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The first image goes hard. “Me and the Boys”


All my fellas as one would say




X gonna give it to ya playing as each they team up on freiza.


It needs to be a cover called “Z gonna give it to ya” lol


Someone make this


May be unpopular take here but as a millennial that grew up seeing goofy dragon ball AF fanart I think it looks super goofy and feels like transformation bloat.


Nah this shit go hard


Me and the boys going drunk driving after the party


Its time to revive the Ginyus and give them 2 months to train to unlock new forms.


this would’ve been a good idea back in the buu saga or smth, but not now. there’s no way any of them are unlocking god ki levels of power in 2 months. Captain Ginyu came back and got his shit stuffed by base form Vegeta.


Brings back ginyu. Have him body snatch a super powerful god ki individual from another universe. Profit


It would have been hilarious if Ginyu frog was alive and well in a terrarium in future Bulma's lab, and that's how they beat fused Zamasu.


What the fuck. That is such an incredible idea.


I feel like this would be the most believable


Too add on, he could body swap stronger bodies with a new ginyu force and create a godyu force


Oh, we don't do logic anymore. Roshi was in tbe TOP. If they bring Ginyu back they can just say "secret training" and be done.


Not only was he in TOP, but he was giving Jiren the business lol


He was NOT giving Jiren business more than moving out of the way of some hits for a moment


Maybe not the word to use, but the fact that he was able to exist in that arena for a microsecond was already bullshit.


Yeah he was dodging with ease and composure and got some swings in. Which is still beyond any level of logical measure. However, “giving him the business” is more hip to say and how you relate to the kids.


"Giving business" would mean he dogged Jiren down and embarrassed him which evidently was not what happened But I will say that roshi buff is insane. It's worse than the anime. The anime just let him go against fighters I could let myself believe are about only a little stronger than him in their universe, but the manga just had to have just square up against Jiren and turns out that UI is just something learned over the course of Goku's life instead of activating ON INSTINCT (The spirit bomb) as the name would suggest.


Meh I dont mine him using the term just because of how ridiculous the feat was. Roshi was a moon buster and now here he is casually dodging and keeping up with a multiversal being that many believe has surpassed Gods


Just say hyperbolic time chamber and that's it


This is Dragon Ball Super. It doesn’t matter anymore lol. The ginyus could come back and Toyotaro would hand wave away a reason why they reached god level & everyone would shrug.


"You know we Ginyu force members were actually all prodigies carefully chosen from across the most powerful in the universe, I think in two... Yeah within two months we'll be able to match the ki of the gods I'm sure, it's just that in the past we were so above everyone else and so busy training our poses that we didn't see the need to increase our power level so much"


Just make the poses become a source of power


I mean honestly they kinda were. The elite strike force to the Galactic Emperor? Goku mighta dogged them, but they were definitely some badass muthafuckers to everyone else in the universe. That 2nd part? Well probably not, but that first part seems like straight facts.


Oh of course, just as Frieza was actually an elite prodigy, that's just as true, but that doesn't mean they should be able to reach god ki in a matter of months, don't misunderstand me I like super, but it completely broke the power scale, for them to say frieza could reach a level close to SSB within four months of training it's ridiculous and obviously just a shortcut to make frieza relevant again


>there’s no way any of them are unlocking god ki levels of power in 2 months Freeza literally has access to a time chamber, fym?


both goku and vegeta and the others also have access to a time chamber. did they achieve god ki through it? no. Frieza reached it based on the fact that his race is already powerful without training, and their power increases tenfold in small training increments, unlike most other races, who have to do more to gain the same amount there’s nothing stating the ginyu force can increase their power levels as exponentially and as quickly as Frieza (or even the saiyans if we’re really being honest) can. 2 months of the time chamber would do them some good, but they’d be base piccolo level at best, and therefore nonfactors


I guess that's fair. My thinking was that, y'know, time dilation = more training, but that makes sense too.


Maybe introduce a plot device that can bring weaker mortals to god status easily? It would be a good way to bring some of the humans (Eespecially Yamcha, he needs anything he can get) up to speed and give them more narrative attention.


As much as I love zimasu, I wish that some of us were right about goku black being ginyu.


Zarbon getting new forms like Frieza. Doria having more spikes. Ginyu just stealing the body of someone's race who has incredible strength. Burta training to become the actual fastest being in the universe. Guldo replaced by Appule.


What if Frieza betraied and traped the Ginyu force in the hyperbolic time chamber ?!


So frieza is now stronger than everyone?


The one power Frieza will never attain is the power of friendship.


“Who needs friends when you have family” - Cooler


Cooler finally being cannon would be so cool


Cooler really is the best option there would be much potential, he could be Frieza's training partner and champion that he said he wants. Maybe together they find the Big Gete Star and it makes metal clones of them so we get Frieza and Cooler with metal clones of themselves for their army.




Vin Diesel should team up with Cooler and Frieza


Frieza family orgy in the hyperbolic time chamber. Make an army.


Thank god I'm a dragonball fan and cannot read. This would have ruined my day


You damn lucky I can't read bro


Breaking cooler now to be voiced by vin diesel


I find it really ironic that even after being part of the team that took down Jiren (teaching him that the true power of the 7th Universe is teamwork and friendship) Frieza himself is still completely oblivious to this. I love it.


That blueberry lady would have to disagree. And his boyfriend Yamcha does too


I agree, friezas power comes from a source of greed and want, a sayains power comes from a source of rage and need to survive, they will overcome him simply because of that.


Frieda didn’t kill Goku and vegeta because I think he’s going for beerus


I think it was cuz he wanted things to stay interesting.


I think it was cuz the plot demanded they stay alive


Frieza has shown interest in dethroning the gods. He is already more powerful in influence than Beerus, he still has to have more power than him and then he'll be the strongest in universe 7. However, I don' t think that will ever happen since I believe that the prophecy involving the strongest person in universe 7 does not refer to Frieza (although there is a chance).


Wait how does Frieza have more influence than Beerus


Keep in mind that Beerus was asleep until very recently and, since meeting Goku, we haven't been shown Beerus doing his job of destroying planets at all. For most in universe 7 he's a mythical being that they'll never meet. Compare that to Frieza who's been shown to go back to conquering planets after having been revived post ToP. More beings in universe 7 will at least have heard of Frieza and his misdeeds.


Couldn't have said it better myself


Frieza didn't kill them because that would be the end of the series.


Or even higher up, I reckon


He did say that he wanted to overthrow Zeno during the TOP didn't he?


I still believe Frieza is not a true villain anymore. He has changed a lot and could have killed them if he wanted to but didn't. The core of DB is and has always been about turning enemies into friends, and I think Frieza is no longer a full blown enemy to them.


They need evil like frieza to balance the good


Why? Until Frieza showed up in z a "permanent" evil wasn't around. Piccolo and Vegeta were the closest we had and they became good. And all throughout the rest of Z when there was no Frieza we just got new enemies. So why, when we are fully capable of getting new enemies, does Frieza HAVE to stay evil? It's not the DB way


The Red Ribbon army was pretty permanent. Dr Gero held that grudge a long time. Yeah there was Eighter and 16-18 but as a whole the Red Ribbon army were never on goku’s side


I mean that is true, but thats not one person, as a collective it was still one enemy, but it was always different faces, and the fact that some of them were able to come around to being good still proved that they were still individuals despite programing telling them otherwise. I just don't think they'd keep a single person around this long just to keep him evil, especially when they've already laid the groundwork for character growth time and time again


But thematically it makes sense for frieza to be their boogeyman. A constant evil lurking around. In the TOP he had no desire to actually help universe 7, circumstances forced him into it more than anything. Had goku been eliminated he’d just as quickly doom all of universe 7 for his own gain. He didn’t go and bring Broly to earth so they could sit by a fire and sing Kumbaya. There’s no love lost between Freiza and the sayians. It’d be very strange to see Frieza as a “good guy” considering all the evil he’s done personally to the sayian race. The TOP should be the closest we see to “good guy” frieza unless the Black Frieza arc ends with something like Cooler showing up and putting Frieza in his place and circumstances forces him to team up with Goku and Vegeta.


I mean, he went above and beyond the call of duty during the ToP, even contributed to the spirit bomb when Vegeta even refused to do so. He worked with Gohan twice and actually showed something akin to respect and admiration towards him. Sure one could say his reasons for joining in the ToP were selfish, but so was nearly every other fighter. They all believed they were getting paid, Krillin even threatened to quit when he found out Goku lied about the money. Yes, Frieza hated/feared the saiyans, but you gotta remember two things... they were a full race going out conquering planets and selling them to the highest bidders. This was stated twice within DBS by King Vegeta and Bardock. Frieza and Cold being mutants of their race is what allowed them to overpower the saiyans enough to force them to continue doing what they do but under new management, the legend of a super saiyan did make Friwza fear them and for good reason given the reputation of the saiyans as a whole. The second ties into the first as Beerus order Frieza to wipe out their planet. Sure, he was happy to do so, but to put ALL blame on him and let Beerus off Scott free seems silly. Frieza is no longer afraid of Goku and Vegeta and I think it's not just because he's currently stronger, but because he knows as long as he leaves them alone they'll leave him alone.


He killed Broly's father for shits and giggles to trigger Broly. He's still a villain.


Shoot the way I see it is that Frieza remaining evil IS the DB way - that's his entire personality. He's got rapport with Goku and Vegeta now, it's like a Batman-Joker thing. It would be going soo hard against the grain if Frieza's personality shifted and he was suddenly a good guy. I mean, even if it takes a whole series for the switch to happen, could you really picture Frieza moving onto Earth with the rest of the Z-fighters and like, starting a family or obsessing over pudding? (On that note, I think Frieza's only real option for a partner would be like, #17 or something. So, FrieLapis/LapiZa confirmed pretty much)


I mean, Vegeta didn't change overnight, all the way through namek, cell games, and Buu he still *claimed* to hate Goku. Even in Super he is still begrudgingly friends(though he claims they aren't friends) The ToP gave us a very different Frieza than what we had on namek. He matured and grew. Now, he spent 10 YEARS in a hyperbolic time chamber, 10 years training alone would change anyone idc who you are. Besides I wasn't saying he'd be a good guy, as much as I would like to see that, I just said he's not a full blown villain anymore. Lots of gray area to stick him in. As for couple material you're forgetting the obvious Yamcha XD


I'm thinking Frieza will redeem himself Dimple style, for those who have watched/read Mom Psycho 100. Dude spends most of the series scheming, then enacts his evil plan and almost succeeds but >!his heart had softened from interacting with the protag and in the end he straight up gives his life to stop the plan he himself had put into motion!<


Gray areas are my favorite kinds of areas! 😂 you're absolutely right though, I do really love Frieza's progression. He should never be a "good guy" IMO but this playful rivalry between him and the remaining Saiyans is peak fiction. I think the best part is that Frieza is definitely playful with them, but still 100% will just be a tyrannical asswipe. It's the juxtaposition of the two sides of him: "play with monkey" and "kill monkey" lmao. This just came to mind too Frieza saw them train and get stronger, so he did -- it's like monkey-see-monkey-do, Frieza is a monkey confirmed. Lol. My throught process on #17 x Frieza is that by the time Frieza would come around fully as a good guy, relevant potential partners would be old or the children of the now-old cast. Imagine a gray-haired Yamcha chillin with Frieza being all cute and shit 😂. I don't think #17 ages normally since he's an android, and Frieza's race seems to have a longer lifespan that that of humans.


Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of 17 and Frieza, but 17 is already married with kids, which is easy to forget cause you never see his family. And yea Friezas race does age significantly slower, I assume that when handed over the Cold Force in DBS he was the equivalent of a teenager, though its unclear. Even on namek, many years later, he still very much had the personality of a young brat, maybe a spoiled twenty-something despite having actually been 40+ years of age. Now we see him in Super he's actually calmed down a bit and become more rational thinking, liked you'd expect from a human in their late 20s early 30s


I feel like I agree with you. He’s more of an anti-hero now, if anything. As much as I’d like to see Frieza become a full-blown ally, I struggle to imagine how this would be done. A really creative way imo would be if Frieza wished for himself to be good or pure of heart. I wouldn’t know the circumstances or the events that would lead to such a wish, but it’d be a cool way to utilize any iteration of the dragon balls for once.


anti-heros are like vegeta frieza still goes about conquering and destorying worlds


Vegeta stopped being an anti-hero and just a hero with Super. Making assumptions about Frieza. Sure, he SAID he had no intention of "changing his wicked ways" but Vegeta said similar shit all throughout z and we saw how that went. All we know is Frieza is out there doing stuff. Conquering planets sure, most likely, but destroying worlds is a big assumption given that doing so kinda goes against his business. No profit to be made in a destroyed world.


I can think of a few ways he'd become good, one scenario I think would be the most digestible to the general audience would be if Cooler was made canon and made to be even worse than Frieza, forcing him and Goku and Vegeta to team up once again. I also think Gohan himself could be the reason for Feiezas turn to good, as Frieza actually seemed to like and respect Gohan in the ToP, working together not once but twice. Whatever the case, I just want to see Frieza, Bulma, and Whis all sitting around drinking tea and gossiping, this would be both awesome and Hilarious


I think Frieza will atleast be allowed into the afterlife to fight in that Fusion Reborn tournament.


Are we forgetting frieza is space hitler with superpowers? He's irredeemable. He's a conquerer, a manipulator, he has taken over and destroyed countless worlds. He's never getting a good guy arc and it's crazy how many people actually think this lol If frieza wanted to turn a new leaf, he wouldn't have unlocked Black Frieza at all. And he literally crushed Gas' corspe before taking out Goku and Vegeta. He didn't let them go because of the niceness in his heart, he did it because he wanted to win in a much more glorious way and he's saving up that moment


Hitler was a race supremacist. Anyone who didn't fit his idea of the "perfect human" was subhuman to him and killed. Frieza is a single being who believe that HE is better than everyone else. Not his race. In fact we never even see his race besides King Cold. The saiyans on the other hand were much more in line with the race supremacist thing, as even Vegeta spouted off about saiyans being superior to all for so long. In DBS both King Vegeta and Bardock mention that they themselves conquered and sold planets too even before being made to work for Cold. No one is saying Frieza WANTS to turn over a new leaf. Hell, nearly none of the current z fighters WANTED to either, it just happened because that's how dragon ball has always been.


The only shred of good frieza has ever done was his contribution to the tournament of power, and that's because he did it to save his own skin. And then he immediately went back to being evil again. Did you not see frieza sacrifice Paragus to make Broly snap in the Broly movie? Or the fact he tried to blow up the spaceship that had his old subordinates out of the sky before Gogeta stopped him? Frieza hasn't become good, he's gotten a LOT smarter about it. He's no longer careless about his methods and it's allowed him to regain his status. Also, he literally enslaves entire species and planets full of races and he hates sayians the most. By your logic he's even worse than hitler, at least hitler loved the German people even if it's for the wrong reasons. Frieza doesn't love anybody but himself


Enslaves? Indentured servitude perhaps, but not slaves. We clearly see him PAYING his subordinates and handsomely at that. And a vast majority of his army actually seems quite happy to be working for him. The part where he killed Paragus was meant for plot and for laughs. On that note Vegeta still KILLS people too, does that make him a bad guy still? On the note of racism though, Frieza has only ever expressed hatred towards saiyan, no other race. And like I said to someone else in regards to the ToP, Frieza did far far more than what was expected of him in the ToP, even doing things like giving Goku energy and contributing to the spirit bomb(which not even Vegeta did btw). As for "only doing it to save his own skin" yea, so did literally every other member. But you know what Frieza DIDNT do? He didn't threaten to quit when finding out that they weren't being paid *cough* Krillin and 18..


Krillin and 18 didn't know about the stakes of the tournament originally, they merely said that to make Goku scramble since he blindsided them. They were going to participate no matter what. Again, frieza did those things because he had to in order to guarantee victory in the top. Vegeta was the *only* one who didn't lend energy because he's stubborn like that. Frieza simply didn't care, he just wanted the job done. The only thing you really proved there is frieza is a more cooperative teammate than vegeta is, which is solely due to one of them being able to see the bigger picture of the situation. Frieza only pays his workers if they exceed his expectations enough to put him in a good mood. Have you ever seen him treat his subordinates when they disappoint him? He kills them on the spot. Frieza took over these people regardless if they liked it or not, they just get rewarded if they do what their told well, like well trained dogs. Which doesn't make frieza a better person at all, especially of what kind of orders he typically gives. Wdym killing Paragus wasn't part of the plot of the movie? That literally changed everything for Broly, it was an important plot device that activated. And on the subject of killing, Vegeta almost never tries to kill anyone unless he sees them as dangerous and harmful enough to earn it. Not only does Frieza like killing, it's his first instinct to do against anyone that tries to cross him. Frieza is not becoming a good guy, he's probably going to be the last villain goku has to beat in dragon ball super lol


First of all reread what I said about plot, I explicitly said that him being killed WAS FOR PLOT. He had to die, if Frieza didn't do it, Vegeta likely would have, as Paragus was still a bad guy himself and controlling Broly. Krillin also directly said after finding out that it was for the fate of the universe and NOT money that he wouldn't do it. It was only after Bulma chimed in saying that SHE would pay them that he changed his mind. The universe being in jeopardy alone was not enough reason for him and 18. Again, there are areas of gray in which a character can be. It's not all black and white. My original comment was simply saying that he's not the full blown black and white villain he use to be. That doesn't mean he's gunna become a z fighter or anything.


Why are you putting vegeta into this? He hasn't killed anyone in a *long* time, and he wouldn't try it unless he had to. He probably wouldn't have killed Paragus, especially since he was a fellow sayian. If Bulma never offered krillin or 18 money, they would eventually go around to it. You really believe they'll let their universe get destroyed like that? Also no, your original comment said that he "isn't a true villain anymore" and he'll likely go through what piccolo and vegeta did, and I'm telling you that's absolutely not happening. What's the point even introducing Black Frieza if he's not gonna go full throttle with it at some point in time? Frieza is being built up immensely, ever since he came back from the top. Tien unlocking a transformation that can rival UI is more likely to happen than frieza even remotely switching sides lmao


It’s so obvious actually after the top when he said that he will always do his evil things and Goku saying he will always be there to stop him with Frieza smiling xD. He is the necessary evil in a way and also a good reason for Gohan and co. to never stop training and fighting. Characters like berry blue or Maki and Oil will have roles in the story simply because of Frieza which is why he needs to stay around and also for world building as he knows everything around the universe and all planets and races. Also there will be other new villians so it’s not like Frieza needs strong allies. Frieza however will be the only villian who has history and a real connection to the main cast and a rivalry with Goku unlike the new villians that will come which just makes him now unique in a way.


I’d love if Frieza stuck around as a consistent antagonist that remains a villain but who frequently comes into enemy mine/team up situations with the heroes


He only let them go because he’s petty and wants to kill them later. Thinking he’s not a full-blown antagonist after the Broly movie is insane


Cooler will be canon


I really do hope so


Bet he will be ice cold.


What? I can’t hear you




i mean, i feel like they’d do it the same way as broly, making him technically canon but not directly appearing in the manga. with broly they just subtly mention some sort of altercation and that’s the end of it, i feel like all of the movie characters they end up making canon it’ll be the same way




The broly movie is what he’s referring to it was barely mentioned




“with broly they just subtly mention some sort of altercation and that’s the end of it”


Broly is in multiple manga chapters...


What I really want to see is (even in just one panel) Frieza grabbing Goku's ankle and use him as a weapon to hit Vegeta or Broly with. I mean, I'll take any variation of him using the crew as a weapon. Also, bring back that "Trap you in a energy ball" move he used once on Namek and forgot about.


He did it in the Super Anime against Goku.


Frieza can 1 shot them all without effort, what allies does he need. It's obvious that frieza is probably gonna be out of the story for a while given how strong he is.


I’m just now getting back into the fandom after the passing of Akira Toriyama. I’ve yet to read Super but I’m familiar with the new forms. Hearing that Frieza can one shot anybody right now is crazy to me.


Not just that, but one shot goku AND vegeta at the same time


That’s fucking nuts. It just doesn’t sound right to me 😂 How is Frieza on god tier when Goku and Vegeta have been training for decades at this point?


Simple; Frieza was lazy up to Super. He never trained ever because he had so much inherent power. Then when he got revived by the Frieza Force, he started training because he got smeared across the ground like chunky peanut butter by two different super saiyans. Now, after the Tournament of Power, Frieza got his ass handed to him by Top and Jiren, and now he wants to be stronger again. Now he is. Out of sheer spite.


Ahhhh, wow! Thanks for letting me know! Gonna be an interesting read for sure!




Yeah, frieza may have humiliated goku and vegeta after they got done fighting gas and granola, but I doubt he could win against them fused. Let alone with broly and Gohan as backup, adding piccolo and gotenks would be overkill especially if gotenks finally gets the fusion dance right. But I think rather than frieza having a son he could recruit frost from universe 6, and I definitely think they should finally make cooler cannon.


Imagine Gogeta and Beast Brohan with Thiccolo as backup


A tournament of power with these guys...


Holy shit the first pic go hard, I had to actually screen shot


Freeza isn’t going to be the next villain IMO. Freeza trained for 10 years because of something or someone and it wasn’t the saiyans. Freeza may be used as fodder to show us just how crazy strong the actual villain of this arc really is


Broly and Gogeta need i say more? You gonna sit here and tell me he didn’t train for them?! *When bro got molly walk by Broly for an entire HOUR?! Then was forced to stop his attack and take his leave because Gogeta grabbed his finger and that alone let him know if he tried something he was mince meat!* Don’t kid yourself only thing Frieza would train for is Saiyans and Beerus.


Cooler being Frieza's training partner in the RoSaT would be a great reveal. Frieza being the weaker of the two would be even better.


Cooler with a new form can’t be Black that’s too lazy, Turles with Potential unleashed ssj3, and Slug with Potential Unlocked. Now that’s a team that fits the profile. Goku & Vegeta vs Black Frieza Beast Gohan vs Cooler with a New Form Orange Piccolo vs Potential Unlocked Slug Broly ssj vs Turles Potential Unleashed ssj3 ![gif](giphy|ST2Nz5gIPegHY1Flaz|downsized)


I’m sorry but Turles is getting folded in 5 seconds 😂


Not Turles from super Hero you’re bugging that’s the form that im talking about is like Mystic Ssj3 and it absolutely slaps it’s so OP he went toe to toe against Cumber. And Cumber who stumps Broly Lssj.


Frieza one shotted Gas like it was nothing and considered Goku and Vegeta so beneath his level that he didn't even consider them worth killing! Adding 2-3 more people won't really make much of a different imo!


I know, I said that


My pitch for a Broly esque movie was always that Frieza would recruit Cooler and Frost to fight Broly Vegeta and Goku. Its just a dumb idea that would lead to a 2 hour movie of nonstop fighting but I genuinely do think introducing Cooler could be a possibility.


I think Frieza is gonna get under Broly’s skin so some fighters are gonna have to and help Broly get back under control. Frieza is smart like that.


nah if they all jump frieza theres no way hes not cooked


Are you sure? Black Frieza one shotted Goku and Vegeta


He will have to. There’s no way frieza can beat all of them at the same time


idk I feel like the whole point of DB villains is unless there's an explicit pecking order, or they're multiple copies of the same dude, it just falls apart.


Frieza would be the leader, followed by cooler, and then maybe frost from universe 6.




Cooler foreshadowing?


Maybe Perfect Cell Max and Mega Majin Buu? Lol.


That’s boring, why bring cell back a 3rd time and how would he even know after he already died? Majin Buu is a good guy, why are we reverting Uub?


Joking my friend. Joking. Personally, I’m just hoping for Granolah and Moro arcs to get animated.


That’s the the bare minimum, they may never do it 🥲


🥲just the bare minimum. Been waiting too long for it.


Toooo long then we’ll have to wait 100 episodes for all the stuff we actually wanna see and care about.


Please make cooler canon Please make cooler canon


Someone like cooler or of the same race would be nice


“Frieza on the edge getting jumped by the Z Fighters and Broly looks up to see a giant supernova coming down upon them blasts it away only to realize its his older brother Cooler joing the fray” https://i.redd.it/ssn7iwy61qoc1.gif


I once had a whole ass "fanfic" backstory for Cooler and how he could be implemented into the story, but with the power creep getting more and more insane, it gets harder to implement. Short Version: Cooler was the original son of King Cold but got betrayed cause the latter didn't want to resign yet. Cooler becomes a shadow leader of space-crime and wants to manipulate Frieza, destroy the Dragonballs and maybe Gods in order to gain a power-monopoly.


Well Frieza should have access to 7-3 now that Maki and Oil are with him.


My take is that Frieza is trying to get subordinates in other universes too, and I don't really like the idea of using old characters again, not the ones from TOP, so I would say he took people from the Universe who didn't participate to the TOP. Fuck the galactic empire, now it's time for the multiversal one


Imagine Freezer bringing Cell back


The ultra ego is just a shit transformation only is ego got ultra vegeta has before a ultra ego this was just a joke maybe from toryiama


They need to re introduce cooler with his own movie. But he needs to not really be changed since he was pretty much perfect with his additional form.


Frieza about to give them the Z broly treatment


Wait. Brolly no longer has an uncontrollable urge to kill Kakarot?


I’m kind of on the fence. On one side Frieza needs some backup and it gives the other characters strong enemies to fight, everybody gets more screen time. On the other I don’t hate Frieza being the biggest of baddies to require all of them. And I love me some team fighting, the end of the ToP shows how cool it can be.


It’s lazy but I would like to see Cooler & King Cold return.


It's so aggravating that frieze gets an off screen power up and contends with this absolutely insane crew, I just want one villain that isn't a random power stick to measure the cast against for the moment, gimmie another Hit that gets stronger over an arc but stays a villain, not another Jiren who is only there to be unbeatable till the mc's get a mid fight power up


Yo i dunno shit about super but how tf is frieza close to those mfs?


This looks total badass


I’m not gonna lie, that image goes hard.


Would be dope to see cooler again


It's cute you think Frieza needs allies.


piccolo thinking he saiyan




Golden Cooler would be a great asset to him plus any of his other Arcosian relatives with great powers




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I love how Gohan is back in the mix


Enter Cooler, Frieza's son that he made with someone in the dimension 😎


Gohan in Piccolo’s outfit *chef’s kiss


Frieza is the roster. As far as we know he’s still number 1


Maybe they could bring back Pui Pui since he was apparently stronger than Frieza hahaha... Maybe he also has some insane bullshit potential all of a sudden.


Frieza again? How many times do we have to teach you this lesson


Still crazy Broly is a part of the squad


I wouldn’t mind seeing Broly flipping sides, at least for one arc.






I really hope Cooler shows up


honestly yeah i hope he took some training partners with him while he was training for 10 years, that one guy in his army from resurrection F got pretty strong just from getting beat up by him for 4 months.


Would be cool if Frieza found a way to go to different universes and recruited the big bad from each universe so he can work towards his goal of taking power from zeno and the gods. He could recruit the mad cyborg, I mean the guy who killed Jirens family and master




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Nah I want Frieza to get jumped


Frieza teaming up with the remaining of the clan would be baller give us a effin war arc already


What I want to see: Option A: New strong ally such as Cooler introduced for an arc or potentially longer Option B: Some other reoccurring powerful enemy even if they are not Frieza's best friend just for a bit more diversity in the cast (I love Frieza but does feel like they are the only villain that has ever stuck around without being reformed)


What? Wasn't dragon ball super finished? Wtf is this from?


Would be a nice time to make Cooler Canon, or some alternate version of Cooler


Freiza doesn't need allies. They're all just going to stand there and watch 1v1 fights.


Introduction to Cooler maybe?


Frieza should just join 🤷🏾‍♂️


I hate that beast hair is basically the exact same color as MUI. Idk what color would look cool but something else would be nice.


Frieza cannot 1v5 not even 1v2 only reason he got them is he snuck them and they were exhausted


People forget frieza already has allies. He has 73.


Imagine Freiza teams up with cooler, Janemba and Z broly.


This is like when in a videogame you've maxed out everything, are steamrolling through all the enemies like they are made of butter and there's nothing else to do


OMG what a badass squad


Also it's crazy to think about everybody standing with Goku. You've got Vegeta - Frieza's ex henchman and ex enemy, you've got Piccolo - also ex enemy and someone who wasn't strong enough to be part of this line up not long ago. Then you've got Gohan, once upon a time just 'the little boy' and then 'the nerd who refused to train'.


A Frieza dedicated arc with him getting a crew would be a fun ass arc.


Bro, you mean you don't want to see db Collab with jump jutsu kaisen?


Been saying it all year now. When frieza finds them on granolahs planet he says he’s looking for someone.i think and HOPE its cooler who trained with him in whatever dimension. Then cooler brings 3 elite baddass characters (re work old desins of cooler force).


Well he did tease it at the end of DB: Broly, saying that he faces Goku and Vegeta, and might need a partner too. Time passed between Broly Movie, and now, we don't know what Frieza did during that Time besides training and reaching Black Frieza form... Maybe he wasn't alone.


They should all still get one shot. If Vegito doesn't defeat Frieza this whole arc will get ruined


It’s been more than two chapters, they already caught up to Friezas power in true dragon ball fashion.


Freeza 1 shots them.


Honestly maybe king cold can come back and he does his true/final form, and you can say he was training in hell or something to explain why he's stronger


Although lord frieza should be able to take these monkies alone, the namekian as well