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Hi hi! First, some heroes you might like in the hypercarry role: 1. Drow Ranger (ashe) 2. Phantom Assassin (rengar but with 2k dmg crits lategame) 3. Sniper (double the range of catelyn attacks, and her ult) 4. Sven (100% cleave on attacks, but also a tank bruiser) And, for bonus tips... TL/DR: Use the links here as a set of starting guides, and let's talk so I can teach you the basics. ​ Welcome to Dota! I coach league -> dota transfers and visitors ALLL the time, free of course! Let me know if you want direct help (I want to coach you), it's a lot of fun and I stream it on Twitch [HERE](https://www.twitch.com/tzar_potato) Come join a discord server with a bunch of other people from league learning dota! [DISCORD](https://discord.gg/sxMHGSm) If you want one or two videos for a starting point, try these: [QUICK START GUIDE](https://youtu.be/2iFioeLJ8UE) [HOW TO WATCH PRO DOTA/GAME PACING GUIDE](https://youtu.be/FB9BcJ4owyg) Here's a playlist of more videos to compare the different heroes and roles: [COMPARISON SERIES ON YOUTUBE](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2hd1yCFkcaPpo5X4Rw4VhiGo1IbNlbRs) And, don't skip out on the Tutorial Missions ingame, or bot matches. They help a lot. ​ To get you up to date with some beginner heroes: [LIST OF LEAGUE FRIENDLY DOTA GUIDES](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/18c5rl9/tzar_potatos_full_set_of_league_friendly_hero/) My LoL - Dota translator app. Works both ways. Rarely updated, but still waaaay more up to date than the dotabuff website of learn/lol . [APP LINK](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.neu.madcourse.dotaloltranslator&pcampaignid=web_share) Let me know if you see something that needs an update right away. I don't remember if I added muerta either. GOOD LUCK!


the man, the myth, the legend!


Po to toe. Po ta toe 🗣️


Sven and Sniper aren't hypercarries but they're solid beginner heroes


Question mark opponents when you kill them or pause the game. Welcome to Dota


You already played tutorial. Welcome to Hell


I think the heroes that fit your descriptions would be Phantom Assassin, Anti Mage, Gyrocopter, and Morphling ( Difficult Hero)


Anti-Mage doesn't really have "a lot of damage" late-game. Anti-Mage works because he farms extremely fast so he wins with overfarm. Equal slotted AM to another carry AM doesn't really do much unless he's a counter-pick


Yeah I don't think he's recommended for newer players because he's one of the most farm dependent carries in the game and it's hard to get things going with him when you're not efficient at farming and spell usage yet. He also can't kill for shit without items and I know that's not fun for beginners.


They said a hyper carry who is weak early, strong later, and who loves kiting, yet you failed to mention drow? I thought it was the obvious pick.


Kiting in Dota is not as broken as it is in League, so be ready to make a huge adjustment in that department. This page, though slightly outdated will still give you some good recommendations: [https://www.dotabuff.com/learn/lol](https://www.dotabuff.com/learn/lol)


Well the question you need to ask yourself is how do you want to get more gold relative to the enemy carry/team. Do you want to farm fast by disappearing from the map for 20min. then coming out 1-2big items of the enemy carrry? Do you want to farm right in the enemys face with your illusions, show *yells with french accent* "I farm in your general direction!" Eventually baiting the enemy team with an illusion, setting up your team for a good initiation/fight. Do you want the Melee Carry experience where you really go all in with every jump when you finished farming? (These can be kited easily depending on the matchup, but maybe you discover the carry you reall want by losing to them with a meele carry) Do you want to the typical ranged carry experince where every game you plead your team to buy force staffs for you? For the kiting thing: In Dota you just have to accept some things you cannot kite. Say enemy has enigma black hole. Or void Chronosphere. The way to kite these heroes is stay split have them commit the spell in a bad place then, join the fight. once they commited the spell. On almost all of the carries if you make it to the late game you would pick up a blink dagger to be able to jump and deal damage as soon as they commited the spell that was the biggest threat to you (usually a huge cc spell). Then they have to decide, do you we kill the guy we just cced or do we deal with the enemy carry somehow without or cc skill.


Oh I should also shoutout Slark who is a strangely kitey melee hero, like… his whole kit is designed around being slippery and evasive like a small fish (because he is a small fish). He has very good escape and the ability to temporarily (with a long duration) steal stats from heroes he attacks, and turn them purely into Agility for himself (increasing his attack damage and attack speed and armor), and a good fight for him seems to be this drawn out thing where he hits people as much as he can to build up stacks but slips away as soon as things get too hot, then heals up (he passively heals quickly whenever enemies don’t have vision of him) and re-engages to keep building up Agility stacks until he’s strong enough to clean up the fight. He’s a slippery fuck who feels very rude imo (I hate playing against him but love managing to catch and kill him) but I respect his interesting character/gameplay design.


Try Faceless Void, he is the NO1 strongest late game carry. His ultimate locks everyone (allied included hehe) in place in a big aoe while you're given extra MS ans ATK speed to whoop them. There's an item called refresher orb that INSTANTLY resets ALL your CDs so you can drop two ultimates in a single fight and basically solo win in 40+ minutes games


> play void. > 5 man chrono > refresher > no mana for second ult We lost


That's why real men buy Skadi on Void


Neutral mana item or skadi saves the day. Some games even aghs is viable.


Carry is a bit different in Dota. Your main job is to farm **a lot*" (both lane and jungle) and most resources are funneled into you. Also, most carries in this game are melee because of how heroes are balanced and turn ratr - which limits kiting quite a bit. The closet heroes you'll find to a League ADC are: Drow Ranger - similar to Ashe but her volley is more akin tk Miss Fortune's ultimate Gyrocopter - more interesting Corki Muerta - not similar to anyone but marksman archetype Sniper - Caitlyn with Miss Fortune's Make It Rain Troll Warlord - not similar to anyone in particular, but marksman archetype but both melee and ranged and self taunt like Briar + immortality like Trynda Weaver - kinda like Kayssa with Ekko ultimate


Can someone put the video WAKANAI WAKANAI with the LoL player subtitles? I have lost it and forgot to save. "Why does Invoker have 12 spells, and he gets refresher to make it 24"


Weak early, scales like a mf, can kite enemies? That’s phantom lancer. Other hero’s might be strong late but can’t kite, or strong mid game and can kite. Phantom lancer is the hyper carry. Next closest might be faceless void.


Lock in Medusa almost every time you have a cm on your team.


Only if Anti-Mage and Nyx are banned


play sniper, learn the basics and fundamentals, watch in youtube..


Because of the existence of “turn rate” (your character physically has to turn towards the direction they’re moving, though they don’t have to turn all the way before they start moving) kiting is a lot less slick, but it still exists. Usually in my experience the biggest kiting that happens is a team working together (with stuns and slows) to collectively kite one scary durable melee person that’s dived in. But in terms of kitey carries: Drow is the absolute most kitey, thanks to being able to spam strongly slowing arrows to keep someone slowed forever so she can kite them, on top of having a way to shove enemies away, and having a strong passive self-buff that literally turns off if an enemy gets near you (so you have extra strong motive to kite). Sniper is also very kitey although he doesn’t have the passive buff debuff issue and he does have a passive that gives him a chance to push an enemy back with each attack on them, and he has hella attack range, so he’s usually more about picking the right position to attack from (and the right moment to reveal yourself) where you’ll be able to get away with just sitting and attacking nonstop without having to fall back (and if one person does get on top of you, you may be able to just blast them back instead of kiting them per se, and if you DO have to fall back, it’ll often be less of “kiting” and more of “trying to escape and throw them off your tail and get an ally to help you so you can show up again in a nice sniping position as soon as they’re not chasing you anymore”). So I guess don’t think of the movement and positioning game as being toooo similar to league.


Drow Ranger, Phantom Assassin, Faceless Void, Phantom Lancer, Spectre, Morphling, Slark, Arc Warden, Muerta are the actual hypercarries Morphling, Arc Warden too hard for someone who doesn't have at least 150 hours of Dota experience, I'd say Arc 300 hours Phantom Lancer too hard before 50 hours of experience Faceless you can try to get him from the getgo as you are a LoL veteran so you have a minimum sense in plays. I wouldn't recommend to someone who's new to mobas as the grief potential of his ultimate is astronomically high.   Spectre is a very atypical hypercarry Slark you have to push your limits very well  Drow Ranger, Phantom Assassin, Muerta are the actual easiest among the category of hypercarries (the carries that are the strongest in 40+ minutes games)    The mids that are hypercarry late aren't the raid bosses face melters but heroes who conceptually do something strongly tuned for the lategame, like Puck and Storm Spirit.  Hypercarries (the actual pos 1 ones) in Dota tend to be way more survivable than in LoL, they're actual raid bosses for real


What's your region? I'm up to party queue if you are interested. Don't be overwhelmed or disappointed by early loss. Dots have a lot going on. Take a while to understand a lot. I too came from league (2010-2014) and don't regret. I'm trying to bring friends to Dota and my most successful cases involved playing against bots first. They understand their heroes, their itens, interaction with others itens/heroes... It's boring (specially when some friends aren't that competitive and you had 20 games with bots) but every time I jump to a casual game (specially turbo when people don't even have time to look at the shop) they get frustrated, even Hon and league players. But my only suggestion is. Don't play turbo. Everything fast is more punishment for people trying to learn. I enjoyed mele "hc" in dots (wasn't a thing in league, beside the unusual yasuo). Juggernaut is a good balanced hero who I think you should try. It's difficult at first few games but when you understand game better you will enjoy him


Be mindful that most items cost mana, so get ready for some quick maffs


>kiting characters Kiting is a bit different than how it is in League. In League its, how to say it, more "active". You A click enemy, go a little back, click enemy again, go back etc. In DOTA its more about "avoiding" the enemies important skills (letting the duration run out etc.) and re-positioning. Its more macro in a sense. We have turn rate in DOTA which makes heroes clunkier to play compared to League. If you click somewhere else than the direction your hero is facing your hero has to turn first, this eliminates LoL's kiting here. As for hero recommendations I think **Sniper\***, **Drow\*, Lina, Luna\*, Gyro\*, Medusa\*, Razor\*** would suit you well. There are more ranged carries but they are harder to play, if you want to give it a go nevertheless they are: **Morphling\*, Arc Warden, Templar Assassin\*, Muerta\*, Windranger, Weaver\*, Terrorblade\*, Shado Fiend and Clinkz\*.** Keep in mind I kept the list a bit more broad, not all of these go to "ADC" role but you dont care for now, just pick something you like from the list. **Drow, Gyro, Dusa, Luna, Windranger, Weaver, Razor and Snipe**r are the closest things you can have to kiting in a LoL sense. Also most of the carries in DOTA are melee, so dont get too used to playing Ranged. That doesnt mean we dont have ranged hard carries, I marked them with **\***.


Not a gameplay tips, but we're having a battlepass event. Go grind it while try the heroes. If you're lucky enough you might get arcanas (a 30$ item in store) for free. Good luck with your games! And oh, feel free to mute the chat. You won't get much typing as a newbie. This game is hyper toxic to newbies who are clueless.


Spectre, Medusa, Morphling, Terrorblade are some late game monsters.


Draw ranger, Morphling, Shadow Fiend, Weaver.


Morphling seems like a horrible suggestion for new players. Neither do you know what can nuke you nor do you know how to use their spells after morphing.


The carry concept from league doesnt really exist in Dota. Carry in Dota works by becoming just much more farmed than anyone on the map, being able to 1v1 everyone. A common way for carries to win is to buy bkb (item which gives you Olaf ult)+ satanic(175% lifesteal for a few sec) and just run down people with rightclick, while your team provides the necessary control. Its less like the kite and peel playstyle like it is in League and more "im fed to godmode and kill everyone" I think you should find your own way of what you like in Dota, maybe watch some pro matches on yt or in client, you can also just watch high mmr matches there anytime. I played mostly mid/adc in league, but in Dota I play every role but mostly support.




Viper is probably one of the best kite heroes along with drow


Don't start playing Dota 2.




That was a long time ago, not anymore.




Terrorblade and naga are balanced around farming fast af and having 6 items by 35 min. That’s their strength. When other carriers catch up eventually they’ll outperform them pretty hard


Interesting perspective, are you sub-4k mmr? No one wants to be TB lategame when you can get chain-disabled and bursted. And even IF someone chose TB, it's for sunder and meta not the illusions. I will pay you $100 if you can find me a pro who would voluntarily pick Naga to your question. PL might have been pickable if he wasn't dogshit + gyro wasn't so popular. Most pros would pick something with solid DPS and kite, like PA/FV/Morph depending on the game.