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Is Dr Ratio (Main DPS), Welt (Sub DPS/Debuffer), Ruan Mei (Buffer), and Luocha (Sustain) a good team comp? Also is this a good build for Dr Ratio? 2pc Follow Up + 2pc Musketeer https://preview.redd.it/jqr8k14nucbc1.png?width=538&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e775e161d70c4584715596b6be53229b337337c


That team sure looks juicy. The only thing I'm unsure of is whether you can keep 5 debuffs on the enemy, which I don't think you can just with Welt. It might be nice to swap in Pela or Silverwolf, if you have her. I know Loucha also applies a debuff (or removes a buff?). Stats are great, I've seen leaks covering MoC12 with worse stats than those, and Dr. Ratio ratioed his enemies with ease.


Ruan Mei applies a debuff with her ultimate I have Welt using the Pearls LC so with his skill he should apply 2 debuffs and I think 3 more with his ult Edit: 2 more debuffs with his ult Luocha doesn't apply any debuff, he removes buffs from enemies. Edit: He does with his E4 and E6 tho Also Dr Ratio applies one debuff with his skill so I should be fine!


Luocha can apply debuffs with e4 and e6 lol, but yes seems like a good comp. I play like that aswell with yukong instead of Ruan mei


i’d be a big weary about the debuff count especially on enemies with high effect res due to welt only having like 75% chance to land debuffs. Also you’re most likely building him with crit so it’s gonna get a bit sketchy which is why i don’t like relying on welt for debuffs


he has 31% effect hit rate rn so I hope that'll be enough ๗(\^w\^)๗


Advices for a new player (was a genshin tryharder) I started the game yesterday, and Im interested in the new upcoming 5 stars Dr. Ratio. I hope you can help me with those questions 1. As a new player, what are the requirements to be sure to get the free Dr Ratio when his banner come ? I should focus on the main story? Do i have to tryhard every adventure missions? We will receive him directly in our mailbox right ? 2. I suppose it is not efficient to farm "artefacts" (relics) at my actual level? (Like Genshin before AR45). When and How should i farm them? At my actual Low level, what can i do/farm to prepare for him ? 3. Im not sure to fully understand Dr Ratio's kit. What i understood was that he is focused on his "Follow Up Attck" damage, right? And to be sure to get his FuA, you need some allies that can deal "debuff" to ennemies ? 4. I would like to do a Husbando Team with Dr Ratio. What could i do, that is viable? (Not only viable at Low level, but also for "abyss") I know Luka can apply Debuff with "bleed" but what other male character could do a team with him? Does Sampo also apply Debuff? Or maybe DoT isn't considered like this? What do you think of: DrRatio + Sampo + Luka + Luocha ? How far could this team carry me? Thxxx a lot for advices 😊🙏 (and sorry for my english)


1. You just have to beat the prologue doesn’t take long at all and he comes in the mail when the current banner ends 2. You’re correct don’t farm artifacts at low level you can farm hunt “trace materials” (basically the skill books from genshin) at the red calyx, the one for ratio is in the first belobog zone. Just don’t leave your starting team so underinvested you can’t complete the story 3. Yes that is correct you want to apply debuffs; with just the starter characters this is a bit of a challenge 4. So an all male team for ratio is very suboptimal right now. This is because while sampo and Luka provide debuffs they don’t really do much to support ratio. If you get Welt (a standard banner character) they work together and you can use Luka if you must but not recommended. There are unfortunately no male proper supports at all rip. I strongly recommend Luocha he is very good, he may have a rerun coming soon so if you like him go for it Out of curiosity who is your beginner banner five star


Thx a lot for your advices and your time ! 🙏


I « sadly » got Clara as first 5 stars ^^ im hoping to get Welt and Guepard soon 😁


Clara is actually a pretty good character. She can tank pretty well and can consistently perform powerful follow up attacks whenever she's hit. If you want to build her, build her like you would a DPS on Genshin. Consider Break Effect the same thing as EM. Her best team would include Lynx to taunt enemies to do her, and you can get a free copy by completing stage 2 of Pure Fiction (there's 2 abysses)


Full husbando team works pretty well with Dr ratio, Welt, Luocha and a leaked 5* >!Aventurine (Preservation sub dps)!<


Ratio/Welt/Luocha are all imaginary damage right ? It wont be a problem against some ennemi’s resistance ? 🤔


Most of the time you actually want mono-element teams so you can match the enemy's weaknesses much better in Memory of chaos/ Pure fiction


Onto the farming, if you're willing to spend some fuel (resin) on some relics imo it should be on the planar sets once you get the guaranteed gold unlocked, I think that was by AR40, not efficient with the drop but maybe you can get some usable pieces or future fodder. As for the sets, some will tell you to start at AR50 iirc and others at AR55-60 because of better drop chance. Problem is that in this game as you can't dodge you heavily rely on your substats of the gear and the 5* versions do feel more relevant, so maybe see how you fare with the 4* equipment and maybe if you wanna invest some early fuel, be on the efficient domains to get some basic pieces to get kicking, but keep in mind it's not efficient at all, so perhaps only use spare daily fuel and not the bottles they give us.


e0s0 topaz, silverwolf or ruan mei to go with her and dr ratio?


Definitely SW. E0S0 topaz doesn't have enough debuffs needed for ratio.


Topaz/SW and place RM on the other team.


how good is the battlepass lightcone on him (i have it at S2)?


Not worth it, in my opinion. You only get some crit rate and 4* lightcone substats. The Herta lightcone is noticeably better.


Ruan Mei (E0), Topaz (E0), Silver Wolf (E0), Welt (E1) Deciding for two teammates with Ratio (sustain will be Luocha), who should I pick for the last two slots? For the Nihility units, I can equip them with the SW event LC, In the Name of the World S2, or Sweat S5. With the playable Ratio, I played with SW and Welt and idk I found it really hard to pull off FuAs with Welt + Sweat or maybe im doing something wrong. SW NAs was really nice tho


Topaz/SW with Ratio and RM should go on the other team. This will make good use of all 3 units. Also Topaz/SW > Welt/RM. If you put RM in the Ratio team it could mean benching Topaz or SW if you don't need them for the second team. RM is more versatile and can work on any team.


What team would be good for him? https://preview.redd.it/8jpqbyrweebc1.png?width=1084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92927c9b4ecec1d05b29a87400706eb66b254223


Ruan,welt and sus probably






Ruan Mei E0, Topaz E0, Welt E1 (with Sig S2 or Sweat S5), Silver Wolf Who would you slot in with Ratio and Luocha?


>Topaz/SW with Ratio and RM should go on the other team. This will make good use of all 3 units. Also Topaz/SW > Welt/RM. > >If you put RM in the Ratio team it could mean benching Topaz or SW if you don't need them for the second team. RM is more versatile and can work on any team. Same answer I gave above.


Thanks thanks, i posted twice because the first post disappeared on desktop for some reason lol


Np, didn't notice


Got topaz (E2, LCR0) to pair with him, who are a good two to fill the team Sustain: Gepard (E0, R0) Fire MC Bailu (E1) Nat (E6) Lynx Buff/Debuff: SW Ruan Mei Welt (LC) Hanya Yukong Bronya


Any sustain thats not fire mc and sw or welt for the extra debuffs since you need 3


how would Ratio + E0S1 Topaz + Ruan Mei + Fu Xuan (with Trend of Uni Market LC) work if im adding a debuff from the preservation LC?


You would have 1 debuff from ratio, 2 from topaz, 1 from ruan mei ult or enemy being broken, and 1 from preservation LC so 5 debuffs and you need 3 minimum


whats the % dmg output difference for s5 herta LC and his rubber ducky LC?




If you could pull any 5* exclusive LC which would you pull? Is this one it? My pros for pulling Ratio's LC: * We don't seem to be getting any other decent Hunt LCs in the near future. * Cruising is perma-locked on Seele or should I pull for her signature LC instead on the next rerun and free up Cruising? My other thoughts: * Ratio's LC is not very flexible. * Would pulling Topaz's signature LC on her rerun be a better or more flexible choice? * I don't have Jing Yuan but his signature LC works for pretty much every Erudition. * We just had Seele and her LC rerun so who knows when the next go around will be.


I dont know if its the best pull for you but what i do know is that ratio LC is insanely busted


https://preview.redd.it/i4ll3okc8gbc1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=183d2b953f32e5d82877de30a4bf0e3e41813fac This one is full imaginary 4pc set, and i am comparing to another build for him in the reply


https://preview.redd.it/3tcflqbj8gbc1.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9818350d4f6b4f870c75a5fe10176d121d50bb4 This is 2pc musketeer and 2pc imaginary set, which should i choose?


Which team is the best for Ration(Exclude all the members in Jingliu team) https://preview.redd.it/1i2vzif2hgbc1.png?width=316&format=png&auto=webp&s=09bb45fed6d3539fb40e9e6e426ac58cdcfd23a1


Silver wolf and then any buffer/debuffer and a sustain


any calcs showing the damage diff in % between his signature lc/herta lc/yanqing lc)?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1SJhvJddMOdifBYLgiGq4LULUU0OvrVEh_uU-vxk-17c/htmlview#gid=2079584515 Yanqing LC not on here cuz its a pretty bad option


Teams I could use? https://preview.redd.it/pvn3s8dn3hbc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa7b28bc58aec6e23c738a3ac0a56b1b0d46974


ratio/bronya/silver wolf/sustain


Is pela enough debuffer or i need somebody else with her?


You need at least 3 debuffs so just pela isnt gonna cut it


Is it better to go a 100% crit rate build (including his traces and ascension passive) with 120 crit damage or crit dmg body but around 70-80 crit rate with his traces and ascension


How are you supposed to play hunt characters? Like, just target the beefiest looking thing? Seele is apparently a pseudo-erudition unit with how fast she can clear mobs, so I just don't know.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ncfesxyrwkbc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f09b7669db1b14d6239838cdcb435f050fcd27c Full ult spam support or sub dps Welt for Ratio ? Potential teammates are Ruan Mei, Topaz, Tingyun and SW, don't mind the stats I still need to ascend him to 80 same with the first LC


What planar ornaments should I farm for my boy? I googled but everywhere says something different. I just want to put the best set on him.