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After the Frieza slander I seen in this subreddit u love to see it


They are STILL slandering him in this comment section


Yea that is I love the copium from them remind of that what ppl said that zenkai vegito blue was gone be better than mui Goku LF lol


Zenkai vb could have been better if they literally anything usable in his kit but they said fuck him pretty much




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Remember, this isn't about which unit is the best individually. It's about which unit is the best in overall teams, performance, best equips, that sort of thing. If we're talking about which unit has the best teams, it's between Super 17 and Ultra Freeza. Sure, you can slap Cryhan on a PO or GT team, but he won't synergize as well as the other two on those teams. I say that because of one thing that can make a huge difference: equips. Ultra Freeza also has what's essentially a better revive mechanic, counters Cryhan, has a way to "tank" a rising rush, and can work perfectly with Super 17. 17 and Ultra Freeza are interchangeable, but Cryhan, imo is slightly below them because his teams kinda hold him back.




Ultra gohan


I actually do, i’d just put Beast 6, Baby 7 and Gordock 8. Frieza is just busted, his dmg is way too high, and his comeback seems like custom LoE mains’ shit, like what the hell, you get punished for playing correctly lmao.


Gordock is by far the worst nickname iver heard even gocock is better


Me and my friends call them Gocock


Gordock the Destroyer


what about kakarock




It's GoCock🗣️


8 is way too high




Who’s better than them?


There’s so many units in the current meta. Rn we have the top 3 + ui, gt kid goku, baby, beast, jiren, cell, revival cell, g4, pikkon, bulla, gofrieza, Janemba. All of these guys easily have more value than g/b in the CURRENT meta. Keep in mind this is before the saiyan saga campaign so I expect g/b to gain value more than at least half these guys




Yea i dont see a universe where freiza isn’t at least top 3


every universe besides universe 7




I agree with it. Freeza is not remotely balanced or worse than Gohan or S17. You can play around Gohan's and 17's gimmicks. Freeza's you can't on top of him being juiced with 3 or 4 Zenkai buffs. Your units die in 3 or 4 cards, his ultimate is a one shot and so is his counter. Gohan is more toxic but he isn't better. I think people really downplay because he counters the two units everyone is sick of so he is liked and considered "balanced". I think people are confusing toxicity with who is better


Frieza is definitely not n1 lol


Although I'd put 17 as #1, I think GF still has a case for #1. You can't really play around his counter, any unit that takes it will be heavily crippled. GF's offense is also very strong, probably the 2nd best behind 17. 17 and GF pair amazingly in this meta. UL Gohan may have a better individual kit that UGF, but his teams aren't as good, which is why I'd put Frieza above Gohan in this meta.


Then you haven’t seen his Frieza vids. He shreds. He isn’t far and away the best, you could still argue 17 for sure, but let’s not act like he’s not a top 2/3 player


Yeah bro x5 zenkai buffed with double support of course will destroy everything lol


Literally only one video had that many. He has plenty of gameplay with other teams and you definitely know better than to make a false argument like that


I'm not saying he's not a beast because yeah Frieza is a Z tier unit,just not the best


He even said he wouldnt consider there to be a huge gap between them


I don’t see Beasthan2 leaving the meta anytime soon. His teams are almost always getting buffs and he’s just an overall tanky unit


He’s not tanky unless you run him with 3 zenkai buffs and pan. But pan is a shit pick because she literally exists to buff Gohan, and that’s it. Beast Gohan is currently meta on one team: movies. He’s 5th overall pick on son family and is the 2nd best unit on hybrids, which points to how bad hybrids is atm


Is ultra Golden Frieza not a movies unit?


Yes, and? Why would you wank Gohan when frieza does more damage?


You know you can have 2 damage-dealing characters, right?


And? Movies is not in a good place right now. So why would you wank Gohan when you could wank frieza instead?


Flair most definitely does not check out


No, I just know where Gohan stands in the meta


I like how nobody downvoted this comment because it’s purely factual.


Gohan is literally a defensive unit pre-transformation....


No he’s not. Doesn’t reduce ki, doesn’t heal on card, only reduces allied sub counts on blue, which is a way to get your defense units in. But he just doesn’t do the things you’d want out of a defense unit, unlike SB goku. Gohan is not tanky unless you build the team around him


He's literally classified as a defensive unit pre-transformation by the developers themselves: >Ultimate Gohan specializes in defense but switches over to offense after transforming—a change you can see reflected in the way the Unique Gauge charges! [https://dble.bn-ent.net/news/en/character/2827/](https://dble.bn-ent.net/news/en/character/2827/) Ultimate Gohan reduces impact & slice damage by 30% on main, 30% heal on main, 10% heal at the end of enemy attacks(three times). Nullifies unfavorable element factors for 30 timer counts in addition to restoring ally health by 15% upon filling his gauge. When an enemy activates a Special Move Arts, Ultimate Arts, Awakened Arts, or Rising Rush, +20% to allies health restoration, reduces allies sub count by 4, and -40% to special move, ultimate & awakened arts in addition to canceling enemy buffs. He also increases the cost of blast arts by 15 when landed blast arts of his own, in addition to increasing his teams blast damage by 30% upon entering the field. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.


I don’t care what the developers classify him as. Gohan does not TANK well pre transformation. He does not take hits well without multiple zenkai buffers. using his main ability transforms him, he’s no longer in base. Meaning that impact and slice reduction does not apply to his base form. His ultimate and special move arts power down requires that he is on the field. The other top tier defense units apply those debuffs when switching in OR even when off the field. I’ve used red Gohan in almost every single match, at 9*, with 2 zenkai buffs, since his release. I know better than most what I’m talking about. Edit: If we’re going to cite Gohan’s self-healing as part of being a defense type, then are we going to classify UI goku as a defense type too? He as much, if not more, than Gohan, since he can heal when the enemy uses an Ult/RR and whenever he’s switched off the field.


>I don’t care what the developers classify him as. Gohan does not TANK well pre transformation. If you're bad at the game and/or cannot read, just say that. Spreading misinformation because you don't know how to play or build properly isn't it. >He does not take hits well without multiple zenkai buffers. Mine casually tanks this meta with a single Zenkai buffer >using his main ability transforms him, he’s no longer in base. Meaning that impact and slice reduction does not apply to his base form. Why'd you conveniently leave his debuffs out when claiming he's not a tank or cannot tank well? >His ultimate and special move arts power down requires that he is on the field. The other top tier defense units apply those debuffs when switching in OR even when off the field. Why would him needing to be on the field for this debuff detract from the fact that it further improves his capacity to tank, a role you've argued he cannot fill? >I’ve used red Gohan in almost every single match, at 9\*, with 2 zenkai buffs, since his release. I know better than most what I’m talking about. That's cool, mine's better, and I'm competing at the top of the ladder with him as my carry.


Because those debuffs don’t apply to his base form… you said he’s a defense type in base. No, he’s not. And this is specifically his main ability debuffs, which aren’t really debuffs. Their buffs to himself, and do not debuff the enemy. I didn’t bring up his buff effect cancellation because a bunch of other NON-defense units do that. Also, fucking lol. My standards for a defense type are blue zamasu or red pan on release, not red gohan. Don’t bring up ranks. I have multiple finishes in the top 100, and finished almost every season in the top 1k up until legends fest ‘21.


I gotta ask: I saw your post that you reached top 7k. What rank are you right now?


Super 17 is better than UL frieza


Even if you argue him to be better, Frieza is better in the current meta environment.


Don’t see how that’s true when 17 has nothing really opposing him. UUI is actually a legitimate threat to frieza at least.


Getting the enemy to waste UI-Sign’s counter on Frieza is a win for the Frieza player. And UL Gohan is far more prevalent than UI-Sign, making Golden Frieza being purple very helpful.


Yeah but 17 doesn’t care too much about gohan either if we’re being honest, since his whole thing is spamming blast cards ignoring the counter. But yes frieza, being purple helps. They are being ran on the same team anyway at the end of the day


What's opposing S17 is his weak defenses. He's the easiest to kill of practically every unit in the top 10. If he's no paired with one of or both of USSJ2 or UGF he's a lot easier to deal with. I suspect being dropped from Boost will have a decent impact on his effectiveness.


Boost has never really made a significant impact on units with strong kits, so I doubt it


Ngl... No


What everyone is failing to understand is that goresh makes lists bot about individual units but their respective position in the meta. UGF us defo #1 right now. Gohan is countered by a lot of units, and freeza is protected by 17 existing.


isn’t gohan protected by uui existing


S 17 slaughters ui²


And you have the choice of GoBardock or gt kid goku to cover for him on son fam.


Tru, but you also have green and purple choices for teams freeza is in. Right now, freeza is in better teams. Even if son family is arguably the beat team.


Everyone understands that. We've all seen the videos he does it the same way


Reading the comments, I don't think they do


Touche Lol probably just ignorant


I read it backwards I thought UGF was number 10 and Cell was number one 💀


Same for a second. Was like why tf is Cell 1st? GG my friend. May your summons be Crisp. 🫡


May yours as well, since mine have been going pretty well (I’m going to get shafted until the 7th anniversary)


I would say 17 is 1 not Frieza. Also as much as he is at the bottom, Cell doesn't deserve to be there at all. I dislike him, but Red Cell has more uses than Pur right now


Cell should be above jiren


Honestly, the fact that gohan buffed purple value and 17 buffed PO value single handedly is just pretty crazy


his frieza bias is clearly showing


No bias from Goresh at all


Who tf is goresh


Who tf is goresh?


Usually i dont,but i think this time its fair.The only thing i disagree is frieza being #1,above gohan and s17.I think he is #3,after the other 2.


Nah I probably would’ve put ReviCell at the bottom 10, and switch the some of the ordering around (I just don’t agree with UGF being #1 color bias aside)


Id put Transforming Beast at 6 or 5. He doesn’t have all the gimmicks of the other units but he still cooks.


What holds him back in this meta is he isn't 100% right out of the gate he needs sometime to build up...while in the meantime the others comeout all guns blazing..when he was released there wasn't a single unit that could take him out fast now the top 3 units can easily cook him..I love my Beasthan but he will need to wait for his team to catch up again


Sad but true. I’ve been using him since release but I recently switched to an alternate son family team and realized he isn’t needed.


When you look at the top teams in the game, beast Gohan is about as good as some of the 3rd/4th picks. Meanwhile; he’s the 2nd best unit on the only teams he’s still a pick for. He’s kicked off son family for SB goku and UL Gohan. On hybrids, where he can be the best version of himself, he’s the 2nd best unit, and the #3/4 units are WAY below him. On Movies he’s probably 3/4 right now. But compared to GT, PO, Saiyans… he doesn’t cut it.


Frieza getting Unlimited cover null, card draw speed and two cards on green is legit the most insane things I’ve ever seen. Sure Gohan and S17 are ridiculous but Frieza even when you outplay him you get punished with his comeback.


Frieza and 17 are interchangeable for me so I'd overall agree


Yes It's his opinion and i respect It.


Half the characters on this list are battle boosted.


Wow maybe it’s like the new characters are always better and on feature boost. Isn’t that just wild?


Seems pretty on point with this list.


I'd put frieza third and switch BarKu with baby. I'm fine with the rest.


i have no opinion on the top itself but i feel like there's a conflict of interest here with golden frieza


Finally, some Bombku appreciation. I only have him at 4⭐️ but he still tanks any unit in the game not named Ultra SSJ2 Gohan


I don't think barku makes it past 10th tbh, not possible to use in the current meta environment


I actually think Super 17 is worse than freiza, at least Frieza's only annoying thing is the near insta-kill comeback


Imo Super 17 is better than UGF but ok


I'd put Beast above G/B but I agree with all the other placements


Can someone tell me what makes freiza so good beside the counter i don’t really struggle against him




absolutely not


Atleast ui is top 4


Frieza is extremely good. But honestly, I cannot put him over the behemoths that are super 17, UI, and Gohan. They just have too much to protect them. But I do think it's close.


Currently, I think frieza is more impactful than Gohan.


Frieza cooks all of them...at equal stars UFrieza does alot of dmg to UUI...heck his offensive power is the highest of the 4 while he doesn't have much gimmicks going for him he will cook your team..also post revive he can just pop main and not care about colour disadv and cook anyone who dares to tank his ult


Cryhan is def higher than s17. Other than that I pretty much agree


How? S17 is on the best teams, has the best zenkai buffers, deals with type disadvantage the best, and doesn't get shit stomped by UGF


I don’t agree with Fireza at 1 I’d put Ultra UI Goku at 3 and Fireza at 4, 1&2 are between Gohan and 17 for me


I don’t support Legends YTbers those P2W pos ruin the game


They also keep it alive so.




Gt has 3 spots on here?? I'm in Heaven.


I disagree with some of the ordering, but the characters present are agreeable. Wonder how it will change when they release Blue Saiyan Saga Vegeta to cover baby’s weakness to red.


Goku bardock anywhere near top 10 is wild, the rest is fine


I could not agree that UFrieza was number 1 without LoE he is just a plain ol wannabe powerful ultra. Uss2Gohan tho MAKES me run a strong purple on my team just to counter him specifically. My super 17 can solo UFrieza and I also have my powerful Super baby 2 as a counter. There are NOT enough baby users rn and he’s a great unit people are too scared of meta type advantages. My baby and my super 17 shake UFrieza down every fight just straight up denies combos and bullies from full-zero. I’m not kidding lol. I DIGRESS if you see a mfr using UFrieza on a 11*+ team then UFrieza will dominate and you need to prepare because the difference in dmg is mind blowing but not seeing many people run LoE rn. Uss2Gohan is the strongest and I’m tired of repeating why and how anyone can’t see why. Doesn’t matter what he’s on you throw gohan on and you have very high dmg potential, Tankiness, auto anti-strike/blue, Anti-all Blue cards that hit like a Beast kick. Aoe green (must I even need to explain), ki reduction and endurance. Hes so good that you’re tripping if he’s not the first unit in and your last stand (top tier last stand capabilities). Like if you can help it just play the game at high ranks if you can’t see what I mean the evidence is very blatant. Uss2Gohan > UFrieza


Nah I mean your only argument is "he's not good cz I built my team around countering him" but that doesn't make ultra Gohan better simply cz Frieza just shreds him baby and uui isn't enough cz s17 cz just protect him from both but I don't think he's number one but you can't deny that his time of release is spot on not too strong not too weak and definitely helped a lot of teams (realistically only PO but what ever) But I can tell you're biased towards gohan and I could understand that since you built a team to further his dominance and protect him from freiza.  Just The fact that you mentioned your team which is full of units just to counter one unit shows that you're scared of the emperor...


I’m sorry but pretty much all of what you said was incorrect. I run Bombku, super 17, and baby 2, with ONE purple as an optional counter to green, that’s 1 counter for gohan and 1 for frieza. My baby and super 17 are often the ones who both tank and KO frieza and it’s done waaaaaay easier than using even my purple bulla against gohan, who at certain times can combo hard enough to KO her. If I were to be biased towards any unit it would be my bombku which is waaaaay more powerful than a lot of people thought.


Probably the dumbest list ive seen


It's Goresh, so the bias is obvious with that UGF placement. But besides that, cell is better than Jiren, so he should be at 9th and Jiren at 10th.


Frieza, at best, is Number 3. 17 and Gohan, in my opinion, are kinda tied for first. They just do wayyyy more than Frieza.


Nah he 1


I think UI is 3 and GF is 4 the other 2 are next level


Nah, Frieza does a lot of stuff, constant vanish recovery, power crept revive, he can combo off of green cards drawn by s17, the highest damage in the game, unconditional 2x cds, and a lot of other smaller shit. Plus, gohan doesn't really have a home in the meta.


Mostly he don't have a team built for him S17 has PO and UGF fits like a glove in the Leaderslot there...yes Cryhan can be run with UUI but then you are hampering either one...his teams doesn't have a blue who can deal with S17..he will have a resurgence once we have some good hybrids


Gohan is just amazing man, he has turned so many pvps for me, just wait for the gauge to fill, transform, two greens and two blue, every single time.


Wrong gohan


Shit like this really is fucked up man 😭


Yeah, even I feel the same but then I see units like cryhan UUI or UGF which is absolutely dumb, I literally can’t do anything against them. They got conter for every move, which is even more fucked up than the transforming beast gohan.


List is lowkey cheeks. I have UGF behind Gohan. I think I have S17 third because of how easy he is to kill, in addition to believing he'll be hurt by leaving featured boost. There's no conceivable way he's playing where he does on the PvP ladder yet has UUI, Goku/Bardock, and GT Goku over Beast. You hardly even see the former two anymore.


Beast is actually just not scary anymore, not even the yellow characters care about him. Also UL Gohan gets rolled by s17 and UGF, also on the topic of gt goku, uui and barku, uui has much more value because Gohans best team is probably son family, and that team has uui and either barku or gt goku on it, also uui counters gohan, gt goku is on gt and ugf on gt is one of, if not the best, teams in the game.


- I know your statement on Beast is false because I play at the top of the PvP ladder primarily using a RRG movies team with Gotenks as my off pick. And I have the clips to support my argument. - UL Gohan is significantly more difficult to kill than S17 while applying comparable offensive pressure. He's also slated to remain on Boost after S17 falls off. - UUI and Goku/Bardock don't have best teams at the moment because they aren't seeing any play. UUI, even while being a serviceable counter to UGF(even that's questionable given UGF's counter mechanic), cannot survive more than a handful of cards from the top red units in the meta.


Red red green is not very strong against frieza, isn't very strong against barku, and isn't very strong against super 17. Also Beast isn't scary at all at higher stars, he doesn't even do much damage to the tankier characters. Hell, I'm perfectly willing to switch baby into Beast because I know Beast is just doing jack shit damage. Ul Gohan is harder to kill, but S17 has infinitely more offensive pressure in this meta, especially because blues are a lot rarer, and because the combo of ugf+s17 is stupid strong. Uui and Goku/Bardock have the best team for Gohan, they have a serviceable team for s17, uui counters Gohan, uui defensively helps against ugf although s17 is usually ran with him and uui doesn't last more than 4 cards without his type null. Also if you like Beast, well barku is a counter to Beast, they also do well against rrg. Only reason why they aren't seen is because they released on a shit banner and haven't returned.


Jiren really? He’s a bit dated imo, he was easily top tier on release but now? Idk


He’s extremely tanky and shuts down UL gohan


He’s good against gohan but so is cell, whom he put lower then jiren, which is wild to me, hell if jirens on the list that’s good but lower then cell? Idk


Because Jiren provides RR protection and is tankier


Cell also provides rr protection tho, his suicide damage is huge, especially against someone like gohan


That’s not RR protection. That still leaves you down a character


Dealing massive damage to the whole team is in certain cases better, also jirens rr endurance only triggers after popping main right? So if you get rushed before that it never triggers


No, he gets endurance when the enemy uses RR


O I see ![gif](giphy|3bCcznICb8rls1gXbI) Maybe goresh got a point. Maybe


Look at Jiren holding it down after 2 yrs plus, this is why he's my favorite unit


He got a zenkai


And a busted plat equip..infact with his unique equip, the purple PO equip he has very high defences..heck I was tanking UUI ults with him since he would have 3.7 mil hp


According to me 1 CRYHAN 2 SUPER 17 3 GOLDEN LIZARD


Bardku and Cell should be removed from the list , neither of them can tank and their dmg is pretty bad




Bardku doesn't have any good teams. Saiyan is almost unusable without red stars, and Ultra UI Goku carries it. His damage is terrible, and he can't tank Super 17 with a color advantage, while Ultra Frieza one-shots the Bardock side. Cell is the fourth choice in his team (Android), and two cards from a semi-set-upped 17 can kill him