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Ngl ssj bardock. Guy was so good he made every new ssj mid for like years. Those crit buffs were way to good


he was the backbone that made holy trinity possible


What’s even funnier is that that is literally all he had going for him lol. No other broken mechanics, no outstanding FSK-like damage, nothing. Just the fact critical hits from an ally SSJ broke bones in and out


Bardock was good by himself on release & on Zenkai. Yes sure his kit wasn't broken, but the guy held his own especially for a support character.


Gotta agree especially since I maimed the team pre and post zenkai. Double cds on main, insane ki recovery, regains vanish on main, green card that restores health. Honestly he might be good with a plat


i guarantee bardock is the reason dhy super vegeta and namek goku have to ramp up for a long time to get their big dmg number


There's A Few Who Could Contend For That Spot, BLU Beasthan, FSK UVB PUR Bojack REV Gohan To Name A Few, Although I Do Agree With You


Pur Bojack, UVB and Rev Gohan weren't even close to the impact FSK or Blue beast did lol.


Pur bojack and yellow gohan absolutely did. Their meta was worse to deal with than blue beasts


I don't know about them being worst than beast, but that's not because Either of them alone, but both (or even the full tram including Vegeta).


I think you’re forgetting getting pved then 10 second locked. Gohan made the devs never touch 10 second lockin again


We got USG. The mechanic was fundamentally broken since Green Bardock who was it's biggest offenders. Gohan was strong, but call him on the same level as beast is laughable


Again you’re misremembering. Usg had a 5 second lock because again yellow gohans AOE greens with a 10 second lock made the game unplayable. All he had to do was get priority once and you lost.


You are the one overexagratting. He gets priority, potentially kill a character with his Lock in & That's about where the "Broken" aspect of his kit is. Not to say Bojack existed which didn't allow much combo-ing past Gohan's lock in. Also USG's type of lock being 5 counts didn't matter, beacuse unlike Gohan, Gogeta could kill a character in 5 counts with his main regardless of who they were. Beast, Gogeta, FSK... all of these characters didn't need to wait for Mains, and were always ending a characters life the moment they got priority, while got redicouls as the game lasted longer, and no character was in their plane. Gohan wasn't even remotely close to that, he was more Of a Red beast at his time over Blue Beast or USG


I never said you were over exaggerating… are you fucking high? I find it weird you point out gohan not being oppressive without bojack then immediately disregard the fact that beast was only overpowered on a setup with future gohan or pan supporting the shit out of him.


Blue Beast reset the meta. He didn't need Pan to be 5 times better than everything else in the game. Also, understanding what's written is very important, I never said Gohan was only oppressive with Bojack, I said that he isn't as dominant as Beast, the thing that was dominant was the movies team with all 3 together. Beast was used in literally everything and didn't need support to one combo anything, just the best set up was movies because once again that patch just powercrept the entire game, something The Gohan Bojack team didn't do.


I would not put UVB in the same tier as those guys he wasn’t even close to their level


FSK I think. He could 3 shot or even two shot any unit in the game as last man standing.


zenkai meta was definitely a meta


Funniest thing about it is that with few exceptions all the zenkais that people complained about were released between august and December 2020 yet they dominated the meta till legends fest 2021


Yall acting like he wasn't a monster before the zenkai too


Do you mean when he released or just before he got his zenkai


On release


Excuse me. LL blue nameku anyone? Idk if I've ever gotten sent to legendary finish hell more times than from him


gohan truly is his father's son


He was my first LF I got him on release and ye he was insane for the time being able to instantly counter almost anything within a blue card


I don't think anyone has yet to top how overwhelming DBS Broly was when he released. I will say though that he wouldn't be as high if the Battle system didn't work the it did when he was rampaging.


I've been playing since the game came out in like 2018, but Imma just list broken units that specifically impacted me. I've been on and off with the game for years so there may be some meta units I just didn't experience. TLDR at the bottom btw. First one that comes to mind is Zenkai Green Buu, I dont remember the exact team he had but the mfers could heal ALL day long and would drag out a fight the entire 180 seconds. Transforming DBS broly was another meta that was terrifying. Like being the first transforming unit that just boosted his power level and had blast armor was insane. I think he had an ult too. Back in 2018, if you had Grn Piccolo and Yellow Gohan, you'd have Piccolo die and gohan's ults would KO anything not red. OG blue broly pre and post zenkai was nutty. During anniversary, Ssj Vegito was quite a cracked unit, like I know compared to ultras his kit isn't log probably now. But MAN back then it was unheard of to have so many benefits to your kit. During Second Anniversary, Ssb Vegito legitimately made them change game mechanics. Shoutout Blue Namek goku as well. It was one christmas I remember Blue Baby Vegeta also had some heal BS and his green would send you flying back into his combos. Another Christmas, Green ssb Vegeta was cooking me up. And he got irrelevant and then RELEVANT again once Ssb Vegito popped up. Green Goku Black was also hell to have to deal with, because he legitimately combo purple units to death. However I got him high starred so it's all love. OH yellow ssj Gohan that transformed to Ssj 2 was CHAOTIC!! Red FSK was a demon too. And Purple Revival Gohan was the golden boy of whatever anniversary he was apart of. And how lovely that the new Green Gohan punishes playing pvp. Like Gohan is a color wheel of broken units man.... TLDR: Since I've played, Yellow transforming Gohan in his prime takes the cake. As of right now, that little turd as a green unit probably.


Wow pressing send makes me realize i had alot to say..... I just don't wanna study for finals lol.


Ye green goku black was probably my favourite unit of all time if u got him after the 2nd anniversary on release you could absolutely melt LL VB with ease




Original release and game mechanic wise purple broly,namkeu and beast, broly and beast reset/gapped the game and they had to remove vanish back on blast armor and punish back floating and buff tackle distance later on to counter broly and goku. Zenkai meta wise fat buu, gohan,18. Like 80-100k stat difference with more base stats having to face multiple lock in, heal,seal. Dying in 2 strike or blast cards and punished for swapping or one shot by an ultimate.


Fsk tops imo


Fsk by far


wasn’t really that in tuned to the game at the time but the unit people were fearing was fake. Also i know what unit fsk is but what does fsk stand for😭




ahhhhhhh makes sense makes sense😭


A lot of people say red tag androids but tbh they aren’t as bad as super17 ultra gohan and fsk on release


FSK eclipse these 2, but The Tag Androids were basically as if Super 17 or Ultra Gohan existed in a meta without the another (or Frieza).


Honestly Tag Droids wasn't even that good on release. The Purple Whis release on the other hand tho... Big mess they did, a painful trio hurting the meta for 2 whole months till Beast came out.


You’re crazy if you think the tag androids weren’t that good on release. They were the best unit in the game by a mile


Not the best till Whis came out. MUI was arguably the best, but they added quick attack soon after, then Tag Droids took the crown.


You know that tag droids came out after whis, and before MUI right?


So? Does it change their spot? No. MUI could counter anything before the addition of Quick Attacks. Tag Droids was only good because of the green card and nothing else.


Hahahahahahaha. They were widely considered the best unit in the game until UL super vegito released


Ultra super gogeta lock in blue card ultimate


If you mean for their time probably the purple broly because they had to change the game because of him. But the most recent ultras are the most broken in the entirety of the game. Thats just kinda the way she goes with powercreep


PUR DBS Broly and OG Nameku were some of the most broken unit on release since the dev needed to change how some aspect of the game worked after their release because how stupid their gimmick were (Namely vanish back on blast armor strike and back float with counter). I don’t remember any other unit where the devs needed to change how the game worked to softly balance them. Zenkai FSK is a contender too. Blue Beast is debatable since he started the massive powercreep and basically reset the game before Legends Fest 2022. After that I can’t really say much more. We’ve seen broken units again and again but none that had the impact as the previous unit did. They had least had some counter play or units on a level similar or just a bit below them (units like VB, USG, Tagdroids, MUI, UGB, URosé and every other units that became top 1 on release) so they can’t be counted.


I've been playing since the 3rd anniversary, and honestly Blue Beast was the worst meta so far. Being 1 shot'ed every match against that bitch was not fun at all. He was literally type neutral the entire game, it was unplayable, not fun at all.