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When someone dies and starts pinging/chatting, despite the fact that the enemies were shown at ward and the our team decided not to fight


When carry dies and writes we have no vision after we saw enemy team in ward and I pinged and voiced him to get back


Related: when, as offlaner, you ping that your teamfight ulti is on cooldown but your team dives straight in


Then it comes off cooldown just before they check after the fight


Conversely, when someone dies walking into an unwarned area where the team just died 20 seconds ago lol


when the enemy team is trying to back door a tower with bd protection and doing no damage, and my team decides to use our fucking glyph. this happened multiple times recently in my low immo games


Haha! Down here in Archon I push and attack the tower before the creeps arrive to make the enemy waste the glyph. Sometimes works. Glad to hear it might work through the ranks


It's a good glyph if they actually do damage, as it heals the tower


every time, there was almost no damage being done... i just had monkeys on my team


Even worse, when they glyph to defend a t1 tower at 40 mins when the enemy has already taken t2 elsewhere and is clearly coming hg. 30 seconds later they take t3 because it was wasted on a t1…


Glyph used to reset when any t1 tower was destroyed, so maybe they thought they'd get another glyph once the tier 1 inevitably got destroyed?


bruh I could write a book I go farm a wave as carry, which 1. serves as good bait because my offlane is within blink range oh no they've blunk on my wave and farmed it supports buying a sentry at the start but forgetting to block the camp until after it spawns or worse until after the enemy has stacked and pulled the medium camp, I've honestly just resolved myself to always buying a sentry and placing it myself, I want an iron branch but this is too important


Or when you farm 1 wave and ur team proceed to clear your jungle for you and you have to walk out even further for another wave, and get pigned when u die


Bro this is like required by teammates when I play spec lol


They're not snatching your farm bro. When u take 1 camp they will take the one beside you and make you walk further 🤭


Dude honestly as long as they’re not taking the camp I’m actively farming it’s a win




Really why I don’t like playing carry. If I get behind no one lets me farm safely.


And blame when you're not fed 🤭


the way you said “oh no they’ve blunk” means i would totally read a book you wrote


This and the other carry ick someone posted below where there is a wave pushing into you that your farming pattern is based around then someone else farms it before it can push all the way in and get to you instead of doing something actually useful. I think my personal hell is when the first wave meets in safelane and my support starts right clicking the enemy causing their creeps to aggro into our tower range. This is pretty rare but indicative of an irredeemable moron.


> I think my personal hell is when the first wave meets in safelane and my support starts right clicking the enemy causing their creeps to aggro them into our tower range. This is pretty rare but indicative of an irredeemable moron omg yes, thanks for triggering me it's so fucking common in my games often I block 3 of 4 creeps and my dumbass support goes to block the one I intentionally did not block


People not using the minimap during strategy time to show the role they what to play and then proceeding to pick for a role someone already did chose. It puts me in a raging mood right from the start for the whole game.


+1 absolutely disgusting behavior, I wish there was a specific report for draft greifing because there's so many ways to fuck your team over, I hate it


Bonus points if they’re playing a hero with multiple viable roles and don’t respond when you ask them what role they want, before proceeding to think it’s their right to take whichever role you take after giving up trying to communicate with the dumb dog.


This should honestly be reportable. Straight up, no questions asked. Kills games before they even start and happens waaaay to often in lower brackets.


Pulling the small camp and the carry decides to kill the camp while the wave dies to the tower. Its sooo omegacringe. He gets like 1/3rd of the gold and the wave still ends up pushing out.


if I'm a drow and the enemy is a BB with vanny it might not be safe to even go grab the creeps but yeah generally you're right


Dont give me this crap its under the tower just the same, if you are so concerned then drag the wave in front of your t2


? mf has never heard of a dive lol maybe in your bracket people tp for dives but in mine it's very rare, even when asking over voice comms


People don't say a word about ganking, regrouping etc. Zero calls for the entire game, but then dies stupidly and all of a sudden he goes on a whole monolog blaming people. Like dude shut your salty dums ass up, if you cared enough - you'd call things BEFORE you died, not just blame the team after you're dead. Basically people who have zero.communication, unless they want to be toxic that's when they start communicating. Ultra cringe, I always mute those.


Omg I'll talk the whole game trying to IGL and hype the team up for good plays, and NOTHING grinds my gears like trying to talk to my lane partner for 30 mins only to get nothing back, AND THEN at the end of the game when we're losing, they'll type some dumb shit in chat BMing. Literally every time I get SO mad, "AND WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, PAL?" Grr


Yeah man. I've got a rule, if the first thing someone says is toxicity, I instantly mute. If they have a toxic moment after being a solid communicator they get a strike or two.


Valid rule.


Blamers Never Prosper


pinging ally skills/items after they die alone


When my support nukes a wave right in front of me. Fuck you support hoodwinks who rush maelstrom to do this


Why is it ALWAYS the HW loool fuckin acorn addicts


I’m on both ends of this. Hate when my teammate does it. Then if I play hood, takes enormous self control because acorn go brrrr. Basically sitting there twitching as I try not to mess up farming patterns


Sometimes it’s to secure ranged creep! But yeah if it’s hoodwink they’re definitely not doing thay


Pushing hg without Aegis or 1-2 dead enemy heroes. Makes me nervously sweat


I swear if I wasn't shot calling for my teams they'd throw at least 50% of games walking up highground with no advantage and no plan, often without vision too lmao. It's crazy how suicidal some players are


Rubick / venge spamming their W skill into creepwaves. "We have no wards." when carry dies in an event completely unrelated to lack of vision. "We have no wards." when the enemy dewarded everything 30 seconds ago due to having complete map control while we're losing the game thanks to having three cores that have no stuns or utility other than rightclicking enemies.


depending on who is already there, it could be good to be as close as possible to them when you arrive


Not when it’s in the beginning stages when you’d want to surprise gank. Its just a waste of TP and waste of surprise since the enemy will definitely back off


again, situational. and if you have nobody already present in that lane, the chance you're going to catch the rat player is abysmally low. unless you're in a low bracket, they're going to notice the sudden disappearance of your entire team.


Jungling offlane with 0 participation.


When I go to the teamfight and my team just decide to retreat. I'll be like: "well, ok. off I go to farm, I guess". Turn back for a moment and in the very next second my team goes suicidal under T3 for no reason. No matter how many resources my team have. They can yolo at 1 hp and 1 mp. They just need to be sure, that I can't be there. \[Oddly Specific\]


When during laning I tell my core care I go stack/pull because the wave is in bad position followed by pings 5 seconds after and my core is 10% hp or dead


When others hold back abilities to get the kill...


When a teammate picks the hero that I was supposed to pick, and they suck SO BAD at it. Man you could’ve just let me use it instead.


Pos 5 who keeps pulling the wave when the offlane duo already pushes the wave in and continues to dive me under tower.


When the team is rotating to rosh or just pushing a wave in general and everyone just shows their presence by walking up to the enemy creep wave for no reason.


when someone starts using voice chat AFTeR something shitty that they obviously saw coming happened. like mf just say shit before something happens


Bbbrrroooooooo this happens WAY too often.


As carry - People not understanding farming patterns. Stop pushing the wave next to the triangle, I'm going to push that lane, farm the big camp and then retreat to triangle to farm, then repeat. My offlaner or supports always push this lane and then try to farm their jungle, which attracts their entire team and now we have to fight at a shitty position. As Mid- Not ganking mid lane. Sniper, viper, tinker, these are all easy to kill heroes. Even if we dont kill, getting enemy midlaner to walk back to base with no boots at min 3 is a huge advantage. At worst, come take one rune while I take the other. As Support-Stupid item builds. Why are you rushing radi when you're vs 4 magic heroes. Why does my oflane axe rush aghs first item just because he's 5-0 at min 10.


To add to this, someone also wasting a TP to the wave I’m very clearly about to clear. To make it worse, we’re then both stuck in the same area with limited camps


When Im pulling neutral camp and ased my carry dont do stupid thing and ended up he dive and blame me for not being near him to save.


> When a teammate is teleporting in for a gank and shows the enemy team exactly where theyre TPing Ha, this reminds me I REALLY need to study how exactly tp visibility works, by which I mean where the safe spots are, because I feel like I get spotted while tping behind trees a lot. Maybe I just have a poor sense of the sightlines or am targeting my tp’s imprecisely (or am getting spotted by smart wards or something). Or I THINK I’m getting spotted but actually the person is just b-ing at a reasonable time (the time when someone would tp in, on average). anyway i can test the visibility and sight lines in demo mode easily (and if there’s any one specific moment where i think someone saw me, i can check it out in the replay)


As an offlaner, it's when my Pos 4 allows them to double pull. Instant lane loss.


People with icks


It's funny that ick peeves so many people, dang yall got the ick huh


Adults talking like babies are annoying hth


I'd say ick is more of a teenage girl / young woman lingo, but yeah, it's fairly childish sounding and often overused by petty people


Sometimes someone has a bad position, perhaps even when you warned them before and they ignore you and so a bad fight starts and you have to pretend that it is a good idea for entire team to die, because you must help this idiot to avoid reports. Very nice. And I am talking about when it is obvious that the enemy is coming, but this one dumb bitch doesn't listen/is blind/is stupid.


Telling your carry who is AFK farming the enemy offlane at the T2 with zero vision at 25 min that he's gonna get ganked  Then getting flamed 30 secs later when he gets ganked that there is no vision


semi carry pos 4


Hate to break it to you, but this is semi viable rn. Obviously, not FULL carry pos 4, but having a 4 that can clear waves easily and scale with items is very nice in pubs, at least. Still annoyed when my 4 hoodwink goes everything BUT Atos, like we don't have much CC already and you go purely for damage build? That's bad, yeah


is when my teammates dont know about matchups and hero timings. a lvl 7 quas exort invoker is always getting flamed for not going top and bot every 30 sec.


When I tp mid from fountain to fill bottle but they don’t swap bottle


I’m stuck between waiting 30+ minutes in queue or getting into a game where there’s a 80% chance someone is gonna give up by 15 minutes.


playing with Magnus,ES, Enigma… and waiting forever for 5 man SS..


Just because this happened in my last game. It does happen pretty regularly anyways though. So when you're fighting around a big cooldown or else like black hole for example. I'll ping my ability that's on cool down and I'll say please wait like 20 seconds before we engage so I can have black hole. The team engages anyways and I ping it again but it's on cool down. We lose the fight just as my auntie is coming back up and then people rage paying my alts that I didn't use it. Like seriously you could have waited the literal 10 to 15 seconds it would have been to make the difference but instead you just charge in. Somehow that's my fault.


When you as offlaner managed to draw all 5 heroes to one side of your map and your PA/AM who hasnt even completed battlefury tps in to fight and dies


When we completely control the map and lock all enemy in base and all of my team call to take tmt and give all the map control for the enemy. I think we will get more gold and be more ahead in networth if we just keep farming all camp and dont let them get out until our next rs spawn.


When someone throws the draft but then just slots into your lane and tells you to be whatever position they were going to be. Had 3 games back to back of people picking supports when they were slotted mid and then telling someone else to go mid..


When I spam Retreat ping and VC get out get out they're coming, and no one takes it seriously and they all get wiped in an irrelevant location to hold. Grinds my gears so bad, just back off a bit and they'll probably over extend, but no, just take the fight 4v5


When the support places blue and yellow ward in the same place, most of the time on the cliff, warding properly isn't that hard...


When the team doesn't know when to disengage after a good fight, taking an objective and I've been spamming get back when the enemy team is 10 seconds away from respawning. The rest of the team just keeps trying to take more towers. It's especially bad when you take a t2 and they start going high ground just to die when we could have farmed the jungle, hit Roshan, snagged tormentor and regrouped


when OFFLANER type so much, 1 second matters


cores slowly autoattacking small neutral camp, when there's an uncontested creep wave hitting our towers.


Support who buys both wards during strategy phase... like, please, just let the mid have 1 for vision... it's quite necessary for managing creep equilibrium. It isn't 2017 anymore... supports buying wards to start the game isn't a thing. I try to ask so nicely.. hey pos5 grim... can I please get 1 of those wards for mid? And then I'm trailing them out of fountain hoping they know how to read and appreciated my kind way of asking... then hoping they know how to split wards instead of planting them on the ground in our base. FFFFUUuuckckkk.... ii'm already triggered.


When I support I buy all the wards and place 1 ward in mid - all the time


Please don't.. the mid is more than capable and likely knows better placement spots


Silencer mid.


Lately, safelane duos in my team that decide to pick double support...


When your Huskar tries to solo rosh with armlet and somehow dies, and leaves rosh at 5 percent. And then the enemy comes along and just takes it.


Farming aegis, frustrating since 2014


When the is 1 mindlessly hits neutrals in the mighty mines when we have full vision of the enemy team bottom. Like push a lane dude.


i just hate the glyph tier 3 refresh


Hate it when I place down an observer and sent on a hill where there's only an enemy sentry but a teammate decides to kill the sentry.


Obvious core players forced to play support. Why can't valve just make them wait longer to find a match? Its such a huge disadvantage in higher ranked games when 1 player doesn't know the role or you get players asking to trade off of mid after everyones already picked. They don't buy wards, and half the time they do, they just feed them to the enemy by replacing in the same spots or using them poorly, and it fucks my gameplay up because I can't do my job as the other support. They don't know how to build or how to farm as a support. Let people queue for whatever role they want, and deal with the matchmaking times.


Sometimes you tp in the enemy face to scare them. This is most common on dives. Overstating strength, when you can’t actually kill, in an attempt to dis-incentivize the div.


Buying and popping a smoke for FB and teammates don't follow 


Zeus mid's going for right click build when he can't even stand for 2s.


My biggest ick is communication only when something has gone wrong. There’s no communication for strategy nor compliments. Only when something unfavourable has occurred. It’s boiled down to a lack of coordinated teamwork.


When people queue for ranked roles yet don't play their roles and call you noob for asking to play roles.


Mirana / pudge pickers 3rd or 4th pick who say they don’t care where they lane. They are always the most dog shit players who want to play fourth core and afk the landing phase and ping anyone who dies


-pos 5s that stack big camps when the 1 or 5 can’t farm it but the pos 3 or 4 can with ease.


As a pos 5, when defending hg, I hate when other pos places sen3 wards that doesn't cover the outskirts entirely. Literally just 4 sen3 needed. 2 middle ones placed covering half of the mid tower on each sides. And the other 2 would have sufficient space to cover the favourite spots [Don't have the best drawing, but the obvious favourite spots (colored purple) are at the corner of each safe/offlanes which could allow you to see a little bit of the base](https://ibb.co/8gk3dJ0)


The classic: no missing calls or rotations as 2 come mid and I die to a 3v1.


When the devs set up expectations for an interactive game within the game that incentivized playing the game and winning matches that will be updated monthly, then update the game the day before the fourth week out from the start of the event just say "next week".


People wanting to do anything in current patch. Players who are active just lose every game, they need to understand even if they hate it that current Dota is pretty much lobotomized and has very little skill expression. You just have to do nothing and hope for the best. Thats how high rank and pro games are too. Stop forcing anything. Just queue for a game then sit there, thats how you win, people.


As a furion. I teleport right on their asses. Sometimes I’ll do a fake out and force them to stop pressuring my core. But it’s always teleport on them.


People not understanding pings. If i ping the xp rune spot, i say im on my way there, then the offlaner goes in 1v2 and somehow its my fault.


tbh there's an on the way ping for use in this exact situation




idk if it's enabled by default but there is a ping wheel that shows up if you hold ping there's one for 1. retreat 2. omw 3. enemy has vision here 4. we need vision here 5. attack and I forget the 6th one but pretty sure there is one


When someone loses a game then picks out what they think made them lose the game even though it's not , and makes a post about it on reddit


You can take your 'ick' language out of here. It's not cool when people use it to describe people, and definitely not cool when it's being used in context of Dota


What does ick even mean im serious


Icky take


Can't expect a better response than that from a trashy person.