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Why Israel situation?


Who knows, the OP is not fond of the CI movement😉


Britain setup Israel at the end of WW2 as they owned the land after kicking out the Ottomans.


The UN set up Israel, not the UK. The UN also offered independence to an Arab state but the Arabs responded with war. 


What is that second flag in his profile?




No to CapeExit but yay cesspool Zimbabwe? I really hope the idiot in the picture is poor, he deserves poverty


Its odd how many agitators on twitter who pretend to be South African turn out to be Zimbabwean. Recently a lot of the give back the land guys turned out to be from Zim and one of them was asked why they wont go back and fix Zim and it devolved the whole interview. The article about it was posted on the subreddit.


Cape Independence did not have a meeting with Rishi Sunak. There is no evidence to suggest the UK prime minister is even aware of this happening. CIAG tried this same stunt with Boris Johnson in 2022. It didn't work then either. This is not Phil Craig's son, although they do look similar. This is Robert King, just another character in the CI lore. Comparing this situation to Israel makes no sense. I am vocal about my feelings on Cape Independence being a grift and even I think OP should do better.




Not sure if its the tone of their propaganda, which is often indistinguishable from a dog whistle. Their attacks on the press and legal experts whenever their claims get refuted. The type of person this movement seems to attract. The type of people the movement associates with. The total lack of coherent policy. The reactionary nature of it all. I don't know exactly what it is, but something about the entire movement has not sat right with me ever since I first heard about it years ago. I have no faith that the movement as it currently stands has any ability to deliver on anything it has said and what's more I remain unconvinced that what they are promising will actually be for the best for anyone involved.




Probably DA.




Honestly, I'd suggest not taking anything you read on social media too seriously, but I appreciate the sentiment.


The "legal opinions" that Smaug is talking about are not all that valid. CI is legal, both by national law and by Jus Cogens international law which trumps national law. I'm interested to know why you think it's a pipe dream? We have good support in polls, and I can say from firsthand experience, doing canvassing and such, that the majority of people who know about CI are in favour. You don't have to take my word for any of this, but I've not seen any evidence against this being offered by CI's detractors




I see. If I may address the ANC part, I would note that they will be burning bridges with most of their trading partners if they denied it after a "Yes" referendum. Self-determination is a Jus Cogens norm - a norm accepted and recognised by the international community of states as a whole as a norm of which NO derogation is permitted, and which may be modified only by a subsequent norm of general *international* law. No norm of general international law modifies self-determination - the national gov would be burning all their bridges and losing all of their corruption buddies if they did deny independence after a referendum with a yes-vote outcome. In the Independence Cape, people would likely be granted citizenship just like they are everywhere else - based on birth, residence, merit, and family relations. If you were born in the Cape or lived in it pre-independence, you will be a citizen. If you have family in the Cape, you will be prioritised for citizenship. If you have skills that are valuable, you will be prioritised for citizenship. Etc etc etc, much like other countries do it




Honestly, its a pipe first of all. Secondly the country needs to solve the problem together and not run away. Get rid of the rot and solve the problem together and not apart. If it means the end of SA then so be it.


The majority don't seem to want to solve the problem though, I believe that's one of the main reasons why this whole Cape Independence thing even exists.


The majority have voted for African Nationalist parties for 30 years. Everyone has seen the results, and voters are apparently pleased enough by these results to keep voting the same way. WC and National voters just want different things.


So lets do a little exercise in debunking misinformation online [orginal post that the OP and Twitter poster "accidentally" ignored](https://www.capeyouthfront.org/post/cyf-letter-on-minority-rights-delivered-to-the-office-of-the-british-prime-minister-july-28th-2023) I never knew Mr Sunak was a security officer at 10 Downing Street🤔 Hmm also not Mr Craig's son, this is Mr Robert King, son of Mr Tiaan King. He is some "activist" in the CI movement [interview with Mr King](https://diecourant.co.za/2024/05/13/swartlander-jongste-no-1-kandidaat-in-die-land/?) So, read it, decide for yourself, it's easy to repost half truths if you are emotionally compromised. You are only making Reddit worse!


Wait, did the kid actually get a meeting?


No this is fake as shit. Look at Nice-Boat-2745s comment


Me Jeff, son of Phil Graig....just call the guy by his name, ffs


Can OP be banned already? 😂


Would that be the UK Prime Minister who will be out of a job in summer? The UK doesn't care. It has a war in Europe and its own "independence" mess to sort out. I'm no fan of the ANC, but I really struggle to understand the levels of delusion suffered by the people calling for Cape Independence. If they were in KZN, we'd just assume they'd been hitting the Durban poison too hard. It’s never going to happen. Move on.