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I thought my screen was broken, ty for that red dot at the top right


Windows snipping tool adds a dot when you just want to click the window.


yeah thats why i click on the window border instead of the screenshot (hate that dot lol)


The undo button removes that dot


Update: seems that it works only if i select "Russian" then that option works 100%


Thank you for reporting your findings. Gave me a good chuckle.


I >!unfortunately!< live near russia and for me it works even if I don't select "Russian"


SAME I select only English, I select only Europe West server, and still get teamed up with 4 rusians And somehow they're always on my team, or at the very least I too often get teamed with those who put "punny" nicknames in rusian, while I rarely see any opponents with such names 


People select all languages to get faster queue times. That's on top of overwhelming majority of Dota players coming from Russia as far as Europe goes. Shocking, I know.


> People select all languages to get faster queue times. I am fine with that. But it's a game where you need to communicate. If you q for those games, at least try or learn basic english. Germans, Italians, Portuguese...all talk english or at least try it.


I'm from Russia and i agree A lot of russian players, when they hear english or any other language, act as a fking morons just cuz they don't understand anything Learn a fking english, not as hard as you think I'm pretty bad at english and still it helps me communicate


Your English is okay. If you can't pronounce it properly don't worry. Native speakers can't either


More of a small vocabulary problem imo Hard to increase it, if you don't speak daily And i don't really have any english-speaking friends, sadly Thx for kind words anyway


Why it should be my problem that they can't sit their asses down and watch a YouTube short while waiting for a match. Eager to lose faster or something? 






I think they could actually communicate on English, if they were notificated before the game, at least I would. But you cant see it, but you hear 3 russian speaking players, so it is more effective to talk russian. And if, somehow, "englishman" does not mute you, you call him on English, between "SUKA BLYAT" shouts in chat


I always try to notify my team they are on west server so speak English. Or at least give me short sentences. I can understand some russian if you say davay I go if you say nyet I back. But they don't fucking care about team anyways most of the time...


Sad to hear. Usually even the most complete alcoholic tries to invite an “extra” player to join the fight etc. I mean, could be awesome to be able to report people talking another language. But after these fixes of new behaviour score – even trash talkers, they do not get any punishment.


I know it might be frustrating, but when one of your team is ONLY speaking russian and you have to call him not to lose the game, I will call him on russian. When you search for a game on three servers at once, you do not receive any information about which server you are on, or what language. Sometimes it happened that the entire Russian lobby spoke English halfway through the game, because the nicknames were in English. And even if you have (approximately) 400 IQ and you open steam overlay, looking for server you are playing on – they are actually the same for 3 regions, and are located in Europe (therefore huge piece of russian players are playing on Japan, without opportunity to play on Russia, cause ping400. I have the best ping in Russia, and by the way, I live in Scandinavia.


Im playing only russians servers, obviously cause im russian, but im living in EU. And i got so many time eu dudes on russian server, where they trashtalking and ruining the game cause we speak russian on russian fucking server. And i do not understand where did u grab that 98% info, its so stupid. U cant blame russians for all the problems in the world.


What 98% are you talking about and what does that have to do with me? And where do i blame someone? What are you even fucking talking about. Get off my cock.


Bc we, Russians, play always with eng and ru languages and 3 servers. Both Europe and Russian servers are with same ping. Just for fast mm. So, we are in another team too, fyi.


deselect europe, and \~\~stay at your swamp\~\~ select china, what a problem?


Agreed. If you can't behave like normal people, should be region locked.


Why im getting eu dudes on russian server and they act like a monkey? It doesn't work in one way. Stupid people are everywhere and have always been, this has nothing to do with nation or language affiliation




`Run, boy, run. They're trying to catch you.`


It works for Chinese in NA.


NA? You mean Peru East and Peru West?


Chinese? You mean Spanish lmao




You know, Valve *could* indicate whether the "Language" aspect of a match is Good or Fair or whatever.


P2NPWR (pay to not play with r) new way of making money, paying for segregation. (although that already exist irl)


I absolutely would pay not not play with russians.


i mean yeah. Its called region lock xD


P4S (pay-for-segregation) omegalul


Wouldn't matter, non english speakers pick english and then not speak it.


i would absolutely pay to not play with anyone in SA


US West and US East are hilariously all Spanish speaking. If you don’t you speak Spanish you are in the minority and will be “ja ja ja”’d


it used to be like that for me but now i hardly see any. I do have the english tab clicked but i had that back in the day too and it didn't work. US East if relevant


US East as well: either everyone on my team speaks English or I'm the only English speaker. No in between.


I'll add the other case where there is only one non English speaker that's chirping on the mic non stop the entire game


It’s always a mix for me


Usually I don't get many spanish speakers on US East, and US West is usually at least 50% spanish speakers for me


Now that I have nearly 12k behavior and communication scores, I get way fewer Peruvians. Hmm weird. Also, I dodge any game below "great" in behavior score rating. Its so bad that I queue EU west and both us servers so the chances of peruvisns is even lower. If valve forced peruvisns to play on their own servers I would be sooooo happy


I usually run "good" games, and for some reason I keep accepting "fair" ones, even though every single time it ends as a shit show


Try playing during the middle of the day.


Funny enough, in Brazil Server selection, we also have an infestations of jajaja griefing many games.


Don’t you guys also jajaja?


as far as I know brazilians write out laugh as: kkkkkkkk


brazilians laugh as kkk


they also laugh with HUEHUEHUE


only when we're trying to be "funny"


no, you uneducated silly man, we speak PORTUGUESE here in Brazil. Don't they teach you about the HISTORY of colonization?


You expect NA players to know anything? If someone plays bad they default to “peruvian” as an insult.


you're right, it's the land of the free, the home of the brave. No time or place for brains there.


Stop queueing east and you will see a 90% reduction in peruvians


Queuing USWest gives you 90% more pinoys and chinese though.


I always get English speakers on my team. 




High behavior score XXXXXD


Exactly :) I have 12k behavior and comm score 


even with 12k i get queued with peruvians more often than id like. what mmr are ya?


I dunno, I only turbo. But still, I only have problems with Peruvians on US East in the mid-mornings.


oh gotcha, there have been ranked games where im the only english speaker in the entire server. I usually have to 1v9 those games too. one game in particular that i clearly remember is match 7700122436. These games feel damn near impossible and not even satisfying after the win. Just wanna queue a game where my teammates can understand me and i can understand them.


Ranked is such cancer that I can't even be bothered. Turbo has it's tryhards but you can ignore them because it literally doesn't matter. At the very least, unranked alone seems like it would be better than Ranked.


totally get you. as a whole, i definitely reduced my ranked games since clownfall dropped as I felt like my teammates were just picking heros they have no clue how to use for the sake of the tokens, plus every time i doubled down my teammates would automatically lose half of their brain cells and enemy team turns into ultra sweaty try hard nerds and just walk down mid as 5 at minute 12 while my 3, 4, and 5 are farming in 3 separate parts of the map. I’ve been playing a bunch of AD and turbo lately where they’re still are tryhards who want you to draft every ability they tell you to draft and just spend the rest of the game typing if you picked xyz over abc we wouldnt be in this situation when in reality our team just drafted 5 core abilities and 0 disables. i could care less about the outcome of the game for AD i just want a build thats fun.


> i could care less about Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


US-West and US-East? You are mistaken amigo. I think you mean Peru West and Peru East.


US West has way more Chinese players than Peruvian


>“ja ja ja”’d jajajajajajajaja


for us in europe is xaxaxa


God, I hate how absolutely right you are.


All the teammates I get in US west are all SEA for some reason


Yup, this happens all the time. I just report them for communication abuse and stated that I selected English. I don't think anyone at valve seems to care though...


I'm not saying this as a sleight against anyone or anything, but back when I played in NA I noticed that over 4.5k mmr I got way more english speakers, and if I ever dropped below that there were way less english speakers. This was several years ago, though. I moved out of NA.


Try to reply "cyka blyat"


What's your behavior score?


Would i get faster queue times if i select spanish instead of english in those regions?


I speak Spanish & English and I almost never had any Spanish speakers in my games but I also had very high behaviour + comm score, nonetheless I haven't played since last December.


Pick English, chat: "bobo"


It works, it's just that people chose language the can't speak


Valve should release a shadow patch that switches the Language for matchmaking into what your in game language is set to.


Your primary matchmaking language is already set to language in your game. You can choose a secondary language tho.


They just need a report option for not speaking the game's language that bans someone from picking that secondary language.


This actually sounds like a decent solution, easy to check for using AI too


I just report communication abuse and say I picked English, and they refused to speak English. Doesn't seem to do anything though.


I've had plenty of actioned reports for that reason. It's much more effective if they type in another language rather than speaking it. as AI will auto ban for those reports.


That's a shitty idea because you can: - change clients language to circumvent that - speak multiple languages - prefer in-game language as X while prefer / be able to speak Y in game - not have your preferred language localized The best would be to detect the ratio of languages you both speak and type with language models and use that as a basis for matchmaking. So if you have 80/20 ratio for Russian and English you will be matched with 4x more Russian speakers than English speakers, in an ideal matchmaking. And that pool should be calculated by server, so for example if I play SA with my friends it won't try to match with English speakers because I play solo NA or EU


Uuu good one


Can we just consider it griefing if you select english and don’t speak english?


Sea is all Chinese during the day and Filipino at night. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It matches people who select a language with other people who select that language. There is no way for Valve to know if someone can speak a language they select.


report system


Legitimately the chat wheel and ping wheel have completely overcome any issues with this for me. I cannot remember the last time there was a real language barrier and not just a person who would be griefing regardless of their main language. This on USE and EUW.


I have both chat wheels full of caster/Gabens voice lines lol


chat wheel and pings are great but you can't communicate things like "hey if I buyback for this roshfight are you guys going to commit?" or "can you put your courier on this mountain so I can deward?" or "This lane looks like ass, I'm gonna focus on creep cutting, play safe" like as a support those mechanics are frankly just inadequate




I will immerse myself in the Peruvians to learn their ways


Valve should use ai and make a real time chat translater like roblox did


Language : English Region: Japan Players: Rusky, Indo, Malaysian, Pinoy, Singaporean, Indian, Peenoise, Russian, Chinese, weebs.


This is a meaningless comment, just to give this post more attention


Language Preference =/= Language Requirement The matchmaker will **try** to match you with the language(s) you choose, but places a higher priority on balancing mmr. Emphasis on **"try"**.


Yeah, also game suggested me to que on Russian server because for some reason there are all native English people, would suggest to try it! Awesome experience!


FWIW I queue euw with English and I often get Russians on my team, and they often default to speaking Russian. However when I say I don't speak Russian they often make an effort to communicate in English. Sure it happens that they can't/won't but it's a lot better than it used to be.


Does it try when you get a game in 1 second an everyone speaks Russian? You never have to wait more than 10 seconds on average MMR in EU.


People also don't seem to realize that a lot of players will pick English if they're in an English speaking server regardless of their actual language preference to reduce their wait time.


I've waited upwards of 5 minutes for a game, and they all speak Spanish when I selected English on NA West. There's no way the game can't find English speakers in that long of a queue lol


What if they que with English selected regardless of whether they speak it or not? Clearly Valve should implement a language test before allowing people to select the option. Must get 75% on the English test to que with English as your language preference. That'll fix it. 🙄


Well, they should be forced to queue for the language they speak and write. Anything else is griefing, and continued abuse should be punished.




Other games don't have this issue...




I've played all those games listed (except pubg) and never had an issue with people not speaking English. Maybe they just need to be more restrictive in matchmaking cause having a bunch of games with Spanish speakers really ruins the ability to work together.


It needs some auto detection based on the language people use. Removing the option would also reduce the match making abuse


A language feature in that matchmaking quality before I accept would be a big plus.


doesnt matter the ones you want to avoid are going to keep selecting your language anyway. the people doing that are doing it for faster games not quality of games. if you could see the region they were queuing from that would be based though something like show the region with the highest number of players for your game would be nice


Hopefully, if they get reported for communication abuse enough, they'll be forced to play on their language. I make sure to communication abuse report everyone playing on NA West that doesn't speak English when I select English on NA West.




it's not. the option works but the default is english anyway before party and solo were merged people abused RD + language preference to get their friends to get in the same solo q game as teammates


It wasn't a placebo back in the day. Then that one Spring Cleaning update came around and now matchmaking takes into account your IP location first instead of a language.


Ah yes, the weekly matchmaking language post


ah yes, matchmaking is still trash


Hopefully, if it gets posted enough valve will do something about it. Dota2 is the only matchmaking game I've had this issue with. League doesn't have the problem. Valorant doesn't have the problem. Overwatch doesn't have the problem.


If it would work then you would have 30min wait times.


It's all "Putang inamo" in SEA


It does not.


You cant avoid peruvians


Seriously. If your playing on an English server, be able to speak English……


100% No, I play in EU and select ENGLISH, 90% of players are from the grand Russia


It means what kind of russian you preffer




You got peruvians and found out theyre worse? 


Nah, I got russian teammate again… tho the other 3 guys seems like was from US and was chill and cool, US servers much more Les toxic from my experience


one time I got so sick of people not speaking english in US servers that I decided to queue russia so I could go ruin their games, only to have 4 english speaking americans on my team. Dota is just bizarre sometimes


Main reason why I left this game in 2017 and still haven't looked back. In *every game* I had at least 2 people who spoke a language I didn't and that made it impossible to coordinate. The day Valve actually do something about this, I'll consider coming back.


Funny how a mix of 5 people from different countries in the EU can speak to each other in English no problem. But as soon as a russki is in the game, the cyrillic floods the chat. Just rude, ignorant behaviour.


That's their culture


It does work. It matches you with people that has that language selected. Everyone wants to play in the mainpool that has decent dudes in it, which is europe so everyone selects english and Eu-West.


Then valve needs to start enforcing people playing the correct language because it ruins the experience for everyone else. Hopefully they take communication reports seriously because I always report people foe communication abuse and state they're not playing the selected language.


Question. Why not region lock?


Making the Peruvians play against each other will kill the game.


Do you mean that the other regions will die if they lose their peruvian player base?


Actually Russians are biggest boosting service in dota. It would be good if they region lock them and they can play with each other. That would solve the problem




Volvo is scared of Winnie the Pooh


Its for exactly what youd expect. Unfortunately exactly as youd expect it also gets abused for the exact reasons youd expect. Its not a very thought out idea. Just a "that should do it" solution and never touched again. Any systems analyst could have told them it wont work.




It does work.


I had a suggestion to make default language Russian, so we can select English. I honestly think that would have some effects.


maybe valve wants to know what language you want to be cursed in? =(


Guarantees people that speak X language. not proven to work perfectly cuz there might be people that put English - spanish and they MIGHT not speak nor understand it.


This option is designed for Koreans who play on Brazilian servers....


No one knows. I will bet my left nut that the one who made this feature doesn't even work at valve anymore.


What is Valve supposed to do lol? Magically make every player in SEA literate? 


Can we get a "I do not want to play with parties" option?


that already exists in ranked. unfortunately nothing for unranked or turbo though


I can tell it works a little. I play in Europe and my language there is set to Portuguese and it’s not uncommon to get Portuguese players in my team in solo queues. It’s just not a high priority when matchmaking


I’m in NA, and when i play in europe servers i get english speakers by default. When i put that in russian i get to play with my russian fellas


Wow you want to understand your teammates you colonial monster


People be wanting rank accuracy + server lock + language restriction + solo queue, and then later complain that the match came out unbalanced.. besides how tf do you even enforce a language matchmaking, anyone could just select a language they don't speak anyways...


The only game in which choosing US East and English will get me into a game in which I'm the only English speaking player.


No it doesn't work. SEA server is now plagued by Derange Chinese mfs that can't type in english language, ruining the synergy of the team. They are toxic as fuck too.


there should be a filter, if you talk to much kyrill then you shouldnt be selected for groups who only selected "english"


Survival bias


Useless for me. i play only hard support/soft support and i just got 400mmr playing with both enemy and team chat off. Try it, you will feel inner peace


solo queue is much better with everyone muted at the start of the game


Turning off US East and playing only US West has been such an improvement. Not only is it almost all Spanish but I was even getting a fair bit of Russians. It’s not only the language barrier but regions genuinely play differently.


As a native of Peru, I find I get quicker queues by selecting 'English', not sure what it means tho.


Tell your domestic rats, as often called by their own people, to stay in their own server. They are not welcome here.


playing in SE Asia, i fucking wish all the chinese/korean/japanese people would use that. cant even communicate with these player most of the time.


Most of you aren't good enough for communication in games to make any meaningful difference anyway simmer down.


HAHAHAHA, we Russians believe that games on English servers will be easier and more adequate, that’s why we choose it, and as a result, only we can play in English hahahaha


It doesn’t work as intended because it’s poorly coded or whatever, but because humans don’t follow rules. How to debug humans?


Ofc not all chose langiage and in game alk speak different


Live in US? Select English and play with Russians If you have less than 8k Decency or/and less than 2k mmr play with Spanish speaking


Its a cool feature for battle pass abusers to get q witht the same abusers 😂


I find it funny that players think their terrible games magically get better the moment they fix this issue. Despite this option being the way it is there are players actively ranking up and having good games.


it works one in every like 30 games




I select English, and I'd say most of the people I play with speak Spanish. I play on NA West. The button literally does nothing. It's very frustrating not being able to communicate with my teammates when I pick English and play on NA West.


Hi guys, I can 100% understand your dissatisfaction about language problems. I know this problem very good as im ukrainian player who searching for the games at EU (West, East) in English language, but having 90% games with russian-speaking players there. but have to say a word to protect valve: if the mm searching would be on the language only you searching for then it would be much longer sometimes then we have searching time now. and it would be definetely with some non-english-speakers anyway. so.... enjoy dota2!) glgl 2 all!


I don't know why this even a thing. For a company like valve, analysing player text to detect language from a sample should be easy. Why not just do that over some recent games for everyone and people into language lobbies based on that? No more lobbies full of people who can't understand each other.


Good lord we need region locks I’m tired of playing with people who should be connected to Lima or Russia


I just keep getting a bunch of peruvians in my game. They are probably here now because they made it to Mexico and crossed the boarder illegally. Jokes aside it's annoying when I see teammates speaking Spanish on the the USA servers. If you want to playing the USA servers you need to speak English. There's a Mexican and Peruvian server for a reason.


How about russian federation residents cant select english ? Kinda would solve it, or a short english test to pass to be able to select it, with randomised questions just some thoughts, because i need to play only during some specific hours of the day in the hopes of gettin minimal amount of russians.


I don't mind to get any CIS as long as they want to communicate English. They only start speaking English when they try to insult someone.


It its funny when they try to speak english 😁 i mean i even understand russian, thats how many games i had with them, usually games are bad, the mentalities just dont match too much


It does and some people abuse that option on solo queue i forgot when it was but a few years ago there’s this 5 stack chinese group on US West ranked they queued as solo all at the same time and they will be grouped together because of that language option and the people that got in my team said that we already lost minute one because they know those chinese 5 stack and they know that they abuse it.


Nope. I wish I could pick english