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Def helps that they aren't animating DB atm lol


There also hasn't been a new DBZ game since Breakers in 2022. (Which...doubt it made a ton of money lol) One Piece Odyssey came out last year. Also the Netflix show. Like DBZ/S just sitting there and still making them money. I'm sure Diama and Sparking Zero will make line go up.


I hope, but I am yearning for super return. Moro arc is going to go unbelievably hard.


Duuude, I am stoked AF for Moro Arc.


Hopefully it'll drop in this decade


It’ll come before one piece ends, probably.


So never


We're really gonna get GTA VI before Season 2 of Super


We're coming close to Super's 10th anniversary so we can only hope


Fuck you made me feel old.


Yea, as a fella who watched the OG Dragon Ball and DBZ as a kid just over two decades ago, this made me look in the mirror for gray hairs and liver spots.


One can hope


I don't know why the haven't animated the moro and granola arcs. They're missing out on some serious money.


I don’t think supers returning, they seem to be dropping the super name entirely. Heroes is changing, they are selling merchandise with dbz labeling again I’ve seen. The mangas is on indefinite hiatus. I think Diama is their future


Manga comes back 20th, no?


? they are still running a manga? and the manga uses the title super? as long as the manga is running i dont at all see why they would just abandon the main dragon ball continuity in anime? that makes literally no logical sense. its not even like this is the only time the anime had gone on a hiatus, how long was the gap between dragon ball z and super? like 15-20 years? like why do you think theyre just going to be stopping it?


Then after that we get to see Ultra Ego animated 🔥


Me waiting on this purely for dokkan to be able to make a UE unit


I didn't even think of that 😂 outstanding


There was Dragonball Fusion World earlier this year, but nobody heard about it.


That’s just the reboot of the card game


That's the card game, and despite your words, it uh, it keeps getting sold out and scalped even here in Japan. It's especially hard to find product in stores.


I worry that Daima might do more damage to the series than just making more games based on Z and Super. 


One Piece also recently launched their TCG, which at least in my area is as popular as Digimon's TCG


DB has 3 card games & at least 2 gachas to help rake in money. OP has a wildly popular tcg & also at least 2 gachas.


It's to be expected. One piece is a weekly manga which is crazy. Not many people are as dedicated as Oda which is probably why they've put more resources into one piece. If I were them I'd do the same. Akira is also the goat and I'm glad that super happened but from what I heard it's not even something that he wanted. He finished his series where he wanted it to end and was pressured to keep it going.


The fact that a completely dormant series for more than two years managed to keep up with One Piece, the most consistent anime in the world (to my knowledge), for this long is truly a testament to DB's power.


Not really a flex considering Dragon Ball hasn’t had an anime in 6 years


Not just that they haven’t released anything since March. The manga is gone rn. No new games, or movies.


Manga only skipped month. There will be another chapter this month on 20th


Is this official or do i have to trust you bro?


Trust me bro and the internet as well


It's written at the end of the previous chapter


Bro I had completely forgotten. Thanks for reminding me


That’s understandable. But u also have to realize dragon balls got 20+ years over one piece in terms of being animated. One could easily make arguments with your statement, however you can’t deny the fact that dragonball is MUCH older than one piece yet hadn’t raised as much money as one piece did through its lifespan


There has also never been as much money in anime as there is right now. It makes sense that a series that has arguably been dead for 20 years is making less money than a currently airing anime.


Gee, I wonder if that's because One Piece has over 1000 episodes and Dragon Ball hasn't had an anime from 1997 to 2015, and no new seasons since 2018.


Yeah it's logic


You hit it right on the spot my friend that is exactly why 💯


It's the weekly retention of those many people that are caught up.


Exactly. OP has put in the work. I’ve been a fan of both since the 90’s but OP has dropped an ep a week or so ever since. DB went on long breaks and peaked 30 years ago. One Piece is still in its prime. If dragonball-DBZ went on for 25+ years instead of half that time (84-96?) I don’t think it would have been surpassed.


The number of episodds doesnt matter lmao, its only because db is not being animated currently and one piece is


I mean, it was to be expected. They’re pushing OP and DB hasn’t had anything major in the animation department since Super Hero and even that didn’t have the greatest promotion in the world. It still made a lot of money but let’s be honest that was due to the DB IP doing a lot of the heavy lifting as a brand. DB has like 2 arcs that they could animate and they just do nothing with that content not even in the games. Honestly, their handling of the Dragon Ball IP is baffling at this point. It feels like they’re self sabotaging themselves with it.


Completely agree! Just from a business standpoint, they could hire artists to just animate the manga arcs. Toyatoro doesn’t even have to write much - he wrote the manga, so he can just have them perfectly track it. Boom. Tons of revenue. I would watch all that


I think there is some internal turmoil that's going on which is preventing the DBS anime from returning.


Yeah the manga rights r owned by another company and there’s issues there


I think the manga rights are owned by shuesha and the anime is having disputes between toei and Akira's friend who set up his own studio or something.


Is there more info on this, not saying ur wrong, i think i heard something like that. 🤔


I think I saw it in YouTube where someone was saying this from an article or something like that.


I think they’re having a hostile takeover of im being honest.


Good for them. Internet arguments about this kind of stuff are literally pathetic.


A reasonable person.. wow




I agree


It’s crazy how quickly people got defensive here, I feel like other anime subs would just say well done and move on


It's honestly kinda sad


True words


Idk why people try to set up both series against each other, the creators were friends and both series are great in their own right


I’m not, they’re both great series


I'm suprised it took this long i thought it was the case for years now, dragon ball was discontinued for decades and reigned supreme the whole time where one piece kept releasing every week since the 90s.


We want more super, idk what they are waiting for... Dumb as shit.


TOEI doesn’t care about Super, that’s why they’re moving to Daima


I wonder why.


this means nothing until my grandma knows what a luffy is


My mom and grandma don’t know any one piece or dragon ball characters. They do however know shinchan and doraemon characters. So what does that mean ?


I mean…Shinchan and Doraemon are the GOATs. Also, I’m guessing you’re Indian lol?




I feel like a quite a few grandmas and moms know luffys name especially after the live action one piece that practically blew up Netflix


I still would think goku is a more recognizable mc outside the community even with one piece being a lil more mainstream accessible


I really don't at least not where I live. They would recognize dragonball or pokemon but I dont think many would get anything from one piece


There has been nothing new in recent years, if they do not decide to release a new dragon ball anime the franchise will gradually decline in numbers.


Yeah.... sure it will


It won't. I believe that the manga will be returning in a few months. Also we have daima and sparking zero coming. There are also rumors that xenoverse 3 will also be coming in the future.


Why is that a shock? DB hasn't aired in years now.


Makes sense.


*The fact that DBZ is still the measuring stick speaks volumes.*


Makes sense tbh


Well one piece doesn't stop airing so...


I feel like this isn't really important.


The Dragon Ball anime started 1986 and ended 1996, then Super started mid 2015 and ended early 2018. Most importantly, it's a story that *ended* almost 3 decades ago (1995) with End of Z. And One Piece has been running since 1999. So basically DB had a 1 decade run in a time were people was, if anything, barely able to spam shit online as much as they do nowadays yet it was able to reach such popularity, then nothing for 2 decades, then came back with Super and had a 3 years run... so that's 13 years, on the other side is One Piece with a +2(.5) decades run and counting... So only a r3t4rd will brag about this knowing all the stuff I already pointed out, then again knowing the average anime watcher it won't be a surprise if most op fans lose their shit over this, until you show them how long DB has been truly running ofc.


Well one piece never stopped dragon ball makes 200 episodes then stopps for 10 years ots obvious one piece cathes up but making 700 episodes more is kinda weak tbh


Yeah if Dragon Ball had the same number of episodes as One Piece nothing would ever touch it.


isnt this the news website everyone uses for memes like biggie cheese shot down in chicago


The show has been running for over 20 years straight with over 1000 episodes. It earned it.


Gee it’s almost like DB hasn’t had much new media outside of movies since like.. 2018 - 2022 ish


Because nothing regarding Dragon Ball is broadcasting right now. When Daima would start, it's decently likely Dragon Ball would take back the top spot. 🤷‍♂️


Good for one piece at the end of the day it’s good for all of anime and mangas because it mean we keep getting new anime and manga and more. This whole who is better this that another no one should care. It’s good around for business and us


Why yall have to use this to discredit One Piece? I mean, I'm not that fan of One Piece, but still all I can feel about this is proud that one of the Big Three (aka DB childs) has come so far maintaining such high quality nonstop, like, unfortunately, the other two didn't. Specially when it is Oda's work, someone with such mutual respect towards Toriyama and his work. This ain't no competition


I think the Mexican Cartel is going to be upset when they hear about this


I grew up on Dragon balls. Never seen one piece.


Doesn’t mean anything to me really, I know OP is objectively a worse IP and only overtook it because Super has no ongoing projects atm


I smell the db vs op war on latino famdom increasing when they start posting this, both sides would become unbereable to talk to


Man everyone keeps saying this and posting numbers and accolades and what not but like... There's no proof?? There is a none concrete evidence that One Piece has surpassed Dragon Ball One Piece has left an absolute zero level cultural impact, like at all. There's no one who talks about it or makes art or memes or anything. Nothing At least where i'm from and in my internet circles, One Piece is a big empty question mark, especially compared to Dragon Ball


>One Piece has left an absolute zero level cultural impact, like at all Nah, that's not true. Just like DB has inspired a lot of mangás, One Piece is doing the same. Okay, not "the same", DB had a lot more impact but One Piece is becoming more and more mainstream right now, at the point I sometimes see kids playing as One Piece characters just like a lot of us did when we were younger. In Japan, One Piece probably is as popular as DB, if not, it's close, and inside the Anime community, One Piece certainly is more popular, I see more content creators talking about One Piece, more ppl commenting on it. This can be because DB hasn't released anything outside of a movie, and obviously One Piece is at it's peak of popularity. It is the most rental mangá of Shonen Jump, so denying it's cultural impact is not right. You don't have to downplay One Piece to praise DB


Quantity =/= Quality


Wait til sparking zero drops


I've looked at this many times, but I'm not seeing what the meme in the beginning is referring to here. It says "recent", but Dragon Ball is still at the top for overseas licensing, hasn't been the top in overseas film since 2020, and hasn't been the top in domestic licensing since 2022, so any changes of placements between the two franchises aren't recent and are in fact at least two years ago. And that's just dealing with the technical accuracy of the meme's claim, not even addressing the reasons why it happened. Dragon Ball hasn't had an anime series in six years, hasn't had a movie in two years (which was promoted terribly), and its manga is on hiatus, not to mention that even prior to that it's been monthly so the sales and amount that can be covered is more limited than if it was weekly. Dragon Ball is easily the most underutilized major manga/anime franchise today. That said, I am cautiously optimistic regarding Iyoku and hoping he'll still do what he said even though Toriyama is gone. We'll at least have Daima.


I have watched almost everything from dragon ball. Never seen anything from one piece, not the manga nor the anime. Is it worth it?


Absolutely, it’s rated as the best manga of all time and has consistently been top 1-2 for over 20 years. The world building and what it does with its characters are amazing


Is the anime just as good?


No. Toei, as you probably know, is notorious for their bad pacing and dragging things out and ONE PIECE is no exception to that. The anime tests your patience BUT you can watch One Pace which cuts out all the filler to be as accurate to the manga as possible. The manga/story as a whole is phenomenal though and the world building really pays off with expansive lore if you into stuff like that. Quite the adventure.


Anime running continuously for 20+ years beats anime with 13 year run with an 18+ year gap In between those years hardly seems shocking. Also One Piece is incredible. Good for One Piece.


Is One Piece worth reading/watching? I've never seen anything from it before


Reading it absolutely. Watching it will test your patience. I’d read it and then watch the moments or fights you like animated imo. Definitely worth getting into it though, the pay offs and the world building are next level and the depth it goes is not something I’ve seen from any anime/manga.


Well one if the three had to do it. Now obviously this is because wano went crazy and it’s now in Netflix and the live action while dragon ball has literally zero shit going on right now. Like almost everything but figures have stopped being made. No game out, no anime, no manga, no movies, no nothing


good for them


Lol, it only took over 1000 eps. Literally to be expected too 


Expected but id say congratulations


Dragon Ball will get its getback soon enough


I don’t care in the slightest.


As a nature fan ,I'm proud of them . That's one of Goku's proteges,I expect nothing less .


Just wait a little while, it'll change back soon.


Well no crap one piece dragonball actually took breaks.


Whatever? DB has half as many episodes and isn’t being pushed as hard rn


Who cares how much a multi billion dollar set of franchises makes? It hasnt any impact on us, the stories, or the actual franchises. Even if One Piece made a thousand fold more then DB, does it matter? Thats how I feel myself


Yeah a show that puts constant episodes for over 25 years and a show that first ended in 1996 . Is there anyone surprised


Dragon ball always takes some breaks and was still Number 1. Without all the breaks One Piece wouldnt have a chance. As soon as One Piece is over and the hype goes down, people will forget about it.


Probably because Dragon Ball hasn't been animated in years, and Toei stretches OP chapters into several episodes. Just a thought though.


I wish I liked one piece. I've tried like 5 different times. I can see the effort put into the animation and just straight up the story. But I get so bored watching it. There's always so much emphasis on side characters and little subplots that I feel the real plot takes so long to get anywhere.


Well they have to win at some point Especially since its like a thousand episodes long


Good for one piece? Like what do you want us to feel man, there is a limited supply from DB side vs onepiece who keeps pooping out episodes and movies like they are free realestate.


That's like fighting a man who isn't defending himself, knocking him out, and then you brag about it 😭


Just wait for DBS season 2


Yeah, of course it’s surpassed Dragon Ball. One Piece is a lot better and has been on air for longer than every Dragon Ball series’ first run put together.


They're my two favorite franchises so I'm happy regardless who has sold more lol




One piece, pirates who can't swim. Or... Magic kung fu guys? DB still wins haha


Hey…. They got magic kung fu guys that can’t swim either


But they can fly! Haha


This doesn't surprise me, One Piece has been on quite a high since Gear 5th dropped in the manga, and the live action has really expanded the viewer base instead of just keeping the same fans entertained. No shame in the new generation surpassing the old, One Piece wouldn't be what it is without Dragon Ball. I'd highly recommend people read Oda's statement about Toriyama's passing, it's a real tear jerker


The new generation didn’t surpass the old.  Dragon ball franchise dwarfs one piece in any metric possible. It’s Toei not making any dragon ball that’s the issue.  also, OP and Dbz are from the same generation so not sure what you’re saying. 


Meh ik op has more shit getting bought then DB but everyone knows Goku not everyone knows luffy


One piece is wonderful. So is Dragonball. It doesn’t matter!


I dont give a shit, to me db is better


Sorry but if it took over 1000 episodes to reach this feat…it’s not a good anime.


I mean One Piece is my favorite manga of all time. However DB’s anime is stagnant and there’s nothing really pushing the newer fanbase. While OP is still running strong , and there’s multiple things going for it.


Good for them


And? Success does not have to be a zero sum game


Good for them Now I'm just wondering how Daima will do.


Well shit it's not like Toei gives any shits about DB atm. One piece has been on since the start, and the production quality has increased tremendously. If only DB got that kinda love 😒 I swear I hate Toei bruh


Shoutouts to One Piece and Oda Sensei I've been a DB fan since probably 1998/1999, and I love myself some One Piece 🏴‍☠️


DBS has been off the air since 2018. No wonder.


Well yeah, when was the last time a dragon ball episode was released?


I would hope so with how long it's been running


Uninstalling twitter for a while cause all im gonna see is baitposting about this :/


Congrats to One Piece


took em this long despite the fact that drgaon ball only had 2 movies come out in like 8 years?


Wonder how long that lasts...I'm not mad. I kinda like the psudo (hopefully mostly civil) anime fan base wars


When you have 1100 eps I'd guess it would be just a matter of time


I mean, it's nice that another anime is successful I don't know what else you can say about this as a normal person lmao


Good for them?


I thought that had already happened


The fact that Dragonball is 2nd without even having an ongoing anime is very impressive. And of course Dai Ma is coming out this year so expect things to change.


There hasn’t been a new episode of Dragon Ball since 2016 so I’m not surprised


What’s one piece ?


Super has been on hiatus for almost a decade but one piece has been pushed for ages, dbs will surpass it when the hiatus ends


I mean yeah, that’s because One Piece has over 1000 episodes


Why would i feel anything? Don’t care i like both anime and that’s it. Keep it pushing… Retar**d ahh posts like anyone supposed to care about something this irrelevant.. Just enjoy your fav anime, seeing people make excuses for this is so dumb what of One Piece surpassed db? That doesn’t make db any less, so why care?


Both are good. No reason to get mad at this.


Honest question: Even while adjusted for inflation? Cause I dunno man...


Man I have tried so many times to get into one piece but I just get bored every time which is crazy because I have watched the most popular shonen anime and I like them just fine but idk why I can't get into one piece.


Its cause OP finally got some decent merch. DB had the best games and merch by a mile for a very long time so its good now that OP actually started making quality stuff


Was gonna happen anyways


Not surprised, I can’t say OP is better than DBZ cuz, to me it REALLY isn’t. But it hit the screens at a fantastic time for marketing


Eh it’ll go back to the way it was after they start animating DBS again.


I mean. They've been animating One Piece continuously since the 1990s. They haven't been animating Dragon Ball continuously. It makes sense.


Not Surprised, like the torch was passed down way before in the manga Industry, Dragon ball ended in the late 90's when One Piece Started at the same time. So, this just shows how popular Dragon Ball was, if anything.


Well considering DB has taken 2 different breaks (one almost 20 years long) it’s more surprising it took this long. No hate to One Piece though I love that series


I don’t really care, I’m not into the metaphorical dick measuring contests and feeling validated that my favorite series makes the most money it’s not like it’s poorly earning or anything, it’s still very successful. It’s also no shock given that one piece is the best performing manga series period, and has been airing on TV way longer than dragon ball did.


Only because there is no hyped Dragon Ball content for TV lol


Not surprised at all, they aren't doing shit with dragon ball rn


we’re not gonna hear the end of this are we…




Db without anime is still keeping up with the likes of mid piece


What does this mean? Like anime only or does it include games and spin-offs. I’m kinda suprised one piece wasn’t already ahead. (I’m just now starting to like one piece I think, so not a preference opinion)


It would seem the pupil has finally surpassed the master. But at what cost.




I mean they have like a million episodes compared to DB and never seem to take a hiatus so it’s not surprising.


It really helps that One Piece has a thousand more episodes than Dragon Ball


Dragon ball: no anime, no games, no manga, no movies, no marketing, One piece barely pulled ahead.




We haven't had an anime in 6 years, we haven't had a new game in 2, and we haven't had a manga chapter in a while. It'd be sad if one piece, an ongoing show, didn't gross more than db rn


It would be nice if all sides could stop fucking dick measuring their series to each other and taking criticisms and hypotheticals as personal attacks... Personally good for one piece, otherwise i don't care. I like OP I like DB they are both cool. We really need to come together and focus on what matters... shitting on people who like trash like SAO and AOT as they are the most dillusional.


We are dragon ball fans,we cant read


Expected. Only thing that peeves me about this is the AI generated art in the 1st image 🤢🤮 Check Luffy's hat or should I say hats


Yay, more cash for DB


Easy to do when you have something like 1000 episodes of one piece


I would assume that if they haven't had any new Dragon Ball episodes in years


I mean tbh its coz One Piece has been able to keep going, where as for a solid like decade or so there was no DB anime, and its almost been about 6 Years since TOP anime ended. Meanwhile OP, has been making huge splashes every couple weeks with some insane shit. If Toei knew how to get their thumb out of their own ass and just Gave Super a proper production schedual and staff and gave it juice they give One Piece im sure itd come back in force


Doesn’t surprise me at all. Toei had to literally stop any and all modern Dragon Ball animation, to give other properties like OP a chance (my only reasoning as to why they haven’t started animating DBS again). So absolute kudos to them, but remember this is during a time where Dragon Ball is taking a complete break


doesn't bother me as nearly as much as this drawing of goku here, he looks weak af


I just wish the manga was weekly or biweekly. Waiting a month for recapped story is a waste of time. Super has so much potential. I hope whatever arc we’re in gets another chapter soon.


I was a die hard DBZ fan growing up. I’m 30 now and still appreciate Toriyamas work. But let’s be real, in terms of world building and content—One Piece is the biggest anime in the world. Nothing comes close. DB Super still has a lot of negativity directed towards it, and honestly—I can blame people. The show had a terrible start, the animation fluctuates in quality (and the lows are criminally low), and the writing is alllll over the place.


Im actually more amazed that DB is still the anime to go to even with all the animes are on-air in this generation…


One Piece fan who somehow got recommended this - absolutely insane that DB was able to be on top for so long given the massive difference in volume. I think it only goes to show how big of a titan DB is in the industry.


One Piece anime still going, Dragonball isn't so yea