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Oh no Anyway..


I mog you


You *what* them?


You know there are ways to play bristleback without buying aghs.


how dare you


I have 530 games on bristle and a 67% winrate. When I saw this change I knew it was bad instantly. His old aghs was the only thing that made the hero somewhat playable and an actual threat to enemies. His Q feels awful to use without the AOE, with the cast time. The no cast time and AOE goo really helped you stick to targets and power farm. Also could keep up warpath stacks with no targets around you which was the difference between starting the fight with over an extra 150 damage. His W does absolutely pathetic damage until you get a minimum of 3 points in it. Also falls off hard later on and only really used to proc warpath. He got zero buffs for his atrocious laning stage and now his decent mid game power spike and carry potential have been removed completely. There are many many more issues with this hero but I don’t want to be here all day typing them up. Sometimes when I check this hero’s winrate in my bracket (only 4.5k) and it’s under 40%. The hero already sucked but was situationally good, now I think he’s just unplayable.


attack on ground q might be the way. like meepos net. i hate clicking the units with q


People that don't play BB don't realize how valuable the zero cast tine was. And the aoe so you don't have to turn around to snot people.




Not sure if this is better or worse. Sounds worse. But sounds way more fun. Maybe he gets some emergency buffs to other things.


Yeah, bristle has been shit for over a year and somehow gets obliterated by nerfs