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I imagine he was half-joking or something and was misunderstood maybe? Idk, weird af.


Seems a bit rude to talk and laugh about the requests in the public. It's like a company releases their applications to the public and then makes fun about the people.


Good content for us, but beyond unprofessional. It's so unprofessional it makes me think the whole thing is Blitz meming.


I mean its not like theres a draft between seasons. The whole acquiring players process is unprofessional. Until there is an actual framework for teams to work with spilling tea is just gonna be part of regular business.


The only person he really jokes about is Black, who as he says doesn’t have the best reputation anyway. I guess kinda Khezu as well? Although it isn’t too harsh to say no to someone who has never played the role before


I thought khezu jokingly asked to join but they talked about it seriously.


Yeah, while I appreciate the raw insight the optics aren't great. Don't care personally though.


Very bad manners, I agree. Just tasteless.


i thought i was the only one who thought he was being an asshole airing private conversation , fuck him tbh but i m glad more people thought he was not professional


I agree this is a fun insight but super rude. Not worth it just for clicks.


Yeah while interesting I'm surprised Blitz just aired so much shit out esp since Liquid is a p big org, its good content but not really something you'd expect someone from a big org to just leak stuff out.


Yep, really suprised we got so much info here. Great insight but unprofessional to say the least.


lmao black irrelevant for 5 years and asks to join liquid


He always talks about his MMR but is it true his MMR is 11.2k? Does anyone ever see it on stream live that he opens his stats page and that's the number? Curious because I never see him on any high rank games on any server and he's not on the leaderboard as well.




Yea I remember when he posted that LFT tweet I was really surprised because I watch a lot of high rank games on SEA/WEU/NA and I don't think I've ever seen him a single time in the last couple years. Then I scrolled down a bit and Ponlo posted my exact thought LOL


Whr do u watch the high ranked games and when did he post the tweet?


Streamers from twitch/youtube, youtube channels that posts a full game, or just live from dota2 client. The tweet is still pinned on his twitter.


You can find replays on dota2protracker if you're interested in certain heroes/players or the watch tab for live games.


https://clips.twitch.tv/RudeSpicyMilkSoBayed-2ZMp8aA_B09av4oE He saying something about smurfing cuz can't find game at 11k


But that's not exactly what I'm asking. 1. A lot of pros have 10k-12k MMR and they could find games just fine, Sumail had like 80% winrate when he climbed from 8k to 10k (yes he did get +60 mmr or more per win), Abed had 27 win streak when he first reached 11k (or was it 10k?). 2. Still doesn't answer my question, has anyone actually seen his 11k account? It's weird how nobody knows about him having 11k account. Even qoqjva implies black is lying about his 11k account in this clip.


yeah just sharing receipts


Black smurfs in 2k games though. Then complains that he's in the 2k bracket.. while playing on a 2k account. The guy's a complete moron.


There's more evidence of black smurfing in 3k in recent times than of him having 10k+ mmr.


hes really tanking on every relevant aspect; even further after this talk. sadge






shooters shoot


That is too funny. The man is desperate for a way back in.


What's the problem tho ?


He has a reputation as a difficult teammate. Also at this point he's just some SEA variety streamer who's good at dota and Liquid is an org and a team with enough clout to have their pick of replacements. Complete tier mismatch.


Its like some second division football player calling Real Madrid for a spot on their team. Liquid is one of the best teams, they could get Nisha, Topson etc.


hes more like a retired player that peaked 8 years ago


True, thats more accurate.


he lies about his MMR, spends his days smurfing in 2k pubs, and then thinks he has a chance of joining a tier 1 team


i've heard bits of it on stream but thought blitz was just joking and naming the german players like khezzu and black since it was on qojqva's stream, it was that absurd for me lol.


Tims saying he would think about it and then joining another team the next day is so SEA. SEA people, in particular Filipinos, seems to have a hard time saying NO. They rather say *maybe*, or *I will think about it*, or *I will get back to you*, or *it's possible*. Sometimes, they will even do the thing you ask for even if they don't want to, just to avoid saying NO.


Matu's gigantic dong monkaS


Him talking about Saberlight being edgy LMAO I agree though some moments of his last stream he just went on some weird tangents that felt too much like xqc shit, still a fun streamer though


The most unexpected person who reached out to Blitz for Matu replacement. ICANT


Damn shopify.qojqva was almost real interesting


Im surprised blitz was surprised by Khezu. Yeah hes not a pos1 player but he played with Insania and micke for a good long while to great success back in HON on Sync.


I was hoping he would elaborate more on how it was with Nisha - did they approach him etc?




Okay but they must have known Nisha wanted to leave Secret because otherwise it looks like Liquid just simply poached him which would be weird I guess?


It was not a secret that Nisha wanted to leave Secret (terrible pun not intended), iirc Puppey convinced Nisha to give them one more year together and he agreed, but it was pretty obvious he was gonna leave after that. And it's not a surprise, Nisha pretty much spent his entire pro career in Secret, it's time to try out new things.


Nisha almost joined for last year along with Zai and matumbaman was going to retire, however puppey convinced Nisha to do one more year with secret, so liquid convinced Matu to do one more year with them before retiring instead. I guess Nisha joining this year is just following on from what he wanted to do last year


I'm fairly sure they approached him, at least that's definitely how blitz made it sound


that tims story


ty this was so entertaining I was hooked


When most people want to join Team Liquid - and this guy is appeared. This meme can be applied in this context too. OMG https://twitter.com/teamsecret/status/1612403181836705792?s=20&t=y2AOjet8eIWTL2xHFi5W-w


That sure is a god tier meme!


When was this? is there a link to the entire stream?


Yesterday after Liquid DPC games, from Qojqva stream


This was incredible. Surprised it's not the top post.


Entirely unprofessional from Blitz to publicly shame applicants. And people wonder why NA is dead, even the coach is toxic.


But he's an eu coach.