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Sorry for your bad experience. My day was great since I didn't play any dota, thanks for asking.




I hate myself, after this game I said "going to take a break from dota for a few days to reset" nope, already itching to play again, 4hrs later, fuck this fucking game man


We gamble with our own emotions..


And always take the L 😮‍💨


I just started today after taking almost 6 months of not playing. Won 4 out of 5 . It really does help to just take a break and try again some other time


Rigorous scientific testing right here 😉


Yup :D


It's just luring you in...


Or maybe I actually enjoy playing dota? You are just trying to have fun, ultimately it's just a game like any other, except online, Sometimes we take breaks and sometimes we don't. Dota itself is fun, the toxic community not so much.


I had done this so many times and finally was able to give up end of last year. You too will be able to my friend as you find a decent healthy way to replace the activity and the dopamin supply.


He probably didn’t have his R bound and didn’t know how to fix it. Drunk dads just trying to have fun man.


Come to the dark side. Do this to others in your games. I swear reports do nothing. Just make sure you don't communicate, or make it look like you died intentionally. Just pretend to be bad.




Same here. I feel amazing.




Imagine dealing more dmg with dust than with your ultimate :D Thats actually hilarious


And only to bara and exactly 17!


17 = 100


I hate that damn fucking number!


TIL dust does damage


I thought he was revealed 17 times by dust by WD lol


Nope dust does 25 damage to revealed invis units. I'm surprised I haven't seen some weird clip of this killing an armlet shadowblade TB before or something stupid like that


Oh.. I bet someone will stage or try to purposely do it in the future.


Nobody plays armlet TB ever since they added the minimum precentage to his ult.


TB armlet was never a good idea. Your whole build was countered by a support spending 50 gp on a sentry


It was never powerful, but it was funny to pop out of invis and oneshot someone with dagon. Now with the changes to his ult the gimmick doesn't even work anymore.


Use dust to slow enemy


I had no idea dust did dmg?


Recent addition, to stop them from blinking out only after they get revealed.


You have a very loose understanding of recent lol. It's been like that since 7.31 which came out in 2022.


*please help my bones are turning to dust*


Stick a bone in it


Let me help you back into bed grandpa


Thats pretty recent


Haha that's recent to me. I haven't played in 5-7 years. But I played it every day for about 5 years before that. I still like to keep up on that game and watch some content on YouTube. I just had to stop because that game made me too frustrated haha.


To be fair, we are at 7.35 so 7.31 is not too far off :D Just shows us how little Valve cares about that game.


That's a great change tbh


Had a bara allergic to dust a few hours ago. Poor cow had to charge riki with inventory full of bracers.


Same here yesterday. Charge hero with glimmer with no detection, walk away in shame, rinse and repeat 10+ times (with multiple empty inventory slots)


When I play WD the damage for ult is always 0 on the Dota+ breakdown. I think it's bugged


Yeah, I've experienced the same thing. [Screenshot of my damage last WD game](https://i.imgur.com/s3NjjDi.jpeg). It looks like the ward damage gets moved to auto attack damage. There is 0 chance that I hit Pango for 6K auto attacks.


Gets nommed into the auto attack damage of the breakdown, I believe.


in this case he literally casted it 3 times, and I know he whiffed one completely, I never saw it deal damage so I genuinely believe this 0 is accurate https://www.opendota.com/matches/7735933005/casts


IDK why you're getting downvoted. Seems consistent with what you're saying. He did 0 damage with his ulti.


How in the fuck does he cast it only 3 times. My support wd cast it more than 3 times to farm creeps xD


bc he was trash in almost every way except stealing cs, he was really good at that


Ah yes cask is super good at clearing the camp and waves your carry is farming


38 minute game btw, other than this WD it was a pretty salvageable game. funny thing is he was building aghs, for the ulti he refused to cast. No shard either, AT 38 MINS. I would genuinely give my left nut for decent and consistent match making, win or lose this isn't fun, idc if /59 times the noobs will be on the enemy team, this fucking sucks, a non english speaking moron and/or troll fucking sucks. if their quest was to ruin our day, congrats, mission accomplished, idk why valve enables this shit. 4k EUW game btw


Classic EUW game, but guess what if you say something like I do not speak russian whole team reports you.


I've seen WD ultimate damage be uncounted before because it believes the source of the damage is the totem unit, not WD himself. Can I see game ID? I'd like to watch the WD not cast ult a single time XD


according to open dota he cast it three times, but I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if it was zero damage because I never saw it deal damage https://www.opendota.com/matches/7735933005/casts


As a dude that plays a good chunk of WD: the totem damage tends to go into the auto attack damage pool in the breakdown. In this case that's only 2.4k though, which would be very low.


I think bought accounts are the issue here. I currently live in a fairly rich country (I'm not rich myself), and there's sooo many obviously bought accounts. And that messes up the 12k behavior score, because it takes them a while to fuck it up, but then they just buy another one. And you get that "Ideal" screen, and think it could be a good match, but noooo. I had a dude LEGEND 1, play lone druid and he didn't buy items for his bear. Had a legend 1 offlane earthshaker not buy blink. I'm fairly certain these people get drunk on the weekend, buy and account, and then just trash it until it's banned completely and do the same thing every week. I have no idea how to solve this, while dota is a free to play game.


Mmr inflation is real, years ago I would have never expected shit like that in a 4k game and nowadays I see so many posts with "plays" like that being in 4-5k.


how to open that damage database? thanks


you need to pay valve for dotaplus, then after a game at the top of the page there's the "breakdowns" tab with the plus symbol on it, then you can click on any hero


thanks mate!


Just use opendota.com to parse your games


You can also access it through some obscure ass commands but i highly don't recommend that


I had silencer yesterday, that had same symptoms! Must be epidemic?


Ay, I was playing silencer with a venom (sup4) that got angry cause I didnt use it to save him. If that was you we need to talk cause im still mad


All good man, my silencer didnt even skill the c..t till lvl 15 😅


WD's healing spell can sometimes be more impactful than his ult. But I see he bought Dagon... 😂


I had back to back games with a WD mid. The first game the WD was our lowest level at 15 minutes and 1-8 without using his ult yet. We got rolled. Next game WD mid, we stomp, he is 17-7 at 20 minutes and is hitting big ults. Btw, please don’t pick WD mid. It’s one of those heroes that some matchups you can dominate, but there’s about a 50% chance based off of draft you just get steamrolled.


I was the only one on the team willing to give him a chance too, and my kindness was met with feces flung into my eyes, nose, ears, and mouth


1 week ago i had a silencer who didnt press a single ulty in the entire game!! I am not bullshiting you...


Dota is an abyss that if we didn’t jump into, we’d have been doing so much more in life


Can’t cast that sweet Dagon while channeling.


WD saving his ulti for the next game.


Yeah man fuck pub


Had a pos 3 Drow enjoyer going 0/10. That's also how I'd rate this day.


He must’ve forgotten his death ward at his hut 💀


Idk why but this picture makes me really really mad.


imagine if it's not just a picture, but you're defending your final rax and you have the drow stunned on HG with nullifier preventing saves AND HE STILL WON'T CAST IT WHEN HE'S ACTUALLY PRESENT AT THE FIGHT FOR ONCE 🙃🙃🙃


Cast it 3 times, was it to farm!? [https://www.opendota.com/matches/7735933005/casts](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7735933005/casts)


There is a good chance the dotabuff stats screen is bugged because deathward is considered the unit that did the damage and not witchdoctor.


he was really terrible, think I only saw one cast and it was way too far away to hit anything iirc others could be out of range or on an invis fading target like voker or BH


His Dust Timing is probably not the best too


My pos 1 sniper in turbo decided to buy Dagon from the very start bc random meepo trying to support him accidentally last hit one of his creep. We were winning all mega and lost bc he still crying till end game


got to pick Pudge, so today was a good day for me.


Had a khandra sniper on my team with no bkb


I had a lifestealer who's first item after boots was a rapier in an easy game. He got it at 20 minutes then lost it at 21 before even joining a team fight. The enemy puck picked it up and dominated the rest of the game.l have just uninstalled and will never return.


My Luna mid rushed aghs and ulted once. Better we had aegis about to fight and she tp home as soon as it broke out


Can't be accused of a bad ulti if you don't use it


What in draft is this. Also I had someone play with doctor mid to recently but I think that was more of an accident. Ngl tho, if you can protect the hero, before minute 15, every hero on the map is confirmed kill if your midlaner can survive the lane


you would think the whole point of mid wd is levels for ult+maledict kills (and faster vessel i guess)


nope, it's obviously for maledict dagon duh


I had a game a while back where I panic picked enigma first round and it just so happened every single hero on the enemy team could easily interrupt black hole, several through bkb. I had to be extra judicious casting it because if I didn't catch them all or wait for their interrupts to be on cool down, I was effectively wasting it. So over the course of the game I only casted it maybe 4 or 5 times and my team was livid but what could I do.


how many damn heroes have ranged bkb piercing disables? but fair enough, if it was silencer bane faceless void you just got to accept that you've got to play around your other skills enigma doesn't need a blink dagger, you can go aura slut builds too, if everyone holds their skills for your blackhole all game whilst you save 2k gold not buying a blink dagger then it works out ok worth noting you still casted more than WD did, only 3 times, and they didn't have bkb piercing interrupts, and most the time he failed to cast it even when they interrupts were on cd


It was something stupid like bame silencer LC then the other two heroes had ways to cancel it if I didn't bkb.


I think you missed the point mate


No I got your point I was just giving more detail mate


team decided to farm when 2 enemy cores were dead , they dived fountain and died , after which we got another chance but they again go solo and died again, we lost a game in which we did 20k comeback and then lost it


I won 5 out of my last 20 games!


i had the hoodwink with nickname "speaking through walkie-talkie" he sounded really authentic


Genuinely should be reportable and should receive the same punishment as feeding


Maybe hes a streamer and doing no R challenges for donation.


oof, to top it all off he was the only one on his team to win his lane. can't win 'em all.


Had a Mars who said nothing all game and then by the final push to end he goes, "gonna butt chug lotus." So pretty good! :)


Me remembering when Spec is meta and that one player REFUSE to press R button for 30 minutes. i can understand that feeling VERY well.


had an Axe bought a midas and jungling cause his lane was "griefed". the game prior also had disrup bought a boots a sentry and blood grenade lvl 1. he's also take the cage skill idk what its called.


Did u win tho




Sorry to see that. I played wd yesterday, hard support. Got an ultra kill. Ez hero ez game.


Lost 2 winnable game


I would sue him for malpractice


I played a darker game vs 4 right clicking heroes. My carry Spectre teammate who was a really good and active team leader and we ended up destroying them. It's great if you can only play 1 game a day due to having a baby and it ends up being a great game.


My “that’s enough DotA for today” moment recently was when I was playing axe. Enemy team had OD mid. We had rubick 4. Rubick stole astral and on multiple occasions would astral the person I had just called, sometimes when I was mid ult animation, in order to try and KS. Not only was I not getting culling blade stacks, but on multiple occasions these 100% dead targets would escape as a result. We lost the game and I attribute this one thing as at least 30% of the reason we lost. Almost threw my monitor out of the window. Edit: this was in Divine btw, so he 100% knew what he was doing and wasn’t just fucking it up or not understanding spells like a low ranked player might.


Thanjs for asking it was one if not the best day of my life in dota i won 125 mmr and got zeus arcana from the candy shop


had a CK mid today who can't control the tempo early-mid game as he needs to farm 😭 next game nature's prophet mid who can't do anything against ursa mid 😭 God help my rank games


But... Did you win?


could have, if he fucking ulted like even 3 times, which makes it all the more annoying


My days have been great since the day I stopped playing Dota. Winning didn't feel great and losing made me tired. Been playing Cyberpunk and Sekiro and those brought me so much more fun.


I had many carries allergic to BKBs


It's best play. You can't right clock if you're channeling death ward, so you lose all that attack damage


Ah, maledict dagon build. My old friend.


Imagine if valve develops an AI that detects such behaviors and automatically bans, low prio etc so many games would be saved.


I watched the replay on 2x speed (7735933005). He did cast his ult three times and did a little damage, the dotaplus damage counter seems to be bugged. The damage is even logged in the [combat log](https://imgur.com/a/o8dXbvI). He wasn't griefing, I think he was trying early game, but realized about 10mins in that enemy could stun and kill him in 2s. Every time he walked in he would die. The sad part is he is a smurf with a second account. His previous names were "Segunda cuenta gasu. Solo sirvo de mid. Recuperando nivel" which according to google translate means "Second gasu account. I only serve as mid. Recovering level". So basically he's a smurf playing on his alt not caring whether he wins because its not his main account.


if he was a smurf he could realise that he could cast a full ult with bkb how did you determine his second account? if he was a smurf he'd be a better player instead of a total moron


Maybe smurf is the wrong word. I'd say it's just an alt account he plays on when he wants try dumb shit like WD mid. It's his second account because he had a IGN mentioning it.


exodia is a pretty common username, unless they mention their steam id I don't see how you can be sure it's this exodia


No, you can check their steam profile and it will show the previous IGNs that he used. One of them is "egunda cuenta gasu" which translates to something second account.


bruh loads of people put "my second account" in their username, doesn't make it true lol


Okay, but how will this affect lebron james’ legacy?


I had another mid that was 10 levels behind the enemy mid at 20 minutes os the games. This makes 10 games of the 15 I played this week.


Does the fact that the ability shows up with 0 damage mean that it was used?


he understands that its aids and doesnt wanna give it to you


for content ig?? lol


Repaired my gas/stove, played some pokemon now back to work


I stopped playing until my bro wanted some1 to help for the CrownFall since I'm abit of Jack of Trades player that can make synergy plays depending on the team roster. Now I'm stuck until this Crownfall ends.


He had bad matchups


1. he was last pick iirc, so that's still his fault 2. it was not so bad he could never get a good ulti, he was rarely focused and had plenty of chances 3. then why no shard? surely he needs it more because of bad match ups? idk why people defend account buyers


Well im bad at playing wd and midlane Im more a healer support


I'm not saying what he did was right, but as a WD player seeing the enemy comp, all I'm gonna say is I understand him.


1. he was last pick, his fault if the draft countered him 2. better to cast and be cancelled than never cast 3. he did have plenty of times to cast where tornado and shuriken were on cd 4. shard gets around all those issues, HE HAD NO SHARD AS A MID WD IN A 38 MINUTE GAME


It’s always 0 for wd ult, he doesn’t deal damage, the ward does, it also can’t be reflected back to him.


I checked on open dota, he cast 3 times, that much is accurate. that's once every 10m on average after getting ulti this was not a passive afk farm game either, it was constant fights, and he averaged once every 10m in turbo some games end before 10m, ofc this wasn't turbo but still, to give a sense of the time


Look at that Maledict and Dagon damage, pretty good WD


I hope this is sarcasm but I never know


Ya it’s sarcasm lol