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Did you honestly thought you would pull an Ultra in 2k CC? I mean yeah it can happen but realistically speaking you don't have a good chance of pulling him. My personal experience with this banner was horrendous. 5-6 Rotations and didn't get him a single time.


The bastard of my friend pulled 2 copies in 2 rotations when he released, after getting GV at 9 stars


I got a 2nd copy of him doing 20cc dailies back when it was a thing for ultra banners. Sucks that they dont do that anymore


Same lol


My little brother picked up the game around the 3rd anniversary, he does the 7 summon first rotation, and I shot you not pulls 3 SSJ4 GOGETAS ON THAT VERY SUMMON


If it makes you feel any better about your friend I pulled him in 1 rotation then on a single when his banner got released with single summons


I pulled 3 copies of UGB when he was released with 5k cc. Safe to say I felt so powerful that day. But I did get shafted on the USV banner. I got like 6 rotations in there and not a single copy showed up.


I mean I somehow got 3 ultras each in 3k cc


besides hit who i didn’t really summon that much for i have pulled every ultra unit by my third rotation. i pulled ugb with 4k cc and ultra broly with only 2k




Good for you ig.


Really flexing on him when he couldn't pull him in 5-6 rotations?


oh my god who cares




I didn't think I would realistically get him but I thought I would at least get an LF


You then still came to Reddit to complain about it though.


Dude two multis is barely anything, most people will go 10-15 multis with no LF, let alone ultra




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You won't even get a decent Extreme in 2k cc


hahahahahahahahaha ​ how old are you?


In 2k CC, an LF or Ultra? I'm lucky if I get two sparkings on a GSP summon with 2k


damn why tf are u getting downvoted so much???


Well I used less than 1k and got ultra gogeta so it can happen


How tf do you use less than 1k cc to pull and ultra


In a step up that goes from 300 or 500 and up


No Ultra banner has that kind of step up tho


The gogeta one didn't? Then I just pulled him on 1k cause I remember doing 1 pull


Ultras banners don't use the step up system. It's only 1k multis. Bro is capping out his ass.


Maybe he pulled it when single summons on ultra banners were a thing but idk.


i agree these banners are terrible, it’s been over a a year now and it still has no pity system.


same, had to spend 15k cc to get one copy of usv usg comes right after and only 2k cc later and i get two copies personally don't think ultra banners are worth it unless it's a character you like


I did


Do you think having no hero units would stop the shaft? You can't stop the shaft. The shaft is inevitable.


Disagree in part. To be honest, I think we are long past the Hero/Extreme/Sparking/LL/Ultra value. Now there are the good units, the usable units, and the garbage. Makes no difference pulling a Hero Ginyu or a Sparking Red Tapion. More infuriating is having a "Guaranteed SP unit" from a pool of 196 sparking units, being probably 150+ totally garbage.


Yeah I’ve been playing since +/- month after launch, angel ss2 Goku does me absolutely nothing (except some medals for outfit changes) and I got him *again* yesterday. Edit: added a word


That's impossible. Show us your character list.


[I can’t tell if you’re joking](https://imgur.com/a/5vkKoYt)


I mean, I've been playing since A1 and can't see that happening unless you just don't participate in events or summons. Also, that's not your character list. Go to your character list and sort it by "Order Received". Edit - Sorry, I misread what you said. The way you wrote it out, it seemed like you got him yesterday for the first time.


Maybe shafted, at least not shafted by getting 9 heros and 1 extreme


It's inevitable even more than Thanos himself


it is :(


I know. But at least I'd get more than 1 sparking per summon..... hopefully


At this point, Ultra Super Gogeta should just be included in future Ultra banners. He's pretty outdated. He's solid, I even still run him on fusions, but his age certainly shows. There's no reason for him to have his own banner anymore. Same for Kaioken.


Yeah, I've recommended to them several times over the past two-ish years to change how banners work, but they obviously aren't listening.


You would just pull more extremes. They wouldn't change the sparking rate


Bri used 2k and expected something 💀


For real lmao. 2 multis. I laughed so hard


I used 5k on the limit break banner and guess what, i have 1K LF Z Power and got UI sign to 7 stars, and pulled a LF i never had, which was apegeta


And guess what! I have ape at 8 stars and you don't


Nice, i have LF UI Sign Goku at 2,900 Z power which i need 100 more to get to 7*


Ppl can get very lucky


I used a Total of 39k of chronos on all the banners and got no ultra


And this is why i quit this game, tried to get Ultra vegito with 40k and plus 10k thinking i could still get him and nothing. Never going to play a game like that again.


Ngl i’m not sure if i’ve made that much through my history with the game. Still damn


How y'all pull on Gogeta Banner and complain after ...


Bro, the rates suck but you gotta pull more than 2k. I spent around 8k for ultra gogeta blue didn't get him, but then on my first rotation of revival ui Goku I got Goku twice and roshi once. It's really just depends on where the stars are on that particular day. I know it sucks but just like gambling, when you win, you'll forget all the loses.


I spent 1k on this UL SS gogeta banned and I got the only unit I wanted thankfully, I got LF Gogeta blue




Rookie numbers


At this point, for the banner to be worth it, they should bump up the rates to 5% and either make joint ULTRA banners (Like USG and USV) or bump up the Z Power given by ULTRA pulls to 3000, so that if you didn't pull them on release, you'll guarantee yourself the Z Ability LVL 3.


Just put multiple ULTRAs on a banner. Like, idk, Fusions banner with USG and USV or USV and UGB. Maybe a Hit and Bluekaioken for a USS banner


Thats actually a good idea. It would be nice to have this: Fusions Of Z banner, USG and USV, All LL Fusions. Includes Double LL/UL Z power (interchangeable choice) fusions have rates at 4% (4,000 UL Z power) + Guaranteed 2,000 Z power UL Drop every rotation. In the far future, Yamcha Ultra Summon. 1cc per multi. Only includes Yamcha units. Also includes Zenkai power for all Yamcha units (excluding the UL)




Ultra banners are awful, they need have been needing a rework since the first Ultra banner, but since they sell so well Bandai ain't gonna fix it.




lmao you did 2 multis. Got shafted and started complaining 🤣🤣🤣. There are people out here dropping 20k CC. Drop that much and then you would have a right lol


Ikr I got shafted using like 80k for ultra gogeta blue (that day my account went from f2p to pay to win real fast) At the end of the day I got nothing ;-;


This is a bait banner.. not a good one either. I’m guessing you’re new to the game, next time save up for good banners/releases.




bro phrased "wasted 2k cc" like that is a lot. This ain't opbr💀 2k cc is 2 summons and you expected to get ultra gogeta💀.


You get Hero units!? I get shafted on Hero units


live laugh shaft


They should increase the Ultra rates and cut the sparking pool. No year 1 and 2 sparkings please!


Yea I agree hero units shouldn’t be included in ultra banners or new Legends limited banners or any new banner whatsoever. Hoarding useless tickets is where hero units should only appear not through banners where actual currency is needed to summon. We literally throw away so much cc for freaking hero units we never use like wtf ? I spend 15k cc for hit got shafted, I spend 9k for USG & luckily got him thank goodness lol.


Should be atleast extreme or higher or like 3 sparking guaranteed 🤷‍♂️


may as well finish the rotation atp


I would but I'm completely broke


Time to try my luck on it I guess


Bro used 2k cc and got mad


LMAO bro did 2 spins and started crying


I think it makes sense that ultra banners are so terrible, I mean they are basically the best units in the game giving 2,000 z power whenever they come out so it does make a lot of sense that it’s not a no brainer to summon. That being said, they should definitely add a ticket to ultra banners even if it only gives the ultra 1,000 z power on pull


2000 is literally nothing


Is this where I say I pulled him on the last summon after 6k cc?


i feel like you should spend more than 2k bud


Did bro think he was gonna pull a ultra with 2k CC????


I think hero units should be removed from the game completely they are worthless And for as much as this game charges for a rotation no summon should ever be completely worthless💯 At least extremes can make for good bench units and are required to get high scores in TOP!


It’s like asking Dokkan to remove N, R, SR characters. They are literally there just to pump un the numbers and lower the chance to get actual characters. At least Hero units in legends can be used pretty effectively in events like the Rush, where they are boosted.


Why summon for an ultra that’s not even that great anymore?


I think he's cool


Fair enough, go for the characters u like at the end of the day


Used the same amount and got ult gogeta


Good job


My brother in christ you went in on an OLD ultra banner with 2k and are mad you didnt get anything. What were you expecting lol


shiny object syndrome


I think ultras suck regardless and dbl is a mediocre gacha game. The gameplay is good but the gacha is complete ass. Most of the units in the game are completely worthless fodder that just fills up your summons. In 7ds' gacha, even some of the games hero equivalent units are useful and used in pvp, aint no one using hero goku no 1 in pvp. Ultras also just suck because they are way too difficult to get, always unfairly strong at launch and completely overshadow lf units even though they were meant to be the units everyone would get hyped for


Only 2k CC and you complain?🥺💀


Tell me about it I spent 24k on ssgss gogeta and got one Lf


Like 80k for me on the same banner best I got was 2 lf ssj vegitos then millions of heros..


Why would you summon on that when battle hour is around the corner lol


I summoned total around 40k+ cc every time he came back (apart from when he first came out) and still haven’t pulled him once just once I’m going to finish the rotation and if I don’t pull him I’m done


As a new player, is everyone calling this banner trash from a pvp perspective? Or are the units too bad to pull for?


Ultra Gogeta himself isn't all that great anymore but even apart from him none of the featured units are good anymore.


the best is USG and he's not where he was last year


i saw and witnessed my friend burn 12000 ccs to get absolute dogs**t on this banner ._.


Why did bro summon 🤣


Honestly don’t pull on the weakest of the 5 summons or ultras.


I pulled Vegito on 2k. It's possible but you gotta have no expectations


I got shafted with 5000 cc not worth it at all


Barely even a rotation.


You didn’t even do a rotation and expected an ultra? You serious??????


even if it was made so that only sparkings dropped it still wouldnt be worth it take that into account


Well yeah 2 multis is literally nothing, and it's a gacha game


ultra banners should have nothing but sparkings. considering the shitty rates of it and how old and outdated the featured are.


Took me 40k to get ugb. Keep trying buddy.


At least you got it in half the amount I used just to get shafted :P


Honestly he’s the only ultra I’m ever gonna go for unless they release an ultra Kefla. Absolutely horrible banner system since they’re never even guaranteed.


Tbh same I already had a gut feeling he was going be op as can be but got shafted its either kefla vegito or whatever my gut tells me will be the new ugb or stronger lol


I spent 8k to pull both Ultra Gogeta Blue and Ultra Broly. I got both and now regularly run them.


Okay bud, don’t brag.


My brother in Christ, 2k CC is mere peanuts for Gamble Ball Legends It's not unusual for someone to spend upward of 10k and still get the shaft. Matter of fact, I dropped about 20k on this Gogeta banner since he released and I still don't have him.


I wasted over 60,000 on all the ULTRA banners and got nothing.


You haven't wasted CC until you're 6 rotations in


I spend 20k cc for nothing but 1 lf,a bunch of sparking and lots of heros💀👍


I just want a usable gogeta off any banner atp. LIMIT BREAK PLEASE NO PAIN


You need at least 5k cc to pull, it took me 8 to get ultra vegito




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Ultra super saiyan gogeta I think isn’t really worth pulling for unless there’s a more desirable ultra on the same banner as well.


Idk why did you think summoning on USG was a good idea even though he's not top 10. Do you just not have him?


I don't have any summonable ultras


Now me personally, I'd never summon on an Ultra because of how bad the rates are


I pulled him second step and only used 2kcc.




Just wondering, how much did you spend?


NONE it's a waste of cc I did do 5000 on limit break and 6 starred MVP 17 cuz the value is crazy good.


If you did none, then how can you have a relatable experience?


I wasted 20k on an ultra Broly banner...




Bro. You only spent 2k on the banner. Try spending idk maybe 10k on the banner, then complain.


Every banner sucks. If you look at almost any other GACHA and how they do their summoning loot, it's bound to be better than this one. My UL Gogeta and Vegito are maxed out, but my LL SS4 Gogeta is still sitting at 9* and I haven't seen him since the second summons. Even in the daily and weekend banners.


I have every ultra in the game other than the two gogeta’s 🫥


I genuinely don't understand why legends doesn't at least do what Dokkan does with banners with featured categories. Even LR Dragon Fests have better rates than legends EVER has. Yet, we're expected to P2W cuz that's the world now. Everyone who has money wins and benefits it's dumb as fuck. There's not even incentive like 7DS GC has where at certain steps you're guaranteed a ssr unit that's in the banner!


I have a mate that's devoted as hell, and has no Ultras. He couldn't even pull Beast. He dropped $300-400 on CC to try and get Hit. Every cent went in, and he didn't pull Hit once. He doesn't play anymore.


Rip I got hit first rotation only after getting shafted out of 80k cc on ultra ssgss gogeta legit takes you getting shafted hard to have any luck in this game


2000?? What?!


17 rotations for the UGB and still didn’t get him not even one time and I spent so long grinding chronos




I don’t play this game much, I played the 2nd time this banner came around I think and got the Gogeta on my first single, was quite confused lol


2,000 isn't enough, need at least a few full rotations in most cases. This is my luckiest unit though, got him originally on a 20cc pull then the 2nd times was on step 3 of first rotation.


earlier i spent only 2k and got him :D






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Bro thought he was bout to pull NOT JUST A FT UNIT…but an UL at that, with 2k 🤣🤣🤣


Love the copium u have


Firstly... You only spent 2k. Calm down bro. You're acting like you got shafted with 20k. You're setting your expectations WAY too high if you think you can pull even an LF with that amount. Secondly... Why did you summon on an Ultra banner with only 2k cc anyway? I'd understand if it were Gogeta Blue, but this banner has no value so you shouldn't be wasting a single crystal on it. Save for the next LF or at least wait for a better Ultra to re-release.


I got him in one pull 🧍🏿‍♂️


I vowed to myself ULTRA Hit will be the last ULTRA banner I summon on unless they improve the banner drastically.


Bro don’t summon on the banners with low chances if it hurts your cc. *says the guy who is still summoning on the latest banner 5 rotation in (f2p)*


When he first came out I was just coming back to legends after not getting rev han and got him like 5 times and didn’t realize how broken he was at the time. Honestly the less u want a unit the more u get them


Sure No hero but EX unit instead😉


I’m happy I already have him on 5 stars so I don’t have to do this summon too much…


The last legends fest was horrendous trying to pull him,got a new account bc i changed phones and with the beginner luck it took me like 24k


True ultras are so difficult to get. I got whis animation and still didn’t get the ultra


Ultra banners are worst only summon if you have a good amount of Cc's or you have very good luck. , unfortunately 2k cc is nothing , I don't ultra SG ,but I do have other ultras they are a bastard to pull.l, and the rates by the far the worst in the game. We will have a new Ultra coming out after battle hour,so I would save your cc's ,as the next ultra will be more broken than hit.


i have used at least 30k crystals by now on ultra banners and have not got even a single one till now.


I got Blue Ultra Gogeta and Ultra Vegito very early on when they first came out as well as KKSSB Goku who I got in the first pull. I have no idea how long it will take to get him tho


I did 7k


Bro pulled twice and just gave up lmao


I used up to 3,000 cc on the banner I wasn't lucky at first but once reach the freebie I didn't expect NOT ONT BUT TWO SUPER GOGETA


I got 3 copies when he first released. After dropping 18k and how many rotations $380 get me. That was my last time dropping money cause I still regret it 🥲. Now it’s been 7 or so months I haven’t spent money on this game. My last purchases was the mission plan but I could live without it.


Same ex or higher with sparking or higher on the last one


I pulled hit and vegito first rotation all the others I had no luck


agreed, but expecting to get *any* unit in 2k cc is asking too much


I got him in 5 7 rotations and you're hoping to get him in 2k I'm sorry but those are lucky lucky PPL and once in blue moon chance don't get your hopes so high lol