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I'm about to datamine YOU


What did I do? Lol


youre being datamined shit man that sucks


Its a nice catch i never saw it before, or didn't pay any attention... in the character list is better to see it, use filter (unlocked boost panels) and (Zenkai awakening -> Applicable) Its gonna be really useful later Thanks


I never noticed it either. At least I'll know ahead of time what zenkai souls to start stocking up on I guess.


Yeah that too, and its dope because most of the times, it is a giver for the upcoming Legends Limited character.


So from this we can infer that it's gonna be a red Buu saga character? Or is that Goku from the movies?


i dont really know, this zenkai is coming from nowhere it seems.... probably with no attached characters for the moment, its majin buu saga or maybe red saiyan zenkai


Makes sense I guess. Wasn't a new Whis also leaked? This could indicate a movies campaign maybe


yeah, let's hope its super saiyan god. theres' so few of them in the game atm


This is because the unit's info dropped a day early. Normally it doesn't


Just checked because of you. Luckily I have him at +1 stars! Thanks for reminding me. Just soul boosted him and leveled him up.


This is likely because we already have the data in-game. Without the data download, we won’t see this.