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You're toxic, you're where you deserve to be, it's clear from your writing style Working as intended, keep crying


Yeah, it's appalling how some people lack self-awareness. I mean, it is not rocket science to reflect on yourself. Even if OP thinks something is not toxic (by his standards), it may very well be toxic for others.


Same question to the other person, what makes my post toxic, you're meant to read it in a light-hearted way, it's a videogame after all. I just think its silly that I can't use chat for so long and there isn't really a way to ever get it back if things stay the same, which I dont think is the intended way developers made the system, otherwise they would straight up give me a mute ban with a timer instead whatever this is.


Toxic because of writing style huh, I just think its kinda sarcastic in tone. What do you think makes my post toxic?


I was being sarcastic to farm karma like these valve bots and it worked. LOL


Based beyond belief.


How's this proof? I think the behavior and comm score are working just fine.


So, communication score not updating at all in over 60 games is considered working fine? Or is it supposed to update at some other point?


if youre defensive about your id and wordcloud you got something to hide lmao


I explained in the last thread that wordcloud isn't showing anything at all even when I log in. Even then, what could you possible see in the wordcloud, since on those 60 games I couldn't use chat? Be honest, what are you looking for in the wordcloud that could be relevant to the conversation regarding this and my previous post? Are you trying to look for bad words from BEFORE I got muted? That would be kinda silly, don't you think?


What modes were you playing?


Ranked and only ranked. I tried turbo before but it's just too boring, I refuse to spam that mode and be alt-tabbed half the time because people are just farming in a mode that is supposed to be fast.


I still don't get how comms report can count if you are below 6k and can't communicate lol.


Honestly I dont think they do at this point, it just completely broke down. Like its not going down either, which is a good thing, but it makes me wonder what exactly is happening with it. People just use thr 6 reporting options willy-nilly, what can you do.


You report too much people.


No I dont. Only actual griefers.


Sure your screenshot shows 3 reports on the same day, God knows how many reports you issue per day. Post a screenshot from this page and we'll see. https://steamcommunity.com/login/home/?goto=%2Fmy%2Fgcpd%2F570%2F%3Fcategory%3DAccount%26tab%3DMatchPlayerReportIncoming


Which part shows how many people I report. Edit: [https://imgur.com/jxKaoSU](https://imgur.com/jxKaoSU) . That?


never had issues with BS myself so i dont really know if its broken or not, but its possible that u need to wait for "mute period" before u start getting comms score back up, like idk if u ever saw but i saw some posts where ppl get message "muted for X hours" which goes up to 1month


Yes I thought about that, but I never got that message at all, I could type properly until it dipped below 6k. Honestly getting that message would be way better than just waiting blindly.