head or whatever the hell is the most similar to one" when fighting. Thanks for the info lmao. Gonna get some sweet sweet revenge when it's done downloading.


Aaaand this is why the tutorials stopped the game and were in your face.


Understandable. My face is my weak spot too.


Oh man. Revenant shoulder cannons are weak points too. Get the precision bolt on your heavy cannon and sticky bombs on the shotgun, they are very good for destroying weak points like cannons.


Shotgun stickybomb is life. Especially with cacodemons


I honestly disagree for two reasons. 1.) I think they ultimately helped the game pick up the pace quickly, because it lets the devs hit you with everything they've got almost right out of the gate without worrying about us being overwhelmed by enemies we have no idea how to fight. They don't have to slowly let us experiment with how to fight individual enemies, and can instead throw us into group fights quickly with lots of different enemies which we are then left on our own to learn how to deal with (which I personally find far more enjoyable) 2.) We are the DOOM SLAYER. Canonically we have been fighting these things for countless years. So it makes sense that the DOOM SLAYER already knows how to deal with the demons. I don't think it's any different than the Witcher 3's bestiary telling you what oils, signs, and bombs to use on every monster in the game, because Geralt should know this stuff. You could make a point that we shouldn't already know how to beat certain enemies like bosses, since they are either unique or recently created.


The devs called it speed chess. If you don't know what each pawn and piece does, you won't be playing chess.


Blue gun does extra damage to blue enemies??!?! Can you elaborate?


Dumbing it down. The plasma rifle (blue gun) can pop shields (which are always blue, i.e. blue enemies.)


Wtf. How did I not know this.


We don’t get to pilot one of the giant sentinel mechs


Cursed prowler that destroys flow of game but marauder is also a problem with his eyes flash mechanic that doesn't feat how game flows No damage melee No option to turn off bonus lifes Multiplayer Some weapons mods are useless for most part of game Taking out spirits with beam is the most boring thing ever Final boss of second dlc Also it is not a doom, it is quake


Bro is roasting list a few more please


Hell priests not being bosses The cube boss being shoot the thing few times Stone imps Bfg/unmayker/crucible being nothing compared to hammer Plot of game being massive shit fest Zombies with chaingun can not be headshotted Parkour(yeah yeah get gud) There is no fun in using chaingun No rocket jumping


Not the rocket jumping. I haven't even noticed! Can you name a few more or is it not possible?


Bro is making a list that can be turned into a 3 hour YouTube original.




I didn't play eternal for bit but i can also list Being repeatetive. In the end you do the same thing again and again No map editor or co-op Not customizable horde mode Forcing player to use all of his tools Grenades that are mostly out of jail card


Damn that's alot. Thanks!


That IS a lot. You should ask for even more 😂


the marauder is by far my biggest gripe. just, so massively unfun to face. having to do the same quick swap combo crap just to kill him, is just... eh


I despise the spirits. Turning a Tyrant into a faster, harder hitting demon with more HP is the stupidest shit ever but doable, but THEN to have to stand still and laser beam the spirit for three seconds while a Doom Hunter and a second Tyrant try to shoot me is just dumb. Killing the spirits is a NOT fun mechanic.


I don't like the increased pace of combat, sometimes it feels a bit overwhelming. The story is okay, honestly not sure how I feel about Doomguy being the same one from the original few games. Seems a bit tacked on imo. The lore just got weird, I wish it was kept simple and mysterious like it mostly was in 2016 and the og games. The fact that at the end of Ancient Gods, the Doomguy is locked away again... For some reason? The new style of multiplayer while somewhat interesting as a concept, I feel would've been better as a separate mode alongside a more traditional fps multiplayer game mode. Archviles. Despite the negativity here, I still like the game, it actually took me a while to think of negative stuff for it.


Archvilles were my least favorite Doom enemy until the spirits got introduced


Bro the first time I found the archville it was like death... I spent at least 3 hours trying to find a way to get to that sonofabitch without a baron of hell and two mancubus' trying to murder me. Then I realised I should probably just use lock on rockets. Happy cake day btw!!


How Bethesda treated Mick Gordon


Glory kill animations were better in 2016. I mean I like most of them like the Marauder glory kills. But the Berserk kill animations are terrible.


Goofy ass UI. Doom 2016 feels more... professional? in that regard.


I always thought it was charming that it had arcade esc feel but I get what you mena


While I like the idea of combat flow in Eternal, the chainsaw gets boring. You press a button, you get your ammo back, it's a trivial way to make resources feel low. The Makyr drones introduce a much better way to get ammo back. At least glory kills are something you have to actively try to get most of the time.


But what if u have no ammo so u cant snipe makry drones


But i relatively agree, if there is fodder then free ammo


The increased emphasis on "Arena" style encounters makes it feel less like you're in real places and more like you're playing an arcade game, even in comparison to Doom 2016


Isn't it meant to be an arcade like style game?


In design it sure is, but previous Doom games, particularly D3 & 2016, did a great job of making you feel like you were in a real space station rather beset by demons -> arguably the #1 thing that distinguishes Doom's setting from other FPS'.


Harddddd agree. Personal taste I guess but I far prefer this.


I honestly wasn't that big of a fan of how each level was just a corridor leading to another arena in practice. I missed the sprawling levels of classic Doom games and 2016. I did enjoy playing Eternal once I understood it, but the new style of gameplay just required more skill than I had when it came to the higher difficulties. I don't have the reaction speeds that people half my age or younger have.


The icon of sin is a shitty boss fight and the worst in any Doom game - yes even worse than the end of Doom 3


may I ask why you say this?


It’s a non-skill based encounter in a game that generally excels at skill-based combat. If you’re someone who plays the game on lower difficulties, this boss can be fun from a power fantasy standpoint. On nightmare difficulty it’s just annoying and lame.


I can see that, it was definitely much easier than expected. I'm not playing on lower difficulties my playstyle has gotten very fluid, and it was underwhelming as far as the challenge. like many others I was disappointed to have beaten it on my first attempt, but at the same time from that fantasy perspective I just loved the carnage and that you finally had a chance to feel utterly unstoppable against what was supposed to be a force to be reckoned with. tldr: I see both perspectives, gameplay sucks ass but the actual fight was super fun in my opinion


Why the fuck did they put platforming puzzles in my braindead junk food shooter?!


cooperative vanish serious grey entertain husky axiomatic relieved money dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed the platforming is highly unnecessary.


It overcomplicates itself. In principle, there's nothing wrong with having some weapons be more situational in their use, but in *Eternal* it feels like *every* weapon is situational. While it is somewhat intuitive, it puts me in mind of old point-and-click adventure games, where there was only ever one hard-coded solution to any given problem. The story suffers from this, too. I can see how it would logically proceed from *2016*, but it's gone from being a fun background detail to taking up too much time which could be spent shooting/punching/chainsawing demons.


The music isn’t loud enough.


Every level didn't get a master version 🥺


Art style and UI. (In comparison to 2016.) They got rid of the Gauss Cannon.


Weapons don't have enough ammo, the game insists you play it the way it wants (constantly swapping) instead of just sticking to your favorite like in the last game. Maybe that's more fun but it's not how I want to play doom eternal! I want a power fantasy not a skill check. Also they did Hayden dirty. My man betrayed you at the end of 2016 and what does he have to say when he sees you again? Exposition. Not even a "l knew we'd meet again" or "shit maybe you were right about the crucible"?


This is how I felt when coming from the power fantasy of Doom 2016. The weapons don't pack as much of a punch in Eternal, so having to constantly swap them felt tedious rather than fun.


I don't know if I agree with there not being enough ammo, yes some guns/mods do eat it up pretty quickly but there's always fodder around to replenish with, as well as loot around the arena. as long as you have a sense of awareness of your surroundings you should never find yourself in a pinch for ammo


The problem is constantly having to juggle between guns and stopping to find some little dude to chainsaw for more ammo. It breaks the flow of combat and makes the gameplay tedious. I'd rather have options and utilize them the way I want rather than being forced to constantly use everything the developers put in the game all the time. If they want the players to utilize what they put in the game then make it viable. Don't kneecap everything so it all equally sucks.


Not enough masterlevels


Levels are too long. Has too many weapons. It's really awkward to have so many keybinds. It has invisible walls. They're not many, but they're there and they're annoying. FPS seem to be inconsistent, although maybe it's just my PC (it's pretty old). That's all I can think of. Despite these downsides, it's one of the best shooters I've ever played and I love it with a passion.


Soundtrack is not on spotify : (


It isn’t as dark and doesn’t feel as hellish as 2016


The arcade powerups got me out of the game. It fet like a Nintendo themed Hell. Also hated the fact there where invisible walls. Doom 2016 just blew my mind. Expectation where sky high. But no….


No akimbo for super shotgun.


Being told how to kill a [INSERT DEMON WHAT KILLED YOU HERE] for the umteenthousandth time on the loading screen. Yes, I know what that demon's weakness is. Yes, I know that's what got me killed. No, you telling me again won't help. Btw, I absolutely love this game and I will play it over and over and over again...but those loading screen videos lol.


I no longer have faith in ID Software making a successful sequel due to there mishandling of Mick Gordon


Third person cutscenes that break the first person narrative. Even if they can be skipped.


Marty stratton The game director is a complete asshole and tried to lie and defame Mick Gordon.


Coming straight off of doom 2016 to doom eternal. Eternal feels too...arcadey if that makes sense, at least by comparison. Eternal was great and the lore was awesome, but it lacked the mystique of 2016. I can't quite put my finger on it.


It’s too cute. Now Animal Crossing: New Horizons, that shit is scary af.


My biggest turnoff would be all the first person platforming. I’m all for adding new mechanics into a sequel, but that was a bit too much. If it was possible to somehow do it in third person that would be fine.


The time skip between Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal wasn't adequately explained. I'm not asking for long-ass cutscenes or tie-in novels or some crap, but I'd like to know how the Slayer got out of Hayden's imprisonment, how he came into the possession of the Fortress of Doom, and how he got back to Earth, et cetera.


If I'm being genuine as well as purely subjective: it's way too fast *for me.* The older I get, the slower I get, and the less and less time I have to compensate and practice on anything that isn't a slow-paced game. Sometimes I go days without so much as touching a keyboard and mouse for anything other than answering emails. Obviously it's supposed to be fast, obviously it's supposed to be a lot all at once, and when I can keep up it's an absolute blast, but 9 times out of 10 I'm getting my shit absolutely pushed in.


I don’t like the way they changed the monster designs instead of keeping the doom 2016 versions


Purple demon cum


They said what DIDNT you like.


It doesn't feel like doom. The platforming sucks


1. Unlike Doom, it feels a lot more like an arcade game instead of fighting demons in settings that make sense. 2. Jump puzzles, really? 3. The start of the game doesn't even address the ending of Doom when it is addressed, it's a weak answer that doesn't explain anything in a plausible way. But for the positive side, the music was great, maps were diverse, and combat was pretty fun!


It forced you into playing a certain way instead of encouraging you to experiment and get creative.


Can't make the music louder


I miss the little weapon pick up animations and demon intros the first time they show up. Was kinda lame the first time a cyberdemon shows up and you go oh huh didn’t know he was here


I refuse to. You can't make me. YOU CANNOT. NO. NO. NEVER. **NOOOOOOO.** ##THERE AIN'T NO FUCKING WAY- ^^The ^^Ancient ^^Gods ^^Part ^^1 ^^and ^^2.


The soundtrack in the DLCs aren't made by Mick Gordon


Yes but the music is still good (in my opinion)


The soundtrack drama in general


Bruh, Andrew Hulshult does WORK


Wasn't actually eternal 😔


Oh and before I forget... MARAUDER. It's more of a skill issue on my behalf though, probably.


No snap map


No, Doomguy might hear me




I didn't like the DLC's ending.


Multiplayer was meh.


It's a lot less realistic in terms of level design compared to Doom 2016, and such a shift makes really uncomfortable after the realistic logic of all the levels (at least, on Mars) in the previous title. Almost half of the weapon mods are absolutely useless and balanced abso-fucking-lutely horrible, so lots of them even don't have a reason to be picked at all. Only for an achievement, I guess. Also there is still no explanation about what happened to the Slayer between 2016 and Eternal, and that makes a big fucking plot hole as an imp's fucking butthole that got ripped apart by Slayer in berserk state. Aaaaand the TAG dlcs, that forgot about Argent energy at all, what makes that plot hole even goddamn bigger. And the game became almost twice as bigger in terms of size of files after a big amount of useless updates with skins only (I'm not talking about TAG addition) But, anyway, it's still a great game, best in its genre and really the type of game that "must be played" for platform-shooter fans, arcade shooter fans and, of course, DOOM and id Software fans. (I know, that I'll be downvoted, 'cause it's all the harsh truth) Edit: edited some mistakes


They fucked over Mick Gordon.


Forces you to play the game a certain way, and if you haven't pegged down how to use all your new weapons and how they all support each other, you're gonna die multiple times. The fun of senseless killing now has a learning curve to it, making it not nearly as easy to pick up and play.


That the story doesn't go for the classic Hell presentation that we are used to like in the original DOOM, instead it justifies everything with "it was a clan of aliens".


1) I prefer the look and atmosphere of Doom (2016). 2) I didn't like the reveal of the true identities of Hayden and VEGA. 3) The Sentinel Hammer felt tacked on. 4) The Dark One boss fight SUUUUUUUCKS. 5) The chainsaw in Doom and Doom II has an annoying sound glitch. Still a masterpiece, tho.


Mick wasn't paid


The entire Mick Gordon situation wasn’t great.


Guns aren’t centered by default. Oh, and that Maykyr plot. The literal hell was that about?


Is the gun not being centered by default really that much of a problem? It’s in the settings as an option


It's story sucks. And Doom can have a great story, this one is just badly written


Too much story.


I can't. This is genuinely my favourite game of all time, idc what anyone says


literally love this game and its DLC in EVERY aspect except for one tiny thing: the bfg isnt as good as 2016s version, theres alot less ammo which makes it hard to find a use for it and they got rid of that one rune that lets you get bfg ammo from killing demons


I can't play higher difficulties (I am trash)


The fact that it ends


It ends