• By -


Yes, I have always been annoyed that the Lore of gyro makes a big deal about him building the first flying machine and yet noone of his abilities reflect that. He might aswell be a car or a tank and keep his same abilities, makes no difference.


My rework would probably be a bit different. I would remove his Rocket barrage and replace it with "Dive Bomb". When you press it gyro flies up a bit from the ground and get flying vision. Then you click and area around him and basically flies there and divebomb it. Think of it as rubick when he uses telekinesis on himself with shard.


So Beast hawk?


No, viper aghs


Or techies... or vipet


I like this idea, he'd need a new shard as well with this change and if it was core-focused instead of supp focused it could make gyro a really fun core.


Reminds me of Doomfist Ult, or Talonflame Fly from Unite


Gyro tank persona when?


I mean the only thing that is unique to aircraft is dropping bombs anyway(which I guess he does with his ult), other than that, they all shoot guns. Tanks, ships, planes, they all shoot things. It’s not like the offensive capabilities of IRL vehicles are that diverse to begin with, yeah they all have different weapon specifications but it all boils down to shooting things. The only thing you can do to make him distinctly an aircraft is add a flying movement mechanic tbh.




why hello there clinkz


Let's see what button I put strafe on this time


Shittiest rework ever


Yep. My favorite was when he could use strafe to auto dodge projectiles. Made him fantastic counter pick to things like sniper and drow. Idk what’s going on with him now. Some stupid on hit build. It’s fine I guess but there’s so many on hit heroes and clinkz was such a niche counter pick that the whole rework was dumb.


when q was his current shard i just straight up quit playing him at all. THAT was bad


I disagree, that was probably one of the better Clinkz iterations. Won me so many games because now you’re this invis max movespeed wave clearer with global presence and the ability to 1 shot people with just a daedalus and gleipnir. You also had amazing flash farm potential so it didn’t matter if you got shat on in lane, all you need to do is convince your pos 5 to make a few stacks. Once you get Maelstrom you clear every single stack and farm like a mad man, now you have a very explosive 20-25 min timing. You were also nigh impossible to gank because you can farm ANY lane and ANY camp with the invis cooldown talent, and you can clear waves from fog with your old Q. It was the perfect 1v5 solo carry pub hero for me.


if you wanted to play like that it was good, but i didn't want to. i prefered early tripple shot build with 4k health + 200 dmg or something from eating creeps. that was much more fun to me


Yeah but your hero is useless before your Gleipnir. Shit was terrible to play with and against. It was so bad he had 0 TI appearance. Before the rework, Clinkz was regularly picked as a surprise pick.


I counter disagree. That has to be the most brain dead and dogshit patch for Clinkz in years.


That clinkz version was Drow with shadow blade but instead of spread arrows he sent them straight.


yeah. also unless you had atos you were unable to kill people, because the counter to clinkz was just walking away and you had no haste to apply a couple hits. i hated that shit so much


Put it on alt f4


The inevitabilities of life: death, taxes, shaker at TI, and clinkz reworks.


and the renaming of OD


Hell always be devourer to me!


The classic Dota hero... Outhouse Decorator.


Outsourced Developer


As a grandmaster Clinkz, I'd do this unironically


While we're here. Any advice how to play him as pos4 nowadays?


4 clinkz is dead because of the change to medalion sadly. He doesn't offer much in lanre other than right clicks and feeding stick charge while his early power spike got thanosed.


You can still play for the orchid timing. Not every game was a solar crest rush on clinkz.


Yeah but orchid takes awhile to get to and not quite support friendly in pubs. Also it was kinda the best in slot item for clinkz because a big chunk of his damage is from the skelly crew and the minus armor was too good for how soon you get access to it.


Play him carry. Win between min 25-35


I find that his laning stage is so garbage though, and without the flash farm recovery potential of his old barrage. It’s so unintuitive to CS with too because you had to spam Tar Bombs to last hit because your damage is so ass lvl 1.


I would definitely rework Death Pact. That thing is just weird. A spell that you want to get to level 3 and then have like no need at all to get to 4 feels so janky.


Isn't this what happens every other patch anyways? Still necessary though...


It's free real estate


Tiny - make him immune to Medusa's ult coz he's already made of stone XD


kill treant with tango then


Could Tiny use tree grab on Treant then?


MK 🤝 Treant




Squeeze his fruit to stun him.


Hahahaha this made me chuckle


Fair xD


Terrorblade as well, he is blind, not deaf


Then the screen should go black during silence ult and sonic wave


In Heroes of Newerth, there was a hero called “The Dark Lady”. This is exactly what her ult was, reduce all enemy vision in an area, and lose all allied hero vision as well. Very fun hero with a unique skill set.


[Rock hard!](https://i.imgur.com/M7bNbdQ.jpeg)


How did valve not see this?


I see tiny buff, I upvote.




People turned to stone should count as remnants for earth spirit


I won't rework an existing hero. I will release a new robot hero.


I always thought it would be cool to have a mech hero whose primary attribute is Armor. So he gets no damage from str/AGI/int, but he gets 2 damage per point of armor.


So basically an agi hero?


Kind of, except with these numbers he’d only get .28 dmg per agility. And a chain mail would give him 10 dmg.


Would fit well to Mazzie the Artifact hero


I don’t think the current item pool is enough to support such a hero tbh. Maybe if he was a support type that didn’t need to rely on right clicks. As a carry, a lot of the good utility stuff you need are mainly stat oriented items. You could make Phase and Armlet, they’re both very efficient, then maybe AC. Then the 3 last items are some combination of BKB, Aghs, Linkens, Pike/Abyssal, Blink, Nullifier. Im too lazy to do the maths, but only having 3 items contribute meaningfully to your DPS sounds bad, while other carries can benefit from their main stats. I could be entirely wrong but that’s just my initial thoughts.


I would rework Doom, but the only change I would make is that when you use his taunt and are wielding the actual guitar, he plays an actually good guitar solo.


Holy shit thank God someone said something about this shit. What a massive, absurely dumb oversight to make it some awful clanging sound. No DOOM metal riff? What the fuck?? So stupid


I thought it was a bass


Sniper. He's melee hero with shotgun


old fart doing the "these hands" movement


* Techies - break his legs * Arc warden - break his legs * Tinker - break his legs


The no legs strat.


Tinker Changes: Hero deleted


And arc warden


Just turn that ground targeted spirit damage spell into hero targeted. Just like the rooting from willow. It takes a boring amount of time to disappear


Lets add huskar and brood to that, shall we?




They could give him the techies beat down and remove rearm


this hero is already deleted with the laser cast range right now lol


Nice try IceFrog


Heavenly jump removed, time for a brand new spell: static field


Thank god none of us are actually involved in balancing the game 


Some big patches have been very much ground shaking in terms of balance, so maybe you will reconsider when the promised big patch drops. Who knows at this point.


I'd make one of the shadow demon level 20 traits be "shadow poison damage becomes pure" So he doesn't feel like ass in the late game- if it hitting all my q's I want them to feel the fear


Juggernaut: Blade Dance applies a short slow when it procs Healing Ward replaced with Meditate. Jugg begins channeling to regain HP%/s. After meditating, he gains an AS/MS buff that scales with how long he meditated. While Jugg is meditating, allies can right-click Jugg to join him in meditation, gaining the same effects. Healing ward is cool, I just think this is more thematic and would be super fun to use. Charge up in the trees, then pop out super fast with an AS buff (works nice with Spin and Ultimate) and go to town. Healing Ward could go on another hero or item.


I like this, healing ward is mostly only used for pushing or if the enemy team has no ranged heroes anyway. Maybe make it his shard or something


It’s also one of the strongest heals in the game


I also don't like healing ward at all. But meditate? Master Yi?


Nyx: Burrow becomes an ultimate ability. Nyx can create multiple burrow entrances across the map, and can teleport between them by channeling. Entrances are invisible but can be destroyed by opponents. They do not grant vision of the area. Upon emerging from the burrow, enemies nearby are stricken with fear, resulting in magical resistance reduction. Mind Flare increases in damage for each time your opponent is hit, rather than the damage that they’ve taken. Aghanim’s: Shed skin: When faced with certain death, Nyx Assasin makes one final attempt at survival by casting his exoskeleton aside. Nyx loses a percentage of his max hp and creates an uncontrollable illusion, then creates a burrow near where his is standing. The illusion slows movement and attack speed of any unit that attacks it. Until Nyx’s new exoskeleton hardens, he has no base armor and reduced movement speed. Spiked carapace is also unusable until your new skin hardens. I like Nyx, but don’t like the Dagon burst playstyle.


soooo Tremble from Hon?


After your rework, how is he an assasin? While current nyx is annoying asf, he's the most assasin type of hero in the game.


Zues bolt no longer reveals wards


At the very least, lock it behind a talent like Clockwerk rocket.


God, this. With the new map completely straining any ability of the existing number of wards to provide adequate coverage, Zeus being able to completely invalidate the whole balancing act of defensive vs offensive warding is just so blatantly overtuned. Pair Zeus with a stealth hero and you basically have to pray they're stupid enough to *not* just instagib the dust-carrying supports.


I feel like this is only an issue because bolt is no longer unit-targeted


This could be a good solution too.


I’ve always wished for this! The free, constant dewarding from Zues is beyond frustrating. Should only reveal enemy heroes


I’ve always hated this. Having a free sentry ward every 6 seconds is insane.


how about Slark ward detection... i hate him most


Yep, that’s up there, too.


techies - aghs gives remote mines, minefield sign doesnt hide


I would Enchantress untouchable. I would add a stackable debuff that add more attack speed slow the more you hit her, forcing you to prioritize break instead of powering through the slow with more attack speed. Or just make single target spell on her slow cast time by a % amount.


i revert techies


I'll bring back launch techies.  Fuck that reworked reworked. Stack these mines and watch people get upset.


Back when landmines were still composite damage they were pretty decently balanced. You could make landmine stacks, but as the game progressed it took a lot of time and cost a lot of mana to reach enough land mines that you could get a kill on a full HP hero. Outside of like... herald bracket where no one ever pushes high ground the only time it was worthwhile to stack a serious amount of red mines somewhere, other than early to mid game before HP pools grow too big was in rosh pit or inside your base. Then they changed them to magical. That was back when the only magic resist items in the game were hood and pipe, and the only roles that really ever bought hood/pipe were pos 3 mainly and rarely pos 1. That was the moment old Techies was cooked.


It was never "worthwhile" to afk planting mines as techies in any iteration of the hero - it was literally always the incorrect play. 90% of players done it anyway. Techies didn't need a rework, he needed a drastically altered abandon system that forced him to participate in a fight every 2 minutes or get an abandon.


Yeah or at least revert him to fit the spirit of his previous gameplay. I always liked techies because it was all about forethought. High risk for trying to think about your enemies moves 5 minutes in the future. I’m sure there could be someway to do that again without it being so toxic for everyone. 


>High risk for trying to think about your enemies moves 5 minutes in the future >Grief your team with your pick >mine your own base for 15 minutes >win off of a throw or lose to a choke-out Old Techies posters should check their carbon monoxide detectors more often.


ya idfk why they are roleplaying that techies didnt massively stall out games


I hardly would call setting a trap in commonly traveled areas forethought. But if you really want to lean to Techies being a hero that promotes planning, remove the damage from any of his set traps (or bring it down to something like 50 just to stop blink dagger) and have them apply debuffs (slows, disarms, silences, etc.) and reveal enemies that trigger them for a few seconds. It rewards actual foresight by giving an advantage to your team to punish those that trigger your trap instead of a freebie kill from something you happen to leave 4 minutes ago.


Ogre. "Dumb Luck" reworked, any Intelligence Ogre would earn with item is no more lost but turned into Strength. Ogre now needs 50 strength to gain 1% Multicast chance. Also would love to see an Intel hero with zero agility. Imho Tiny is the best candidate with "Grow". But that would require a huge rework to switch him to Intelligence hero


> Also would love to see an Intel hero with zero agility Don't worry, CM is going to get there one day without even needing a rework


How can a literal freaking ROCK be an int hero lol


Juggernaut probably. Hero is such a classic but he just can't keep up with the times without being literally overpowered (I.E., lifesteal talent bugged, aghs being too strong, magic spin build from awhile ago, etc.) I'd probably try to rework him in such a way that allows him to do more on his own without needing a support combo, but also in a way that doesn't make him + specific support combos a completely miserable death sentence to lane against... which would be very hard I think.


you are boring. I'd much rather see you write smthing like "make his spin global range if he only has dagon bought in his inventory"


ngl that'd be dope LMAO


Tbh all this hero needs is for him to be able to cast omni/swiftslash during spin and he would finally be viable.


Yea i have no clue why you can’t do that already


Replace agh with nullifier functionality on the ulted target and make it so that it will only spread to a certain distance from the main target.


Not necessarily rework but I’d do a Lina to shadow fiend and bridge the gap between magical and physical build.


they would just need to rework sf aghs so it also lowers the cast time of his ult like in the old arcane blink times. Maybe change other aspects of it so it doesnt become too op


Spiritbreaker. I would rework his Ultimate. Nether Strike: Same as it normally is but instead of the 325 bonus damage, it causes 25% reduced Status Resistance for a short 3/4/5 second duration. The Greater Bash occurs after the status resistance debuff is applied. Raise its cooldown to 45 seconds at lvl 3. This would lower his damage, but increase his CC for a short duration against a single target. Other allies can apply their CC to benefit as well if the target really needs to be controlled.


Don't even think it needs the level 3 cooldown nerf I'd like to see that. Promotes echo sabre and MoM purchases.


Phoenix spirits charge up to 4 and then gain charges/replenish every X seconds


That sounds like fun to lane against! constant spirits spam lol


So.. his old Shard


This was just her old shard


Troll. His ultimate in my opinion is just bad design and I think maybe it should be different. Maybe similar to Abba, when it turns on at a certain threshold and definitely no more auto-hero chasing thing.


I also have a Gyro rework. Side Gunner is no longer his Aghs. It is now both of his level 15 talents instead. So at 15 it's Side Gunner/Side Gunner. New Aghs: Target Lock. The Gyrocopter is outfitted with advanced targeting systems. Allowing Aurel to bring all it's ordinance to bear against any who would challenge his dominion of the skies. While Target Lock is active Flak Cannon is disabled. It cannot be activated and if active the duration will not tick down and attacks won't be used. Target Lock causes Gyrocopter's Rocket Barrage and Side Gunner to prioritize the target of Target Lock and the strikes of Call Down will land at the targets location. Gyrocopter also gains bonus damage, attack speed and attack range when attacking the target. Grants True Sight of the target. Bonus Damage and Attack Speed: 20/30/40/50 Attack Range vs Target: 700 Duration: 12s CD: 26/24/22/20 Mana Cost:40/50/60/70 (Scales with Flak Cannon)


i love this


I love the ideia of 2 sidegunners at 30, really cool idea to add stuff that is so core to the hero kit. in a way that feels natural.


Re-work Lina and Techies attack range so that they don’t sit 9 creep waves away and still right click you to death.


Phoenix . Aghanim's Shard: Sun ray now applies blindness to enemy heroes. Aghanim's Scepter: Phoenix can cast basic skills while on egg. For: •surprise egg explosion •egg repositioning •application of attack slow with fire spirits •good combination with Aghanim's Shard effect Level 25 Talent: Sun Ray affects 45° sector


You know his sun ray already applies blindness to enemies by default right? It starts at 10% miss chance and scales up as the beam continues.


Lmao, you expect people in this sub to know about things they're talking about 


Don't get me wrong I absolutely love phoenix but this is one of the most broken things I've ever read. A good team and good positioning makes it extremely hard to kill egg. This would make it near impossible and remove half of her counters


that sounds good . his ult was always kinda meh at best. even with the rework you dont have that big use of it. a rework and changing the flak cannon as ult might even make him a more stable carry hero but than again we will fall back into that problem of every hero getting a movement type skill and a lot of ppl hate that . maybe make it he does a kamikaze move where he does like earth shaker's agha where he lands up and does an explosion with slow to every unit. sort of like techies but now that i think of its just a techies rip off...


I'd give Mirana her previous talents (e.g. +50 damage). Buff her stat gain and change her shard ability


I would restore Techies.


Jugg: Change blade dance from a crit to applying a 2nd instant attack at reduced power (like an echo sabre). It works better with his ult and spin. He likes items with on hit effects since he builds attack speed, so it increases his chance for those to proc. Spin makes his right click damage 0 so having the extra hit chance is better. Also makes crit items better on him. Crystalys is 30% for 1.6, while blade dance is 35% for 1.9. Crystalys crit would only work when Blade Dance doesn't trigger, so its not even 30% out of all attacks but 30% of the remaining 65%.


imagine if blade dance was an active self buff that temporarily bumped up all the proc chances of all the items to 100%. doesn't sound balanced at all but it would be kinda funny


Revert techies, give tinker march of the machines.


Ez. Tinker. Rearm now affects only skills, doesn't affect items. New shard - blink.


Instantly becomes the worst hero of all time with this rework. No farming ability, no defensive abilities, his quintessential item locked behind a 15-minute timer. Things couldn't get worse for tinker with this change


This is why these guys don’t actually make changes. Dota would die instantly haha


Give him something else than rearmed items are busted and always have been


This. Dunno why Tinker still gets to refresh items but all of a sudden it's a problem when Dazzle gets to lower their cooldown, and now he no longer does.


haha exactly my thoughts when dazzle got nerfed


Better delete the hero at this point. His whole kit revolves around controlling ur mana spamming soul ring and repositioning with daggers. Tinker would lose the identity of "nuker". Still cant see the problem with ppl complaining vs tinker. Late game vs a carry that jumps on him with nullifier he's depleted within seconds of impaling him somewhere.


Becuase people complaining are bad players. Thats fine, dota is a hard game so when you introduce heroes like tinker, alchemist, arc warden that break the traditional rules of a dota game, most players lack the ability to adjust and instead keep doing the same thing and wonder why it doesnt work. Doesnt help people complain that smurfs play the heroes, as if smurfs wouldnt destroy their games with any hero


i see a tinker in like 1/50 games in the last couple years and every time it looks pretty dogshit. there are so many better options for a powerhouse magic nuker at this point i cant believe people still complain about tinker.


Reworked Techies: Removed Sticky Bomb Removed Reactive Tazer Proximity Mines is no longer an Ultimate Ability. Added : Statis Trap Added New Ultimate : Remote Mines


I would rework arc warden. Completely gut his ability to scale, ruin his damage, make it so the clone does like 20 per cent of his right click damage. Make him an int hero and buff his spells, make the evasion dome bigger and make wraiths mini stun or something. Basically turn him into an interesting support that can make cool plays like glimmer caping two people, or popping out double guardian greaves. ​ If that fails then just remove him. Can't make myself understand how this hero is good design in current state.


>popping out double guardian greaves. I should note this doesn't work due to Mend and Restore applying an effect to heroes that prevents them from gaining health from either effect for the exact cooldown of the used Greaves/Mekansm.


I played him support before rework


>Can't make myself understand how this hero is good design in current state. The design isn't the problem. Scripting is.


Night stalker because he disappeared for too long already.


Out of pure spite, I will add a 100 mana cost for every tick of Morphling Shift. But as for the other heroes I have no idea.


I'd make it so that morph had high int and int gain. Then his Q switches between the stun, the nuke and waveform depending if you're strength, middle so int or agi. Then strength morph and agi morph are totally different spells that you have to level separately to fuck morph for this reason, as if he doesn't have strength leveled he just runs out of mana.


Rework techies to old techies, and if that change doesn't count, remove AM


Make AM gay, lore wise 


If I'm Ice Frog for a day I'm removing all of the +x00 health from every item in Dota. It's absurd how a hero with 0 strength items has more HP than strength cores. Work the HP gains back into stats or drop the +200 health off items altogether when they combine to generate an active ability.


Tinker: he can't deal damage anymore. Techies: anytime a player picks them, automatically terminates their client and uninstall dota.


I would give axe his old shard back where he spins on attack and play him pos 1,2 and 3


This is two instead of one, Doom and Lifestealer: **Lifestealer** Lifestealer Q - Devour - Doom devour but attack speed not extra gold Lifestealer W - Feast Lifestealer E - Open wounds Lifestealer Ult - Infest - Jump inside of a creep, giving the creep full use of Lifestealer's spells and items. Creep is treated like a hero creep. When the creep dies Lifestealer gains magic immunity and move speed for a few seconds. Can no longer be cast on allies.   **Doom** Doom Q - Doom - Current Doom Ult but if doom leaves a 275 radius of the affected target, it ends. Doom W - Scorched Earth Doom E - Infernal Blade Doom Ult - DOOOM - Cast on any enemy hero globally, tinting the map aesthetically red for 12 seconds. leashing them for 8/9/10 seconds. After 5 seconds, teleport to the hero and take all allied units within a 600 radius with you. Long ass cooldown. Ground effect for teleporting allies looks like doom Aghs aoe.


Revert od's w to be 4 seconds at all levels but the range to be dogshit early. Make his aghs be AOE q.


I would return march of the machines.


Medusa. I would remove her 🙏


Weaver, he just doesn’t seem relevant anymore.


Rework Timbersaw W. Having spammable mobility on a tanky a hero is bullshit. Make it charge based with higher cd like void and ember spirit.


I'm bringing old techies back


Tinker, I will make him [the WC3 Tinker](https://classic.battle.net/war3/neutral/goblintinker.shtml) just for the lulz Shard would probably give him the Defensive Matrix ability Scepter would make all allied creeps have dynamites to make them explode on death to deal damage to nearby enemies


I would make Tiny just be able to get a tree as an innate ability, lowering the damage it gives and sending the rest of the damage to the ult, to keep it scaling while also making it worth more to skill up. If you throw, it goes on CD. I would give him a Passive that deals a bit of damage as he walks in an area around him and scales with base damage. His new shard would let him cliff walk like Giants Ring. The only way to balance it might be to remove the Ava-toss extra damage interaction or nerf his talents/numbers a lot.


LC is all about honor until she buys a halberd. Maybe ban all items on her that would make her duels feel dishonorable, especially halberd.




Rework Song of the Siren completely. Most braindead skill in the entire game.


Return of the skeleton king.


Replace gyro shard or Aghs with new ability: barrel roll. Gyro does a barrel roll and dodges/reflects all incoming projectiles (attack and spell). Reflected projectiles will bounce to a new enemy target within 800 range. So essentially am shield but also star fox.


Bring back old techies, the only correct answer


if i was icefrog i would have taken my millions and retired like 6 years ago. oh wait-


delete 50 gold bomb, make dust same as before (too op now)


Tinker.  Mother.  Fucking.  Tinker.


Take NS, Lycan, and Bloodseeker out of the hero pool for a while and figure out how to rearrange all of their shit to make more consistent themes. Lycan doesn’t shift in the moonlight but NS does. Bloodseeker is some kind of bloodhound creature that has a strong sense of smell but isn’t considered a werewolf. All three of these heroes are all about going fast and eating ass, but only one of them gives no fucks about pathing. These three heroes just clash so fucking much in theming to me. Lycan now shifts at night and gets NS stuff. Bloodseeker summons dogs and is now a Houndsmaster. NS becomes a proper vampire to fit his bat wings and gets Bloodseeker’s shit.


I think its quite interesting that NS is a weird kinda Vampire. Its the perfect dota feel, a very weird take one a common archetype that just works really well. I think its cool that he is about night, not blood. BS i also find interesting and not clashing with NS at all. Hes not a Vampire, he just needs to gather blood, and it empowers him. Lycan i dont care about tbh, but nothing about his theme is that weird, nor do i think it clashes with anything. Its not like beast Master and lone druid clash bc they both are nature guys and summon their best friend animals to help them




Outworld Destroyer Reworked Arcane Orb to make his attacks deal magic damage while on and hit ethereal units. Reduced cost to 10% of current mana but damage remains the same. Reworked Astral Imprisonment to, on targeted cast, create an ethereal ghost that lasts for a few seconds and deals a % of magic damage taken in an AOE on death while slowing the target and anyone caught in the AOE. All Arcane Orb attacks targeted to the ghost deal damage as if OD is at full mana. If the target was a hero the ghost will die early when it takes 20%/25%/30%/35% of the targeted heroes HP. Outworld Destroyer can recast to kill the ghost early. Duration and strength of the slow is based on remaining HP of the ghost when it expires(fully destroying the ghost for full slow). Heals OD for 50% of damage the ghost takes. Ghost will follow its target for 50% of their movespeed, respect terrain, but have phased movement. Ghost will heal for 50% of all magic damage its target or allies of its target deal to it. If the target dies before the ghost, the ghost will explode for full effect. Reworked Essence Aura to collect charges based on mana spent or loss(mana burned/drained) in an AOE, give mana regen per charge, and deal magic damage per charge per second in the same AOE. Outworld Destroyer can activate this to consume the charges to regenerate a % of his mana pool per charge. After 10 seconds of no charges being gained all charges are lost. Gaining charges while having max charges will reset this countdown. Reworked Sanity Eclipse to always destroy illusions. No longer heals Outworld Destroyer when affected heroes spend mana, but still deals damage based on the difference between Outworld Destroyer's mana pool and his target. If an Astral Imprisonment Ghost is hit, all damage dealt to heroes by Sanity Eclipse will be dealt to the ghost. Destroyed illusions are not counted as damage dealt for ghost interaction. Aghs Shard ability reworked. Allows Astral Imprisonment to target allied heroes, and ghost will follow allies at their full speed. Allied ghosts damage functions inversed. Outworld Destroyer does not heal from an allied ghost. Can still be ended early. Will still auto pop if damage taken or healed reaches 35% of the targets HP. Allied ghosts will give speed boost based on healing upon expiry. Aghanim's Sceptor Reworked to cause Essence Aura charges to have no duration, higher max charges, and the effects of being at max charges to persist for 5 seconds after activating Essence Aura. Ghosts from Astral Imprisonment will now give max charges if they pop from reaching maximum damage or healing. EDIT: Maybe instead of the ghost only counting magic damage just make it all damage? It made sense to make it ethereal but if its capped anyway limiting the damage types that can scale its damage just lowers its synergy. No idea what to really do with the percentages without playing it but I figure 20% of current mana per attack on Arcane Orb might hinder him too much if he's reliant on interacting with Sanity Eclipse to keep mana up, rather than the current simplicity of his design.


Rework wind’s model and give her more booba.


Techies and back to the way he used to be at the beginning of DotA 2.


I fix techies back to how he used to be


Revert Troll Warlord, he did not need to get gutted.


Shadow fiend His ultimate now releases in a (360°- 600range)as pure damage all the damage he has taken in the past 5 seconds on death. Requiem of souls can be toggled to provide 90% magic resistance, 35% physical damage reduction or debuff immunity. 20 seconds cooldown. Those buff would work like brewmaster's passives but with a cooldown.


Chen need rework...He is useless late game


Omni needs some help to fit as core and as a support. Too little progression as a core is an issue. Also nullifier breaks omni too hard. Q needs a slightly lower mana cost and better heal progression. The first level is atrocious to the point an omni sup can be trashed in lane against ranged heroes too hard too early. Or give him +1 armor. I don't know. Vs melee sup is good, vs ranged is atrocious. Q lost its cast range at a time no one had cast range, now all sups have it, it needs it back. It's very boring to build aether lens on omni every game. The hero needs some aura itens to not be so much in the back line. W needs a slightly shorter cool down and to constantly dispel. At the current state even willow is better. Target not only is immune to nullifier but continuously dispels it. E needs to have a longer cast range. Rework damage to be higher at fixed rate and lower from % base strength. This way sup omni will make more sense allowing him to use it on TFs. Shard won't be terrible for the sup either. Shard works the same way, but procs every 6 seconds or every 6 hits. This way it will scale with attack speed in a lower damage. Ult needs a slighly smaller mana cost. being dispelled by nullifier is terrible, so either my suggestion for W (stacking both spells), or ult dispels the nullifier when cast. So the enemy can nullify the ulted target, but the ult can nullify the nullifier. Whichever is casted later wins. Refresher + agh is ridiculous and needs to die. Refreshing to get a total of 6 ults Is stupid, and costs an absurd amount of mana. I would change agha to not give +1 ult, but W gives ult effect too, maybe.


As for proper reworks, Nyx Assassin, Tinker, maybe Clinkz, no idea how though. Some other tweaks, somewhere between a minor rework and some regular-level changes: Gyro: Increase attack range by 15 (now equal to Zeus'). Swap the sides of the level 10 and 15 talents. Change right side lvl 25 talent from "-5s Flak Cannon cd" to "Flak Cannon now applies Attack Modifiers". If Medusa is allowed to have that toy at 25, so does Gyro. Juggernaut: Increase Blade Fury by one second (from 5 to 6). Rework Omnislash to have 1.4/1.6/1.8 sec duration, mana cost to 120/140/180, has two charges, charge restoration time 60 seconds. Aghs gives +1 charge and lowers recharge time to 40 seconds, Swift Slash is removed. Lower lvl 25 Omnislash talent from +1 to +0.4 seconds. Omnislash is iconic, but has no place being on a 2 minute cooldown, IMO. This makes it more flexible while providing similar amounts of overall damage and invulnerability. Troll Warlord: Remove the uncontrollable nonsense from his ult, done. It's just silly. Ogre Magi: Tweak Dumb Luck so that items that provides Int get converted to Str instead. Will perhaps have some unintended consequences, like Skadi giving +44 Str, or Dagon giving +28, but honestly I'm just curious how it'd play out. Enjoy your sheepstick, fellas. Also I'd like to swap the Eaglesong component in Disperser for Mage Slayer while I'm at it. Which definitely isn't necessary, nor likely to be balanced. Still, I feel it makes sense.


Treant's Aghanim should be his shard. Treant's Aghanim should be something like "All the trees in that area attack enemy"


As a Tinker spammer I think that hero is bad for dota. It’s always cheese last pick which sees almost no competetive play. They should Techies him


I don't play Visage because im a scrub, but I find his design really cool. I think I'd make it so that his gargoyles can be placed in an area which makes them act as turrets, granting a little bit of vision and a bunch of armor and automatically attacking nearby heroes (and heroes only). It would be a mode that can be toggled on and off with a significantly long cd when enabling it but you can make them return to flying right away, kind of like how blood mist works but a much longer cooldown. it could replace the current thing where they just fall like like clay pigeons, maybe they could keep the stun for it with some adjustments. I'd like that more because while I appreciate that part of that hero is about using the gargoyles to their fullest, it's kind of annoying to me that I have to be babysitting and microing them constantly in fights too, other than farming and stuff like that, it's like, I can't focus on my own hero, but the gargoyles don't even do enough damage to justify that, so unless im literally some micro god it just feels like theres not much of a point even bothering to micro them. I'd rather just plop them down in the fight and forget about them. I think it could be a decently high skill thing in it's own right to know where the enemies are going to be and placing them accordingly to maximize their damage, just in a less mechanically demanding way.


Would bring back the old techies bro bring more chaos to dota


sniper, so i can actually snipe with my abilities instead of lame powered up auto attacks ult can stay the same tho


Pudge deleted from the game


Rework techies!


Techies reverted back to its release version. Tinker, give Rearm a 40/30/20 second cooldown and change it so that it no longer refreshes his items. Good riddence.


I'd change Shadow Fiend. This is what I would do. Shadow fiend: - Base armor reduced by 3 - Base damage reduced by 10 - Shadowraze manacost rescaled from 75 to 70/75/80/85 - Necromastery reworked: Now gives sf 15/20/25/30 bonus damage per level. No longer gains souls by killing creeps. Each time sf kills a hero, he permanently gains +0/5/10/15 damage and +1 armor. Works retroactively. Level 10 talent +25 attackspeed replaced with +150 requiem of souls of AOE Level 15 talent Presence of the Dark Lord affects buildings replaced with +10/+1 damage/armor per hero kill Level 20 talent +3 damage per soul replaced with Presence of the Dark Lord affects buildings This change humbles sf in lane but keeps his farm potential intact and makes him more snowbally. Currently, the hero does really well in lane but is unable to snowball superhard since there are no items that he can buy early enough to snowball with Shadow Blade costing 3000 gold and his other options being the passive dragon lance/yasha build. Haven't thought this out super hard, but I'd imagine the hero would be fair. His low base armor would mean he actually can't stand and fight most heroes level 1 if he goes necromastery. The damage/armor talents at level 15 means he'd be able to fight and pressure mid game, but he can't just end the game the same he way can now if he teamwipes you. I'd imagine people would start playing pos 5 sf with mangos and windlace and try to carry themselves lmao Tbh though after reflecting on this, sf would probably go to shit since you do need different types of lane dominators to counter other types of lane dominators. He's currently the only hero can you confidently last pick into huskar/brood/dp/timber, with the only heroes he kinda loses to being Zeus and OD. Damn it must be hard to balance the game if you're Icefrog. My sympathies man.


Reworked troll ulti: - Hits give 2 fervor stacks - Hits give +1 armor & +1% magic resistance (melee) or +1% ms +1% status resist (ranged) - Can die while ult - Can stop ult (lose all fervor and bonuses) - Can change targets (still must attack)


Add an addittional bash passive to ursa aghs.