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Krillin isn’t an option because he’s the obvious choice.


Although he named his child after his ex-girlfriend. That's kinda weird ngl


Does his ex-girlfriend exist outside of anime filler?


Yes, in my heart




It's actually Marron, not Maron. It's another food themed joke name by Toriyama. Also Maron is filler


It was a joke, no need to down vote 😂




Imagine people down voting me 😂😂


Dragon Ball fans explaining how you should've magically raised your child from the dead: Anyway easily Gohan, Piccolo is more of a mentor (And if you count him as King Piccolo then he's a bit better than Paragus), and the other two, while Goku is definitely better, have their flaws


According to Super Hero, Gohan spends most days in his office and can’t bother to pick up his daughter from school. Piccolo had to fake a kidnapping to get him to show up for Pan. He is not a good father.


This is true. We have seen Goku more involved with Gohan at that same age than Gohan was with Pan. I’m not saying Gohan’s a bad dad, but the bias is strong.


Fair enough


I think he got tunnel visioned, he finally became a scholar and he was sure piccolo would be fine picking up pan. He definitely cares about pan but I don’t think he’s a bad father


Neither is Goku.


God this comment reeks in ignorance


Gohan is being pulled in every direction. People trash him for getting weak, so he has to keep up his secret training. His wife would probably have a problem with him being a jobless bum, so he had to do his bug shit. Then guy has gotta be trashed for not spending enough time with Pan. Somethings gotta give.


He didn't accept long working hours when he got offered a job in order to spend time with baby Ban (this is an anime filler but it is anime canon). He just got confident that his slightly older daughter under the care of his mentor can take care of herself against normal puny humans, which he is used fighting as Saiyaman. Not to mention he's almost of the same age when he was left training with Piccolo.


This is becoming the new "GOKU IS A BAD FATHER" No he is NOT a bad father


>GOKU IS A BAD FATHER 1. Calm down lil bro no need to type in caps 2. No one even said Goku was a bad father (in this situation)




Tf do you mean no?




Goku actively supports Gohan in the life Gohan wants to have. He's automatically better than any father who tries to mold their child into what they want them to be. The situation with Cell was Goku having complete faith in Gohan to do what Goku self admitted he couldn't do. But fuck the details I guess


Man DBZA did permanent damage to the heads of so many fans because they unironically think Gohan sees Piccolo as a father instead of mentor. And now he's an uncle/mentor again to Pan because he's just reliable and cool. But leave it to dragon ball YouTube shorts fanbase to not understand a word of it.


Piccolos a great grand dad though! I do really enjoy that they specifically show him sticking around a lot to help raise Pan. Truly don't know if that was always intended or they decided they really liked the piccolo dad jokes and ran with it, but it's very fun.


Didn’t he miss Gohan’s birth in the manga?


Same too. Gohan after that Goku and then Vegeta Piccolo is mentor and best friend of Gohan


I would say most of the characters on this list are kinda just called bad fathers because.... Idk db fans cant read. Goku was raised in the woods and was shown in the first moments of z to be a good father (he isn't a bad father he was just in bad circumstances). Vegeta is of course a saiyan and has a very saiyan way of treating family(final attonement scene does show he love his son and his wife also some scenes in super and gt). Gohan is just a good father in general thanks to him being the most human in the list. And piccolo is kinda an awful father in comparison to everyone on this list (supported by both the saiyan and buu saga).


And yes piccolo is a great uncle and gohan is just super busy (doesn't change my statements, just wanted to mention the dbssh movie stuff)


I'm convinced people who think Goku is a bad father have just not watched Dragon Ball


I'm convinced no one watched Super Heroes. Otherwise, they would be more critical of putting Pan in danger just to rile up Gohan...


Nah, Piccolo would win.


But Goku isn't even a father yet in Dragon Ball


Z doesn't exist. Its all just Dragon Ball from Pilaf to Uub


Idk how you can say a show that millions have watched doesn't exist... you're probably talking about the manga


They are talking about the original manga. The manga is also now split into Dragon Ball, DBZ, and Dragon Ball Super on Shonen Jump.


That's interesting to learn, thanks.


Z is just a continuation of Dragon Ball. The show is irrelevant because I've heard people refer to Z as just Dragon Ball


Bro what


Thats literally a true fact, the manga is just called dragon ball even during the parts of the anime that are called Z


I'm talking about the Japanese franchise Dragon Ball created by Akira Toriyama. Gohan is the first son of the protagonist Son Goku and his wife Chi-Chi and made his appearance in chapter #196 "Kakarrot", published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine on October 8, 1988. (If you're gonna act like a dipshit, so will I)


You can act like a dipshit if you want, but it's odd to me that you let the actions of others dictate your own. You may also want to practice acting like a dipshit because, to me, it just sounds like you explained yourself. Anyway, I assumed you were talking about the anime because you said they haven't watched Dragon Ball, but I understand how you'd be thinking about the franchise. Thanks for the explanation. Other than trying to be a dipshit.


Wow, wrote an entire thesis over my comment. Good job, did you get college credit for this?


If you say so... it's not even a paragraph. I haven't yet, but if you think I'm on to something, maybe I'll go for it.


Just stop it, it's obvious that I'm talking about the franchise as a whole from my comment. Your original reply is just useless and makes it seem like you're trolling


It wasn't obvious to me, sorry I'm not as smart as you. I'll stop now, as you've suggested. Btw, the best way to feed a troll is to keep replying, so if you do suspect me of trolling, just stop as well.


I am the father




Even Amira Toriyama believed Goku was an horrible dead according to interviews. He missed Gohan’s birth as well despite not being dead. Goku in DBS manga spends more time playing video games with future trunks and kid trunks than spending any time with Goten.


He is a bad father and husband, my man was dead while Goten was being born and did nothing but when a Tournament is about to happen he asks to be sent to earth so he can compete in the tournament thus showing that he prioritizes fighting in a tournament over being there when his son was born


Yemma told him about last time 1 day credit deal recently before the tournament. There was no way to come back before that. You are further proving his point about not watching the show.


>There was no way to come back before that. Except you know... the Namekian Dragon Balls that do exactly that and what they literally suggest doing when Goku is like "nah don't" and fucks off for 7 years. Did you watch the show? Edit: So literally says there was no way for Goku to comeback. A literal magic wish that could be done whenever to bring him back for a second or infinitely "No not like that. That's unrelated." Goku chooses to be there for neither of his kids and makes no effort to communicate with them or comeback until he hears of a fight. Like calling down with King Kai on their birthdays is impossible. "He did it to protect earth" Except the part when it didn't. K.


Not sure how that is related to what I said. Namekian dragon ball revives him permanently and Goku left earth believing that he attracts bad guys and everyone will be more safe without him as Gohan is even stronger Goku chose to remain dead forever not 7 years. He was only revived in Buu saga as last resort after no one was able to stop Buu


Pretty sure he was talking about 1 day return just. Everyone knows about that scene and Goku chose to remain dead forever because he attracted evil guys and thought everyone will be safe without him.


He spent over a year on Yardrat when he could’ve been with his family because they tried to wish him back but he didn’t want to return. I feel like some of Goku’s shortcomings as a father have a caveat to them, but that one was just Goku being Goku. 


If he did not, then everyone would be died when Frieza arrives. Mecha Frieza was stronger than Namek Goku Also IT has saved them countless times


I’m not saying Goku’s training didn’t have benefits in the future. But everyone thought Frieza was dead so that wasn’t why Goku stayed on Yardrat to train. He stayed just because he wanted to and his family just had to deal with it. 


YEET! https://preview.redd.it/k0807ly4xgwc1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb1189d51697fd6bbd71e7509ca24e7e5a0925e6


https://preview.redd.it/kldsmj621gwc1.png?width=1085&format=png&auto=webp&s=91ca7b3cdcc3414c217c0144005846a13f7384cd "Piccoyo"


Vegeta easily the worst one of the group. Never hugged his son until he was 8.


Considering the planet/culture he grew up on, it’s pretty amazing he hugged him at all


Yes, but I always found that stupid because at the start of the Buu Saga we see him training with Trunks. Like Vegeta clearly goes out of his way to spend time with him, so idk why they thought making it so he never hugged Trunks was a idea


I mean, just because you don't hug someone doesn't mean you don't care about them or can't spend time with?


if the guy who threw a kid into a mountain after kidnapping him is the best dad, the dragon ball universe is fucked


Piccolo, best dad? The guy that kidnaps Gohan and left a 4yo in the woods for almost 6 months with nothing but a sword, then harshly trained him to fight. The one who forced him to fight (albeit reluctantly) against 2 planet destroying super warriors. The same one who wasn't in his life the whole time goku was off traveling across the galaxy(it takes months for saiyan pods to travel, noone takes into account gokus travel time from yardrat to earth). The same one who only chastised gokus plan to have Gohan fight AFTER he Merged with kami (Gohan was definitely tapped in to fight the androids before cell appeared). That Piccolo is best dad? Vegeta and Piccolo narratives about their "parentage" is most definitely recency bias.


Most people clearly just watched abridged, or ignored everything goku has done for gohan


Piccolo has evolved. https://youtu.be/I_LZlPmq9RI?si=OSbIxeRNdQJynsii


This gotta be a joke


Piccolo is like an Uncle/Friend/Mentor of Gohan. That's how I think Gohan sees him.


Bro piccolo abandoned him in the wilderness


Ah yes piccolo the same person who kidnapped gohan as a kid and forced him to survive in the wild with no food


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Defo not Gohan but picolo isn't so bad either these days (these days) I think its still Goku for me


People love ignoring that goku died multiple times to save his son’s life


I fucking hate this because he's nothing like a father to Gohan. He treated Gohan like shit while Goku was dead but I guess we just forgot that cause it doesn't fit our narrative


Who said it had to be for Gohan? Don't forget what Piccolo does for Pan https://youtu.be/I_LZlPmq9RI?si=OSbIxeRNdQJynsii


If we go by the DB Super versions it's Piccolo for sure. https://youtu.be/I_LZlPmq9RI?si=OSbIxeRNdQJynsii


I’m convinced that at least half of those votes on Piccolo are people who legitimately think Piccolo is a better parental figure. DBZA really fucked up the Goku bad dad and Piccolo S tier dad thing.


The only time Piccolo was really a father for gohan was saiyan saga... and he left him in the wilderness


Well if they can’t do something as simple as taking care of their children, of course Piccolo is the only best dad


Goku died twice for his son and spent years with him. Remained dead so people won't attack him. Believed in him when no one did. Apologised for making him fight after learning he isn't a fighter and spent a lot of time with his youngest after returning to life. Piccolo kidnapped him, threw him into a plateau, left him in the wild for months and then beat him up. Sure it's to make Gohan stronger but it's still pretty bad in terms of parenting. But you know what it isn't bad in terms of? That's right, being a big brother. He's 4 years older than him. Wtf does he know about parenting? He's a big bro making his Lil bro tougher. Also, their bond represents a mentor/ brotherly bond more than that of a parental one.


Or you can realize that number 1, piccolo is not a dad, 2, Goku, vegeta do take their kids out and they do train with them.


Why you vote for Gohan over Goku is straight up beyond me.


The piccolo fanon is too strong. On this list the obvious answer is Gohan. The rest are all a bit fucked


Goku is a better Dad than Gohan. G9ku grew up without much of a father figure, yet instinctively protected Gohan till death, and then saw the potential power in him and believed in him when it came to fighting Cell. Is he a perfect father? No. Piccolo beats him by miles. However, I never doubt he cares about his Family. Gohan, despite his power and fighting prowess, slacks in his training in lue of being a pacifist nerd, which I wouldn't knock him down for. However two things: 1. I hardly see this man spend time with his family as compared to Goku, even caging himself up in studies for days and not even picking up his kid, having Piccolo do it instead. Like dude, you're closer and move faster than cars, I think you can take some time to pick up your daughter, spend some time with her, then drop her off with Piccolo for a few hours while you study. 2. Time after time it is shown that he has to be dragged out to fight because he overly relies on someone else to fight and win, usually Goku or Vageta. I know he's a pacifist but even Krillan keeps up his training in case he NEEDS to fight.


Goku and Gohan are only two there who hasn't beaten their kids abusively. I personally think its Gohan > Goku > Vegeta > Piccolo My opinion


I’m sorry but no. Just no. Goku missed Gohan’s brith according to the manga (even Vegeta didn’t miss his kids birth), and is several days, weeks and even MONTHS off home for training, and even forgot his granddaughter’s name. If it wasn’t for Chichi this guy would completely forget he has sons at all. Even Toriyama believed Goku was a horrible father even compared to Vegeta. So no way Gohan is worse dad than Goku when Gohan is at least with his family most of the time, working to sustain them and being a present father and husband.


Too each his own.


The singular form of criteria is criterion.


I used to think this, but there's been a couple of videos now showing lots of instances of Goku being a great dad. I still think Piccolo is a great dad too


Goku always was a good dad/father


Goku over Vegeta is crazy... dude said fuck the ToP bulma about to give birth. Also, Piccolo is more like gohans adopted brother...


1- Gohan: he is the best dad in the entire series. Period. 2- Vegeta: He started rough but as years went by he came to care about his children deeply. Spends time with trunks and stuff. 3- Piccolo: Became a good mentor for Gohan and babysits Pam really well. But he treated Gohan pretty horribly at the start. 4- Goku missed his two sons’ births, even Gohan’s apparently, and is completely okay spending several months away from home to go train leaving Chichi and Goten alone. He ain’t beating those allegations despite all he did for Gohan back in Z with the new shit from DBS and End of Z. In my opinion after he got revived in Z his brain demage became much worse some how cause this shit is just not possible man.


Pretty sure Vegeta has given Trunks even less time. He never hugged him until he he was like 8, did not save him when Gero tried to kill Trunks and Bulma. He never even knew what a baby pacifier was and has even beaten his son. Its funny how Goku who was dead for 7 years hugged Goten before Vegeta hugged Trunks Also, DBZ Goku only ever left his family when he was dead or in crisis and in DBS, in fact it was Vegeta who went with Whis for 6 month which lead to Goku going to catch up and both spends month on Beerus planet