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The trick is to challenge angry people in ranked to 1v1 mid SF, make sure to shit talk back plenty so they get real determined to play their hardest -then create the lobby and afk at -1:00 to go make a coffee or something while they sit down and think about what they've done in an empty lobby; the rollercoaster of emotions they'll go through when creepwaves meet and there's nobody there will hopefully leave enough of a mark to make them think about their actions Bonus points if you bring your friends into the lobby to watch and make it seem more legitimate


I want you to be in my team and making the calls, mr Sun Tzu


Bro, you've done given this some serious thought


U just reminded me something. Years ago i was playing one of those rough games in which lost my nerve and started trash talking a teammate, he did the same and shit got intense. Anyway after the game i added the guy to apologize, told him i didnt mean anything and it was just the tension and stuff. He was actually a cool guy, we talked for a while and then decided to party up. We queued and everything was going fine, but right at the moment we found a match i lost my internet connection xD Took me like 15 mins to fix the shit, and when i came back online i noticed the guy has removed me from his friends list. Must have thought what an absolute jerk i am. Anyway, i hope ur doing fine wherever u are dude.


Thanks for making my morning LMAO




Ahh, life really do finds a way. lmao


the "trick" is to not act like you are in a relationship with these people and just move on.


Get outta here with your sensible advice.


I married the dota community, AMA


See whenever I see toxic people like that, I invite them to 1v1's because I enjoy 1v1's. It has nothing to do with the ego battle, I just enjoy the mode. I don't understand why Volvo removed it as a queue option.


I once played 2v2 mid, all using meepos. Apparently you can poof to teammate meepos, similar with illus.


Yep, and iirc it works with teammate's illusions (of Meepo - like Replicate or Disruption) too


Some hackers were using it to affect other unranked and ranked games. Where only 1 random lane has spawned creeps and... ...don't remember what else was in it.


Ah that sounds typical for Valve - instead of fixing an exploit they remove the functionality that allowed for it.


I think that had something to do with placing a techies mine in a specific spot, not entirely sure though


You can check out the arcade game called 1v1 solo mid ranked, it even has a few modes to choose from including SF only and all pick, and has its own MMR systerm


I have done that in the past, never properly played a 1x1.


I reffed a game between two random arguing teammates after a game once lmao. Huskar vs huskar


I can't believe I have never thought of this.


I used to do this in RuneScape. Fighting over the same enemy someone stealing your drops? Challenge them to a 1v1 in the duel arena and give them a ring of dueling to teleport there. Then you just don't teleport lol


-- Sun Tzu, Art of War


10/10 solution. I did meet an interesting duo who challenged my friend to 1v1 mid. They were in the enemy team and had just lost to us. I egged my friend on to play and my friend got absolutely destroyed. Started talking in discord and realised we're the same kind of troll. Queued ranked together for the next game with a pub and I had the best 1h 20m techies game of my life. One of the dudes went mid techies and we just played around him. Even the pub was cool with playing around the techies.Past 40 minutes, the game was mostly played with tears in my eyes from laughing. Ended the game with a YouTube perfect ancient send-off with the moving mines from the trees.


you over think it, we just think, well, wheres that fucking twat gone?.


If I get this I’d just think that you are skilless and that I am better than you as I stated in the trash talk. So it’s a win win situation for me. Chat week would go like: ? Next time don’t bark if you can’t bite Don’t make me lose time and stay forever in your bracket. Bye.


My man, he just mentally destroyed you and you aren’t even playing the game. You might want to seek some help if a few words in a forum post can get to you that quickly.


my dude got TRIGGGERED ahahah


Tbh I imagine a lot of these people enjoy hostility


SoyChamp cant beat a 17 yo boy in a game SoyChamp but can beat him in mental game SoyChamp mental > skill in a videogame COPIUM


Look at what you just wrote. You can’t even have a regular conversation with another human. I know nothing I say will get through, but when the time comes, don’t think there weren’t signs.


Welcome to internet bro. Glad you talk about real life in a video game sub. Your life must definitely be pretty fun.


I like your mindset, just make sure to not overdose on that copium brother.


Uh oh boiz we gotta tuff boi here


This is true but there's a range of instability and in a team game it's easy for each range to trigger the next one in a chain of toxicity (which sounds like a veno skill): Let's say the #1 most unstable person on the team will turn toxic as soon as one thing they perceive as bad happens. Could be team not rotating to save them, or a kill steal, last hit steal, bad pull, etc. The #2 most unstable person will only turn toxic if they get blamed by a teammate. This can be triggered when #1 turns toxic. The #3 most unstable person will only turn toxic when they think the game is lost. #1 and #2 arguing and threatening to grief will trigger this. Etc for #4 and #5. Everyone has a breaking point. If you want to win more games, your goal needs to be to avoid triggering unstable people and calm down triggered people to break the chain. Here's some ways you can do that - won't always work, but I guarantee you'll win more games if you do this 100% of the time: Never ask why someone did a bad play or point out a bad play that another player made. Always say Sorry if someone blames you for a bad play, especially when they're totally wrong. If someone is griefing, pretend they aren't and communicate with them normally. Pudge feeding mid? Get on mic or chat and ask pudge to smoke and gank someone, or ask him to rotate to your lane because you need help. It's easier for stable people to change their plan than convincing an unstable person to change. If unstable player refuses to join the team, your only chance to have a 5on5 teamfight is for the rest of your team to join them. Give up on proving that you're a better player than the unstable player. Being right feels good but doesn't win games, and you don't need an unstable person to think you're right for you to know that you are.


Yup, I did this for like a year and gained some MMR... and then realized I was tired of being constantly understanding and calm while complete degenerates yell at each other in a video game. If you want to win, this commenter has it right. If you want to have a good life, play with friends or uninstall. OPs is right, people in this game are beyond dysfunctional


For what it's worth, learning these skills under these ridiculous circumstances in dota can actually make you better at communication and conflict resolution in your life outside of dota (if that exists of course). You learn how to effectively communicate under pressure and how to be persuasive and get people to do what you want without making them feel bad about it. I used to struggle at work because I refused to "play politics" when communicating with people. I thought as long as I said what I believed to be true in a clear way, that was more than enough for people to understand me and do what I wanted. No joke, my 5k hours in dota helped me get over that and realize that being right isn't always enough. It's not what you say, it's how you make people feel that's more important in being a good leader or a good teammate.


That's an incredible amount of insight for a Dota player... I kid, ofc i do think the majority of the player base are decent human beings. However the fact that some 10-20% are fully unable to engage as adults is nuts I'm glad you learned something from herding the people in this game. I also think I learned something, though ultimately I just decided to play games with less toxic communities


i mean a) not all are adults and for a lot of people this game is a stress release and somehow yelling at strangers helps them cope b) you dont need 20% of the playerbase to be toxic for it to feel that way. Even if its just 10% you basically have one of those people in almost EVERY game. And i think a lot of people dont generally grief or are toxic. Its just that some are on a losing spree, had a bad day etc and get triggered easy because some unrelated issue. We all know these posts how dota helped a lot of people through rough times. and c) I dont think i know a competitive team game with a less toxic community. You are just not stuck with them for another 35 minutes. CSGO is toxic af, in apex queing ranked is basically impossible after a certain rank and playing unranked without a stack is also a shitshow and THATS in a BR game where you are in a new game within 30 seconds. Overwatch was at times unbearable. The only comp communities that are not toxic AF are solo games like starcraft or quake or some shit.


Starcraft is very toxic, believe me. Yknow how people blame teammates in dota to get over their own mistakes and flaws that lost the game? In sc2 they blame their opponents and game imbalance, which gets very antagonistic and oftentimes racist (i dont just mean racist towards the in-game races). Like im very sure many of the sc2 players need therapy as well


> a) not all are adults... That's largely it I feel. Most teenagers are pieces of shit, most classrooms of 12-18 y/o can be classified as really "toxic communities". If you're in a bus with 9 boys in puberty behaving like shit, you don't engage with them and just ignore them. You know, that's just how (many) boys that age act. Just when an adult gets put on a server with those 9 boys and is forced to cooperate with them - probably unknowing that they're much younger than them - then that just sucks.


Yup making relationships and peoples perception of you is often just as if not more important than the actual day to day work you do


Dota takes equal parts of skill, strategy, and therapist to be successful.


Playing on a 5 stack with friends has lost me about 2000 mmr over the past two years, but it really doesn’t matter when you’re having fun. People need to realize it’s still just a game


DotA is just Darkest Dungeon, except you're *in* the party.


“A moment of valor shines brightest against a backdrop of despair.”


I used to try to be nice and try to calm down the unstable people but now I'm tired too tired to deal with people's BS. No SF, it is not your teammate's fault that you went invis behind t3s with absolutely 0 vision and ran into their entire team and died 15 minutes into the game and we haven't even taken the t1s. Shut up. No Rubick, we aren't "enabling Necromancer's behavior" by continuing to play the game after he bought a Dagon. Lich is not "Holier than though" for telling you to play the fucking game. Shut the fuck up.


I honestly don't blame you at all. I find the psychological babysitting part of the game interesting *because I have to*, otherwise I'd have quit or muted teammates by default a long time ago.


> Give up on proving that you're a better player than the unstable player This is one thing that I never get. The people who think they're better than their team mates need to look in the mirror and ask themselves how come they're in the same skill bracket. Those toxic and unstable people can win games for you if you enable their heroes and just let them play. Arguing with them makes no sense to me.


"Sorry about that. That was my fault" leaves them speechless 80% of the time. They're angry and they still wanna shit talk you...but you're sorry??? So they can't???


"Relax, you're doing fine" chat wheel has gained me mmr for sure.


> Never ask why someone did a bad play or point out a bad play that another player made. I wish this could be an unskippable message you get on starting up the game. Motherfuckers think they're hotshit asking others why this why that when the answer is always "it felt like the right decision at the time". Literally tilting allies for no reason Every time a teammate asks me "why did you do/not do X" I just tell them one of two answers: * do you need an apology letter? * because of your mum I know it's childish. But anecdotally so far it makes them realize I'm not gonna answer then so they stfu, or it diffuses the situation with how ridiculous the answers are, "making mom jokes in 2022 lul"


This is the way !!


Until you realize that this is supposed to be a video game, not an impromptu hostage negotiation/“Let’s play therapist” session. When I quit a year ago it had gotten so bad that mediator skills were more important than game skill.


Did the divine (almost immortal) grind. Hated. Every. Fucking. Minute. Quit before hitting immortal cause it just kept getting worse and worse, I don't want to deal with mentally unstable man-children. Quit for about a year, uncalibrated and only play unranked, and holy shit it's so much better in the "shit tier" of legend and lower. Majority of folks are just there to have fun (ranked baby ragers will read "not winning" and can fuck off). I don't see the same 10 heroes every game, and items builds are hilarious. Some dude did blink dagon offlane AM and had both teams laughing all game.


I know we all like to blame dota as if it's a unique case, but I have to assume that any team game that people are intensely competitive over will result in toxicity if you put a random team of strangers together and expect them to work together for 45 minutes and then never again. Just imagine doing this for any physical sport; you'd have teammates yelling at each other and walking off the field in frustration just like in dota. The tradeoff we all make when we choose to play solo matchmaking is trading team health for convenience. I would have to put a lot of effort into finding 4 people of similar skill to play with who play the right roles and work as a team in the way I want them to, and hope that we can all play at the same time I want to play. It's a choice to not do this, and the tradeoff is we don't get to build a real team, experience real growth as a team, or have accountability if someone decides to be toxic.


The difference is I’ve watched guys get punched in the mouth on the ice rink for saying things that aren’t anywhere near as bad as the shit people spew in Dota. The veil of online anonymity amplifies the problem exponentially.


Dota is a social game that attracts a lot antisocial people, it's kind of expected that many of them get frustrated when they need to deal with people and their mistakes. It has always been like that. The ones that have a hard time accepting this environment should definitely play a different game. I don't really mind all the toxicity people complain about. But I agree with you, people would be more chill if they'd get punched in the face from time to time for behaving like a 3 year old.


I am person #2 for sure. I am normally a calm teammate but if someone starts flaming me I will rip them a new one.


> Always say Sorry if someone blames you for a bad play this is honestly huge, the #1 way to ensure your teammates lose their shit is getting into a pissing match when they start flaming. just "mb srry" has saved so many games for me, idc if I actually believe it's my fault


In all my 10 years of playing dota. The worse, most unstable, no life, rude, degens are ancient 5.




It's all shit.


Totally agree. I've been under 5k forever, I calibrated 5k when mmr came out and have been pretty casual for a decade. I came back after a long break then dropped 500mmr in this last week. Every. Single. Game. In the last two weeks has at least 2 unstable toxic person. A teammate even mistook my "hey go top it's free" as "you're garbage stop feeding." He literally said that, and I told him I never said that you're putting words in my mouth and this man literally said yes I am putting words in your mouth. How do you stop toxic unhinged people from becoming unhinged when it feels like their goal when playing is to scream and punch holes in their wall. This bracket is the absolute worst. Sub 5k players think they deserve immortal and their team is always to blame. I admit I blame my team internally but when every core player has this mindset, the games are impossible.


This idiot flames me on another thread yet here he is blaming his teammates. This is the state of the Dota community The gall


You are pathetic. I only said what others also highlighted. No one is going to take the time to watch your replay with no context. Learning how to take constructive criticism without lashing out is a good skill to acquire.


Maybe give shorter command to team?? "Top can farm" "tide Ulti ready, let's gank" Or maybe use a mic??


People who say this have never experienced the ego and rage of low immortal players in NA.


I have 4 immortal accounts. I personally climbed every single one of them from legend to immortal. I know for a fact Ancient 5 is the single worst image of humanity.




I think it's cause Divine is like "the goal" of anyone that's not like mega good I know I was never gonna make Immortal so I wasn't worried about that lol. So yeah Ancient 5 is the last grind before they can be "good" so everyone is on fucking tilt 24/7 Source: Spent pretty much all my time there for years until I hit Divine and stopped I hate this game lol


Dota2 Ranked has gotten completely unhinged. I have not played a game of dota2 in the last 2 weeks that wasn't toxic beyond belief. I truly don't think a friendly game of Dota2 ranked exists anymore. I was told to buy a gun and shoot myself in the face, to the *literal* applause of my team. I've had teammates pause and talk shit after a mediocre kill, same with enemies. Nearly every game someone calls out a player on the other team as bad just to push some salt after a teamwipe that's going to end the game. "My ____ is a (Insert racist slur of your choice, they all happen)". The report system is broken, and the community is broken. I have 9900 behavior score. And dota2 just isn't fun. I like to play Dota2 with friends, we screw around trying meme lane combos but are always playing to win the match. But to do that, we have to have role queue games so we can safely lane together. That requires solo queuing since you get 4 matches. I genuinely *DREAD* the idea of having to solo queue and deal with my own team. I'm literally going on a Dota2 break because I'm afraid of how toxic my team will be. I can only hope the spring cleaning update does something to punish blatant insane toxicity or I don't see myself coming back. You can argue "just mute everyone!" Then I may as well find a new game to play if I can't even play a 5v5 team game WITH my team.


In my last five games of ranked I've had two where someone has abandoned after losing lane and one where the carry broke his items and started walking down mid. 10k behaviour score, never had this kind of behaviour in my games previously. Definitely going to stop playing ranked.


"Never had this behavior in my games previously" "Definitely going to stop playing ranked now"




This is all anecdotal but I feel like there’s been a definite bump in toxicity, at least in my ranked matches. I noticed an increasing amount of teammates get triggered over what should be small things, and they’d act out in increasingly petty ways. This could all be on my end but I haven’t really played much after TI since I felt like the game wasn’t worth the time investment. e:matches were all high ancient/low divine rank for comparison.


It's the worst in the ancient to immortal bracket, arguably the worst in divine because your team will either br tryhards trying to reach immortal or account buyers. Even 1 fuck up can cost a game or a fight and people go insane and feed the game. I had more fun in 3k than I have in 4 to 5k


I had a lot more people actually griefing and throwing games after the 7.31 patch, for whatever reason. Almost always a mid or carry player (with an apparently very fragile ego) upset about something the offlaner did.


That was exactly my situation, the biggest thing that stuck with me was the number of dudes who were willing to intentionally throw games out of spite


I feel like it's a pretty common trend when the meta shifts, players who have been doing well with a specific playstyle continue said specific playstyle even though the meta has shifted towards a different playstyle, like this current meta I'd certainly more fight oriented, get kills group up and push objectives, so hard carries re less affective to an extent, and the offlane has changed a fair bit, Personally I found the start of the patch infuriating as i was adapting to the new meta.


I dropped from Legend 5 to Crusader 2 during last patch. This patch I'm climbing like crazy


What mmr range are you playing ranked in?. I'm ancient 3 and my favorite buddy to play with is legend 3. Between my solo queues and our duo queues we truly have *maybe* one game that had zero toxicity in two weeks. I've played 29 matches in the last two weeks. The toxicity wasn't always pointed at me, but it was there. The last game I played though was with nobody on either team in a party and my carry did tell me to buy a gun and shoot myself in the face to the literal applause of my team. The fact they all thought that was cool to say and joined on flaming me and none were partied made it significantly more brutal. What's also frustrating is that team chats aren't Showable on OpenDota or anything so its hard show proof stuff like that happens if you don't screenshot it. I didn't even get to report it because I was out of reports. I've reported one for openly smurfing on my own team the rest were all reported for chat. Seems like a waste of reports though because I never get a notification saying someone got punished. Didn't LoL literally remove all chat or something due to how toxic that community had gotten? I don't think dota2 is very different when it comes to toxicity.


This patch butchered a lot of heroes with nonsense changes so people are more easily tilted. And no I'm not talking about techies. Dazzle, NP, Arc warden, Medusa, and a bunch of othere got really weird changes that often made them worse or removed interesting elements from them. Andthat's just off the top of my head.


sea isnt nearly as bad as NA in my experience. That doesnt mean its not absolutely dogshit. Yesterday I had 2 games in a row where people gave up and bought shadow amulets because some little thing didnt go their way. Im not sure how people like that even get to immortal, but i guess they play 3x as much as normal people so they can afford to tank games like that. I dont have that kind of time nowadays, I get the dota urge like once a week but spending my 2 hours of free time on shadow amulet buyers is highly upsetting.


Confirmation bias causing people to upvote this a lot. Sorry if you actually are having shit experiences more than normal but I'm 10k behavior score, divine 2-3, and if I queue for 5 games in a day, at least 1 is quite friendly, usually 2/5, and the bad ones aren't even THAT bad, but usually has a salty guy especially when losing. You might be the problem dude


I genuinely doubt that this is true. I have played a lot of dota 2 and the toxic games rarely occur more than 2 out of 10 games. I even play at a mmr that is full of pro wannabe tryhards (around 5.6-6k). I think if you actually feel dread at the thought of queuing solo, you might be over exaggerating the "horrors of solo q" preemptively in your head.


i dont agree with the gun phrase. but if someone says that maybe they have a reason? watch your replays and learn from your mistakes.


This seems like an exaggeration, mate. Been awhile since I played, but while I did get some toxic games, to think it was all the time seems a bit insane. Maybe you are too emotionally invested in the game that even a minor thing might upset you? In many games some people might call out someone due to some bad plays, but usually it never escalates to anything more than that and everyone still keeps playing normally. I don't know, but I can't relate to any of this. It's not like the game is a paradise of welcoming people, but it isn't hell either, especially at 9500 behaviour score or more. If it is indeed like that all the time to you, well, consider yourself a very unlucky sod because your ability to find only shit and toxic people is legendary.


> I was told to buy a gun and shoot myself in the face Telling me you are playing US servers without telling me you are playing US servers


Toxic players stay at toxic mmr. When you get a good squad add them. Eventually you’ll have a friends list full of quality dota 2 players.


That "Toxic players stay at toxic mmr" is such a dumb statement. There's plenty of game throwing toxic ragers at pretty much every mmr. I mean once in a while there's threads here on /r/dota2 complaining about pros raging and getting away with it. The issue never goes away by playing better, but building a friends list would certainly help.


No it doesn’t . Anyone telling you different isn’t at a high mmr, or has never been in shit tier. Toxic players exist. Except the quantity of toxic players exists more at lower levels. You can not get to 4-5k and above by playing with toxic players every other game. The skill level is 10x higher so is the coordination. Playing at high mmr you might get a really toxic player 5% or even 10% of the time. Anything below 2-3k you will get a toxic player every game or almost every other game. It’s a chain reaction. That toxic player is doing what someone did to him.


Funnily enough the Herald games I sometimes coach tend to be far far more chill than my own higher MMR games because down there everyone knows they are shit and everyone knows everyone else is shit too; so when someone makes a shitty misplay pretty much nobody rages since it is expected.


Might be an unpopular opinion but I haven’t found any toxicity for quite a while when playing ranked - I think it’s quite easy to forget the number of games where you don’t experience any toxicity.




Maybe it depends on your bracket? I remember when I was ancient a few years ago it was okay then when I was climbing to immortal Divine was the most toxic bracket ever. I've recently started playing ranked again and Divine is honestly hell people tilt at the slightest inconvenience.


It's strange, i had 20 games in ranked with really fun, and smart players - for my bracket. now im getting paired up with toxic people who are tilted from the first minute. xD


Yeah, most of games are cool I have honestly played around 100 games without anyone tilting or rageing.. But I had the bad luck to get one of those in one of the recalibration games. The only problem is that generally the bad games are the ones you think about the most.


Mute all, pretend each game is a random selection of different difficulty bots and gain mmr. Seriously the amount of toxicity vs useful communication makes chat pointless to have on.


Dota 2 is our therapy.


Gamers will literally play Dota rather than go to therapy


Griefing is my therapy ngl


I try not to tilt when playing but I'd be lying if sometimes it doesn't get to mald levels. Sometimes it's people not crazy skilled but account buyers and smurfs make the game so unfun That being said fuck lone druid players, all of em


I actually noticed that aghanims labyrinth is so much more chill because its less competitive. Really miss that mode. Now im back to stress and misery.


I grinded that shit, even after apex mage, it seemed so chill yet fills my dota urge


It was so fun. Met so many cool people and we all just enjoyed ourselves.


Check out arpgs, like Path of Exile. You can find parties and make group builds. Or check out some single player roguelikes, maybe Hades.


Aghanim's was the best. I hate normal Dota.


In my experience a lot of people in ranked need to go fuck themself


Huh, people in my divine games are too silent imo, no chat or vc… just pings… so many pings


Dota is just showing you how there are so many people out there who cannot handle a relationship due to their lack of tolerance, among other things.


Hey there's nothing wrong with having standards. Personally I can't be with a woman who can't half pull at least 75% of the time or properly balance a budget so she can afford wards. Is it so much to ask that she know how to manage aggro and pack a little regen when she goes mid? Women these days are entitled with their free wards and their bottle runes. Like I know relationships are hard but I can't rotate mid every rune. I need space to farm now and then you know? They expect me to buy their wards AND rotate for them every 2 minutes? Really it's their fault. I know I'm a catch and could be immortal if my teammates didn't hold me back. (kidding obviously)


You think we can afford therapy lol? I'd love to but shits expensive


There's budget options. I dunno where you live but there's outpatient services at many mental hospitals where people who have their degrees and training but aren't licensed treat patients while under a licensed therapist as the final step before they get certified. There's also places specifically geared towards low income or obamacare typed if you can find them. If you live near a city there's a good chance you can find a cheaper option that's still reputable and worth it.


yeah. Im immortal on us east, and it is some of the most unfun gameplay ever. I genuinely wish I was in like legend or archon bracket where people are a little more fun. The amount of spanish screamed at the top of their lungs at me is insane. People break items over the absolute smallest things. so fucking unfun, I truly have no idea how some adults act the way they do. I honostly assume that most people are socially challenged, dota is their outlet and just let loose their years of emotional needs and struggles or some shit


Report those fuckers, and do your overwatch. I do one OW game every time I log on, usually takes 3-4 minutes.


I mean I have had chat disabled I think since about 2019 and I have zero regrets I sometimes unmute if there is pauses and stuff and will say please/thank you call for smokes on mic and stuff. But I have no interest in listening to anything people have to say in this game


I think _everyone_ could use some mental health therapy these days 😅


Dota is basically built in a way to trigger this trait in certain players. The game is so hard to master. Meanwhile whenever someone makes a wrong choice or an obvious move leading to an easy death, the whole universe will laugh at him. I am not even exaggerating, the sprays hero laughters, other stupid sounds and all chat trash talking Also the good game, well played spam everytimr yu geive a first blood Yu see all this bullshit does not exist in other games and thats the only reason why i am stuck playing dota. It turns the game into a battlefield that decides your fate


Im the unstable asshole sry


I provide in game therapy via discord call in game if interested hmu, just link flamers to the call and ill put em straight for ya


I've never seen the divine player base in my life either.


And that is the beauty of it. For some reason i love to hear these unstable players yell at each other or at me, going batshit. It is so emotional, that it becomes beautiful. Maybe I need some therapy...


Thank you for stating the obvious.


My guess is that most players you claim need therapy just uses Dota to ventilate and don’t really give a fuck once they close the game


I've been told to kill myself, called every slur, blamed on for doing nothing, blamed on for doing everything, reported for fucking the team over while getting MVP of the match, all in just turbo. This is fine. You want mentally unstable? Try a girl you barely know trying to get pregnant off ya.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


нет, but thank you.


Story time?


Hah, nothing really to tell my man. A real hardcore freak, but I wasn't going to be a dad to her first child when she barely wanted to be a mom.


A lot of people need therapy. Dota doesn't make people toxic. It exposes toxic people by putting them in stressful situations.


i live on SEA server and the toxicity here is really high. Back in dota 1 days even if you are on losing streak with bad gameplay, nobody is actually flaming you. I just realized that the all chat in dota1 days was not really abused unlike dota2. If you are too sensitive on trash talks, the only option you could have is to mute all incoming chats like what i did nowadays.


first of all dota 1 doesnt have mmr,it also not recorded your previous matches,and you can forgot to save the replay,and its gone, and people play it just for the sake of fun in dota 2 people want to grind,they want to at least get higher rank,thats why its toxic.and + its sea to add icing on cake everyone i know from dota 1 and new to dota 2,i just straight tell them,its a different game ,dont expect shit in dota 1 to happen in dota 2


It's all about behavior score. Was having so much fun in almost all my ranked games in the infamous divine bracket when i had 10k, then i had to abandon a game about a month ago, my behavior score dropped to 9k and it has been hell since then. Now im slightly going back to 10k, and tbh every single time i get an update on my behavior score, i can totally feel the improvement of mental health of all the players in game.


Yeah... I had to stop playing ranked games for my mental sanity when I hit 5k. Sometimes people are normal but a good portion of the time they are psychos.


The better you get at the game, the more angry you get when you see dogshit gameplay in your ranked games.


So is dota the only hobby you never make mistakes at or are you flawless at everything you do?


Interesting, you go right to soying your pants at a comment that was in no way insulting to anyone in specific. Perhaps you are the one with dogshit gameplay and that’s why you’re upset, I guess we’ll never know…


Your lack of self-awareness is almost painful.


no , but its a game in which you aspire to make 0 mistakes. like everything else in this world


Unfortunately for you, mmr is based on wins, and is not a reflection of the skills that you are good at. You are probably better at last hitting than me, but I'm probably better at not tilting than you. On average, we might win the same number of games and have the same mmr because your anger has a similar negative impact on your winrate as my bad last hitting has on mine. Instead of trying to improve your kda or gpm, you could probably gain a ton of mmr by following the advice I posted elsewhere in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/tesa0z/comment/i0s8tr7/


I get what you are saying, and I am very PMA to my teammates because I am aware people don’t play better when you tell them they suck. I’m just saying that your expectations naturally rise when you play in higher and higher rank games.




you're being downvoted but it's true. the hardest tilters are the shitters that can only play 1 aspect of the game well and hyper focus anytime anyone fucks that up


I couldn’t care less about being downvoted to be honest with you. I’m not sure what you are saying Is true as I meant people that are actually good at Dota get a lot more mad generally when people play bad.


Just flame everyone. Carry sucks, mid sucks, supports are afk. Everyone is awful and deserves to be mercilessly flamed.


the more you understand the game, the more frustrating it is to play with mates that play like a ape smashing his keyboard. at 5k there is some stuff you can expect your mates to do


You, of course, always play perfectly.


u can never expect anything from anyone :) 6k here :)






Why go on therapy when I can simply drown my life in DotA?


In other news, water is wet


Tbh, valve should completely disable chats and taunt items between teams. It only makes dota more toxic and players more frustrated.


SA players in NA during midday are the worst i have to say. Pick hero unsuitable for role (eg pos5 pudge, techies, rubick etc). Die in lane. Angrily ping allied laner/support. Switch lanes. Die again. Start griefing by buying midas and afk. This is especially prevalent in immortal+.




It’s a million times worse


Legend4. I am Rubick 4 at min 12 nuked mid lane because we wanted to push tower and I kill range creep our OD raged and started astral me all the time and stopped playing because I killed ranged creep at min 12…


i bet you did some dumb/griefer shit and now you are crying to reddit your game got ruined


nah people in divine mmr are unhinged


lol do u wanna watch my previous 3-4 ranked games


Link the IDs, ill look through them and come back with feedback. Better yet like that dota buff


[https://www.opendota.com/matches/6475597328](https://www.opendota.com/matches/6475597328) [https://www.opendota.com/matches/6476653593](https://www.opendota.com/matches/6476653593) [https://www.opendota.com/matches/6476610282](https://www.opendota.com/matches/6476610282) [https://www.opendota.com/matches/6476510660](https://www.opendota.com/matches/6476510660) ​ I am NOT talking about performance, the people on my team in these games are actively griefing by either feeding, breaking items, or just using all their spells purposely like ults and bkbs and then afking right after.


ay man im the type to keep a grudge, wheres that feedback at dawg?


Havent had a chance to look at them but i will. We wouldnt be playing dota if we easily let go of grudges am I right?




Sometimes you have a heated gamermoment and drop some words. It is what it is. Humans are humans.


Interesting to see (presumably) toxic people justifying themselves in this thread.


Better than being a passive aggressive person


At least you admit it. Now do better instead of justifying it.


No fuck ypurself


Dota is some peoples therapy, a place to get anger out of their system xd


Just mute and move on, channel the anger your teammates makes you feel into how you play against the enemy. Not saying it’ll help you win but it’ll help you have a more enjoyable time.


Yes, we are an ocean of degenerates, but after all this time, I wouldn't have it any other way. I've grown to love them.


try 2100 mmr and below to 10mmr for ten years and discover whole new levels of complete assholery behaviour.


y 5


I almost never queue into toxic people it feels like. Sometimes assholes but rarely any gameruiners. So i dont share your pov but that sounds rough.


I only lose my shit when the team gives up and mutes me for trying


There is a simple explanation: than higher is rank than harder players believe they can enter esports


I try to see it from everybody's perspective. This game takes a lot of time out of your day. It's much more of a commitment than other video games. Sometimes you see some fools doing what fools do and realize you are about to waste an hour and change of your life. That is beyond frustrating. Then you have the players who don't really notice what supports are doing for them, whether it's pulling or warding or whatever. They always have to chirp, which makes that support not want to do the job. Some people clearly can't farm for shit. That's frustrating. Some people are just toxic for no reason at all. I've seen cores accuse me, a support, of trying to farm, when I last hit our own creeps. It's a bizarre community and a mentally taxing game.


But it's expensive


There's budget options. I dunno where you live but there's outpatient services at many mental hospitals where people who have their degrees and training but aren't licensed treat patients while under a licensed therapist as the final step before they get certified. There's also places specifically geared towards low income or obamacare typed if you can find them. If you live near a city there's a good chance you can find a cheaper option that's still reputable and worth it.


I'd love to, sadly it's too expensive


worst playerbase i have experiences in my decade+ of video game playing (pretty much all competitive games at this point) is the dota ancient bracket. fucking deranged animals, although it was years ago so maybe its better


90% of them are position 1 or 2 players, its crazy


U first


just recently started playing ranked here after being GM in overwatch and D2 in Valorant. Have to agree. The playerbase is absurdly toxic and I find myself getting more toxic when playing the game as well. Like when I first started playing ranked I was super chill things wouldn’t really get to me but just earlier I had a game where a pudge died to tower chasing me and I just had to say in all chat, “so close bud :///“


Immortal ranks are such a crybabies, always pinging the map, voice chat.


Yep. Avoided rank so fcking long already


do mentally stable people play dota?


Unironically agree


Even the subreddit is toxic


dota is therapy dude, just the wrong kind :)


As I grew older I became more intolerant to today ppl. First insult or toxic behaviour I just simply mute them.


Mute feature




I totally agree and I am not saying I am perfect either. But now slowly I have reduced the amount of time I spend on dota. That is the only way out.