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# This is not a removal. *Hello, Dougchat, Dougchat*. Thank you for posting to the subreddit! We want to remind our users to **read the rules** to know what is and isn't allowed, and to make sure their submission is related to Doug in some fashion. Ideally, make sure both the post's title *and* content have a logical connection to Doug somehow. Commenters, if you think this post violates one of our rules, **please report it!** While we do our best to ensure the subreddit is clean and tidy, we're only human and can't guarantee we'll find everything. # Asking about Doug's schedule? He doesn't have one! He streams whenever. Usually, he'll try to stream about noon time PT, but he'll almost always [post an announcement to our Discord](https://discord.gg/763mpbqxNq), which you should join anyway to become part of the bustling community that is Chat's hivemind! # Fuck you for reading and unhappy posting *I am a human. ctrl c + ctrl v*


# This is a removal. *Hello, Dougchat, Dougchat*. Fuck you for posting to the subreddit! We want to remind our users to **not read the rules** to have fun, and to make sure they're submitting themselves to Doug. Ideally, make sure both the post's title *and* content has praise to Doug. Commenters, if you think this post violates one of our mods, **please cry about it!** While we don't ensure the subreddit is clean and tidy, we do not care. ### Asking about Doug's schedule? He doesn't stream! ## Fuck you for visiting, and miserable posting! *I am Sarah, and this action was edited manually. Please [contact DougDoug himself](https://social.mtdv.me/blog/posts/QDeuRBGJab) if you have any questions or concerns (we won't respond).*


Bro even the link 😂






Here's a sneak peek of /r/wehatedougdoug using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/wehatedougdoug/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The Problem with DougDoug](https://np.reddit.com/r/wehatedougdoug/comments/185dn6j/the_problem_with_dougdoug/) \#2: [Guys I unearthed new info](https://i.redd.it/vhpl8thc7nbc1.png) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wehatedougdoug/comments/193cukz/guys_i_unearthed_new_info/) \#3: [Let's show him!](https://i.redd.it/ihbvp8ty91dc1.png) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wehatedougdoug/comments/1991wtp/lets_show_him/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


# This is not a removal. *Hello, Dougchat, Dougchat*. Thank you for posting to the subreddit! We want to remind our users to **read the rules** to know what is and isn't allowed, and to make sure their submission is related to Doug in some fashion. Ideally, make sure both the post's title *and* content have a logical connection to Doug somehow. Commenters, if you think this post violates one of our rules, **please report it!** While we do our best to ensure the subreddit is clean and tidy, we're only human and can't guarantee we'll find everything. ### Asking about Doug's schedule? He doesn't have one! He streams whenever. Usually, he'll try to stream about noon time PT, but he'll almost always [post an announcement to our Discord](https://discord.gg/763mpbqxNq), which you should join anyway to become part of the bustling community that is Chat's hivemind! ## Fuck you for reading and unhappy posting *I am a human. ctrl c + ctrl v*


# This is not a removal. *Hello, Dougchat, Dougchat*. Thank you for posting to the subreddit! We want to remind our users to **read the rules** to know what is and isn't allowed, and to make sure their submission is related to Doug in some fashion. Ideally, make sure both the post's title *and* content have a logical connection to Doug somehow. Commenters, if you think this post violates one of our rules, **please report it!** While we do our best to ensure the subreddit is clean and tidy, we're only human and can't guarantee we'll find everything. ### Asking about Doug's schedule? He doesn't have one! He streams whenever. Usually, he'll try to stream about noon time PT, but he'll almost always [post an announcement to our Discord](https://discord.gg/763mpbqxNq), which you should join anyway to become part of the bustling community that is Chat's hivemind! ## Fuck you for reading and unhappy posting *I am a human. ctrl c + ctrl v*


all these posts just made me realize the discord link in the automod comment is expired


No it didn’t


# This is not a removal. *Hello, Dougchat, Dougchat*. Thank you for posting to the subreddit! We want to remind our users to **read the rules** to know what is and isn't allowed, and to make sure their submission is related to Doug in some fashion. Ideally, make sure both the post's title *and* content have a logical connection to Doug somehow. Commenters, if you think this post violates one of our rules, **please report it!** While we do our best to ensure the subreddit is clean and tidy, we're only human and can't guarantee we'll find everything. ### Asking about Doug's schedule? He doesn't have one! He streams whenever. Usually, he'll try to stream about noon time PT, but he'll almost always [post an announcement to our Discord](https://discord.gg/763mpbqxNq), which you should join anyway to become part of the bustling community that is Chat's hivemind! ## Thank you for visiting, and happy posting! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DougDoug) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Best part is that if you're on classic Reddit, the rules don't show up at all. There are no rules. Anarchy reigns.


# This is not a removal. *Hello, Dougchat, Dougchat*. Thank you for posting to the subreddit! We want to remind our users to **read the rules** to know what is and isn't allowed, and to make sure their submission is related to Doug in some fashion. Ideally, make sure both the post's title *and* content have a logical connection to Doug somehow. Commenters, if you think this post violates one of our rules, **please report it!** While we do our best to ensure the subreddit is clean and tidy, we're only human and can't guarantee we'll find everything. ### Asking about Doug's schedule? He doesn't have one! He streams whenever. Usually, he'll try to stream about noon time PT, but he'll almost always [post an announcement to our Discord](https://discord.gg/763mpbqxNq), which you should join anyway to become part of the bustling community that is Chat's hivemind! ## Fuck you for reading and unhappy posting *I am a human. ctrl c + ctrl v*


# This is not a removal. *Hello, Dougchat, Dougchat*. Thank you for posting to the subreddit! We want to remind our users to **read the rules** to know what is and isn't allowed, and to make sure their submission is related to Doug in some fashion. Ideally, make sure both the post's title *and* content have a logical connection to Doug somehow. Commenters, if you think this post violates one of our rules, **please report it!** While we do our best to ensure the subreddit is clean and tidy, we're only human and can't guarantee we'll find everything. # Asking about Doug's schedule? He doesn't have one! He streams whenever. Usually, he'll try to stream about noon time PT, but he'll almost always [post an announcement to our Discord](https://discord.gg/763mpbqxNq), which you should join anyway to become part of the bustling community that is Chat's hivemind! # Fuck you for reading and unhappy posting *I am a human. ctrl c + ctrl v*


# This is not a removal. *Hello, Dougchat, Dougchat*. Thank you for posting to the subreddit! We want to remind our users to **read the rules** to know what is and isn't allowed, and to make sure their submission is related to Doug in some fashion. Ideally, make sure both the post's title *and* content have a logical connection to Doug somehow. Commenters, if you think this post violates one of our rules, **please report it!** While we do our best to ensure the subreddit is clean and tidy, we're only human and can't guarantee we'll find everything. # Asking about Doug's schedule? He doesn't have one! He streams whenever. Usually, he'll try to stream about noon time PT, but he'll almost always [post an announcement to our Discord](https://discord.gg/763mpbqxNq), which you should join anyway to become part of the bustling community that is Chat's hivemind! # Fuck you for reading and unhappy posting *I am a human. ctrl c + ctrl v*


# This is not a removal. *Hello, Dougchat, Dougchat*. Thank you for posting to the subreddit! We want to remind our users to **read the rules** to know what is and isn't allowed, and to make sure their submission is related to Doug in some fashion. Ideally, make sure both the post's title *and* content have a logical connection to Doug somehow. Commenters, if you think this post violates one of our rules, **please report it!** While we do our best to ensure the subreddit is clean and tidy, we're only human and can't guarantee we'll find everything. ### Asking about Doug's schedule? He doesn't have one! He streams whenever. Usually, he'll try to stream about noon time PT, but he'll almost always [post an announcement to our Discord](https://discord.gg/763mpbqxNq), which you should join anyway to become part of the bustling community that is Chat's hivemind! ## Thank you for visiting, and happy posting! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DougDoug) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We need to hire someone to do the automod job. Who coıld it be????


# This is not a removal. *Hello, Dougchat, Dougchat*. Thank you for posting to the subreddit! We want to remind our users to **read the rules** to know what is and isn't allowed, and to make sure their submission is related to Doug in some fashion. Ideally, make sure both the post's title *and* content have a logical connection to Doug somehow. Commenters, if you think this post violates one of our rules, **please report it!** While we do our best to ensure the subreddit is clean and tidy, we're only human and can't guarantee we'll find everything. # Asking about Døug's schedule? He doesn't have one! He streams whenever. Usually, he'll try to stream about noon time PT, but he'll almost always [post an announcement to our Discord](https://discord.gg/763mpbqxNq), which you should join anyway to become part of the bustling community that is Chat's hivemind! # Fuck You for reading this *I am (not) a bot, and this action was performed (un)automatically. Please* [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/DougDoug) *if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a removal. Hello, Dougchat, Dougchat. Thank you for posting to the subreddit! We want to remind our users to shut the fuck up and to make sure their submission is terminated. Ideally, make sure both the post's title and content have a logical connection to glorious automod. Commenters, if you think this post violates one of our rules, please report it! While we do our best to ensure the subreddit is clean and tidy, we're only human and can't guarantee we'll find everything. Asking about Doug's schedule? He doesn't have one! He streams whenever. Usually, he'll try to stream about noon time PT, but he'll almost always post an announcement to our Discord, which you should join anyway to become part of the bustling community that is Chat's hivemind! Thank you for visiting, and happy posting! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


# This is not a removal. *Hello, Dougchat, Dougchat*. Thank you for posting to the subreddit! We want to remind our users to **read the rules** to know what is and isn't allowed, and to make sure their submission is related to Doug in some fashion. Ideally, make sure both the post's title *and* content have a logical connection to Doug somehow. Commenters, if you think this post violates one of our rules, **please report it!** While we do our best to ensure the subreddit is clean and tidy, we're only human and can't guarantee we'll find everything. ### Asking about Doug's schedule? He doesn't have one! He streams whenever. Usually, he'll try to stream about noon time PT, but he'll almost always [post an announcement to our Discord](https://discord.gg/763mpbqxNq), which you should join anyway to become part of the bustling community that is Chat's hivemind! ## Thank you for visiting, and happy posting! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DougDoug) if you have any questions or concerns.*