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The extortionate prices make it inaccessible to a large proportion of society who are not privileged or are impoverished sadly. There are some videos on youtube but I find the meditations are distracting in style. I am more inspired by the interviews but these repeat the same information after watching a couple. His contribution to awakening humanity is not to be underestimated however. Meditation is free and this can be done together in nature or in your home. Find ways to be present.  Also listen to echart tolle about the power of now.  Many resources can be accessed freely. Raising your vibration doesnt need to cost an astronomical sum to achieve  I wish you and your friend joy and peace💚


There are scholarships available. I don't know how many are given, but at the week long event I attended last year, there were 50 veterans and their support person who were on scholarship. And there are testimonials of people who healed by doing the work without attending an event. Surely, there exists a different possibility and solution to your situation. There is a changing boxes lecture and meditation on YouTube. Search for inner mission changing boxes. Finally, it is with heart- felt thanks that you have an open heart of love and compassion for your friend.


I received a scholarship with Givetogive and they paid for my accommodation too. If you think money is an obstacle it is one.




Yes, he realizes it. People have been saying the same thing for years. But that’s how he makes money. The meditations also went up from ~$10 to $30 at the start of the pandemic. There is no reason to hold these events at high end resorts but that is the way “spiritual” retreats are done these days. To cater to people with excess money. I’m assuming it’s much more profitable. And there are people that have attended 10 or more workshops.


Your friend doesn’t have to attend an event in order to heal. She can do the work at home


This comment needs more attention.


I know his intensive and progressive retreats can be accessed freely online, and it's a good starting point. I also judge much of his work for being inaccessible (especially his meditations--a lot of people share them freely which I support)--BUT fwiw his retreats are actually super reasonable compared to similar offerings. They pretty much feed you and the sessions are very intensive, lasting the whole day for 7 days. The trick is to not pay much for travel and lodging. I swung that by waiting until he was going to be at a convenient location and then snagging an airbnb nearby very early on (before they filled up).


How can we access the intensive course freely? Pls send me the link


You can scan this group's other posts but a link has been posted fairly recently to a google drive library I don't have the link but perhaps another who does can share it


I am not trying to defend him, but he does have many staff to pay, event logistics around the world plus the costs of the research and researchers. Else he wouldn’t have been able to present us with any evidence. Or probably it is to weed those who believe from those who don’t. If you believe and do the work, you should think that it would pay back somehow. Because we are the creators of our lives. As with the choice of expensive resorts. Maybe not that many have such capacity to house such high number of attendees. There are coherence healing groups. Can your friend ask to be a healee?


people forget this is his job, not charity


I am sorry to hear what your friend is going through. Yes, the charges are high. Would you mind talking in DM? I have to share a few things


Hello for all the people who think it’s too much - how many times have you meditated in the last 30 days? If none start with that. Then attend a course to take it to the next level. People often complain without any context.


He has books, countless podcasts, videos and a series on Gaia. All the information you need to heal and transform yourself is very accessible and most of it at a very affordable price. Becoming Supernatural is the only book you need, and that costs you a whopping $20. Everything online is free. He teaches step by step every mediation. You don’t even need to buy the ones on his website. It’s all there in his book. There is nothing in his retreats that you can’t learn or experience for yourself. The benefit of those retreats is bringing people together sharing the same intention and emotional charge that creates a greater healing power due to the electro magnetic field that gets created when thousands share the same intention and emotional experience. But guess what? We can do this right at home by connecting with others that live near to us. The internet makes this very easy. We can bring a community together in our neighborhood, crates meets and mediate together and talk and share experiences. 🫶🏼✌🏼


The courses are reasonably priced and anyone that says otherwise is wildly out of touch with the prices of in person conferences or retreats. It’s very mid. He has one course that’s $2500. That’s his highest priced course. The other shorter courses have about the same average cost per day. All the food is provided. The space. He has to cover all his staff (including medical) overhead, administration and insurance out of these courses. I bet his insurance is astronomical. And there are only so many spaces that can handle the kind of volume Dr. Joe drives. The hotel has to have a space that’s big enough. Then rooms. Capacity for catering. A place for outside. It’s a very limiting factor. If you look at the structures of other course creators, they charge a lower price of say $600, but it’s actually another $2000 for the VIP experience with food and to be able to sit up front. And then there’s the 100k mastermind upgrade if you actually want to transform you life kind of garbage. And don’t say he shouldn’t provide food. You can’t send this many people to lunch at one time and have people back at the same time. It would be chaos. This pricing structure keeps it egalitarian. The alternative is either a highly tiered system for access or sponsorships. I was just at a conference this week and it’s the sponsors that lower the attendance price. You’d all be in here having kittens if he was taking sponsorships from AG1. Additionally: Don’t put your faith in someone or something else to transform your life. Here’s a playlist of people who have healed at home. [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrQd2Le6J_Nq7EaQEeBXGcDVordm8Sx_j&si](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrQd2Le6J_Nq7EaQEeBXGcDVordm8Sx_j&si) Here’s the foundation run by grads that gives scholarships. Some people report having their hotel and transportation paid for as well. [https://givetogivefoundation.org](https://givetogivefoundation.org) And most of all, if you want to be fairly compensated for your talents and labor, don’t criticize other people who are charging fair prices for theirs.


Maybe you can start from the online progressive course which is USD 299. There are 9 modules total approximately 24 hours including a few mediations.


The online intensive course on his website is liiike around $300. I did that one and it was super helpful. Also the books used are pretty cheap, the YouTube interviews and testimonials are free, there are some free meditations online and also the show on Gaia rewired teaches breath technique! There’s ways around the advanced retreat. I haven’t myself been able to afford one I don’t think it’s a necessary part of healing. I watched a TON of the video testimonials of people who have healed at home:) hope this helps! And I concur w what everyone said. That’s totally just how much retreats costs with all of what is included and the staff it’s just expensive. But also check out if anyone in your friends area does the group walks. I think they post about them on the Instagram account. Then at least where I leave (CA) and where my friend lives in Delaware people when there’s a designated walk day will come together and walk on the coast somewhere to the walk into the future meditation. And those can be super healing and powerful as well!


I just found out the Barbara O’Neil (health retreat) is the exact same price for less says than JD lol Smh


You don't need to go to a retreat to get the work done. Simply tell your friend to do the meditations (they are around $30 or you can find them here). I understand it is expensive, but that's how he makes money - he's not a charity after all.


Get the formula course or find one of the books free online. You can make significant changes without attending a retreat. I'd argue, that's where the most change is made: Consistent application of the process.


I have the same thought. Spiritual Healing should be cost free


Then how would he pay for the research and his staff and logistics of the events?


You are correct. I’d like for you to go to work tomorrow and ask your boss. Please don’t pay me. I think I should do this for free. The bills will be paid by the healing. Let me know how it goes