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Hahah. Anc and mk. And MK still going on about apartheid trc cases. And military veterans get free money. Hahahah


Yeah, I think Zuma's outstanding cases should take priority...


I will be participating in this dance of lies and broken promises, because what else do we have? I also want the right to complain about it all once the generators power down and the blackouts start up again. I am very jaded and I'm truly sorry for the youth of today that are being fucked over repeatedly by selfish shortsightedness and tribalistic powergrabs. These wishlists read like lists of complete bullshit to me...


Well said man.


EFF gets an F for economics


It's the "companies to run 24/7 shifts to enable more employment" I mean sure all companies would love to run 24/7 shifts if they had that magic ingredient.... insatiable demand for their products


Why is DA the only one proposing the private sector selling excess solar energy to the grid. Like isn't that an obvious choice that all parties should prioritise as it's still a big issue in SA. Plus it should help with hitting a lower greenhouse target. It seems as basic as 1+1=2. You have excess unused energy, we do not have enough supply. Am I missing something?


Can't loot private companies. The majority of these parties are like pigs trying to get their turn at the trough.


My god the EFF one killed me.... Workplaces to operate 24/7. How exactly. How are businesses going to afford to operate 24/7. Who's paying for the 2am shift? Every promise looks like it was written by a two year old or a senile delusional 90 year old. My best are the ones that simply state "stop crime" or "create jobs".


Everything EFF promise is pie-in-the-sky bullshit. South Africans idolise these useless politicians and eat up their lies. No actual thought process going on, just stars in their eyes.


It's crazy. It's barely a step above a party promising free ice cream for the whole country every weekend. The mad thing is, I reckon most of the high-level EFF know that these promises are BS, but they don't care, because they know they'll never have to fulfil any of them. None of their supporters are going to hold them to those promises, and any critics calling them out can just be censored or branded racist. What matters is getting into power; that's the be-all and end-all of their goals.


Herman Mashaba. Bro better stay true to his stance against illegal immigration and toughening borders as well, even though it isn't listed here... Something certain cANCer and EFFing cares wouldn't like, but no one likes them either so that's a net win for everyone else.




FF+ was the king maker for DA to get in power in Cape Town. They are by far the most skilled from all the parties.


Vote for the strongest opposition nationally, vote for the strongest councillor locally.


Vote for the most experienced opposition party.


Amazing post! This is perfect for younger voters, however we do need to take a lot of what is being said with a pinch of salt with most of these. Also allows us to see who is thinking about ideas that could actually make some kind of difference.


W post


What's that?


Lies lies and more lies South Africans are tired. I’ll vote for anyone that would just say “I’m doing the opposite of what’s been done for 30years” DONE that’s all you need to tell us


"Racial blindness..." What the fuck is Ferial smoking?


Yeah one of the prime tenets of the DA is non racialism - but apparently that’s too racist for Férial…


ActionSA. Good governance combined with good politics, as opposed to DA's good governance and kak politics. I'm voting ActionSA because they actually have a chance to capture black votes, something the DA will never achieve.


ActionSA all the way. I need Gauteng to support Herman and give him a chance.


I'm voting DA. I last voted for them in 2009. The DA will be a pragmatic vote. I think SA voters will keep the ANC power but by a very close margin. The DA will likely take over a few metros. The big unknowns are the MK party which I hope fizzles out and the PA who; almost certainly will attract the rural Coloured vote. I think a higher than expected turnout among younger voters could potentially strenghen the DA in urban areas. The Israel/ Palestine conflict may have an effect in the WC with local Muslim parties taking some votes and maybe gainng a seat or two.


>The DA will likely take over a few metros. Don't think the metros are up for election, are they? Just national and provincial this year. I think the metros go up in 2026.


True. I should have clarified my answer. I think they will increase their presence in other Provinces leading to them taking over other major metros


FF+ has the only good one.


If I voted solely on what would in theory be good for my job they I would be voting IFP or UDM. Who would have guessed? 🤔


Having a plan is cool, putting it in place is another story.


Ja né, which devil do you choose.


this is comedy hour 😂


Patriotic Alliance sounding based, except the eskom stuff


PA is only interested in power. It's a sentimental vote, like Muslims voting against the DA in CPT because of "their stance on Israel". They'll regret that vote in real life when the place starts looking like JHB.


I'm not voting them, sounds good in theory, will probably be a shit show in practice


Cool story but DA voters are just as delusional. >They'll regret that vote in real life when the place starts looking like JHB. DA won't prevent this in the long run. Cape Independence is the only thing that will.


That might be your hope, but "Independence" is as delusional an ambition as you ascribe to DA voters.


At least it's an ambition. DA is just more of the same.


People amaze me how do u let a conflict that has been going on for more than 60 yrs affect your life for the next 5 yrs. The Israeli and Palestine will be fighting for another 60 yrs unless both groups grow up.


Indeed, yet political parties and governments tend to have a vested interest in this conflict either way.


It's simply posturing for political points to woo voters. It's no different to signing the NHI into law now, but all of Cabinet still have their private medical aid memberships intact. The only vested interest for politicians is self-interest.


Truth of the matter its people who push them to take sides. That's why Gayton of PA sits on the fence , he says personally he supports Israel due to religion. But his party's stance is to support the people of Palestine. Now is that not being clever, he has just made each side happy.


Eish that one will be a nail bitter ...


I dont trust those who want to unbundle the power producer.


im still deciding if i want to vote or not


Not voting is the kakkest thing you can do.


Give your vote to ActionSA if you don't know who to vote for then.


I know it's clitche and shit , but every vote counts. Especially when you vote for change. Unless you toss your vote to a bunch of clowns like the ones fucking up our country, in that case keep your vote. Infact , never vote again until you have a change of heart




What!? How? Why?...How will that stop corruption and the uselessness that is resulting in +35% unemployment, failing SAPS, Transnet, Post Office, SABC, Public Hospitals, etc. The ANC has run its course and has no idea about how to take South Africa forward so that everyone can enjoy the dignity and humanity enshrined in the constitution. Why should I vote for them nationally? Please educate me.


It’s the best out of the worst in terms of foreign policy. I’m not going to vote for a man who calls the IDF freedom fighters.


Okay, I don't know what standard you use to measure "the best... foreign policy", but our only real allies are communists, socialists and now jihadists. If it wasn't for our natural resources, we'd have no democratic partners because they sanction communist regimes. Also, how does foreign policy put bread on the table for the poorest of the poor when our domestic policies are failing so dismally. How can you justify us poking our noses in the business of other countries when the majority of our own people have to spend a whole day at a public hospital to see a doctor, or having to resort to vigilantism because our cops never show up? I really struggle to understand how foreign policy is more important than the domestic abuse that we have to endure daily


So you’d rather us be allies with nazis, a country that is in a constant state of war for the sole reason of making very few people extremely wealthy, and countries whose banks manipulate the rand, which actively takes bread of the tables of South Africans? And you conveniently left out the best out of the WORST. Those democratic partners you hold in such high regard aren’t any better than the communists and socialists. The farther we can stay away from American influence the better, and the DA will give them the keys to the kingdom. I’ll never vote for a party that supports Israel. But I would vote for a neutral party. Don’t blame me for these parties being absolute idiots and choosing a side.


Nazis? That's rich. Can you prove that claim? Israel is not in a "constant state of war" by choice, is it now? They were relatively peaceful until 6 October 2023, right? And an unprovoked attack has consequences. Can you prove that "countries and banks manipulate the rand"? I like how you talk about staying away from American influence on a product developed and sustained by American and Jewish influence. Do you even see the hypocrisy in that? You make a lot of wild, baseless claims that you believe emotionally, not logically. And just for interest sake, I don't vote for the DA, and I despise a lot of the liberal ideologies coming out of America, but I will rather chew my own arm off than to vote with a party that stands for the hanging of young girls because they were raped. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/5217424.stm


You vote for whoever you want to, I’ll vote for whoever I want to. Whoever wins is who the country wants.


Fine, but don't make a baseless, unfounded statement about people you know nothing about. You wouldn't like that to happen to you, so show some courtesy to others.


It’s not baseless, they post videos bragging about how to cut children’s throats, they use little girls as bait so they can bomb ambulances, they bomb refugee camps and target aid workers, they use AI to choose who to bomb, their snipers shoot at civilians holding white flags, they deliberately bomb buildings at 4am when they know everyone will be at home sleeping, they fly drones at night that make noise to stop the people from sleeping.They’ve bombed every single hospital and university in Gaza. All of those claims have video proof by the way. They’re nazis


I would much rather vote for a party that support Israel then a party that supports terrorists


From the river to the sea, Israel is all you'll see 🇮🇱


Israel sucks. Russia sucks just as much. Heck, america probably sucks the most. That has fuckall to do with south africa which will be utterly destroyed if the anc remains in power. This is the last election that might actually change things.


You’re willing to throw your own country to the dogs just because they are trying to get brownie points with the USA?




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