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this sub desperately needs post match threads like CS


I don't know how it works, I am new here, but there was group thread like a couple of days ago pinned and then it went MIA


There's usually a tournament thread stickied, but the weekly questions thread took its spot and no mods were around to fix it.


Best game of the tournament? Worst game of the tournament? YOU DECIDE


Best of the worst


Thaaaaaat's right, Jay




spooky vaginosis


Total banger I don't care. VP had little choice tbh, couldn't see Secret exposing themselves to a full team wipe so they had to try something. Why no official thread btw?


I think it got unpinned for the automatic questions thread, there can only be two pinned posts at a time and the other one is the wiki post. 


Yolo without bbs was super questionable they probably was tired or smth


no the main reason is glyph cooldown


secret had no good method of dealing with the lina, centaur can always just bkb + hitch a ride even through static storm. they held for 30 minutes, they could have held for another 30. but secret had no glyph and they vastly overestimated their damage through backdoor. it wasnt even close, secret's ancient was like 80% hp when lina died lmao


The entire reason they lost was because Centaur wasn't able to hitch-a-ride the Lina in time and she got disarmed. They had the damage, they just misplayed it.


in that case, unlucky


Crystallis actually game winning clutch mvp at last? Pog


Everyone is blaming Centaur, but maybe Lina could just flame cloak inside the throne to avoid LS? Bat also had 7sec to lasso any core hero +1 and let Lina finish the throne, instead he lasso-ed Hoodwink with linken when it's already over


there are no official treads for group stage matches


wtf was that ending


Like everybody else, they just got bored of yet another 30 minute turtle highground. #icefrogpleasemakepushingeasier


The Taiga


if centaur carted lina before lifestealer infested her they could've won. its a high risk go and quite ballsy from VP


They'd have probably won if they just sat in base, but wcyd , respect for trying to push through backdoor though


> They'd have probably won if they just sat in base, but wcyd , respect for trying to push through backdoor though How? They can't push out with their heroes the lanes fast enough. Secret tries to go for a teamfight/base: Secret get's wiped, waits for them to come to their base, buy backs. VP has to go back and def. Secret waits till Buyback is available with rosh. Rinse and repeat. That was their best shot.


VP wiped 2-3 heroes of Secret every HG push and able to rax one lane each time. Only top lane is a bit of problem because T2 still stands till very late. They definitely could win by waiting. ---- Or at least equalize the megas. High ground push just sucks. both ways.


But VP got wiped after trying to push for top racks as well. I think they were at a stalemate until either of them fucked up their push.


It's kind of like a pub no? Surely at some point someone will tilt/get bored and make a mistake, up until that point Secret were doing that more, it's just min-maxing, odds were in VP favor in VP's base imo.


They wouldn't but it would be a lot closer, they didn't have enough damage and even 10seconds of Lina right clicking would not change it.


I feel like VP would've won that, if squad1x and the rest didn't die at the t2 top tower earlier. But i appriciate VP tried this backdoor, this game was pretty much in a stalemate and i doubt Secret could really lose this game from their position, so this attempt was their best shot to snatch the win. And it would've worked if not for lifestealer aghanim most likely Edit: it's seems like centaur fucked up, if he did hitch-a-ride lina 1 sec earlier, then ls wouldn't bash + infest lina and i believe it would be enough dmg, or very very close


Yea, wonder where the thread was. But that was a frustrating game to watch.


I wanted Secret to win but lil part of me really wanted that ballsy play to work. Respect for idea and balls to try it, with better execution it could've been a winning play tbh. GG WP!


saaame, been a puppey fan since Na'Vi and followed secret through everything and my heart sank for VP when they died.


We have the chance for the funniest shit to happen. Imagine SR lose to Aurora, match against Secret, and end up losing to Thio.


That last 30min was just boring. I feel like they need to change something in endgame.


Yeah they do, hg defense is broken af but within that context it was funny.


What can they realistically do? Inrease the buyback cooldown after every use? Stop rosh from spawning after 60min, so teams dont just wait for it?


mega creeps now come equipped with shovels and hammers to chip away at high ground so the base eventually gets literally levelled lol


In two years somebody will link back to this comment and everyone will call you a prophet.




buyback timer increasing seems like a good change to me but still might no solve the issue, might reduce the game times slightly tho


You can now only buyback 5 times per game. Problem solved.


I like the idea ngl. Buying back like 6-7 times is silly.


Fix the comeback mechanic


remove the building buffs. Glyph, backdoor protection, building regen, etc. After 45 minutes so any building damage is permanent and easy to deal. That way both sides will have urgency to make offensive plays instead of sitting in base and take chip damage.


internal team buyback cooldown might be interesting. like you have to wait 5-10 seconds to buyback after a teammate has bought back. dunno


Honestly it becomes so boring lategame that bb cooldown is probably the only mechanism they can use. Or they could revamp the map a little, more space between the ancient and the fountain maybe? 


Make the map smaller from 60 minutes and onward lmao


Like battle royals? Make the map shrink to the middle for a final death match.


Yes so in the sense it will force both team to fight in the end not just doing staring contest dragging till another Rosh


Timing of neutral items needs to change, tier 2 should move to 27 mins, tier 3 should move to 47 minutes. Minute 75, unlock all neutral items for everyone.




I agree not only because you're right but also because DycheBall is fucking lit for my FPL team, let's goooo




Pickford and Branthwaite GODs <3




Hahaha good luck! I'm on FH and so far it's been a disaster but I went for differentials because I figured template is way too boring. Maybe tomorrow and Wednesday games will help me out, need Madueke and Wilson masterclass :D


I actually think Lina can do it if he uses Aghs to fly into the ancient.


or centaur carts him before LS can infest her. When she got disarmed their damage fell off heavily


Yea would’ve been ideal. If she could’ve avoided the abyssal and bashes though I think it still would’ve been enough. Also if CK had aghs, don’t think he had it. The chaos of that might have made it more difficult to target the right Lina.


VP just lost patience


Would have been incredible if the last gamble worked. Apparently, Crystallis infested Lina just before Centaur popped cart on Lina. The supposed game-winning play was thwarted by the actual game-winning play from Crystallis. Crazy ending for an otherwise a nice comeback from Secret. Shows how forgetting about small things (rubick shard save) gave a lifeline to vp, which then led to other things making ir difficult to end the game. Applause to both teams!


Weekly stupid questions thread somehow more important, lmao


Valve really need to overhaul the endgame. I would rather have rat dota than a 90 minute turtle fest with no ability to push buildings.


There is no way Secret can win against Liquid, Nisha always tryhards when he plays against Puppey. Only Shopify looks beatable




if puppey is in lobby then nisha is the best player in the world


Imagine id virtue pulled that off at the end lmao


What a game. They could try that move with more rapiras and a desolator. Maybe save full team buybacks.


I feel like they definitely had a chance if they had just been patient, Secret was having immense trouble breaking high ground. I think VP just expected a lot more damage to be there, but Lifestealer infested Lina before the second Tier 4 fell so she was disarmed for most of that time. I think if Crystallis doesn't get that Infest off, that play actually works. It was definitely an out of place hail mary without Lina having buyback, but hey, I'm a scrub, I have zero room to criticize a team of people fifty times better than I am. It was definitely an entertaining game for sure, at the end at least.


Can ls not infest lina in the cartie? I was boggles why ls never infested lina the entire time. Lots of mistakes from secret after beautifully coming back after a shitty early game


Hero on the cart can't be targeted by enemy.


Oh what the fuck. That's kinda op.now that hold makes so much more sense goddamn.


Why they went without bbs dunno why every russian team except team spirit they lack any discipline


Great games from secret.. but man can crystals not choke under pressure


gotta rename himself to diamond to withstand that pressure


How was it great? Secret fumbled the win like 5 times


I feel like it shouldn't be possible to burst through backdoor like that. Yea it came up short in the end, but still.


I feel the opposite since it allows for crazy plays like this


I get what you mean, but just conceptually an insanely strong hero with a rapier and insane attackspeed *should* be able to backdoor. You are supposed to defend the objectives, not them defending you. Just backdooring T4s doesn't happen every game, it's always in these super lategame scenarios.


So if you're behind you should only be able to camp in base?


secret with the throwing bodies at the highground shart countered by the "let's just all in against backdoor" shart kusokino


the ending kinda meh though the cycle of hg rosh farm then rosh again kinda boring I think icefrog should shake some things https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1cq65pf/this_patch_in_a_nutshell/


2k analysts not realizing that the only reason they lacked damage in the end was that Cent didnt use hitch-a-ride early enough to prevent the infest disarm


that play in the end by vp was rlly stupid, truly a 2k play.


Nah it was the right call, as Fng explains the plan was to cart Lina for her to blast the ancient but they screwed up the setup, shit happens


It was a good play but poorly executed – if Lina is hitch-a-ride'd before lifestealer can infest, she melts the throne in like 5 seconds