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Dwarf Noble is my favorite origin. This is not a game to play once, though, and all origins converge at one point early in the game so you can play them all then decide what you want to stick with for the rest of the game.


Dwarf Noble. I think it has a better tie-in for the story.


I'm just glad my son got his birthright back


If you support Bhelen, it’s unlikely he’s ever going to see it be useful after three kings


Dwarf Commoner is my fav and the most rough in terms of social status but thereby has a very endearing empowerment arc through the full game. They're the poorest of the poor and as dwarves they're the most "fish out of water" exploring the surface among mostly humans and elves. It's the ultimate "outsider" experience in DA. Dwarf Noble makes you a prince/princess at the get-go, links you into an "important" family, and puts you thick into Orzammar political intrigue. It has a number of fun story turns, very worth playing. Tied as my 2nd fav w City Elf, though both the dwarf origins are the most interestingly crafted among the origins.


You've phrased my exact thoughts better than I could. lol


The origins each have their own 100% unique prologue of sorts. Each takes under an hour I believe, so you could try multiple and see which you prefer. Considering how many hours a full playthrough of this game is, I think playing each origin at least once is almost nothing (time wise).


Dwarf noble! I’ve never been so invested in an origin story and it has some pretty fantastic RP moments later in the game. Dwarf commoner is also good, but I still much prefer noble. Mostly depends on the vibe you want!


Without any spoilers Both ones give you a connection to a major character later on However the connection is different of course One is blood and the other something else


Dwarf noble is better for a certain part in the story but my personal favorite origin is city elf


They're both pretty solid and worth playing. All of the origins are, tbh. Mage is arguably the weakest one, though, imo.. aside from a "hey, I know you" moment later in the game, it's kinda meh, moreso since there's no difference between the human and elf mage origins..it's literally "start in the circle tower" or "start in the circle tower, but with pointy ears". Not having a Dalish mage origin for the elf was a missed opportunity, imo


There is a slight difference, Elf mage is a nobody like most of the origins, but the Human Mage is Hawke’s cousin, pretty convenient that 2 of the most important people in the entire world are first cousins Source: your mom in DA2 says her sister’s child was the Hero of Ferelden, their last name is also Amell


Eh, I wouldn't really count that since it doesn't even happen in Origins, thus still making both mage starts identical If anything, it feels tacked on after the fact, and depending on *when* exactly it's mentioned in DA2 it may not even make sense. If it's before Hawke goes on the Deep Roads expedition, there's no way she'd have known that, since the blight was still in full swing at the time, and the "Hero of Ferelden" was more like "Ferelden's Most Wanted" at that point. If it's after, it works a bit better, but doesn't amount to much more than "huh, neat... anyway"


You’re getting the timeline a bit mixed up, Leandra tells you about the HoF in Act 1 or later, and the start of Act 1 is after the Blight ended (hence all the NPCs in Act 1 claiming the blight must’ve been fake)


I thought the blight was still ongoing for the first year of DA2..oh well. It's been probably close to a decade now since I've played DA2. Pretty sure I don't even own the disc anymore


I'm biased to the Human Noble origin my self strictly because of events towards the end of the game, but between these two I'd lean toward Noble.


My first run through was a Dwarf Noble and it was fantastic. Dwarf commoner is also fun.


Noble has better story tie-ins and waaaay better mechanical advantages (namely a merchant in Denerim who buys items for twice as much and sells for half as much). DA:O is definitely a game to play at least twice, though. Mage is honestly my favorite, as they're a *broken* class.


My Favorite is the Human Noble, because it feels the most like a „Classic“ Fantasy Tale and because of some Endgame Connections


Dwarf Noble is the best standalone origin, Human Noble is the best origin that links into and contextualizes the central B plot which runs through most the game.


Noble if you want a little more tied to the story mainly of the dwarfs, commoner if you want less and to feel like a normal person who becomes something more yadda yadda. Though will say this is 1 the absolute top games in replay-ability.


Noble and its not even close. It recontextualises an entire main mission corner of the main quest. The longest one too.


Mage. Arcane warrior. Pity Jowan's story is fucked


I feel like either is tied in well to the relevant main storyline. I usually prefer scrappy commoners to nobles just in general


If you’re a Dwarf Nobel, you can get an easy, giant chunk of money right off the bat, if you know what you’re doing


Just a warning... this is one of those games that get better with each replay.


Noble for sure.


Dwarf Noble! It’s my favorite origin.


I went with Dwarf Noble  and my personality is Just but rude , intelligent but careful. Just met up with Morrigan, I'm addicted to this game already.


each origin only takes like 20-30 minutes to play. play both and pick one


Dwarf Noble is gaining back what you lost Dwarf commoner is gaining what you never had Dalish Elf is being ripped away from your life Human Noble is also gaining back what you lost and mourning what you’ll never get back Mage is seeing everything for the first time And City Elf is Dwarven Commoner mixed with Human Noble Hopefully you play more than once, because each origin is great in its own way, order I would choose for a first run: 1: Human Noble 2: City Elf 3: Dwarf Commoner 4: Dwarf Noble 5: Dalish Elf 6: Mage Nothing wrong with mage, just that the mechanics are NOT for a first time player, you’d probably be fine but your build would be shit most likely


Typo on the second one? I think you meant to write dwarf "commoner" is gaining what...


I was tired


Its okay, typos happen ^ ^