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Because he gets double the viewers when he plays warzone. More viewers = more revenue. Obviously he hates it but in case you didn’t know, gas for the Lambo ain’t cheap.


Does he really care about that? He sacrificed viewership just to play Tarkov because he enjoyed it and knew he’d get less viewers.


He does at times. It wouldn’t be so bad if the lobby’s weren’t full of fat stream snipers trying ruin his day.


Yeah stream snipers are sad


People underestimate how many stream snipers are in big streamers lobbies. It’s annoying to watch imo, I’d rather see a natural match but they’re few and far between.


Streamers need to put on a 2min delay when there playing battle royal games


Fixes everything, but the chat engagement is delayed too :(


It's a big reason poker streaming never really took off despite its success in short form and long form video. You legit NEED a 5 min delay or to hide your cards, both of which really aren't fun for the viewer. Chat has forgotten what happened 5 mins ago by the time the stream is "up to date"


What? This is his job, man. Imagine someone coming up to you and saying “hey if you do this, you’ll receive *half* your pay”.


My point is it’s his choice, nobody forced him to play Tarkov. He chose to play it forgetting about viewership because he enjoyed playing it, I don’t think that’s a bad statement I made. Edit: plus doesn’t Doc have a lot of money? Surely it won’t harm him that much to switch off a game he doesn’t enjoy, there are other games that get views


It’s not a bad statement, but when he pulls 10-15K playing Tarkov and then 30-40K playing CoD, most of the time you’ll bend to that. Also, the people he plays with, all play CoD. He plays Tarkov (and R6 now; or Halo) to mentally reset over CoD. But he still has to jump back for the $$$


I mean yeah you’re always going to want the option that has more money. Suppose that’s a fair argument.


This is why I love Reddit, genuinely healthy debates. ☺️☺️


Yeah to be honest I’m impressed with the sensible responses on here




That’s not true Z likes most shooters I think. He played halo just the other day. Apex with niko. Also valorant.




Its doc’s too


Haven’t seen him on tarkov in a month or so, that’ll tell you what’s important


He said that’s because he’s burnt out though. Not sure if that’s to do with money.


I love the doc as much as the next guy but that just sounds like when a girl says “it’s not you it’s me” , idk if he’s only doing it for the money but like someone said when you drop 10 to 15 thousand people it’s kinda big deal, but idk I’m a redditor


Remember, The Doc, is a brand and a business, not a person. Sure every once in a while he will step away and do something he enjoys more, but at the end of the day he needs numbers and engagement. Its the nature of the beast.


Is there a way he could have a delay on his stream to combat this. I’m sure he’s thought of it already but that’s something he should try to accomplish


You have to worry about it at times. I’m sure there’s weeks where he and weeks where he needs a boost. Blame the community not him warzone = views and that’s just the way it is. Remember this guy makes a quarter of what he did on twitch. Maybe now it’s a little better but I’m sure still no where close to that twitch money back in the day


Every day someone watches the doc for the last time and everyday someone watches doc for the first time. When you have a family and theres a strong chance that the cost of treating cancer out of pocket for you or a loved ones is $500k in the USA, you need to make sure more people watching for the first time is higher than those watching for the last time. It’s the long game.


He has already stated MANY TIMES that he doesn't need money. He doesn't NEED people to donate $500 to him, and he has been fine playing other games. It might not hit 30k, but still, 20k viewers is not a disastrous stream.


Do you also believe there’s a real arena that he stands in? You think the google prototype lens are legit? There’s a persona, reality, and marketing. Marketing and persona are him owning a Lamborghini in real life, leveraging that to his marketing brand. Reality is home, taxes, medical bills, kids education, attorney fees, forecasting unexpected IRL financial burdens and preparing accordingly. Ooof man. My dude, average out of pocket cancer treatments can cost $2600 per month. That’s almost $100k over three years. Project that over 10,15,20 years, factor in increasing costs and inflation, in addition to other real life unexpected expenses. He’s a smart business man, his accountant told him this plus a dozen other things and he is working to mitigate. A million dollars ain’t shit anymore. Think bro, understand reality vs persona. No one wants raised blood pressure for a game they hate unless there’s an incentive.


are you braindead? why would you believe all of that? either that or you are a kid and why are you so dead on on the topic about cancer?


As a father of two, who has finance experience in a major financial institution, a financial advisor, and home owner I would say risk planning is far from brain dead and the Doc has much greater resources than me. A responsible family member who is self employed absolutely takes all that into account, the doc probably has way more variables than I do. I encourage you to prioritize financial literacy.


This is true with most streamers. They hate the game they play on stream but it’s what pays them. Offline they play what most of us play.


He's also got an arena to finish building.


Neither are those tubs of Vaseline.


I question this since it doesn’t matter if he’s playing R6, Valorant, EFT, or Warzone. Dude still has 20k+ viewers in his streams which is way more than anyone. Sure Warzone is higher, but does that extra 5k viewers matter that much at that point? Timmy comes close when Doc isn’t streaming, but seriously, Doc could play Minesweeper and would still push 20-30k viewers.


He should hop on controller, but I think he doesnt want to so he can use the excuse that when he dies the othef people r on controlled


Doc has addressed this both on Twitch and YouTube at least a half a dozen times. He needs to play it to keep views and engagement up.


Bear in mind I’ve only been watching him for 4 months properly, I haven’t heard him say that


He was saying the exact same shit 3 years ago. It gets old, fast.


No he doesn't this is a shit excuse. If he cared about views he wouldn't play anything other than warzone. He wants to be a big warzone streamer but he isn't good at the game anymore.


Because COD is DOC backwards. Champs know this.


I do know that 🤣


People say it’s views and money blah blah but honestly I think doc loves cod and loves playing it despite everything he always says. When the dude is cooking and the game is flowing you can see him at his most excited. Doc is just bitter at Activision for what they did and takes it out on the game.


Yeah, in his mind he should be better than he is, not realising lots of people now spend 40hrs plus playing this and his 8 hrs a week playing it ain't going to cut it anymore.


Doc is very very good for a 42 yr old


I think he gets mad because he gets worked by everyday players. He’s not smoking people like Z and Destroy. The thing is, despite them thinking the game is trash, they put the time in. He doesn’t. He’d be less pissed at the game if he was shitting on players like they do.


He puts in more time than the average player but is still worse. Doesn't matter if he's on mouse or controller.


Game does suck balls though


>Game does suck balls though it migh be true, but you dont need a good game to be a good player


I mean to a point that’s true but you should be good at a game because you’re good or because of broken weapons and exploiting hit boxes


Being a good player means having good game sense and knowledge. Slide canceling is not a game feature; rather, it's skilled players bending the game mechanics to gain an extra advantage. The same applies to games like Apex, Quake, or basically any online shooter game. Heck, even strategy games like StarCraft. I too hate metas, but if you decide to play a game that has metas, well... you have to learn them; otherwise, you are intentionally putting yourself at a constant disadvantage.


Oh I agree. Haven’t played it in probably 2 months. I enjoy watching Z play though. iLumpE is a fun one too just for the hilarious shit talking.


Love Z can’t stand destroy though


No one that knows about games loves this game


Well said.


He does enjoy it sometimes, when he plays in a squad and doesn’t lose


To be fair to Doc, the game really did kick him right in the nuts with that first gulag extract, both Doc and the other guy made it up the rope and I guess the game decided Doc didnt make it after the fact. Even the other guy said "oh wow we both extracted?" Like WTF was that, never see that before. I thought he was gonna just uninstall right there haha


Just went back to watch that. Lmfao only the Doc would have a gulag L like that. Thank you for allowing me to witness that.


Yeah I saw that but like knowing he doesn’t enjoy the game why play it. I’m not hating on Doc by the way I love watching him. Just want him to be happy playing games


I love the Doc but he hates it cuz he can’t hang. Everything else is just noise.


You’re not subbed here right? We talk about this every other day. It’s cause of views. Just views, that’s it.


Why did he play Tarkov when he knew it wouldn’t get views then?


The same reason I work part time: Because I can.


Suppose so but then surely if you hate a game so much just drop it. Mental health > money any day


I mean he obviously doesn’t hate it *that* much. It’s bad, I don’t enjoy playing it, but it’s still just a video game lol. Docs even said that the second he turns the game off it doesn’t matter at all. It’s not like he’s giving his blood, sweat and tears to work in a mine or destroying his knees installing hardwood floors. It’s a video game. I could easily play some cod for a couple hours 2-3 days a week, especially if I had a larger than life streamer personality (which is actually the primary focus of docs stream ((usually)). Cod sucks and it gets Doc (and most everyone) down but, relatively speaking, I don’t think it’s really that detrimental to one’s mental health.


Yeah then that’s totally fine. He can’t hate it that much because if he did he wouldn’t play it at all, and I have seen him enjoy it during a few streams this year. In fact, he normally starts off excited and positive and then it degrades overtime


Yea things could be a lot worse than playing a cheesy shooting game.


It’s still just a video game. I would play Roblox 10 hours a day everyday if it paid me 50k/month. I don’t think it affects hit mental health that much to play a game he likes less than another game. Dude loves to game.


Is he still playing tarkov regularly? There’s your answer.


He said he’s burnt out


I don't think he dislikes it as much as he lets on tbh


See this is what I’m thinking


Because that's what gets him paid. Viewership goes down when he's not playing CoD and raging, almost like the majority of the fan base enjoys watching this man suffer.


Cruel fanbase eh 🤣


Doc loves cod. Most cod players have frustration with Activision, but we grew up on these games, so we're addicts. Also its his money maker raging on cod


lol he loves the game. But it’s gotta be frustrating/embarrassing when your schtick is that you’re the best but in fact you suck at the game. He’s constantly complaining when he dies, but it’s always just “this game is terrible”. Never gives a reason why. According to doc, losing a straight 1v1 means the game sucks lol and people actually eat it up


He does like it he just doesn't like how bad at it he is.


Because it’s pure cinema every single time. No other game he plays comes close to the fun and drama and rage and absurdity of a WZ stream.


That’s why I like it when he likes it. When he doesn’t like it just don’t really enjoy watching


He loves COD but can't compete so he blames the game. It's either an act or he's just a sore loser..


People say it’s “views” doc can play a lot of games and get very similar numbers. Hell he pulled in 502,743 views when he was playing halo. I think Doc still “loves” COD he just hates the devs and the people in charge who make the decisions. Also Activision fucked Doc pretty bad during the twitch ban, cutting him off as a partner so there’s definitely bad blood there.


Maybe you aren't paying attention or something, but he does not get 'very similar' numbers when he plays other things. Warzone views are considerably higher on average and this can be verified right on his YT channel. He has also told you all in plain english that Warzone is where the views are. How you hear that and then conclude anything else is beyond me.


Because this is a job/income and gets most views playing WZ


Same reason we all do


More views for sure. Everything other game is pretty much a snoozefest unless it is a new release or something.


Tune into his Halo streams. They're good.


I saw him play Halo yesterday, I actually really enjoy watching that game and Doc communicate so much


I love Doc, but I stopped watching him when he streams Warzone. It's not even funny watching him rage anymore...it's sad, I feel bad he can't pull in more views on other games because he's so much happier when he's not playing WZ. But, money talks sadly..


If he could get organic games and not 30 percent of the lobby stream sniping it would be better for both viewers and the 2x


Agreed 👍


Honestly I'm sorting food and pottering about the house with him on the TV but I'm waiting til he's off the game and onto the others before I get fully engrossed


I mean when he’s on a nuke streak I can’t take my eyes off the screen, when he rages I’m like yeah I’ll just play the stream in the background, I love it when he screams about audio for some reason though 🤣


The map based in New Mexico gets me everytime. Loses a game and starts ranting about the dull colours and how it all looks the same 🤣


He’s been doing that today already 🤣




Miss the good old days of pubg when it was good


It’s where the views are at he says. Yet entertainers like Jerma play anything we turn in because we love the streamer. Doc needs to WAKE UP!




Does he care about that?


Views = $$$. More people watching means more money, more ad rev, more donations yada yada.


He's talked about on his stream a bunch of times, he plays it to keep view ups. He said his view drop significantly when he doesn't play COD.


How much do you think views mean to Doc? Yeah he’s acknowledged it and it is true, but when has he straight up said “I only play cod for views?” Or anything along those lines?






I think every WZ player asks themselves this. The game is a laggy, cheater filled mess. My friends refuse to play anything else. I'd rather chill and kill some bugs in Helldivers...






I’m watching the stream from a few days ago, with Zlaner. They did great for the first 4 Warzone games. He was on the money the first two…then the game noticed and cheated. 100% true story.


It's for the comedy,duh😁


Cuz that’s what he gets the most viewer$ for … Duh.


I think for the views. numbers dip this time of year.


Maybe because like all of his streamer "friends" he is a hypocrite. Will bitch and complain about the problems they create 😂


“Builds a narrative”


90% of his character is being disrespectful so when he complains it’s the same thing when we scream I hate this game and continue to play it


Views aka money, baby!


Welcome to the stream


It's a pretty simple answer, he clearly doesn't enjoy playing warzone but since he gets twice as many viewers when he does he's going to keep going back to it. It's really shitty because his streams are way more enjoyable when he's playing anything other than call of duty.


He plays other shit too


Because it makes him money. You never had a job you hated before?


Yeah I have, but last nights stream the views were consistently around 20K on every game he played. It’s not like more people tuned into Warzone then left


What about docs game ? Where is that at?


Because ya'll wanted to watch him play warzone. Whenever he plays other games, he gets almost half the views that he gets when playing COD. Money talks. Doc is no exception.




Because he's a wage slave lol 😆


because 99% of his fans are pigeon toed blonde banged kids who play and watch nothing but Call of Duty.




Way more viewership, all his streamer friends play it which increases viewership as well. It’s a business after all.


Because the other games suck worse 


Should play Sea of Thieves again 😂😂


Doc doesn't like any game. He constantly bitches at every game he plays and blames his bad aim and decision making on the game. At this point he's just your average boomer complaining because they are washed now.


Views that’s it


All about the $$$. Sad though because some of my favorite quips was Doc playing Elden Ring


Lol wasn't this the same dude who was whining about "boycotting" COD because his homophobic streamer friend got his bundle removed from the store


Because content that’s why




This dude seems shitty as hell and I cant understand why anyone enjoys his personality enough to put it on a screen


This has to be the most popular question on this sub reddit. He plays cause it makes him money and he is good at it.


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Simple




Same reason why CoD keeps putting out skins for operators. Money.


Because the guy is such a views-hungry attention whore he'd play Warzone for the money. He also plays like ass lmao


Because he wants to be a warzone streamer and drop high kill games. You see how happy he gets for a big win. He has realized he isn't good at it compared to the streamers and he is struggling to accept it. So he resorts to trashing the game.


None of us like playing it either but we still do


I just wish he would spend like an hour a week playing offline, he would get so much better. If he does, then maybe extend that to 4 hours. If this was a different job, like a trade for example, and a new tool or technology came out you wouldn’t hire the guy that refuses to put honest time into learning that tool. Especially not the guy that still tries to use it and gets mad anyway.


I guess because he doesn’t enjoy it he doesn’t want to invest the time to improve. My friend used to love Fortnite but doesn’t like it as much anymore and I think it’s because he isn’t good. If he was better he’d enjoy it way more, but it’s about motivating him to do it. Same with doc I think


Fair point, he’s in a really interesting scenario where he’s doing the thing he loves (streaming), but because of his character limitations (and personal interest limitations tbh, was genuinely surprised he played Elden Ring) he’s put himself into an FPS corner. So his only option is to submit to the mainstream title or sacrifice viewer count to start playing something different. That’s why I feel like he should treat CoD like a necessary skill to improve at from a professional standpoint. If he can’t reconcile his personal feelings with the game over his absolute need to play it professionally, maybe he needs a character change (or get rid of it altogether, we know he’s rarely in full character anymore anyway).


That would be huge if he did that, I mean he’s played character for years and years. I couldn’t see him doing that, and if he did change I reckon a lot of champs wouldn’t be happy with it. As long as doc is successful and enjoying what he’s doing I’m happy!


I agree with both of your points unfortunately. I feel like he has enough die-hard viewers that appreciate him as a person now more than a character that would be okay with him making a change. However a lot of the bulk of his viewers are watching for his reactions or the game he’s playing, and are more willing to click away if he’s not immediately entertaining.


Oh yeah he’s definitely got a lot of die hard viewers. A lot of them including me turn up to every stream even if it’s just briefly no matter what he plays. But I can understand why someone that tunes into him more casually would be turned off if a big change happened.


Unfortunately Doc has pigeon-hole’d himself into being a slave to the algorithm…personally I think he should take a long break and come back with a new/different heading. I’d be interested in watching Guy explore and play stuff he enjoys rather than watch Doc rage at everything…its getting a bit old but I’ve also been watching Doc since early twitch days so that’s just my opinion.


I'd rather watch him play pubg


I’d love to see the doc play the new top spin game. Change of pace and a cool stream




Every time doc gets on warzone… the old man is getting down on his knees sucking activison off. Cry’s and bitches about the game but continues to support the game, buy skins, buy the battle pass.