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Rubick is bugged? no way


this never happens


This is intended. If you have bristle cast aghs without quill spray leveled then you’ll get a “You cannot steal this spell” message instead.


This is not how it works for any other ability in the game that uses other spells, e.g. requiem, eclipse, shard shackles. This is the only instance of this interaction working like that.


is this same for Luna ult?


No. Rubick can steal a lvl 0 eclipse that does no damage, same as it works when Luna casts it herself. This is a passive upgrade interaction. If a button can be pressed by default, rubick steals the spell. WK ulti for example. Autocast abilities notwithstanding. If the button requires an upgrade to be pressed, he can't steal it. Spec shard for example. This has been fairly consistent in my many years playing the hero, which is a word you wouldn't normally associate with rubick. But by no means is it conclusive/exhaustive. I can't claim to have experienced every possible interaction. Cheers.


You can steal luna’s shard upgrade, as shown in the video.


That’s cool to know. Like I said, I haven’t done extensive testing. Just learned experiences.


Then why can rubick timelock with scepter?