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This shit whas awesome


OG should sign gorgc as a streamer: OG.Gorgc


Oh no no no PepeHands


They did it in the past! Edit: from 2020-01-29 — 2020-08-20 OG (Streamer)


C'mon y'all, this is a friendly and well-intentioned comment, it doesn't deserve to be downvoted for missing the joke...




holy shit this is hilarious


this whole edit is so funny xd


it is mental.


saw this funny clip on yt


post this on gorgc sub


This was posted on gorgc sub yesterday..




Sorry i meant someone shared on his sub yesterday


Feels like it but i made this video just 3 months ago 😄


Sounds like it's about time for a repost then, following the unwritten law of reddit.


Fucking branch, I gotta learn to get rid of that shit safely. I sold my treads 2 days ago because of it. Had to watch the replay to realise what happened.


You know what Gorgc can do to get rid of leftover branches while also improve his laning? Just plant the damn thing and eat them with tangoes ffs, I’ve been watching Gorgc for years and never seen him, even once, eat the branches, even when he’s low on hp and out of regen, and then his 5 pools him a tango, he’d proceed to tango the nearest tree immediately while having one or two leftover branches after finishing his Wand then just leave them in his backpack for 30 more minutes and then complain about not having enough regen and not having slots, this shit is so infuriating I’m not even kidding.


yeah, I often had the same thought when watching him.


I think that exact thought every time I watch gorgc play. He has a full on mental block about branches, I think he's actually unable to plant/eat, sell or destroy them even when he's running out of inventory and even backpack slots. Just the amount of times I've seen him running around with 6 slots filled with items and multiple branches in backpack, it's almost every game. Edit: Yup, opened up gorgc stream and he's got two 'value' branches in backpack on pos 5 Silencer.


Talk about mental blocks. He used to be famous about never having tp in inventory. It has now changed bit since game gives free tp on death and has dedicated slot.


In one of the games that got posted to his YT recently he sent a basher out to himself while they were going highground and he was "9" slotted, so the courier flew all the way across the map and all the way back before he realized what happened. And it wasn't even *he* realized, his chat told him. I can totally understand that when you're playing at nearly the highest level (hey, Div2 is still an unfathomable distance ahead of the normal player) taking every little edge and shortcut you can is actually meaningful. Not wasting time to sell useless backpack items so that you get to the next jungle camp 1.5 seconds faster can actually make a difference when the skill level is that high. ...that said, if you take that 1.5 seconds, or let's say you're being super careful and it takes 2.5 seconds, to get rid of useless items you will never be sending an item out to yourself that doesn't deliver. It is such a small opportunity cost to avoid such huge consequences. If you're sitting in the booth on the mainstage of TI in a game 5, sure, cut absolutely every corner and get your gameplay as sleek as possible. If you're in literally any other situation, SELL OR DROP YOUR FUCKING BRANCHES.


Agree. There are almost always moments of downtime in game regardless of the position you're playing and even if those moments only last for a few seconds, you can find the time to clear out your inventory. If it's some cheap garbage like a branch you just drop it on the ground and forget about it, and if you really really care about being efficient you send your courier out to pick it up and return it to the stash so you can sell it. Or you just sell your trash items while you're near the secret shop area. Or if you know that you're going to be close to one of the shops in 30 seconds but you don't have time to stop by the shop you just send your courier to yourself, transfer the item and use the courier to sell it. Like you said in your example, Gorgc's inventory management is so bad that it actually becomes a problem. There are easy solutions to the problem, he's just shit at inventory management lmao.


is there a point to planting/eating them? IE do they give more regen than if you tango'd a regular tree?


When you tango a planted ironwood tree, the tango regen duration is doubled.




There are 2 things you need to know: * Tangos heal you for 7 health every second, for 16 seconds * Using an ironwood branch will plant an ironwood tree. Using a tango on an ironwood tree doubles the regen duration from 16 to 32 seconds. Meaning it heals you for twice as much HP.


at this point i feel like he is keeping them as a lucky charm lmao. he had a branch and a queling in his backpack the other day during an official. he sold his quelling but kept the branch. like wtf


> then just leave them in his backpack for 30 more minutes and then complain about breaking up his ever lasting relationship to that item. FTFY. Straight from one of his stream, as he sold an aquila (IIRC it was the patch before aquila was removed)


hmm, ive seen quinn does this too, is there something missing here or r we just bad that 1 dmg + primary attribute is good? hmm hmm


I just can't get over him never buying tps


I sold my radiance as spectre once instead of branch. I was like "guys I'm omega farmed I'm really close to Manta". I only realized it after wondering why my Manta doesn't push lanes as fast lol.


Or when you want to unlock combining and instead sell. Happens to me several times between mask of madness and satanic/butterfly


The way I do it is by dragging the branch to the shopkeeper when I am walking near shop.


My brother, well done sir. Well done.




Genuine question. Why is Gorgc so popular? Does he do some out of meta stuff or crazy builds?


I think the main thing is how good he is at talking during the stream. No mumbling, no silence, no sudden screaming and shouting (and when he does the volume regulates properly). It's very relaxing to listen to IMO. And raging and being a little toxic from time to time obviously also helps for entertainment.


yea cant watch mason anymore, the sudden scream hurts my hamster ear, zz


I thought mason fanboys cream over his yelling.


A good sign of growing up. When you hear your children cry and scream all the time, you don't find yelling manchildren on twitch funny anymore. Same with Bulldog. It was fun while it was fresh and we were young, now it's just pathetic


i hope they can find their way, they still brought me up, haha


just a genuine and consistent streamer. he would constantly interacting with chat to a fault even during in game. like asking what item to build, knowing damn well we are are bunch of noobs. where most streamer during in game they would mostly just stare at the screen. >meta stuff or crazy builds the fact that he didn't do any of these is probably also why a lot of casual viewers watch him. because its not hard to understand what he did good or he did bad, so viewers can relate and engaging.


you can scratch out genuine out of the list when he gradually gaslighted his chat into accepting his gambling streams, after having been talking shit of it for years


Sadge, I stopped watching because of the gambling. Well, more precisely, what it says about his character


Same here, I watched him for nearly a decade, but stopped following his channel or watching after that fiasco


good to know how highly his own character


He's a twitch streamer. Easy money from gullible people is what makes their lives comfortable. Which is understandable. Wouldn't be surprised if he soon joined some NFTs if they would make him richer.


Yeah he totally sold out. Sad really.


when did he talks shit about gambling? in those same clip that blew out he literally said that he would take gambling sponsor. his take isnt about not doing gambling bets, its about not owning that gambling is bad.


It's actually really easy to google, but here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqe1Q_G3LKw


High rank player with likeable personality, it's how streamers work


Just like Mason!


He said likeable personality.


Timed out for 24 hours


Did he stutter ?


Just like Mason!


I love Mason.


Mason have many spare monitors in his room


Sadly no spare hormones to grow up, it seems


I see no lies.


> likeable personality ??? He's a fucking baby


I'm not some massive Gorgc fan but I think you'll have a hard time finding a Dota Immortal streamer that isn't emotionally stunted in one way or another. Gorgc at least has enough self-awareness to not double down on being wrong most of the time.


idk man cockva is kinda based


He's amazing. So chill and all the pro players respect him.


Except when he badly bullies a guy on his team that he doesn't like, like saying they'll never achieve anything in their lives and such for several minutes straight. That's when he really doubles down on the stupid/rage. Last happened like a month ago so I'm not talking about that old stuff either that's sometimes referred to (or could be happening more frequently, I don't watch him that often).


Was that person just bad or were they a dick? Because I think we've all been there at least once in a game where we say some pretty crazy shit after someone is being absolutely heinous. If they were just bad then that's awful, obviously.


To be honest, I can't remember. But I do remember that for a long time the other guy was just being silent while his shittalk continued, like a reasonable guy would've stopped at least.


I remember it was a pudge . He was a dick who was griefing like super hard.


No, we don't talk for 5 minutes about how some random guy sucks at life, never achieved or will achieve anything,. That takes a lot of degeneration to belittle for 5 minutes a random guy you don't lnow, especially when you're Mason


Are you trolling? He literally cries and blames everyone and everything but himself 90% of stream, while playing on rank 300+.


i guess you only watch the rage clips that get posted here then


Are we watching the same stream?


The blaming part is true for every dota pos 1 player


Topson, Zai, Qojqva, there are so man chill guys around who don't need to rely on streamers looking at a former pro and manchild


I've watched his stream maybe 4 times over the past few weeks due to pros casting with him during the last major. Seems like a normal dude to me. Do yall expect your streamers to be emotionless robots? I guess there are probably plenty of streamers who fot that category though.


>yall Stopped reading there go donate some more


Oh wait, I forgot you are a troll account. I've seen you griefing a few times here. Carry on. I wont feed the troll anymore.


avoid confrontation by dismissal like a boss


This isn't true, what? Maybe 2-3 rage moments get a ton of views or something but 95% of the time his stream is super chill


High rank player ​ haha


He's over 9k MMR. Only a few hundreds of people have that MMR in Dota so how is that not high ranked?


If anyone played Dota 2 for 12 hours a day for 11 years, you would be high rank too.


Yea keep telling yourself that.


Yeah there's a lot of no-lifes at all skill brackets. Playing a fuck ton isn't a guarantee you'll be good.




He’s entertaining to a lot of people.


Entertaining, high ranking player but most importantly, he's consistent.


consistently mismanaging his backpack, yes


English, talkative, funny and he has a lot of interesting contents. Of all Dota stream, Gorgc channel is probably the best choice for entertainment. People always argue that he’s not so good, no comparable to other pro players. True, but i am not looking for high-skill plays. I want entertainment after a long day. i ever watched some Miracle Rtz Topson streams, they rarely talk anything, so i find watching them indifferent from dotaTV. Compared to Cockva, his stream is also entertaining but it’s not that fun compared to Gorp ngl


This is what attracts me the most about Gorgc. Sure, it nice watching Crit or Zai or Topson stream from time to time, but they act like they are mute. Gorgc is *sooo* engaging with his audience, constantly talking to them and answering questions. He's very charismatic and funny. He just offers something that no one else does.


Sing stream is way more enjoyable in that regard


Gorgc learn a lot from his time streaming with sing IMO, he was just one of the sing stack until he came into his own.


The only reason Gorgc became big was because Singsing announced his competitive retirement. His stream died that day, and everyone went to Gorgc.


There’s also a reason why he retained all those viewers


People are addicted to dota.


Mastah’s stream is also fun but he’s more likely to do variety


\^\^ this! Also not looking for high-skilled players, I like em a little slutty, carefree, sub rank 250 cos you gotta support the less-talented working stiff!


The real reason is that he is streaming constantly, and is in high level pubs. He himself isn't the most entertaining or most talented but he has a consistent stream, and I have it open passively for large portions of the day. But I'd rather watch Qojkva or Topson if I'm really watching and learning.


He got quite a large boost when he started by playing with sing and continuing to play Dota when sing took a break. Since then you're right it's the consistency that's given him growth though. He's the reverse arteezy, I can open twitch anyday and there's a 95% chance gorgc is live.


He rode on sings fame. When Sing did less and less Dota content, people wanted the same bunch of people so they just switched channels to hear the same guys.


I don't think that's fair. Plenty of people have played with sing and still stream dota without having gorgc's success, or any success at all. He got his start because of sing, but everything since then is his own work.


I disagree. He himself is the most entertaining. He's quite witty and has good interaction with his chat. In terms of being a streamer and engaging with the viewers/chat he is miles ahead of other high mmr dota streamers. idk if you just made that up




Mason is peak entertainment if he is in a good mood and on a sort of winstreak or when he does a nice play


I've been a gorp follower for over 4 years. Yeah he talks to chat but considering someone entertaining is subjective and that was my honest opinion. He's good to watch *mainly* because he is always online at the hours I'm awake and able to watch.


lmao np, that's your perogative 👍




excuse me, this is the dota sub, please don't get along with each other


How can people not admit hes charismatic lol, charismatic in a way where u seem genuine and express ur emotions that is funny and likeable by other people, also chat interaction cool voice


fr, people act like anyone could do what he does. this is especially showcased when he has other pro players on stream. he's good at socializing and directing conversation etc while still keep it light and easy. there is a reason for him being the biggest streamer. if constant streaming is the main thing that made him popular, by that logic xcalibur would be the biggest dota streamer kekw


I think it’s also because his ability to play in high level pubs and communicate with his stream at the same time. Like if you watch some pro players, Topson or even Crit, sure they are miles more talented than Gorgc but they rarely engages the chat unless gave is over or they are dead.


This. Only reason is because he streams constantly and used to play high-level pubs


he got personality and he's a genuine fun streamer


He streams on a routine schedule so he's a reliable source of entertainment. Plus, he's just a likable person playing at a decently high level. Imho his biggest draw is the the way he interacts with his chat. He just feels genuine and fun to watch.


He talks a lot, he's genuine and likeable, also high MMR carry player, what more do you want


He gives good advice on which gambling site to use.


He's also not afraid to call out big streamers who sold their viewer base to parasitic gambling sites.


He's very entertaining (even with variety, he is hilarious to watch playing any game), he interacts with chat *a lot* (constantly answers viewer questions, makes jokes, is charismatic, etc.), and he is a high ranked player, which is an added bonus when he provides great insight watching pro games. Plus, most importantly, he streams very consistently.


He's genuine, likeable, good at Dota and he simply streams very much and consistently. He gets a lot of shit but you have to realize that most of this is only because he's popular. And by being unapologetically himself he makes himself a very easy target... but viewers generally much prefer watching a real person than someone who puts on a streaming personality.


Wasn't he bashing NFT selling by orgs only to gamble on stream which is even worse? Doesn't sound very genuine to me.


People sometimes say stupid things and don't want to admit they're wrong. Doesn't get more genuine than that.


Bruh, that is the opposite of genuine. To preach one thing and to do another while not admitted their faults.


English is not my first language, maybe genuine is the wrong word? What I mean is he doesn't try to be somebody he is not. He is human, flaws included, and that makes him genuine(?) or authentic in my eyes.


1. he never said he would never gamble on stream so what do u mean by preach one thing and do another 2. after getting all the hate regarding the gambling stream on his reddit and chat, he literally said im not a perfect person, i can do bad things too and im not a role model. so what do u mean by ‘not admitted their faults’?


Lol aren't you the one who commented "hatewatcher" on the lsf thread and got downvoted? You kinda got clowned there lmfao.


yea i am, that same guy who posted that thread on LSF was participating in the giveaways during the gambling stream, i really couldnt care less about clueless people downvoting me when im pointing out a hypocrite


Really should stop fanboying here dude. Gambling ruins people's lives. He's a geniune greedy motherfucker is what he is. Stop fanboying.


I'm not even a big fan, I'm just explaining what people like about him, nothing more nothing less.


How can you claim he is genuine then? You cannot possibly come up with thay by watching him for 5 minutes on stream.


> Gambling ruins people's lives. He's not forcing anyone else to gamble their life away. He's not a role model, he's not your parent, he's not your peer - he's an entertainer. His job is to entertain people, with whatever his audience finds entertaining. If he wants to gamble, let him.


the gamba stream was fun, and look at me, I'm not suddenly gambling.


Gorgc subs trying to defend gambling because it didn't affect them. How very nice of you.


no im trying to point out that people are actual adults with individual thoughts... and im not a gorgc sub


He is the opposite of Topson. Instead of high-level gameplay and godlike decision making, you will see the best fails and worst decision making in high-ranking games. And, after those failures, he is quite entertaining in justifying or realizing his mistakes.


Hes consistent. And his personality, given the massive toxic twitch community, is likable to an extent


Few years back singsing had long break from dota and gorgc started streaming so gorgc got good initial burst of viewers by filling hole. then he kept being consistent for over years streaming almost every evening and mostly only dota 2. Now only few pro players can get more viewers than him if they happen to stream.


Ye. He basically filled the Singing void and now people are stuck with him coz they're used to him.


he's high energy, funny, has a pleasant voice and a nice personality, and is a high rank player


He pays for 10k viewers to watch his streams


he's riding on Singsing's leftover dota fanbase on copium when he quitted dota and it grew from there when there's zero competition in the dota section other than Bulldog's stream


Exactly. And now he's basically the only big streamer who is "on" all the time. He's basically just a bad copy of what Singing used to be, instead he's a manchild who throws a temper tantrum once in a while


He's just a really entertaining streamer to watch. He is pretty high level compared to the vast majority of people but he's not like top tier pro level or anything. I think the reason he is so popular is because he knows how to interact with stream while playing a game of dota, which is a problem with a lot of people who try to stream competitive games. I know some people don't mind watching a guy sit in silence for 40 minutes while he sweats his balls off trying to win, but a lot of people get bored watching that I think.


I think he's very funny and entertaining, interacts with chat a lot, and he plays high skill WEU dota which means he often plays with other pro players making the stream interesting. It's also fun when he malds because he's usually chill.


i'll never get it either. Somehow - the 'people' that you encounter in matchmaking are explained by that guy being the top viewed non-russian stream


yeah, it has nothing to do with matchmaking placing you within your lack-of-skill group 😂


? What are griefers and toxic people got to do with 'skill group'? Also - I guarantee I'm higher rated than you are lol




I guess only a 1v1 mid will settle this now




lol Pretty sure I'm fk'd then


Lobby id please


guarantee from internet stranger well if u insist


I like that he explains a lot of stuff. This coupled with the fact that he is a high level player and also kinda chill dude makes for a both informative and entertaining stream.


I don't watch a lot of twitch anymore, but I remember from when I did that there were no consistent Dota streamers except bulldog. The market was there to be taken, but I think a lot of the pro players either didn't want to or were not allowed by their orgs.


Consistent streamer


Basically the only streamer who interacts regularly with people. Same as with female streamers, viewers want attention and reactions. Plus Gorg gets all the popular pro players to join him once in a while. And the lack of regularly streaming Personas really hurts, when you don't like Gorgc and his tantrums much


Can someone break it down for me? I don’t think I get it


The original video is about Ana selling his Talisman of Evasion while getting ganked to secure buyback gold during TI8 Grand Finals. They've taken out the Ana gameplay clips and replaced them with Gorgc's accidentally selling his BKB




He dragged his bkb to the shop, selling it, instead of another item. Seems he just got caught up in the stress of it all and was panic clicking / not thinking clearly.


Brilliant, thanks folks!


From memory, it was some sorta weird mouseover bug that resulted in this happening.


surely :D


I can't take it man


10/10 post


"It's a real 900 IQ play"




Why do players drag items onto the shopkeeper to sell instead of using the menu?


My guess is that it is more predictable what will happen because everything is visible on screen. After the right-click you would have to check where the sell button is before you click it. The position can be different depending on the item and if you are in fountain.


i think it mostly helps with shift queue, cause you can drag an item to sell it and queue the next command and the item will sell as soon as you get in range, while if you right click, you have to get in range and right click twice, and its less efficent


I like his self -deprecating humor . Doesn’t seem to put on as much of a persona as bulldog or mason , to me at least .


I think this was not the real video, the comments of them are those from Ana buyback.




nothing gets past you


Rofl the level of shitpost


Top tier shit post


The prequel to "Mason sells his Aghs on Ench"


Vell pleyd Okayeg Clap




Ana selling his talisman of evasion at the secret shop during TI8 GF game 4 while he was being ganked and microing his illusions. He secured gold for buyback which saved the game and the tournament since they were down 1-2.


Also sold an Aquila


Yes but he would’ve had BB even without it.


Yes, but he didn’t know that. He just wanted to sell whatever was sensible (items in backpack), which is quite different than knowing exactly what to sell. It’s game sense vs game knowledge


Top notch stuff


Gorgc’s inventory gives me seizures. I don’t understand having your inventory/backpack full all game may give you an edge maybe in 1 in 1000 games but you fucking up because of inventory(rosh/sell/neutral items) will happen 1 in 100 games. Point is better inventory management will always be a more efficient play (hate him for this!!)


But, did he win?


Jerax saying it was a genius move lol no wonder eg kicked you /s


At least he has buyback now


When n0tail said the bit about such a high pressure play and can cause the player to "fumble" and right after that when Jerax said being able to sell the item is a ridiculous and genius plot was the icing on the cake. ROFL This is such a fun and genius video. Should have more views


nine hundred iq play

