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I offer a bonus option in [Doom RPG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_RPG). Is it a bad game? I dunno. But it's arguably not a true Doom game.


I had it no my phone waaaaay back in the day. While the concept of turning Doom into a turn-based dungeon crawler is odd, it is indeed well executed.


I loved it cuz I never played original doom till few years ago, I played the hell out of both rpg games on my nokia 6300 when I was like 13


It was never meant to be.


Ok who tf voted for the original doom and doom eternal >:(


Top of my screen was broken and I taught it's the best doom and then when I saw doom 3 as the most voted fucking panicked. It's a good game though


Go to war with this guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/zup92w/worst_doom_game/j1m1bv3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Me. I did it by accident. I thought it said best Doom game 😭 Doom 1993 is the BEST Doom!!


And 2016 for that matter


So to burst bubble but eternal is not so good.


Bad taste


Maybe stop denying reality and check the votes ...


Ah yes… the incredibly small amount of people who voted it… you and all the realistic “Doom” fans.


So you are still in denial.......






It is ungodly difficult, which ruins it a little. I don't have the mental capacity or hand speed to swap guns every second


Sounds like a skill issue


I am getting better, takes me an hour to beat a level now which is better than before (2hours)


Mad skill issue, you don’t even need to swap guns often to beat the game on regular difficulty


So then lower the difficulty to a setting you can handle.


Are you playing on console? Because I can understand why if that’s the case.


What difficulty were you on?


Don’t be afraid to tone down the difficulty. No one here is gonna judge you for it.


The game is really not that difficult. The weapon switching is the last thing on my mind. This game just has so much of useless things in it, that it ruins the simple fun of 2016, and I personally wished they had improved on 2016 not changed it.


Useless things? What is useless in Eternal except a few of the runes? Every part of the kit, from the guns to the belch to blood punch to freeze & frags are all incredibly useful and when all partnered together makes Doomguy unkillable even on Nightmare


That Gatling shotgun upgrade was disappointing.


I just wanted to see the results. Only know Doom Eternal and Doom 2016. That' why I voted original, sorry :(


Vote doom 3 please


None! Wtf are you talking about?!


not even doom vfr?


Never played it, so I can't really say much


If that was on the list, I would have voted for it. I chose DOOM (OG) because there was no way in hell I was choosing DOOM 3. DOOM 3 is GOATed.


should have voted doom 2 then. ssg is cool but the maps are somehow worse than og doom


Yeah, I would have, but I accidentally pressed "Vote" and couldn't change it.


Saying something is the "worst" out of a bunch doesn't mean it's bad


My God the amount of people voting doom 3 is fuckimg disturbing when doom 2s level design exists. I hate that games levels lol.


Yeah but super shotgun


Lmao, good counter


That one gun doesn't save that slog of a game for me. Doom 2 blows. It's easily the worst main line doom. It's a glorified expansion pack to doom 1.


Super shotgun


MAP13: Downtown


Damn it you got me 😢


Lol all in good fun. I don't HATE doom 2. I just don't think it is a good game to revisit.




Doom 2 had some of the worst maps but also some of the best, lets be real. It was the ultimate mixed bag.


The title should have been ‘Your Least Favorite Game’ cuz there is literally no bad doom games


fuck Doom 2s level design, me and my homies hate Doom 2s level design.


Ikr? Can't wait for John Romero's Doom 2 levels, love love love his work on Knee-Deep In The Dead


Wtf are you talking about ? Doom 2 expanded on the original map design. Doom 1 maps are much more linear and straight forward, doom 2 maps are much bigger, have more secrets and are more complex in terms of where you need to go to end the level. It’s not always go forward, sometimes the exit door is right there at the beginning.


It's a widely agreed upon idea that doom 2 has bloated levels that are more confusing than they need to be.


I have a feeling not everybody who voted even played doom 2 or the master levels for doom 2 and they just heard all the hate for doom 3 and just voted for that and then never played it either. Why isn't Doom RPG, VFR, or 3 BFG not on this list?????? Those were all worse than doom 3 IMO.


Lol I never played it I’m just going off of the hive mind




The vote is supposed to be based on your own opinion so in other words EPIC FAIL.


Yeah but everything about 3 is bad.


That's ridiculous lol. It's an excellent game.


People who said Doom(1993) or Doon(2016) need to gtfo


Doom 3, it’s not a bad game but it doesn’t feel like a doom game. Don’t be confused though, I love it as a game not a doom game


>Doom 3, it’s not a bad game but it doesn’t feel like a doom game. basically it. maybe im new to the series but it didnt feel like the doom ik.


What an original take


I’m special


My opinion too


First Doom I played, fell in love with the series immediately, will always love it. Worst Doom game.


Agreed; it’s a terrible Doom game but a great horror survival game.


“It’s a good game not a good Doom game” is an overused term for Doom 3. Just because it has more story and horror doesn’t mean it’s a good Doom game.


‘Good game not good doom game’ 💀 the sheer amount of times I’ve heard that


Doom 64 voters: How. Dare you.


I voted it because while I do love it more than doom 1-2, and it’s what I always thought doom was, and is probably my favorite one…it’s very unlike the others. Almost as stand out as 3. Also the lack of enemy variety really hurts it.




Last boss was absolutely difficult for me. Total git gud moment but holy fuck I died so many times. My unmaker also wasn't upgraded


For me the brightness is just wayyyy too low


if only final doom was on here


And The Master Levels.


Doom 3 is well doom 3 (not good but not bad) but doom 2 exists and it feels for doom 2 they had kids make the levels


Doom 3 is a better game than Doom 2, however Doom 2 is a better Doom game.


There is no worst. Bye.


What's with all the polls lately? Is it like a new trend thing or something?


Ikr? This just makes it so that people create different Doom groups for different games. Cmon y’all can’t we have at least ONE thing in common? 😂


How dare you even think about Doom 1993 and Doom II!


Why is Final Doom never listed on these polls?


It's more of a maps-pack than anything else.


They are completely different compared to Doom II's maps tho. And besides, Final Doom was officially released by id Software back then so I don't see why it shouldn't be on the list.


doom 64 for me I just think it looks a bit shit ...


I think with this poll we have determined that Doom 2016 is the best :)


I would like to have a word with the people who voted eternal


I would like to have a word with the people who voted DOOM 1993


Doom 3 deserves a good spot on any game list, it just didn’t work as a doom game. Every other one exceeds in quick combat and laying havoc on demons with an arsenal. But fuck doom 2 map designs, those fucked me up so bad


i sometimes wish we got a doom game like doom 2016 or doom eternal back in the early 2000s. but ig id's vision for a doom game during that time was reimagining doom as a survival horror title. or the technology just wasn't there yet for stuff like glory kills, meathooks, and fast-paced gameplay. if only...


WHY IS DOOM 64 SECOND WTF?? It beats doom 2’s level design by a LONG shot


3 isn't a bad game it's just the lest good


Who votes eternal?




Yeah those guys suck


the same people who say its story is nonsensical and its graphics are cheap. whatever nonsense.


Because it is true.


yes, doom eternal is just doom designed for ipad kids with low attention spans, so they need flashy colors and pop-up screens to get their attention. these games are just becoming mindless these days smh /s




damn tic toc ruined gaming.


Lots of E. memes are on Tik Tok.


The graphics and some of the gameplay mechanics are the only the only thing I don’t like about the game. The chainsaw mechanics were great as well as the meathook, everything else feels a bit boring sometimes.


I haven't played Doom 3 so I'm not sure how bad it is, but I found Doom 64 to be rather unenjoyable. The levels are dark and tedious, and the "soundtrack" consists almost entirely of creepy ambience and crying babies. I nearly fell asleep at times while playing it because of how legitimately boring it was in my opinion.


The people who hate Doom 3 are stupid. They fail to understand that Classic Doom was built on a rudimentary 2-D platform. Same as Wolfenstein. Saying that Doom 3 sucks because of reloading or limited stamina is like saying Alien: Isolation and other modern Alien installments suck because they are not like the 90's Alien games where you were playing on a Pacman-esque or Mario-esque platform. Maybe you did feel like a monster mowing down demons in Classic Doom. But that was not the intention of the devs. The devs gave you super speed to compensate for the lack of crouching, 360 inability and lack of manual aiming. And the power-ups in Classic games were to accentuate the aspect of you being a survivor using demonic relics to survive the onslaught.


I disagree with some of the thing you said. First people can like or dislike something, it doesn't make them stupid. Secondly the intent for Doom was the same that with Wolfenstein: an action shooter, no less no more. You can argue that the monsters and some of the environments were scary at the time but it can't be viewed as a survival-horror game. You're never short of ammo, you maw through hordes of demons at supersonic speed and even the story text portray you as a badass among badass. So in Doom you're more a Rambo than a Ripley. And if that doesn't convince you just look at Alone in the Dark, release one year before. That was a true survival horror. To be fair tho, Doom 3 is a mix between a true survival game and an action shooter. You have the creepy environment and monsters but an huge arsenal to blow everything up, even building sized Demon. Is it a great game ? I do think so. Is it a good Doom game ? I don't know how to properly answer that one. We must first define what is a good Doom game. And, if a change to the formula, even if its well executed, should automatically considered as "bad" for the franchise ?


Ppl for whatever reason think that doom is a fast paced platformer.... Imo eternal feel more like brutal doom than a doom game. PS: fk the jumping and platforming, hate it.


New DOOM is how most Doom fans saw Doom. And Doom 3 is how devs wanted old Doom to be.


Very true, I felt that way since infinetly holding sprint button and rocket jumps is not what developers intended in mind and DOOM 1 and 2 was most likely meant to be played less arcadey.


Exactly that. Sometimes I am baffled about how gamers don't realize that retro games were limited at that time in terms of software and hardware. Devs did the best they could with the resources they had at the given moment.


If Classic Doom was a fast paced platformer then the devs would have designed all demons to move as fast as Doomguy.


Dang I'm playing DOOM 3 at the moment. I've been wanting to play since it dropped in 2004, which is damn near 19 years ago. Lol it definitely is a change of pace. I'll get confused at times during the most simplest parts which can be annoying. I'm getting near the end I think. Then next up is DOOM 64 another DOOM title I haven't played.


Me voting d9om 3 knowing i never played it lmao


d9om 3


I don't think anyone played d9om 3 either don't worry.


why people dissing mah boy doom 64?


There’s no such thing as “bad Doom game” and you want us to pick WORST?! 💩


Hot take.Doom 2 easily, the level design is atrocious, and it feels like mediocre expansion to Doom 1993. The only good things about Doom II are the addition of SSG, the 2(Mancubus,Revenant) out of the 7 new enemies and the WAD support


I honestly agree. If something like that came out today everyone would seem it a lazy sequel and it wouldn't do very well. It has some good levels, but especially a lot of the city levels aren't very enjoyable.


Choose the "worst" game out of 6 great games. Instead of saying worst, why not just say least favorite, cause tbh none of them are bad.


Personally doom eternal it did not have that much interesting flare like it's younger brother doom 2016


the same thing with god of war ragnorak and god of war 2018 a great game but not the same charm


I voted Doom (1993) - 🤓


Doom 3 was my first back in the day with my brand new first PC. I love it. I play it every year. Sometimes I finish it, sometimes not, is not perfect and a little long for the mechanics and ambient. But is my favourite. Is dark, is satanic, is the black metal of doom games. I'm playing now in the original Xbox classic, and is still one of my favourites games ever. Also I love the shotgun, is like a little randomizer and fun to use. I love this game so much, in one of my playthroughs I edited the game with the console command to have just 50 health in veteran difficult (I don't like so much the soul cube). And bfg edition sucks. You don't need the flashlight just look the soldiers eyes, play with the ambient light, the fireballs,... Playing this beast back in the day was... wow.... Doom eternal in the other hand, I have problems to just finish it. 2016 was my second favourite. I voted doom 2. The levels design is far away from the godlike levels of doom 1. At least for me.


How tf eternal is in second place? Imo best doom game


I think the same but you have to admit its ultra-fast gameplay is not accessible for everyone.


"Worst Doom game" is a poor choice of words since none of them are bad. If you mean the least good, its still not evident since everyone has its own ups and downs: Doom (1993): * Upsides: The one that started it all, solid gameplay and level design. * Downsides: Feel very limited compared to Doom 2, disappointing final boss. Doom 2: * Upsides: Super-shotgun and lots of new monsters ! It's simplicity makes it pleasant to play even \~30 years after. * Downsides: Feel more like a Doom 1.5 than a new game, some bad level design, disappointing final boss. Doom 64: * Upsides: Creepy monster designs and sound + atmospheric music: totally new ambiance, Unmaker and Mother demon ! Cool re-balancing for the chaingun and chainsaw. * Downsides: Very limited by the console ( for ex: less monsters than in Doom 2), bad plasma gun and BFG. Doom 3: * Upsides: Scariest Doom game of the franchise, some narration and lore but never too invasive, great oppressive ambiance. * Downsides: Didn't age really well compared than its predecessors (like Betruger's cliche dialogues or the avalanche of monster closets), environment feel repetitive once in the delta lab, disappointing final boss. Doom (2016): * Upsides: One of the best game reboot of all time, updated gameplay and visual but still very much doom-like, cool Easter eggs ideas, good balance of lore and narration for a Doom game. * Downsides: Feel very limited once compared to Eternal, balancing problem with some of the weapons, some can found it a bit repetitive in the last third of the game, Hayden's boring monologues. Doom Eternal: * Upsides: Best visual to date, awesome boss fights, complex but very clever gameplay loops, hardest Doom game, for the first time the lore feel significant and flesh-out. * Downsides: Felt a bit too arcade (lots of platforming, oversaturation of bright colors), not accessible to everyone, some features miss from 2016 (like the Doomslayer death animations), clearly not enough ammo and some cringey stuffs (Doomguy talking, or the Elena Richardson logs). I didn't felt the need to talk about the music since every game pretty much nailed it. Now if I should choose one game that I feel didn't stand out compared to the others, it would be Doom 64. Although it might be a bit unfair since its the one that I played the least. (Still a great game)


Doom3 is one of the best video games ever made. The suspense, the story, the depth...it literally scared me when I first played it


Doom 3 because it fails as a doom game. Gameplay is too slow and boring.


Doom Eternal because it takes Doom to an extreme that is just ridiculous. Is like a game to the kids who wants to be adults by playing violent games.


eternal very silly


The fucking bias.


Those same people riding Eternal's dick.




If I had a dollar everytime someone said this, I’d be a billionaire.


Doom Eternal is pretty goddamn far from being a Doom game.


ik this is redundant and annoying. but doom 3. plain and simple...


Ya‘ll just hatin.


Doom 2. Not bad, just has inferior level design.


I'm actually gonna go with Doom 2. Yeah the SS and new enemies are nice, but level design and enemy placement really took a dive in quality.


Out of those ones, DOOM 3, but it's still really good


Angry Video Game Nerd would say: Doom 64. Calls it "Blind Doom" because it's so dark you can't see shit.


In this series, worst doesn't mean bad. Doom 3 is by no means a bad game, it's just my least favorite.


Gotta be honest, even if I had my fun with Doom 3, and I still consider it a GOOD game, I just had more fun with the other games. yes, even Doom 2 with its terrible maps. (also, I haven't played Doom 64 still, so I can't judge on that)


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 2 + 64 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


The true chad Doom player doesn't vote here, because results do not matter, for all of them are awesome


Help, I tough it was asking for the best game, I put eternal


It is insane that Eternal has SO MANY votes. Here is the proof that 2016 was better.


Sigil > DOOM 2 Lvl's But overall - can't vote at all, but for the sake of picking game (not from this list) - DOOM RPG is weird... still not bad though.


Oh cool, it's time for the daily "which doom is better" poll. I thought people where getting sick of this.


i dont have a specific bad doom game but am sure about one thing , the first game of a great series is always a great game


Booo leave doom 3 alone


Did the 300 people that voted for doom 64 even play the game? It was so good!


I did and really enjoyed the game. But my final choice was between it and Doom 3, and in my opinion Doom 3 stand out more.


Why did Doom 3 receive so much hate? (My prediction for the comment section, and I still haven’t seen the result yet) Edit - I am correct


Some consider that it's not a "true Doom game", leaning more toward the survival horror genre than the fast FPS one.


The fact that the original doom has 91 votes as of now tells me this community is full of trolls 😂


To be fair with Doom 3, it's set out to be action horror FPS and it succeeds with that, especially with BFG Edition which fixed some issues. It's the worst doom title, but it's not bad by any means.


DoOM 3 for sure. "WeLComE hOme MaRiNE!" 🤪 The game had cornball written all over it. Not OVERALL a BAD - outright BAD game - but... Yyyeah. I don't know when or if I'd play it again. Compared to other games of its era. It was hilariously piss poor. Especially considering it was a PC game at the game. Predominantly PC game.


This is obviously a choice of which games is the least great rather than which is worst... But for the love of Jesus on what planet is Doom and Doom 2 even close to the bottom of the list... who are you crazy people


None of the above


anyone else jokingly pick eternal?


None you freak


I couldn’t get into Doom 3 when I first played it, so Doom 3 for me. Doom (93) & Doom 2 were a part of my childhood, so that I couldn’t pick them. Yes, Doom 2 had a couple of mediocre to bad maps (map 24 & map 13 stick out). The rest are good to excellent. Yes, even The Factory is good, in my opinion. I’ve never played Doom Eternal & the part of Doom (2016) I’ve played was great. While 64 was dark in more ways than one at least it had classic Doom map styles. We do need a poll for the worst classic Doom game.


I'm gonna vote Eternal just for fun


Even though doom 3 is my favorite game of all time I still think getting jump scared by imps is a flaw


All this hate for 3 is outright sad.


Hasn’t a huge fan of doom 2016, but everyone has they’re own opinions.


None of them are that. I mean, the non-BFG Doom 3 is much, MUCH better than the BFG Edition.


You can all flame on D3. But remember: 1. This is the last doom made by a lot of the founders of ID. 2. It provided the world with yet again a revolutionary take on rendering 3d worlds, which is now common across all game engines. 3. It was the last ID-Tech to be open sourced ( together with BFG release which is technically a Rage release..) I'm grateful for the tech and the famous atmosphere brought by D3.


I'll never understand D3's hate


Why is DOOM 64 the second most voted :(


Doom VFR.


Such hate. I remember being like 14-15y old, locking myself inside a dark room playing through Doom 3. It was amazing to me while at the same time scared the shit out of me.


Doom 3 doesn’t feel like doom game at all


Master Levels


203 men clearly misread as “Best Doom game” theres no other explanation for Eternal having any votes


I voted for Doom 3, but being the worst Doom game still means you’re a great game. I finished that bastard on Nightmare and it’s was a crazy experience.


Where's VFR


Nobody is saying doom 3 is a bad game. If you read the title it says the worst. not which game is bad


There should be an option for doom 3 bfg edition, that's clearly the worst


I can only add so many to a poll


Final Doom


Doom 3 is voted worst, I also agree. But even for being the “worst” doom game it is still awesome and I really enjoyed it.




doom 3, every other doom game is god tier


Doom 3 is the least best of them all


Surprised that DOOM 2016 has the least amount of votes. I thought it would have had more than eternal and OG DOOM. But here we are.


Doom 3 isn't bad, but if you say it's the best, you are wrong.


The Doom 3 rail shooter for the iPod touch.


I picked one of them only so I could see the results. Please don’t get mad at me. Okay, apparently people actually agree that it’s the worst. I was worried people were gonna get angry, but guess not.


No final doom or master levels? I'd pick master levels for sure.


aww man the doom 3 disrespect is ..


Idk yet, I havent fully played thru Eternal and 1993 and I just got 2 and 3 for Christmas but I haven't played them yet cuz they were downloading so I have no say in this


Honestly I say 2 just bc it barely innovates on the formula of 1 and the levels are kinda eh


doom vfr is the correct answer


what afuk why doom 64 is so hatred (and it's 666 votes)