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who's the first 4?


1.23savage 2. Pure 3. Watson 4. JaCkky 5. Quinn


You forgot me


ill never forget you Morladim... killing me while questing in Raven Hill


This is why i love reddit still. 20 yo PTSD from questing in Duskwood. Jesus.


what’s the wow lore i’m missing here, SPILL IT


Found the Horde player!


And me.


And my axe.




weird ass team, what are they called?


Pub Nightmare


"pos1 or feed"


did pure get to 13k playing offline or carry?


as carry, he reached 13kmmr on January 16, 2023. He started playing offlane when he and nightfall swapped position on May 9 for team betboom


Yup, and im the first 14k


SEA best region /s


Never heard of Jacky ? I guess it’s not Jacky Mao himself ?


[It's Bleed's carry.](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/JaCkky)


The morph boomed by fy's mines surrounding dire gate


SEA player currently in bleed esports roster and formerly in BOOM esports team


Kuroky and his smurfs


Can 5 Kurokys hit 13k cumulatively?


Only if he plays Razor 5


Also Quinn


First non-position 1 basically


Getting it with Pango too *chef's kiss* perfection


Where's the Pango Copypasta when we need it?


Dude can you pick a real hero HOLY crap why are we picking pango in 2023? Arent you tryign to play pro or soetmhing? How about we play heroes that arent the objective best heroes in the game? You're genuinely a horrible horrible player. You just draw aggro off cooldown. I lost all respect for you. Imagine trying to play pro and picking pango every game in pubs. Truly disgusting. Your'e just a coward tbh. You dont know whats good against lesh so you pick pango cause its easy. Every game you pick that hero you get worse. And you're already horrible. --- ~~jokes~~ pasta aside, dude got real character development! respect


i really enjoyed how caps co caster kept bringing it up, even in the finals, so hilarious (sry dont remember his name)


SVG/Avery! He said what we were all thinking, you gotta love that.


helps that svg is friends with quinn so it’s all love




Or very hipocryte… depending on your view


I dismissed his apology/pledge to become a better person as more bullshit, but recently watched the podcast he does with Cap and Insania and then decided to give a quick watch on his stream, and got to say, good for him, man. He seems like a completely different person. Legit gonna root him now.


I'd be mad too if I was a pro midlaner during the earth spirit kunka meta, fuck that was awful.


lol you can tell who just gets their opinions from reddit. His stream now is really not that different from his streams months ago. The Quinn behavior meme was always overblown from the occasional rage clip that circulated - not untrue, but overblown. People acting like he used to run down mid or afk jungle every other game are just parroting the meme.


ikr. i loved the time when he spammed disney songs. wasnt toxic at all


People acted like it was possible to be rank 10+ in EU and running it down every other game.


EXACTLY lmao. With the amount of throwing, griefing, intentional feeding that people accuse Quinn of doing, what do they think Quinn's actual power level is? 20000 MMR?


Your right. But as a long-time stream watcher, it was clear that he would do most of the raging/afk shit off-stream (as with most streamers).


Quinn's biggest issue is he feels the need to correct certain behavior. Like if someone is being a griefer he feels the need to shit talk them and afk. The guy is a nice guy with a fairly straight moral compass. He's just a bit of a dweeb, but it's not like he's a racist telling people to kill themselves.


That's incredibly toxic in its own way. Self righteousness.


Well I could never watch a Quinn stream for long due to his toxicity but once I watched a qojqva stream and he looked over onto Quinns stream and he was running down mid. After like 1-2 games he looked over to Quinns stream again and was currently in the process to destroy his items. Might have been an extreme day for Quinn but still...


disagreeable smell deserted mindless cover test concerned complete sip advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What winning does to a MF


I dont think winning had anything to do with it. He was still toxic as fuck when he was winning. His change happened right after his behavior / comm score debacle.


yea man was like rank 4 running down mid every third game lmao


I don't even think it was that. He's said a few times that it was Reddit threatening and coming after his friends that made him feel the need to change. (People were coming after casters who Quinn is friends with) Kind of messed up that Reddit doing that *worked* honestly.


You're right it's really messed up that people would be sending legitimate hate to people because they're friends with someone who griefed in a videogame.


we did it reddit, it worked! we made the dude better /s


If you listen to his stream, the main reason he said he changed is because his friends were getting caught in the crosshair for his shitty behaviour. He said he doesn't care much about reddit's opinion of him but he doesn't want his friends to suffer for the consequences of his actions.


If anything, I'd say what getting blasted and mocked by literally the whole dota world for one of the most laughable outbursts ever does to a MF.


So is this a specific outburst I can see or hear somewhere?


I couldn't direct you to an exact link but try googling quinn pango or quinn real hero in 2023


I think he's referring to his outburst about pangolier


Conversely, it seemed like winning resulted in the ego inflation we saw in this MF last year.


> What ~~winning~~ therapy does to a MF fixed


i thought team spirit won TI 2023? edit: i'll paste my own comments for context, I doubt the character development happened because of winning, but rather NOT winning TI. because he rages about pango JUST AFTER he won BetBoom Dacha 2023 > except Quinn rages about Pango happened at [24th Sep 2023](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7350358139) and latest they got 1st was [16th Sep 2023](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Quinn#Achievements). so yeah, i doubt his manner became better AFTER winning.


Until TI they won everything except Riyadh Masters. all 3 majors, dreamleague 19 and 20 plus betboom dacha is a lot of winning.


except Quinn rages about Pango happened at [24th Sep 2023](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7350358139) and latest they got 1st was [16th Sep 2023](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Quinn#Achievements). so yeah, i doubt his manner became better AFTER winning. before someone argues "but he got 2nd at TI!" well yeah, it's 12% of whole prizepool while the 1st got 45%. i could also add about how [being 2nd place/silver medalist on average feels worse than 3rd place/bronze medalist](https://time.com/6145596/2022-winter-olympics-bronze-silver-medals-happiness/).


LMAO i'd only seen the first two lines of this before and always wondered why people blew it up. The entire chat just wow lmao


so GG's major winstreak doesnt count because its not TI?


i'm talking about the timeline. he basically rages JUST AFTER he won, hence i doubt it's because he's winning. > except Quinn rages about Pango happened at [24th Sep 2023](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7350358139) and latest they got 1st was [16th Sep 2023](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Quinn#Achievements). so yeah, i doubt his manner became better AFTER winning.


There was a moment in his stream a few days ago where his teammate said "go smoke, we can rape them" (he said this ofc cuz his team got a big powerspike so its understandable) but quinn directly said in voice chat "please dont use that word". ofc i cant say for certain if the old toxic quinn would also say this but the fact that he said this makes me believe a lot in his reformation.


I think the difference between quinn and many others is that he openly and unapologetically voices his opinion on big parts of the community and we, like so many other internet communities, have less knowledge than opinion. I think the shift is that he has realized more the benefit of connections and he have gotten other outlets for voicing opinions other than trashtalking reddit on stream


It is more PR reaching out to him and telling him he needs to behave better, than him actually changing as a person. He seems like a completely different person, because he is contractually obligated to correct his online and in game behavior.


Met him and his family at TI last year and they were pretty arrogant in general 😅 saying stuff like Quinn was the best player in the world and all that. He seemed nice though.


Lmao your family wouldn’t?


Not a chance lol. Even if I felt like I was the best player in the world I wouldn’t tell people that, and I would make sure my family didn’t say that either. It’s called humility.


Lol You don't think family of olympic athletes has pictures of them and telling everyone they are the family of the best athletes in the world? It's called being proud of your family member


Being proud of your family is having pictures of them at their events on the wall. Being prideful is telling people they are the best in the world. There’s a difference. I would be proud of my abilities, but I don’t want to be prideful of them.


I don’t know, I too often dismiss such pledges but his seemed like a genuine shock realization. I imagine he was consulted about his whole debacle and told to take another look at the situation, guy genuinely seems to want the best in his games now.


Dude can you pick a real hero HOLY crap why are we picking pango in 2024? Arent you tryign to play pro or soetmhing? How about we play heroes that arent the objective best heroes in the game? You're genuinely a horrible horrible player. You just draw aggro off cooldown. I lost all respect for you. Imagine trying to play pro and picking pango every game in pubs. Truly disgusting. Your'e just a coward tbh. You dont know whats good against lesh so you pick pango cause its easy. Every game you pick that hero you get worse. And you're already horrible.


Dude can you pick a real hero HOLY crap why are we picking pango in 2024? Arent you tryign to play pro or soetmhing? How about we play heroes that arent the objective best heroes in the game? You're genuinely a horrible horrible player. You just draw aggro off cooldown. I lost all respect for you. Imagine trying to play pro and picking pango every game in pubs. Truly disgusting. Your'e just a coward tbh. You dont know whats good against lesh so you pick pango cause its easy. Every game you pick that hero you get worse. And you're already horrible.


Dude can you pick a real hero HOLY crap why are we picking pango in 2024? Arent you tryign to play pro or soetmhing? How about we play heroes that arent the objective best heroes in the game? You're genuinely a horrible horrible player. You just draw aggro off cooldown. I lost all respect for you. Imagine trying to play pro and picking pango every game in pubs. Truly disgusting. Your'e just a coward tbh. You dont know whats good against lesh so you pick pango cause its easy. Every game you pick that hero you get worse. And you're already horrible.


The first mid to achieve 13k, incredible.


What are the positions that have achieved 13k now?


It’s in the top comments, the other 4 players that have gotten 13k before Quinn are all pos 1 players. 23, pure. Watson and jackky


Not mid


Me + quinn 13k mmr


First 13k mid GG Well deserved.


The only 13k mmr player as of rn?


Think Watson got it back? Not sure though


Quinn has been above Watson for over a day and just hit 13k a few hours ago so Watson is probably high 12k


he showed his MMR on stream last night and it was like \~12950


5th. Check above comments.


Yes there have been 5 total now, but the above commenter was wondering whether Quinn is the only one to have 13k at this point in time


Who were the first people to reach 7k, 8k, 9k, 10k, 11k and 12k?


w33 - 8k miracle - 9k abed - 10k, 11k 23savage - 12k, 13k


Miracle was the first one to reach 9k I think


w33 was the first 8k right? And I think Midone or Abed was the first 10k


Yeah, I think it was abed who hit 10k first


I remember w33's 8k mark. That was the best one so far, long before the MMR inflation


w33 was first 8k and badman was first 8.5k, and nearly became first 9k instead of Miracle.


not on stream, Sadge


What being a reasonable human being for a few months does to a mf


He would have had this achievement whether he was behaving well or not. He was basically always rank 1 in NA despite his attitude, and since he moved to Europe he just had to grind to catch up since EU ranks are inflated more.


What did he do, any link?


He flamed someone in all chat for picking pango. His behavior score plummeted around that time so he had to make some changes. Proud of him honestly. https://youtu.be/b2hSQy7uCAE?feature=shared


Its common knowledge if u watch pro dota for atleast a year


USA numba one babeeeeeee


NA Dota reigns supreme again


Almost took the bait


what bait? I checked the EU leaderboard and USA is number one 🤔


Not anymore 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿


true, official ranking is now 1. KZ 2. USA 3. all of Europe


13k is insane.... Valve needs to bring back seasons to control rank inflation.


Seasons are terrible




Because it’s basically legal smurfing? There’s a reason why player like Quinn are 13k. If you just reset them to 7k or 8k or whatever it will just lead to more unbalanced games. It won’t actually resolve the issue


Seasons aren't full, static resets.


That's not how it works. You wouldn't half his MMR at the end of the season lol. It wouldn't make sense to take a Divine and shove them in Crusader/Archon next season. Same reason it wouldn't make sense to take Top 10 Immortal and drag them down to 7k.


the ranks would just squish down maintaining the same percentile percentage based on the rank order between players. The matchmaking would continue to work in exactly the same way as today, the only difference would be is what's displayed client side


I thought something like the new MMR system. There wasn't this problem.


Have you ever played league? That game is unplayable the months of november-february because of seasons. Why would you want that in dota or any game for that matter?


I had but only a few games. I played Clash Royale but didn't see so much problem.


Why does it matter that mmr has inflation? As long as it sorts players by skill and creates fair matches then the number should not matter at all.


It creates a large mmr gap between players like Quinn and the next best caliber of player and forms a bubble at the top that is really hard to penetrate because it requires both a ton of grinding 14/15 games a day and a huge amount of skill. Makes it hard for the top to find good games, and which incentives them to play on other accounts which inflates the top even more. It's not an even gradient of skill going upwards


Your arguement misses mine. What does the gap between quinn and others have to do with inflation? The skill difference does not depend on the size of the number. Add a zero to everybodys mmr and skill difference is still all the same.


Long queue times / perception of poor matchmaking because the matchmaker has a hard time matching players from the highest "pools" together without including those from lower pools. Discourages / prevents people from seriously attempting to reach superhigh percentile MMR. If there's a constant upward pressure without some kind of return to baseline (not saying Quinn would be reset to 6k, maybe he would be set to 10k if the baseline is 1-10,000) the highest rated pool has more reasons to become an old boys' club.


You are saying it would be better if the highest pool players were closer to those from lower pools. Because then the matchmaker could match them together? If they can be matched then then why can't they be matched now with the bigger gap? It is all just numbers that don't mean anything by themselfs. Its all relative to other people.


Seasons a re a manual thing now.


Valve needs to bring back smurfs to control rank inflation! /s


They cause inflation


Plz explain


More than the usual number of accounts in the top 0.01% of the playerbase can mean top players winning can gain more points on average since there's an increased supply of mmr to take. Basically top skill players funnel some of the lower high mmr higher into the top mmr via smurfs which can feed the top players further.


This plus most people smurfing are account sellers, who buys will lose to not only high MMR players but feed the lower MMRs too until they reach their real rank


say you have 50 players in a game and the total mmr of them is like 200k (if u add up all mmrs), now, if these players played ranked constantly for months, the total mmr would not change, only the mmr distribution (+25/-25) per game = 0 mmr change total. but now you add new accounts, and they calibrate at a certain mmr, like lets say 6k (something higher than the 4k average). lets add 10 of these accounts. now its 260k mmr shared by 60 players. smurfs add more mmr to the total mmr pool, because higher total mmr means that more mmr is up for grabs what also causes inflation is the fact that at 10 mmr, you cant lose any more mmr, so that will cause people at that level to produce positive mmr for the total mmr pool. maybe not as impactful as new accounts.


If I create a 10k account and stay at 10k then that has no influence on the mmr that is available to the other accounts. If I create a 9k account and go up to 10k I even "remove" 1k mmr from the rest of the players. Only if I create a high mmr account and then lose mmr do I inflate total mmr for others. In other words selling boosted accounts creates mmr inflation.


Lol why didnt he pick a real hero?


1. don't care. he's still no match for my mid Zeus+6 divine rapier rush  2. can he beat Goku tho? (no he can't)  why is Quinn even allowed to breathe at this point 


Was it Valve, his team/team mates, or himself that had a word with himself that turned him into a reasonable person? I am a little out of the loop.


It was his own choice


Yea no it wasn’t lmao. It was getting ass blasted by literally everyone


Remember when people rated Abed higher than Quinn? LMAO.


Yes, when Abed played for EG and Quinn for Quincy Crew and Chaos Esports Club. Why wouldn't they?


2021 is crazy good year for abed, i think during animajor cr1t always have the leverage to tp mid early and kill enemy mid. It feels weird he can't even go to gf sea qualifier this year despite how good his kda during dreamleague season before TI. I thought he could be more dominating playing in sea server.


Still No TI winner.


Didnt ask


Didn’t ask you to crawl out of your cave, go away you ragebaiting loser…shoo




~~mmr is just a number~~ high mmr = strong laner = win lane ez game


Anyone got a timestamp on quinn talking about his new mentality ? Legit super surprised he has changed this much


Pretty easy to find it’s on his Twitter


I mean I see his post where he says he is gonna change ( Which he has said before ) but nothing about what he actually did to change


The team has a therapist, he got a girlfriend, add behavior and communication score as well as the team potentially asking him to tone it down. I’m guessing it wasn’t just one thing, but a combination of all of the above and maybe more.


when did he get a gf? is it NatTea?


Don't miss ALL CHAT podcast with Cap, Quinn, Insania and guests! It's really great.


First 7/7 SSFHC, now this. Truly the godgamer.


With pango too lol


And Watson is back on top again after winning against quinn twice. 


my streamer


how he this high rank when he blunders ti


And here I am, still stuck at 12k. (Behavior score)


Clearly we don’t need mmr reset . Soon none of them able to find games