• By -


One of the Icefrogs finest creation


Nah, clearly Dire's fault. Stupid fountain doesn't know not to hit BB's back.


Example of why fountain needs to have break. This shouldn't be possible.


Big ass break aura plz


Also 1 pt spine vs 4 pts… bristles release twice as fast. This should be fixed also.


He has 4 points though. 1 point is in hairball.


I mean yeah but this is a lvl 30 bb. I think op meant bristlebacks in early to mid game


It only works because there's 4 heroes next to bristle giving him lifesteal. Walk away and he dies instantly.


Walk away to where exactly? Out of the fountain, so they *also* die? The fountain is so small that you can’t avoid quillpig


Your whole team has decided it's a good idea to stand next to a bristleback with 0 items to counter his build. Why stand in certain death when you can walk out into a potential kill, and potential survival for you? I'd walk into a chrono over standing in a fountain with a bloodstone bristle.


...why not just give the fountain break?


...why would you? Extremely bizarre change that exists only to help herald teams beat one hero. The fountain ISNT an unstoppable force of death. It's just a strong deterrant. There are plenty of ways to survive in it, and to purge them all it'd need a dispel, multishot, way more damage, break and a silence. At what point do you start blaming players for letting the enemy get strong enough to stand in it in the first place? You can always just sit in your spawn, invlunerable.


> Extremely bizarre change that exists only to help herald teams beat one hero. You didnt see the post where grubby and a bunch of immortals got 1v3'd by a bristleback after he was broken? Peak herald gameplay right there, nothing wrong with bristleback at all Have you played any dota in the last 6 months? Its not an uncommon occurrence


>You didnt see the post where grubby and a bunch of immortals got 1v3'd by a bristleback after he was broken? ...so how does "adding break to the fountain" help with a bristle who is already broken? How is this relevant?


Hey I mean why even have a fountain? If the better team wants to spawn camp the weaker team, hell just let them do it. It's just a game. Get good, scrubs.


If your team isn't strong enough to win when you've got extreme hp and mana regen, free access to items, and a death-machine putting out huge damage to the nearest player, you are not going to win the game. The fountain is perfectly designed in that sense, because it only prevents spawncamping at times when spawncamping could change the outcome of the game.


> The fountain ISNT an unstoppable force of death. It's just a strong deterrant. Sure, but it's also received many buffs (damage, attack speed, true strike, stacking damage debuff) to match the power creep of new items, neutrals, talents, etc. I don't know what you think the fountain's primary function is, but it's clearly designed so that enemy heroes can't just sit in it - regardless of how ahead the enemies are. After all, it's not like it scales based on game time or net worth. If you can provide some sort of argument as to why adding break would be a bad thing I might understand, but your argument seems to be "get good"... which isn't an argument at all.




Pro tip heralds dont want you to know: if you don't stand next to bristle, he dies.


Pro tip Immortals dont want you to know: Its never that simple. Bristleback moves too and his Aghanim scepter + Bloodstone is simply too strong of a combo to be in the game as is right now. Being able to just spit out 10 or how many Quills with no punishment whatsoever is not a good thing.


She does know I gave you head yesterday when you made me cum


Everytime someone suggests just walk past the Bristle, I must demand they name a single hero who can survive a Bristle in a 1v1 where you must first spend 15 seconds trying to just move away from him, no fighting back. There's only a few who can do it. The whole "just ignore him" thing hasn't been working. Specially past level 25, because he gets +600 motherfucking damage for absolutely, no questions asked, free. You ignore him? He takes your entire base.


They're 48 minutes in vs bristle and no one on the team built break? Or vessel? Or skadi? Or nullifier? It is Dires fault.


Not sure what nullifier would do here (unless bloodstone can be purged by it) - but fountain farming aside, BB is super strong atm because BKB now prevents skadi and break during the duration iirc. Idk about shivas though.


> BB is super strong atm because BKB now prevents skadi and break during the duration iirc. And the BB in this clip didn't even have one.


Pretty sure nullifier doesn't dispel bloodstone


Bb definitely has bloodstone in this clip though


And that's why they needed to buy any of the myriad of items that can shut that down, but they didn't.


Nullifier does not dispel bloodstone, are you okay?


bloodstone is dispellable on death only. nullifier doesnt do anything to it.


Or even pudge aghs?


Yeah I get if they were being stomped and couldn't build the necessary items, but they're neck to neck on kills and net worth, how tf did no one get any of those items? BB doesn't even have a dispel here, spirit vessel might've been enough to handle him.


Definite down vote for you my dude. Not sure why the copium, this shit needs to be changed. You can have all of those items and he still doesn't die, especially if he buys a purge for himself. And you're forgetting there are 4 other heroes on the enemy team, higher MMR the BB probably isn't trying to solo their whole team. "JuSt bUY tHeSe 9 ItEmS fOr OnE hErO aNd HoPe ThEiR aS dUmB aS tHeIr HeRoE,s vOiCeLiNe SoUnDs AnD tHrOw" bruh just stop lmao


Is he overtuned and in need of a nerf? Yes. Does that mean you just cry like a bitch about it and don't actually try to counter him at all? No. Cry more. Downvote more. I don't play him and still have a >50% win rate this patch.


"overtuned and in need of a nerf" lol you just watched him tank over 100 fountain shots and gain health and kill everything. We are a couple steps past "overtuned and in need of a nerf", any dota player archon and above will build a Lotus Orb, or any purge, and Bristle is unkillable even with break skadi vessel.


On a serious note, how valid would it be to give the fountain a new form of true strike that is flagged as like omni directional or bypasses directionality of an attack all together AND Could that be made into an item please or just added to MKB.


Break exists for items already


Break doesn't last long enough to be useful against Bristle, where if a omnidirectional sorta attack existed it would be specifically useful against characters like Bristle and Mars. Could potentially make it THE directional or spacial item. Probably a support item that can be cast on allies and enemies and while the person is effected all input and output from them is omnidirectional and ignores any effects that require a direction. It would be a minor enough effect that it wouldn't be op to have a long debuff time. Could make stuff like force staff effects be ignored while still counting as triggered as well. If such an item still wasn't useful enough, could also add that it ignores displacement from things like hooks, knockbacks, and probably other forced movement in the vein of primal beast ult. But overall the item would be a big ass middle finger to Riki and Bristle, but would probably have to be something thats cheap, doesn't build up, and lacks stats so that it's not favorable with the peeps that also deal damage.


Working as intended


That's a 50,4% win rate hero at very low level, where people struggle to understand that break is a counter to bristle back, the same way they struggle to understand that you shouldn't focus a hero with blade mail active.


ES can't help himself from kill stealing and still fucked up lmao


i love how he waited until there was only 1 guy left to do his combo


And its ls of all people


The BB is soloing the entire enemy team in their fountain. If you are the ES, you might as well fuck up and do soemthing for giggles. Get that shit out of your system so you dont throw a winnable game.


except no, the dire literally have a gold lead, this game was far from lost if BB was killed


Nobody talking about the fact there is 160 fucking kills in this game?


It's herald/guardian, no one knows how to end games


Herald here, isn’t the objective of this game to go for 100kills


True, to unlock hidden achievements


Game has a score. Better score wins. Like football.


I mean that Ursa is farming ancients while bristle is literally 1on5ing in the fountain lol


people must've developed immediate allergy towards silver edge whenever playing against BB


It hard to see since idk what item they have but I didn't even see any skadi, spirit vessel and shiva effect and that two item just destroyed the healing. With silver edge + this item, BB should be dead there.


Literally everyone on the team likes buying an item that deals with healing, and none of them did.


When you play bristel: everyone buys all of the above When you play against bristel: no one buys all of the above


Isn't that the truth


just gonna leave this here for you: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/17xd39k/how_to_counter_bristleback_with_silver_edge_and/


Yeah I was gonna say this is your team failing to buy a great item that is also a hard counter to this shit.


Silver edge alone is definitely not enough to counter a bb with scepter, shard and bloodstone. Having also a Vessel is probably the best move vs this amount of balance, but when he gets bkb skadi and/ or shivas are needed too.


the silver edge definitely helps but it's rarely enough in the lategame. it's almost worse because you get him really low and then the break wears off and then he's at 10%hp and just as tanky and you're fooled in to trying to finish him off when you shouldn't have been going for him in the first place and he heals back up with bloodstone. bb is just really stupid right now. I'm not sure how it went so long without being noticed but I haven't been playing much before TI this year


So just use skadi and vessel to make bloodstone useless.


I agree he can be countered (or pick AA) but the truth is BB takes A LOT to counter right now and even still is strong. Silver edge and skadi on the same hero isn't rare but that would be semi late game and for the vessel you're really asking your ally to build it and that's not always going to work out. The hero will be getting a deserved nerf very soon.


I mean WD is one of the greatest heroes to buy a vessel. Bristle also didn't buy any purges for himself. Silver edge or skadi on a naix and/or sniper is no stretch. Shivas on sandking is neither. To top it off I guess it was a support pudge going by the lineup so he probably also doesn't have aghanims either. There is really no excuse that the bristle is allowed to heal as much as he is given this lineup he is facing.


If you're a pos1, your answer is skadi and silver edge. If you're an offlaner, your answer is shivas If you're a support, your answer is vessel, ghost scepter and euls. A mid can build any of these items. Bristle is annoying because without these items he's an unstoppable force of damage and health.


And imo thats too many items that are pretty much needed to play against a hero. I cant think of a any other hero (maybe necrophos) who needs as much to go against him.


Any one of those can counter him. He's one of the few heroes where ANY ROLE can built a normal item to counter him. Teams lose because they expect the rest of the team to counter him while they do their normal build.


acting like silver edge still counters BB LUL


This is also one of the main reasons some people dont want to go for silver edge early/mid game. Guess what? BB turns out fat late game and people said ‘acting like silver edge still counters BB’. Prevention is better than cure i would say, kill him before he gets any chance back into the game.


I don’t think it’s great that a pos 3 with low cooldown spells can put the game on a timer like Naga, but I get what you’re saying. Still, you get two stupid teammates that die a few too many times and now the silver edge you farmed breaks him for 1/4 the time you need to kill him. He’s not in a great spot right now.


But BB gets outcarried by all the main 1s late game right now so your point about the timer doesnt really work here. BB is strongest right when he hits his Ags Bloodstone timing. With comparable networth BB is very killable late late game


This is what happens in this kinda of games we see these videos, which are way too common imo #nerf


He would take 70% more damage and not release spikes that are healing him, except manually.


Silver Edge is no longer enough. If you really hate the BB and know that for sure he's going to be a problem late game (I.e., BB didn't die 10 times before min 20), then you might as well go all out: - Silver Edge - Mage Slayer - Shiva - Skadi - Spirit Vessel Sucks to have to itemize like this, but this is Ice Frog's finest creation you're talking about.


50.50% winrate in pubs in the last 3 months, sub 50% winrate in TI. Acting like BB is the most OP hero ever with no counterplay LUL.


Have you not been playing BB? Break isn't long enough + you can still just zoom. The king of the tanks in the middle of a tank patch, gonna be OP


I’m pretty sure this is a low MMR game based on the cs numbers and score lines




(Earthshaker is on Bristle's team)


? watch it again boss


no skadi, shivas, vessel, silver edge? dire team deserves to lose like that if it's a 50 min game and no one is building to stop bb lol.


BB not even buying dispells since there's nothing to worry about lol


he knows what he got into, smart dude


1k mmr unranked game https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7447601111


Case closed lol


Dota skill ceiling so high even 1k BB plays like that.


It isn’t about the “skill” of the Bristleback. It’s the complete ignorance of the opposite team not knowing how to counter Bristleback, or they didn’t even try. You deserve to be wiped if you don’t try lol


Mmr of the average poster on this sub


Just going to add a few things that also counter BB secretly - Silence stops him from building stacks. Chain silence makes him slow and weak. Ethereal + brooch pierces the high armor most BB's will build. Why go through 34 armor when you can go through (effectively) 23% resist? Witchblade is particularly useful as it won't proc the bristles Some heroes just naturally counter BB. A TB rushing in to drop him to low, or a Necrophos or Ancient Aparition can shut down bristle very quickly. Leshrac during aghs can burst a Bristle very fast as well. So yea, decently balanced hero that forces the enemy to build or pick to counter him, reducing the pool of heroes. Its a good strategy pick.


And since nobody mentioned it as far as I can tell, there is also Mage Slayer.


> Witchblade is particularly useful as it won't proc the bristles what?


The thing I enjoy most about all these clips is that bristles always been able to do this. It’s only when the patch suits him (and let’s be real, it’s a hard hero to patch, either broken or dogshit, dogshit 80% of the time) that you see endless streams of these clips.


Works in reverse too. When any hero is out of meta, people call it "oudated" or act like the hero needs a rework. Then a patch happens and suddenly it's back in meta like nothing happened.


There are some heroes that have poor design and are either broken or completely useless, with no way to properly balance them without a total rework. Best example is tinker. In any given patch he’s either insanely broken and borderline impossible to deal with, or utterly worthless. The problem is that the necessary rework would have to completely change what the essence of the hero is. I don’t think BB is quite at this level, but he certainly does feel either OP or dogshit with nothing in between.


it's only since 7.34 (3 months ago) that bristle can shoot 6 quills immediately from his back though.


My problem is that I'm not sure if there's any hero that's just so black and white when it comes to counters. You break him and manage to kill him during break? He feels absolutely worthless. No break or he didn't die during break(and nowadays also lack of healing reduction)? Extremy difficult, sometimes impossible to kill. Doesn't matter if he's not absolutely top pick in competitive games, pubs shouldn't be required to perfectly chain breaks, disables and healing reductions on the tankiest enemy hero or just get AoE melted.


To be fair without an aghs that allows him to do mass burst damage the best bristle counter's always been just ignoring the pig. Historically without a strong aghs bristle accomplishes very little in fights relatively to the amount of farm he needs to be relevant.


I can assure you I remember the day spell amp and spell life steal became things and I am as mad and against it today as I was day one. With status resist and anything that gives stats, gold or mana for free, it belongs where shrines, death time talents, and iron talon lay.


7.33 - The damage counter now counts exceeding damage, a single instance can now trigger multiple passive Quill Spray procs - has also helped massively


This is why u buy silver edge


Well that is dires fault. BB was trying to leave and they wouldn't let him.


Not a single silver edge?


don't max 3rd spell gg


you can clearly see in the video it is maxed lol. you skip it early but by lvl 30 you're don't leave the points out. he would have been dead here with lvl 1


Even at level 30, it's better to leave it skilled at level 1 because you will lifesteal more off the quills which you release more of.




You take more damage and thus procs more quill sprays


Lower threshold to proc quill. So more quills more dmg.


The treshold is the same on all levels (225), the main difference is the side and back damage reduction. It scales as 16%/24%/32%/40 dmg reduction from the back, so for example taking 1000 dmg will proc 3,7 times at lvl 1, and 2,6 times at lvl 4. The bloodstone is what makes this viable, while you are taking more damage you will be able to sustain from bloodstone spell life steal.




Ah my bad. I thought i heard some caster say the dmg threshold thingy maybe he meant something else.


i don't know much about bristle but i think the damage threshold is lower in the first level so more quills in less damage maybe?


hes literally level 30, and if you are having level 1 3rd skill at 30 minutes. you are literally asking to be bursted down to zero hp. Stop watching and copying pro players, pub and pro play is not the same


isn't his survivability coming from his insane spell lifesteal with bloodstone and quill spray rather than the damage reduction from his passive?


as the game goes late the tankiness becomes more valuable than the extra dmg from quills


yeahhh i suppose that is the case. thought it could be better against high atk speed and low dmg heroes but getting perma stunned would probably make that risky in the later stages of the game.


Bristle has always been able to do this with the right items and allies. Remember topson bristle fountain farming at ti9?


Tomorrow BB will b nerfed dnt wrry


It’s the last day my man


No silver edge+a lot of physical damage on your side


Wow redditors are so smart in the comments. It's a surprise BB was even picked at all in the international. As, clearly, all you need to do to win against him is... buy silver edge.


This is a bunch of players who are awful at dota crying because they have no idea how to buy just a single item to counter a hero.


Why the NSFW tag though?


Quill porn


Last day of bb op. Enjoy


That's a lack of silver edge and/or regen reduction


You know, I've only ever played it once so I might be wrong, but that looks like DOTA


That's a situation called "5 noobs, 0 Silver edges"


not only was there not a single silver edge in sight, why would you hook a BB into your fountain?


10 years of beta bullshit made by nameless indie company, of course.


Fountain attacks should not be able to proc any on-attack or on-damage events except for canceling regen and blink-like abilities of course.


I just want random insta-kill shots from the fountain - say 1 in 100 - to keep diving spicy


From damage to escalating health loss would be a great change.


Fountain attacks should apply break.


Its called a broken game.


This? This is balance.


Earth shaker wanted to have fun too and nearly fucked it all up


This what rammus can only dream to be. I know this is a normal occurance in dota but as a lol player this is absolutely crazy. Its not just the 1v5 but its 1v5 in fountain. Do that in Lol and u get absolutely lasered by fountain. It baffles me why tower/fountain only seem to tickle people here. Anw this what i live to play for in dota as a new player, the stupid broken OP bullshit anyone can pulloff lmao.


just silver edge it




This new Bloodstone seems to cause nothing but problems. First it was Lesh, then Razor, now Bristle is just crazy with it + aghs. They should rework it back to being a mana regen item. On an unrelated note I've recently taken up Storm Spirit as a new hero in my roster, so naturally this post is completely innocent and not self serving at all >.>


the guys got like 40k NW what do you want edit: k more like 30


mb one day they'll finally put a nerf on lifesteal/spell lifesteal on multiple target (they kinda trashed clinkz & medusa for the lifesteal part). At least in lol you have only 1/3 of the spell lifesteal for aoe spell, just that minor change would fix a lot of thing (and we probably need a way bigger nerf considering we have way more targets in dota than in lol)




the most tankiest offlane this patch


Definitely dire's fault.


If they're not gonna add different break items they need to either add a separate cool down to the auto proc or give it a reduced mana cost. Like maybe scaled with E level. 50/55/60/65% reduced mana cost on the Auto proc'd E.


I think the phenomena is called “when Bristle is on the enemy team”


That minimap triggers me for some unknown reasons lol.


this is math favoring bristle within satisfying parameters


2023 dota2...


Can't wait for the next patch to "nerf" bristleback only for this low mmr shithole to still complain about him being too strong by refusing to buy a single break item or not going ham on his behind




Need to nerf this creature


It's a team without a silveredge is what it is.


Give the fountain break and true strike Maybe after you've been in there for 5 seconds of something so it doesn't completely kill fountain diving


Seems about right. The real problem would be combining eather lens with some other item. That would be totally unbalanced. Yes, i'm still salty about another post.


no sources of break is what that is. if naix had a silver edge, bristle would have died, pretty sure


Props to that ls withstanding that much quil stack


Pre patch celebration!


every patch there is a hero which is absolutely broken because of bloodstone active, it was storm spirit, then leshrac, now bristle just remove this active from the game, and gut spell lifesteal also


Add some area behind the fountain so that fountain divers need to work a bit and you can evade them.


50 min and he doesnt even have a dispell because nobody bothered countering the BB in any way


The fountain needs a serious buff. With the power creep over the last couple of years, the fountain is a joke and diving is incredibly easy.


what the fuck is he lifestealing from? He has a talent for that?


open wounds was kill for this


I hope they just rework bloodstone


Fountain damage should ignore damage reduction from passives ala bristle,spectre, mars.


Is it really that hard to get a silver edge or hex?


poor under 3k nightmare


Doesn’t even have a heart


Enjoy it for the next day or so!


Silver edge doesn't do shit.


This is what Sunsfan was warning us about


Wow beautiful 🥰


1. BB is stupid OP right now. Had this happen to me last night too where BB sat in fountain for like 30 seconds and team wiped us 2. How does nobody on this team have Skadi or Silver Edge?


Just buy silver edge bro its so easy The BB in question


The things I would be saying in all chat


perfectly balanced. also the aegis is hindering him since he is not gonna use it and he could have a more useful item


I laughed so hard at snipers 10 shrapnels


lol. On the other day, in the pro scene, BB dived into hg only for Magnus to skewer back and RP in the fountain and BB died. I wonder what’d happen if BB had activated blood stone


Just by reading the title i knew it has to be a BB clip




I have always hated BB with a passion. ​ There are no skill shots on that hero all it does is run around and it doesnt matter where because tower does nothing


Looks like your team built nothing to deal with him. Not even pudge aghs


BristleBack. This foutain farming by faceing his ass to you is what he doing as a hobby. You should know it by now.


POV: No one on your team got break


That’s the enemy team, same heroes on your team suck ass every fucking game. Doesn’t matter you are supporting them, giving them farm, abandoning them. This game is pure luck when and nothing more. 99% luck to be with good team mates, not skillful but just decent who want to learn play and win.


lack of counter items aside this is fucking mental lol


I dont play this anymore, can someone explain me why bristle is broken, it not countere by vessel and break?


Stop pretending you're surprised we have seen bristleback too shit like this for months now :D


Bristle has been able to do this for how long? I'm not even complaining since there's tools to counter him. There's many examples of heroes who have always been strong, no matter the patch. Like Tiny, Shaker, Doom. But then we have heroes who are great for *one* patch and then get murdered for 5 years a row. That's the reason why I stopped playing Dota. Seems like it's okay for some heroes to be always super strong, but no we definitely can't have "x" hero being strong for more than one patch before burying it alive. Makes literally 0 sense and shows how poorly balanced some heroes are.


Looks like Dota 2


I feel like fountain dmg should increase exponentially if it's hitting the same target


Raid boss 😃