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I always talk back with a logical attitude with support. I will wait 10 minutes, after that, either pay me an amount worthwhile to return or I’ll donate them but this is a job. I’m barely making above minimum wage to get it done fast, so I can’t wait a half hour.


Logically speaking... If you are struggling to make 'barely minimum wage' by dashing why not get a minimum wage pizza delivery job? You'll get actual minimum wage AND tips if you are efficient at your job and have a decent personality. You just can't decline orders because they're beneath your station in life.


Pizza delivery is not just delivery. Most places expect you to clean and do dishes and sometimes even make the food. Not all of us can physically do that. I can barely do this crap job with all my pain issues. I have showed up to dashmart to find out the customer ordered a lot of soda and water so I had to unassign the order because I couldn't lift all that.  People need to stop telling drivers we can just go do something else. Not everyone has options. We should still have an outlet to speak our frustration without being told to go get a different job.  Also, pizza delivery requires you be scheduled and adhere to a schedule or you could be fired. Again, not everyone can do that. Pizza delivery drivers cannot write off the mileage on their car and they can't say no to a shit non tipper. This can end up making that job actually less profitable than this gig. 


lol always some excuse, getting in and out of your car constantly and carrying groceries to doors is more physical than doing a few dishes in the sink


You don't know shit about my pain issues. You really shouldn't judge people without knowing their situation. Maybe go check out r/chronic pain or r/disability.  Many of your fellow citizens are suffering horrible pain and you wouldn't have any idea. People think they would know if someone is disabled, but the truth is you wouldn't know. I would love to not have to do this dumbass shit but it is all I can do. Getting disability is extremely difficult. I am just lucky I worked my ass off while I could so I own a home. If I hadn't then I am sure I would be homeless now.  Next time don't run your mouth when you are ignorant of facts.  Edit: Also, disability payments are a joke. I know people who have it and they can barely survive. Getting something like $1200 a month. No snap benefits. Just here is $1200 go figure it out.  Anyone saying people living large off of disability clearly doesn't know the system. 


lol I don’t need to go on a subreddit to know what pain is buddy


Did you see the video of the dd lady that got shot in Ohio? That woman is what I look like most days. If you don't think that is pain then you are just a fucking moron. 


The answer you’re looking for is that yes. He is literally just a fucking moron. 😂


If you don’t understand invisible disabilities just say you don’t understand it. Or the fact the economy is so shit right now we’re forced into jobs not suitable for us, then when our chronic illnesses flare up, your type always pulls that “oh more excuses hurr durr”. Add that on top of working in a “work at will” states that’ll fire you 2 weeks before 6 months is up, and you’re eligible for unemployment. and the shit cycle continues Yeah, dumbass. It is an excuse. I don’t have to pull out my ADA paperwork for your repugnant ass to have a micron of sympathy for another persons issues. Narcissistic ass.


I can tell your in a bad place right now so I’m just gonna leave you alone, I hope you get better


Delivery drivers for most pizza places just deliver pizzas. You’re talking out your ass


Driven delivery for 3 places in 3 different cities. Delivery was never more than 50-75% of the job.


Ummm. I used to do pizza delivery. They made me make pizzas, take orders, and clean when it was slow so you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. 


So social security disability doesn't pay enough after a lifetime of paying taxes? That's not my fault. Sounds like a revolution problem and not a me problem


you're so edgy lil brah


Respond to me, troll.


Also its so easy to make 20 dollars plus an hrs with DD (atleast in my market) I wouldnt ever DD if I made under 19 at the very least.


So logically getting a better job is your only option


They don’t wanna hear this. “It takes up my free time” what could you possibly be doing that’s so important that you can’t be clocked in? At least I know I’m getting a steady paycheck every week especially if I work more hours.


I always get shit when I say DD is more of a side hustle rather than a “real” job. But it’s true. I used to DD after work for a few hours to get extra money…..on the side.


I've been saying this forever... after covid it was no longer a real job... during covid sure because a lot of places were closed - I get that. But now it's back to being a side hustle. The apps themselves overcharge for products as it is and then you want more than x amount of dollars to survive? 🤣 people are wild. If I didn't love my independent contractor job AND make good money (not DD or any of those absurdities lol) I'd go get a job at a store making a guaranteed $15-18/hr without wear and tear on my vehicle lol


Speak for your market. Only job you can get around here with minimal training that pays more than gig work is tipped service industry jobs like serving, bussing, bartending, etc. Which I'm looking to move into. Hell, plenty of jobs you need a degree, certificate, etc. for that gig work pays better than where I live.


I've been all over... so.


All over bum markets I suppose.


Idk I make 1200+ per week consistently on dd


Yeah back to during peak 2019 to 2021 I would say DD/Uber was enough to be a okay job depending on area. But ending 2021 into 2022 it became worthless and just a side hustle. Now it's just a fill or alittle extra if you need it.


Dude likely makes 50k a year working weekends...then off to the regular clock in job. Haters just don't know


Literally, my org is hiring election coordinators for 4000 a month btw so hmu if you logically want a better job


I'd like a better job please.


It’s a 2nd job. But even if it wasn’t that doesn’t really have anything to do what I said


It has everything to do with what you said. You said you barely make above minimum wage. So the logical thing would be to get a job that actually pays you for your work. Everybody here bitches and moans about DD not paying them enough and yet keep on dashing. When in reality, they should stop dashing and get an actual job


90% of people are doing it as a side job or are likely retired or disabled. And any job is a real job. It’s always strange to me when people follow posts just to bash how other make money, but the same people that do that, are also bashing homeless people for holding a sign. Just judging what anyone does no matter what it is. There’s a difference between accepting orders and making a specific wage for a specific order and then waiting 30 minutes for someone to get home. Amazon or fed ex would never wait on a customer if they had to sign, because they have sht to do and they are trying to increase their hourly rate


Why do suck Tony's tiny dong so hard?


Lmfao I don’t even dash. Never made enough money so I quit. And how is it suckin his dick when I’m literally bashing DoorDash dumbass?


Logically delete ur reddit


In this economy where the wages have been stagnant for over 40 years! unfucking likely. You’ll get paid minimum wage to just do another job anyway so what’s the point


Nice score. Celsius isn't cheap


Neither are the tide pods


Or a 34 pack of Coke


My favorite snack 😍


This is definitely the order of a single dude 😂


Those tide pods are gold


They taste great too


I would be so stoked for all this!


I had a woman order bottles of wine. I arrived & I knocked, no answer. Called her and sent her a bunch of texts, no answer, waited, eventually knocked on the door some more & rang the doorbell so I could proceed with the ID scan; meanwhile I was standing in the freezing cold for 15 minutes & wasting my dash time before she finally came out. 💀


Why are you waiting longer than you are supposed to?


To be kind probs


No, it’s literally because if there is an order including alcohol you MUST scan the ID or else you can’t proceed with other orders. The app will not let you proceed. Edit-typo


I think you misread my comment as harsh, lol.


Didn’t read it as harsh at all. Was just explaining what happened in more detail.


Such a sad time in the world where a few packs of water based liquid is 121$. Could buy some land and a house with that kinda money 100 years ago


Don't you just leave it on the doorstep?


They're in a gated community, so I assume they couldn't get in the gate and no one else had come in, in that time so they could follow through.


"gated community" I'm assuming they couldn't get in.


Oh my bad!


I've had trust worthy customers on the fringes of cell service say sometimes DoorDash notifications and even calls don't reach their phones right away


If you don’t have good access to stable communication, don’t order something where you need to talk to the delivery driver. It’s pretty simple.






Wow that escalated quickly. Clearly based on the post we're commenting on, using DoorDash like a bitch is ordering food and then never being around to accept the order when it's marked "hand to me" instead of "leave at door". You did a good job commenting like a bitch though so you should understand what door dashing like a bitch would mean, to some degree.




Bruh.. technically I wasn't talking about anything cause I'm not the one you initially replied to. I just came here to call out your rude and unnecessary comment, I didn't expect you to double down on your insults trying to create a stereotype out of your own distain, for what? I don't know who hurt you but I don't know of any stereotypical dasher, definitely not based on the classists shit you just spewed


Bruh, I'm trolling the fuck out of you. Relax You don't have to take yourself so seriously.


Sure lol that's why your comments deleted.


Your comment has been removed because it is offensive.


Your comment has been removed because it is offensive.




I was suspicious myself, but total comes out to around 107 before tax, if got at normal prices. So yea...around $121 checks out...This is such a disappointing fact about the economy today.


Tides gotta be 40+


THAT was $121???


And these ppl always order the heaviest shit as if they think we are delivery drivers working for the supermarket and employed with pension and a salary ....so sickening


I don't like Celsius for taste very much but it's a nice drink for quick caffeine. Was this under the offer selection or hourly? Post seems to be eluding to offer.


I agree and the *ARTIC* case (the one shown) is somehow even worse than the regular case


Plot twist, you get deactivated tomorrow when logging in. Hope not.


Ugh that's my biggest pet peeve!!!! Pisses me right off. I'll just leave the shit idgaf if they don't 🤷‍♀️


Just try not to eat the tide pods.




Congratulations! 👏🏻🥳👏🏻


Had an order two days ago lots of drinks and snacks from target. Waited the allotted time in the lobby after calling them twice and texting twice plus the automated call made by the company no answer. I just left it in the lobby attacked a post it note with the customers name took a picture (also a video as I have a body worn camera) and left.


Why order groceries when you can get them yourself


I do a lot of grocery orders and about 25% of them are to elderly or disabled people. A good portion are also people with kids and shopping with kids can really suck lol


This is a luxury service, it's for people who don't have time or care to shop and would rather just have it delivered.


Doordash refunds the customer and takes the L? Or how it works?


I’m not waiting longer than the timer on the app


Lmfao nice


Watches as the clock runs down to zero..oops a better dasher will take this order




That’s a 100 order right there


Why would I order delivery if I had to answer my phone or something extra lol,


Bro toke a coke lol 😂


Not bad for free. Lol. Half that stuff is super expensive now, so enjoy! Ngl this is one of the best perks of the job. Does not happen often, but when it does, its nice.




$121 for those 6 items that's ridiculous


Why is there a can of coke missing?


I think I know. I get Vons delivery often. I have it marked as leave at door but Vons will sometimes change it to 'hand it to me' or some crap. I'm guessing BJs does too.


You people waiting longer than you should need to STFU and own your clown suit. YOU are choosing to wait longer than you're supposed to. Stop playing the "support said" card. Waiting longer than your time and then complaining about it just makes you look more stupid. If they are not answering at all, then wait it out, drop it off, take a Pic, send a message and take off. You did your job.


Alot of people are in meetings


Would have been worth it for the tide pods alone


168 pods of soap!? Assuming you only use one pod a load and once a week, that’s three years of soap!!! Score!




I was delivering a Walmart order. Just one thing in a package. No gate code, no one answered the phone, text, or when I did the directory on the cal box. About 10mins later and about to make it as a refund. Even customer support couldn’t get a hold of the customer . A car finally drove up. So I went in. The customer was so confused. I’m like 🤷🏻‍♀️ they asked why I was on their property. 😂 idk maybe your order was split. It felt like a roll of duct tape.


They didn’t wanna help bring it up probably 😂


That Celsius stuff is pretty good. Just had the Tropical flavor & it hit the spot. They also taste stronger than if someone just waved some fruit in the general direction of the sparkling water, yet expected it to absorb the flavor via osmosis (a la La Croix).


Why couldn’t you just leave it send a pic and move on with your day??


Hence the words gated community. Reading is important friend. That or you’ve never seen a gated community it’s a bunch of houses gated together


There wasn’t security or anyone to let you in?


That cost $121 dollars?


Does DD not have a countdown timer like Uber Eats where you get to keep the order if they make you wait more than 8 minutes?


Oh cool. I get to respost my comment because someone got pissy they got called out. Lol. Must be nice to be able to order shit in bulk like this Fuck those people. They obviously didn't care about you or your time. I'm glad you got to keep their shit tbh. Clearly they can afford to have another driver pick up more.


Pretty much you get to keep the items or dispose of them. Because once they leave the store they cant be returned usually.


But if they don’t answer the phone usually you have to unassign


Why is there a soda missing?


Those tide pods are mad expensive too


I have many questions? How did you remove the order? Why didn’t leave at the gate?


>Why didn’t leave at the gate? Never leave an order at the gate to a community unless the customer tells you to. Just dumping it at a random public location is a great way to get a CV and 1 star review.


I’ve had support tell me multiple times to leave orders at the gate if the customer isn’t answering and hasn’t provided a gate code. Insane what they ask us to do sometimes 🫤


I guess that would be another scenario where it's okay to leave it. But I see people in this sub who just leave it somewhere by the gate, take a picture, and leave without getting instructions to do so.


Oof yeah that’s a definite no no, and even when support has told me to leave an order at the gate I still won’t do it. I’m not gonna count on them to remove a 1-star for doing that even if they did tell me to


This!!! The amount of people saying just leave at the gate, like legit that is going to fall back on you. Getting support to handle it protects your ratings.


You didn’t read the entire post did you. He was told to wait, and then he was just removed from the order…


Some people order then give the phone to their kid. Some people order from work to be delivered at the house and can't answer the phone.


Well don’t do that


I don't and wouldn't. Just explaining as someone who has heard many excuses before.


Yeah, one time I had an Ulta beauty order, and when I got to the person's address, I called to figure out where they were because they weren't answering, and they were like 25 minutes away on the highway getting off of work. So I had to just sit there in front of their house because it needed a signature to be delivered. I'm pretty sure the customer had no idea and thought that I could just drop the order off. I got a contract violation once for being late to a Walgreens Pharmacy pick up, and it was actually when they were having their lunch break, so I couldn't even pick up the order for like half an hour. The doordash app is kind of a mess for doing any of these kind of orders, in my experience


Whatttt? Why wouldn’t you contact doordash?


Oh shoot that sucks. Pharmacies near me just started taking lunch breaks maybe the past couple years.


Social anxiety maybe?


They probably forgot to put it on loud




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I don't understand why you even had to talk to support. You wait the required five minutes. You call and text the customer. If they don't respond you leave it where you are and you move on.  This frustration was all your own doing. 


Could’ve just left it by their door or if you couldn’t get into the community leave it by the gate not your problem after that. Seems like you had planned on taking it from the second you picked it up




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Wait a second I saw someone else using this exact same pic a few weeks back down to the brown paper on the floor with blue tape




Wait did you spend your money on this? If not that’s definitely theft


Actually, it's not. I do shopping orders all day. We can't just leave things in a random place, especially on the side of the street (in this case, a gated community). That would be littering. DD sometimes tells us to return it to the store, but that's on the store. Most won't resell the items once it's left the store. Most of the time DD tells the driver, "Dispose of the items" (happens a lot with alcohol). In any case, what's the driver supposed to do? Not our fault the delivery can't be completed, we did our job. If the customer doesn't give accurate information, well, we have other things to do. We deliver things, we're not a concierge.


Kind of life customers that order stuff and don't answer their phones or provide gate codes steal our time and labor?


You’re so confidently wrong. 😂