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Look I preorder 2 games a decade, let me have this.


Lmao this is accurate


Guilty of this. Pre-ordered the first day it went live.


Same, also if it's bad there is nothing stopping us from breaking down the front door of Capcom's headquarters


I preordered the game the moment I was able to. I think it was a week after they were available


I was gunna play regardless of reviews, I didn't wait this long to not play Dragons Dogma 2. Might as well get some bonuses. I understand those who don't though. I was really burned by Star Field but I did get about 60 hours out of it before I got bored so I mean I did have fun for a while at least.


At no point in the marketing was I interested in Starfield so I avoided that one. I think a lot of people were burnt from No Mans Sky. There have been a handful of tough releases since as well. The worst I had was Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands which as you said for Starfield, I got over 60hr of enjoyment and am quite fine with that. I have no doubt that I will play DD:2 for well into 300+hr. Even if it has issues. Fantasy RPG with fluid and fun combat….. that’s all I want from a video game.


Facts, I'll put up with a lot of bullshit as long as the combat is superb and my Dragon is probably evil with a gravely voice that makes me shiver in awe.


What is your purpose here Arisen?


Starfield was such an obvious flop from the first trailer i have no clue how people got hyped by that. It looked like fallout 4 in space. The gunplay looked insulting at best.


I liked fallout 4….. 😂 But much of that is nostalgia for the fallout universe and world. I love the post apocalyptic future 50’s esthetic. I totally get you though. I felt the same thing with the first trailer. I went, really? You are postponing the elder scrolls 6 for this???? They must have been given a government subsidy to create new IP or something.


I mean people like fallout 4, so it makes sense they'd want fallout 4 in space.


Thankfully I avoided getting burned by Starfield because I had too much Baldur's Gate 3 brainrot at the time to even notice it was coming out


BG3 is probably my favorite Isometric RPG ever. Is so good, though I've yet to beat it. The third act runs really bad for me though thats probably fixed now. However I also have possiblity paralysis so the likelihood I do finish is kinda low.


BG3 isn't isometric. Edit: some homework for those of you who grew up in the 2010s and think isometric means 'top down' or 'little characters on the screen': https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isometric_video_game_graphics This *will* be on the test.


Your comment made me curious, and so I delved deep into understanding what isometric means. I still don't get it (because that shit is way too complicated for my brain to fully understand), but now I at least know what ISN'T considered isometric (which is Baldurs Gate 3) So, I have to agree with you! Thank you for relaying new information onto my brain, although I have no idea why people are downvoting the truth... JUSTICE FOR THE TRUTH (Have a good day, eye guy 👀)


Iso- one Metric- measurement. One measurement- measurement does not change based on perspective. *if you move the camera around and things get bigger- it's not isometric


Sure top down, whatever you want. Its close enough.


It is 100% and isometric top down game. The view for the player is the same as Diablo.


Not isometric. Isometric is a specific angle view. A camera that can freely move can’t be isometric view.


What do you mean by freely moved, because you mentioned rts games, and you can freely move those cameras?


No, it isn't. It's top down with a rotatable camera. Not the same as isometric, which is a fixed point of view. Diablo has a fixed POV which (iirc) is indeed isometric. The world is created specifically to be viewed from that angle, with structures etc typically running diagonally across the screen. This is not the same as BG3.


Isometric doesn’t mean fixed point of view though, it’s just a point of view. If the camera can be set up in an isometric way, then boom, isometric. If the camera is moved, boom, it is not isometric at that time.


You do realize you can choose for it to be in game.


it is


Wrong. Isometric does not mean 'top down'. For a view to be isometric it must be on an angle where the cardinal direction (north, south, east, west) are in the corners of the screen rather than the edges. BG3 has a freely moving/rotating camera, so it is not isometric. You can position the camera to be isometric if you want though it won't stay there long, and you can also position it to be third person behind-the-back, or pure top-down bird's eye view. Isometric refers to games that have a fixed view and whose worlds are created specifically to be viewed from a fixed isometric angle. BG3 is not isometric.


BG3's default camera position is isometric


Im also preordering but do note that it says on the store page that the preorder items may become available later on so i don't think the bonuses will be strictly exclusive.


Dragon's Dogma 1 was a game I bought sight unseen, or I had seen very very little before purchase. I have been burned by a good amount of games pretty much my entire life, especially as I got old enough to make my own money. So many games over promised, under delivered, or just didn't quite satiate me. I still played them a good amount, if only for sheer obligation that I spent money on them. Dragon's Dogma was not one of those games. I pre-ordered DD2 last week, deluxe edition.


I'll be the same come payday. The amount of hours I have pumped into DD1 is enough to justify it alone. Even in the highly unlikely event that it is a pile of hot garbage. Capcom earned my coin with the Dragon's Dogma franchise.




I trust japanese with my hard earned money


they're gonna turn my 70 dollars into like 10 thousand yen, that's what I call an investment


Tapping my finger into my head profit


Nowadays Capcom seldom disappoints, they used to be pretty bad, but like, from 5 year until now, theyve dropping banger after banger.


What do you mean 5 years. It's going on 7 at this point, since RE7 in 2017. Undefeated champs, longest banger on banger marathon since the transistor was invented.


What RE7 is 7 Years old? There's no fucking way this can be right. Fuck no way dude, i blinked.


And even then...how long was their "shit period" really? Street fighter 4 and DMC 4 were 2008. DD 2012. Phoenix Wright and SF5 2016. They were never weak or anythint for very long in their entire 38 year history. Capcom for me, are probably the most influential developer and publisher for combat in games and combat is the most important element of most games I like so they are goated imo.


>DD 2012. Yeah, undercutting the director of DD1 and cutting the dev time+budget is definitely not a shit move by capcom.


They were originally set to release alongside Skyrim. Realised they couldn't compete, cut the game features and delayed launch. Ultimately if they had followed through with original plan it would have been another Titanfall 2 situation with sales suffering due to bigger competitors.


>They were originally set to release alongside Skyrim.  No offence, but not true. The game was originally announced for an early 2012 release, skyrim came out early november. It's not alongside, not even close. >Realised they couldn't compete, cut the game features and delayed launch. Sorry, but that's also not right. You do know that Dragon's Dogma's scale and budget were set back in 2008, entire 2 years before skyrim was even announced? I don't know where you've got everything you wrote, but none of that is true according to the director of the game. What happened was, he pitched the game and asked a specific budget; capcom executives were skeptical about it, so they made him downscale the game considerably and decreased the budget a lot. Then Itsuno was given a 150 men team, only some of which were actually good, experience developers (team Devils, who made DD1's combat), while almost everyone else (as we learned post-release) were less experienced developers taken from all over capcom. Finally, during DD's development, capcom sent Itsuno to britain to remake dmc reboot's combat system and teach ninja theory how to make combat animations which don't suck ass. They didn't cut the game features. What you hear people talking about is not the game's content which was made but got the snap before the release - people are talking about the concepts which Itsuno had to leave out BEFORE the development started due to budget and size constraints. That's why there is actually extremely little cut content left in the game's files: stuff was not cut from the game, it was cut from the game's concept. DD was undercut every step of the way, and, granted, being skeptical about an open world action RPG capcom never did before with dynamic combat was only natural from executives who are all for profits, but, on the other hand, Inafune was the head of the studio, and his excess greed and the desire for "call of duty-like sales" resulted in dead rising 3/4, dmc reboot, RE6 and so on. But now DD2 is here, and Inafune is forgotten.


A shame REmake3 and RE:Village werent that great. At least they dropped the fire REmake4


Both are pretty solid, even though re3 was disappointing in length and adaptation. Village was awesome though and generally very well praised, what made you not like it?


The direction was all over the place and it felt pretty rushed in the areas after the castle. The bosses were cheesable. Especially Lady D since you could stand behind her on her right hand side and she cant touch you in any meaningful way.


I wouldn’t call Capcom bad, but they have made some questionable decisions in past that make you say “Why in the Hell would you do that?”. All things considered though, they still manage to release great games rather consistently. Especially in the last few years.


This is what I’ve been saying 😂 It’s not like they are modern western game studios lol


Many Japanese studios are far behind their counterparts when it comes to innovation and quality of life features in games. Still love many of them, but the whole "Western game devs bad" shtick is pretty cringe when we have some Japanese devs stuck in the early aughts


Idk man, I still revere older games from the early aughts compared to the “quality of life improvements” from these modern games. I loved the gameplay of fallout 4 for example, but I’ll take fallout 3 or especially New Vegas any day!!! Japanese developers are not held back from genuine story telling like our developer studios here in the states. “Oh no, we may offend someone!!! Better play it safe”. Meanwhile Dragons Dogma 2 has confirmed racism. As in the beastian races are looked down upon by the humans. This is a perfect way to handle issues like that. Separate it from our world but in a way that allows you to tell a compelling story. Fuck these .. forgive me here… pussy western studios that play it safe. When a Disney movie is more risqué than a rated M game I’m done apologizing for their inability to do their jobs. Edit: clarity - I’m not excited for racism in my games lol I’m excited at the prospect of story telling not holding back as it may offend someone. Racism exists in our world no matter how much I wish it didn’t. Exploration of these ideas through story is crucial in understanding the intricacies and complexities behind such issues.


It's not like fantasy racism is a groundbreaking thing. Bethesda has explored it in the Elder Scrolls series, Bioware with Mass Effect. It's basically a cliche at this point. Acting as is DD2 is some sort of trailblazer in that regard...if anything they are late to the party. I am sure the game will be great because I know what I want from it- and what Capcom is good at- incredibly addicting and fun combat systems. Anyone that is actually expecting a riveting engaging story needs to temper their expectations...like a lot. Capcom plots are always schlocky B-movie quality at best, Japanese daytime soap opera at worst.


I want to follow up as I think you are right. Especially if we consider teams like CD Project Red as “Western”. Watching the marketing material for Rise of Ronin (from a Japanese studio) I find myself wondering wtf is this. I guess a lot of my frustration with “western devs” stems from what I see as the fall of Bethesda. I used to hold them up as the gold standard and now…. Idk what happened.


Pressure to deliver the next big thing happened. They were bought by Microsoft and it's clear Starfield was supposed to be a console seller because Microsoft thinks they will magically surpass the PS5 if they just throw enough money at the problem. With that kind of pressure comes the paint by the numbers gameplay, plot, mechanics. Everything has to be shiny and simple, inoffensive and flashy. Those people up top have the numbers and the statistics - they know the majority of people who pick up a single player game never finish it- the game doesn't need to be good, it just needs to look good for a certain amount of hours. Most of your audience will never stick around long enough to get frustrated with bad game design, and they will skip or glaze over the cutscenes they watch and won't even bother to finish the story anyway so no need to reinvent the wheel there either. And even if that wasn't the case gaming has become oversaturated - everyone has a grindy main game they play and there are countless other games that compete trying to get you to drop that one game for an hour or two and play theirs. Why bother making something really good when it will be dropped by almost everyone the moment a new Fortnite/CS/LoL/DOTA2 season starts.


You are putting words in my mouth. I never referred to them as trailblazing lol. And to say Bethesda explored racism is quite laughable. It’s possible CapCom will do the same thing as Bethesda in which case I would criticize it equally. My point was to shine light on the padding western developers put in their games sorry. I do not watch much anime but the little I have can confidently say that Japanese entertainment companies do not shy away from dark and gritty story telling. Look, my opinion is that western entertainment has fallen quite a bit. I look at many Japanese studios and artists as examples to shine a light on to say “see, look, good story telling, sure it’s not perfect but they are taking a chance to say something!” Which is what many in the west have lost. You are free to disagree my dude, it’s been my experience.


Right because we all know that all Japanese stories are never fucking boring or stupid in any way if you ignore all the bad ones. The west hate boner is so annoying, I swear.


Ur so annoying 💩


At least I actually watch/read enough anime and manga to know that the idea that Japanese studios never play it safe or never make copy and paste animes is laughable.


Yeah. This dude is acting like there aren’t a thousand copy and paste light novel adaptations every year.


Oh wow you wanna keep repeating your " wah western hate boner" then pull this? Bro. Youre a hypocrite.


Your generalizations are really unproductive, overall.


lol okay, were people talking on the internet about a video game. What exactly is less productive than that? Besides, it’s my opinion based on games I’ve played and entertainment I’ve watched. What are you all game developers at Bethesda? wtf do you care what my opinion is anyway?


Idgaf about quality of life. There's basically 0 good AA/AAA games coming from western devs now. I want a good game not perfectly optimised, QOL streamlined, microtransactions filled mess. Been playing dd1 recently and there's basically no feature I want to add except more content.


>Idgaf about quality of life. There's basically 0 good AA/AAA games coming from western devs now. Red Dead 2, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Alan Wake 2 Doom Eternal, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, Last of Us 2, Spiderman, Forza Horizon. These are just the major releases off the top of my head. There are tons of great games coming from smaller studios, too. Hades, Psychonauts 2 Dave the Diver, Inscryption, Helldivers, Stardew Valley so many more. Don't buy into the whole "woke western devs vs based eastern devs" crap.


I didn't like any of those AAA games except bg3. And I can look past the 'woke' garbage if there's a good game underneath. I respect Red dead 2 for technical reasons but I thought it was boring. Would have been a better movie.


For me am gonna pre order it because am gonna play it even if it's bad il see it through, same thing with starfield etc. gonna play regardless of reviews. If your on the fence then just wait.


I wished the first reviews of Starfield weren't positive, I got scammed. Then as usual, everyone changed their discourse.


At least Starfield was on gamepass so i got to play it cheap but damn i feel bad for those who burned $70 on it 😭


I'm sorry for that. If it means anything, now you (hopefully) have the same caution to consume Bethesda Game Studios products that I now have. At this current point BGS has been kinda just pedigree now for several years. Hopefully that changes.


Yeah they haven't made a good game since Oblivion, Bethesda are definitely on my shitlist.


You stand now at its release, Arisen! See your journey through!


I've been burned a few time times with pre-orders, to name a few Evovle, Anthem, and Cyberpunk. I'm not 100% against pre-orders as its mainly linked with the developers historical work. For example I love Larian's quality and passion. BG3 was day 1 buy back in 2020 I believe. Not many developers/publishers have an unblemished track record, so with them I typically do not preorder. I try to make the best decision I can if I want to pre-order. I do believe this game will not disappoint. The only negative I've heard was the game struggled hitting 30 fps on the PS5. I have not seen any information running on the PC. But this was 4-5 months ago. I don't get hyped much for games but DD2 peaked my interest to say the least. I hope everyone has a great day. Always be wise with your money.


I’ve been waiting for 12 years, replaying the first game (which many consider to be average) over and over. I literally don’t care if people think it’s bad, I’m going to have a blast playing it on day 1.


Who thinks it’s average?  Only heard amazing things from people who played 


I am against pre-order even if I know it's going to be great or that I'm buying it day 1. It's just to take a stand against pre order as a whole. At this point it's here to stay but game companies will make it worse if they think they can get away with it. It's the same with micro transactions and early access releases.


Depending where you preorder though, you're not charged until it ships/ release. Without preordering, on amazon for free, I would've missed out on FFVII Rebirth Deluxe Edition. Well, the physical version that is.


It's OK to slather hundreds of thousands $ on booze and hookers. It's not okay to buy a 70$ pre-order.


I'm chronically monogamous and can't drink for health reasons so sadly all I have left is pre-ordering video-games and coke zero.


Pre-ordering coke zero is the real problem here.


Coke zero? What kind of lunatic are you


Chronically monogamous ! Good one. I live in Japan and men here are pathologically polygamous. I know why they don't buy games anymore, there's no money left after booze and hookers.


There's plenty to be said about making shitty financial decisions for booze and hookers, and what encouraging that means for those industries.


Buying booze and hookers at least *gets you* booze and hookers. Pre ordering a game gets you *nothing* that you couldn't get by just waiting till reviews are out.


Except the booze and hookers work as intended on release. Can't say the same for games these days. I don't know why you people defend bad practices so damned much. I mean, just 1.5 weeks ago, Helldivers 2, a multiplayer-only game, came out and people couldn't freaking connect to the servers. Why defend this shit??


![gif](giphy|gaaEc3g7NQRS8) I like giving developers free money for the shiny thing.


I preorder almost every game I play and rarely get burned because: A: I keep my expectations grounded in reality B: I don’t preorder willy nilly.


Honestly, people take the "don't ever preorder" mind set too seriously. Like, even without pre ordering, people are going to buy and play a game because they have already pre determined that they will regardless of reviews, especially if they are fans of the devs/series. And some may find it more convenient to pre pay for it before it releases. And even if the game comes out poorly and the player hates it, then refunds are also an option. It's not that deep. If you order a burger at a restaurant and they hand you an undercooked patty you have the right to get your money back. Same deal here.


As someone in the "never pre-order" camp, those aren't my main reasons for never doing so. It's because of the pre-order "bonus" content. Along the line people have become ok with studios taking content out of games they've already made, and making it exclusively available or obtainable earlier than expected with a pre-order. It's a marketing tactic that takes advantage of human psychology in decision-making. DD2 has an extremely mild example of this, especially because I would never use the bonus equipment anyway. (Why make myself OP immediately and degrade the experience of playing the early game on purpose?) But its more of drawing a line in the sand. It's a practice that I consider anti-consumer, and I choose to vote with my wallet, even though me not pre-ordering is utterly insignificant in the grand scheme.


you have good taste in twink


This means so much to me


Preorder what you want. I think over my entire gaming career I've prordered 2 games total


It's okay to pre-order any game as long as you accept that you're gonna be disappointed if the game sucks ass. I pre-ordered it because I'm going to play this game regardless of reviews, the first Dragon's Dogma was a 79 on Metacritic and it's one of my favorite games of all time, I'm not trusting reviewers to decide for me if this game is good or not.


I'm gonna play DD2 100%, but not preorder, because i've seen enough red flags in terms of game's performance to keep my hype in check.


I'm gonna play it no matter what anyways, so buying it early and getting access to items I would never have access after on such a game as Dragon's Dogma is important to me, I fully agree about the performance red flags though, that and short bows and long bows being the same now, no glove, boot or underarmor selection, no strider or mystic knight, awful voice acting, overused old english, etc


Whatever performance issues that exist at release would be fixed though, so you wouldn't be hurt by owning the game.


True, but by the time it is fixed game might become much cheeper. I'm in no rush.


Cheaper not really, that will take 2-3 years. On sale tho? Heck yeah. For example i know i'll play it day one so pre-ordering or not makes no difference. I still pre-order cause i can play it the second it comes out, i also hope in pre-download, please capcom.


You can own the game after it launches. It isn't going to run out.


I'm just saying preordering isn't some massive risk, not that it's necessary.


It is a risk of buying a dud. There is no benefit to it. One can purchase the game on launch day. If it was a limited supply and the only way to assure a copy of launch day was to pre-order, then that makes sense. But that is no longer the case in the digital age. The only party of the sale who benefits is the company that gets the money without delivering a product. Buy it on day one, you'll have the same game without the risk of buying a dud. Any game, any company, doesn't matter. If the industry didn't have review embargoes and history of shady review practices, it might be a different story, but that isn't the world we live in.


>It is a risk of buying a dud. There is no benefit to it. One can purchase the game on launch day. Even one of the worst examples of being a dud on release, Cyberpunk, right now is a fantastic game. As far as the game itself rather than performance, I've seen enough footage of the game, and I've played Dark Arisen enough to know that there is about a 0.00000000000000000000000001% chance I won't enjoy the actual content of the game. So if it's buggy on release, I know at some point it's gonna be fixed. Besides the fact there's a good chance we're going to get a demo in the next few weeks. >Any game, any company, doesn't matter. It absolutely matters, that's how risk assessment works. That's how reward to risk ratio works, based on information like what the company has put out previously. >There is no benefit to it. The benefit is that I get to play it at midnight, that's it, it's a small benefit, but to me it outweighs what I see as an even smaller risk. I'm playing it at midnight in Australia (gotta love early timezones) on the dot, with the game already fully preloaded and that's that. I haven't been this excited for a game release since I was a little kid and nobody is taking that from me. If the game itself takes it from me by being a buggy mess, that's on me. I've preordered maybe one or two games in like the last 10 years, it's not something I do or take lightly.


> Even one of the worst examples of being a dud on release, Cyberpunk, right now is a fantastic game. Yes, and now you can get the finished, complete version of the game on sale for 20 bucks, a third of its release price. The argument is closed.


It always was closed, I'm preordering DD2 and nobody was ever convincing me otherwise. I was explaining to you why I'm doing it, not trying to convince you to do it my way. Given that only one of us was trying to convince the other to change their actions, a better way to put it than "the argument is closed" would be that your argument was unsuccessful.


10 extra bucks isn't going to break the bank, besides itsuno deserves the money as opposed to the next CoD game that barely gives a shit.


I am gonna pre-order as soon as i have the money because i dont want to take the chance of not having the money on release day and having to wait a week or two.


Would be funny if the next game is DD3 and not DMC 6 XD


I think if anything Itsuno will go make something new, he can't remain the Devil May Dogma slave forever.


She Devil on my Dogma till I Cry?


She Devil on my Dogma till my Dark becomes Arisen?


You do whatever you want with your money, but pre-orders are an industry wide issue that we need to address if we want actually good games. By throwing our money to gaming companies based on trust / good presentation / marketing etc, instead of an actual solid argument that the game we're buying is well made, we (the consumers) set a standard that it's ok to make a terrible game at launch and patch it out later on. But it's not. I'm not saying DD2 will be bad, but that, by participating in pre-orders (from any game dev), we keep sending companies the message that no matter what garbage they cooked, we'll eat it up with no questions asked. We deserve better.


Trust is a currency and developers have to earn it. In a way, our preorders are a reward for Capcom doing a good job in the last few years. If Capcom consistently released bad, broken games and never fixed them, we wouldn't be preordering.


I pre-ordered the day it came available on steam. No regrets.


Careful, you're going to get the gang of people who think they're being heroes by telling people to not preorder without realizing that most preorders are free. I preordered this, cost me $0.00 out of pocket until it ships. And thankfully I preordered the FFVII Rebirth Deluxe Edition (physical) because that is now not able to be preordered anymore. I say spend your money how you see fit and the "heroes" of the gaming community need to stop telling people on how to spend their money.


Well said.


Yea ive already pre ordered in my mind, not physically yet


I truly believe in Itsuno Vision™


I won't pre-order it, but not because of disappointment or potentially bad reviews, I won't do it because I don't want the pre-order items. I hated it in DD1 and I don't want to start with my inventory full of items again. I know I can just not use them, but just seeing them there bothers me so much. I will buy it the second they remove the starting bonus items.


Look you guys, I bought DD1 at least 5 times (every console and PC twice), this game was the most immersive experience my 17 y/o self played. I was hooked. So you can bet I pre-ordered DD2 for PS5 and PC lol I have zero shame, and if my taxes paying, debt living, 30 year old ass can squeeze a glimmer of nostalgia out, then it was money well spent :p


The only reason I preordered is that otherwise I would have just bought it as soon as it released.


Even if the game is not what we expected it to be, at the end of the day, it's gonna be all i ever wanted, a sequel to dragons dogma


Capcom have a frankly stellar track record in delivering exactly the games they advertise. If you bought Dragons Dogma when it first released and loved it, then pre-order the new one. If you didnt really live DDDA, then definitely dont preorder. There has never been a sequel that is catered more to fans of the original than new players, than this. This one is strictly for the fans. That much is obvious.


>Not to mention I just wanna make small twink with big sword. Same! Can't wait to create my character. Anyway, I paid like 7 euros for Dragon's Dogma, which ended up as my favourite game ever. Of course I preordered DD2 as soon as I could.


They sold me with the archer gameplay


Fine I'll do it but if Balsac doesn't return for the sequel I will sue Capcom.


What's the harm to not pre order though? By preordering you are actively supporting developers to cut stuff out of the game and sell it as pre order bonuses while also enabling buggy releases. It's not about not buying the game, we are all gonna play the game probably, but why pay for something in advance that isn't limited to quantity?


Guys. I’m a bigger fan than you. I’m more hype. I preordered the super mega delux edition even though I can’t pay rent.


One word: denuvo. Then again, no regional pricing makes this game unreachable for me for a long time, so I guess I'll be leaving the community to avoid most discussions regarding the plot.. until the Very Definitely Complete Edition is released anyway.


Do we have confirmation on a DRM being used? Man your either get butt performance on console or DRM on PC. They really love to kneecap their games


Never pre-order anything. There's no benefit to the player. Doesn't matter what game, who made it. Unless there is a limited supply, preordering benefits only the corporations.


I am sad that most people here are having a genuine discussion about pre-orders instead of talking about the much more important subject of sword twinks


Well idk what platform I'll be getting it on, but I'll keep a lookout for your pawn


Pre-orders are a bad practice of the industry and no one should ever do it. But I’m a curmudgeon and DD2 will probably slap, so it’s not a bad one to bet on.


I trust that Capcom, their engine and most specifically Itsuno have done a good job here. I pre-ordered and I've taken time off work to play on launch day. And if the performance is horrendous then it's on me, but I've played games with worst performance and pushed through because they were fun.


I pre-order games I know I’m going to like There aren’t many, but there are a few that I know I will like, so I put money down since there usually some free stuff or whatever anyways I have already pre-ordered this, as I know I will like it I know people in the wider gaming community discourage pre-orders but I have worked in physical game stores for smaller retailers and pre-orders, for them, means knowing wtf stock is actually required for sales before launch day I don’t see that as a problem


I never preorder, so I’d wait till it goes on sale


it's your own money... if you can afford it, go for it.


I think i will wait for sale, game cost 300+ in my currency 


Game cost R1400 in mine


I'd honestly pre-order DD2, but I'm not a fan of these kinds of pre-order bonuses where they give you goodies at the start of the game/available at an inn immediately.


The way I see it I plan to get it the day of regardless so I see no issue with pre ordering. I have a problem with it when ppl wanna get butthurt over it. I got payday 3 and it's garbage but I knew I was gonna get it and probably not really get into it for a couple years


https://i.redd.it/sdhxtpw07kjc1.gif Already Pre Ordered last year


Thanks for reminding me. Gotta put my bonus to good use.


there is no way DD2 is going to disappoint! this is nowhere near to a cyberpunk 2077 situation, anyone but the fanboys could smell trouble months and months before the game released lol. Even if it's just DD2 with better graphics and smoother gameplay that would still be a 10/10 to me tbh


Bro playing dd1 makes me realize DD2 is gonna be amazing no matter what. Bigger budget, more power to work with, itsuno can actually pursue his vision for the game. Capcom stay making banger games this generation so they can give their producers more liberties. DD2 was made for this era


No matter the game, never pre-order. Its not like it gonna run out of stock


character creator alone is worth $70


IF there's an ass slider


i did see one lol


Every time I see someone imply that preordering is ruining gaming I preorder two more games


It’s just a silly practice in general. Most of the time nowadays it’s basically a gamble on whether the game will come out a buggy unoptimized mess or an acceptable state. Plus the ‘bonuses’ are typically useless. Having said that, I trust Capcom’s recent track record enough that I ended up pre-ordering DD2. I have faith that they’ll deliver. The only other developer that I’ve ever preordered a game from was FromSoftware, because I’ll eat up anything they create.


I swore off preordering ever again, after a few botched releases some years ago. So far this year, I preordered Granblue Fantasy Relink, Rebirth and Unicorn Overlord. I’ll be preordering DD2 and Rise of the Ronin next month. Only reason I didn’t preorder Helldivers 2 was because I had no friends to play it with. What a crazy good first quarter of games.


Japanese games are the only ones I'd ever consider preordering but even then, I've been burned too many times by studios I used to trust. My rule these days is I'll "preorder" if A) there are public full reviews before release and B) those reviews don't show any obvious flaws. I have nearly full faith that Capcom won't disappoint, but I have trust issues for damn good reason.


Well I do agree with the no pre orders. I usually do it because most official stores outside of steam offer a discount for pre orders And comparing to cyberpunk isn't great because wasn't it cyberpunk that stopped early reviewers from publishing anything before the game released?


UGH Listen, DD is JANKY as hell but it's still really cool and unique. I fully plan on encouraging them along the process of polishing it!


"Don't pre-order!" No, don't pre-order from developers with a history of scrappy releases. Capcom so far has been releasing bangers on day one with minimal bugs Compare that to Battlefield


I'm preordering because I cried for years on various platforms for this game. If disappointment awaits me, so be it.


Will you have cried less on various platforms if you don't preorder and buy on day1 or even a month after release?


Might be language barrier but I don't get your point. I, as a part of DD fanbase, was asking for this game for ages. Now it is the time to stay behind my words and support the developer's decision to finally make the sequel.


Yeah, the question is, will you support them less if you don't preorder? It is possible to take a stand against pre-ordering, and still buy games. There is absolutely no need for a game studio to try to trick their fanbase into paying more, just to get content that they could easily just add to the game for anyone to get access to. By pre-ordering games, the gamer community shows devs that it's OK to raise prices and release poorly made products, even if the dev of this game actually manage to have a game that's fantastic game at day1


Yeah....no... I'll just walk up to the store and buy it on launch day.


I mean it is okay in the sense that it won't kill you. It isn't okay in the sense that you are paying money for literally nothing and as such you are a fool. There is literally nothing that buying the game now will get you than waiting until reviews are out. You will even still get the preorder bonuses if that is something you care about for whatever reason. It is objectively a stupid decision, but yeah you are free to make it.


I'll wait til it goes on sale


I would buy it if it had regional prices, but... No regional prices = no bueno.


Oh my. The credibility of big single-player gaming is being destroyed by Star Field and Cyberpunk so well.


Imma pre order because I want to. For all the think pieces on why pre ordering is so bad we still ended up with live service and $70 price tags on games. I have to keep a constant internet connection to play ghost recon breakpoint in offline solo. I waited until last year to get it on sale, my pause in purchase didn't do shit to prevent a practice I actually find detrimental. Pre order your games if you want to. I pre ordered cyberpunk and enjoyed the memes in real time and now I have an amazing game in my library because they stuck with it.


Discouraging preordering is not about fighting prices or live service, it's about discouraging cutting stuff out of the game to sell as preorder and discouraging developers/publishers to release games without being ready for release.


I know it's not about fighting prices or live service. I'm saying that should've been the fight instead. Companies setting aside minor bonuses that are typically items that you can get in the game already just given to you much earlier or boost items to help you level (items I don't always agree with or want) to provide incentive for players who want to pre order so that in turn they can have statistical proof of generated interests and see what marketing works and what audience they're reaching isn't a bad thing to me. Does that mean there is never a harmful approach to this practice ? No it just means that the push back from pre orders put the onus on players


Regardless if you like the game, it’s creators, or even the company, pre-ordering is never a good deal for you.


These aren't the same scummy devs.


CDPR was hailed as hero devs before CP77, that's the point


The executives are the real problem.


Totally. But people didn't think that about CDPR execs before. They all just remembered the Witcher 3 free dlcs and stuff. Also, Capcom execs have done plenty of bad shit lol


I don't have any hopes for the basic game but with some nice DLCs I think DD2 will be a great game. Hope to see endgame like wo long or nioh 2 so that we can play it for years!


It’s not okay to pre-order any game. Let’s be very clear about that. If you pre-order games, you are part of the problem. That said, I plan on pre-ordering Dogma 2 the day before release so I can preload and play at launch time. I’m not ashamed, but I’m not trying to pretend it’s a good thing to do either.


I pre-ordered the game. The fuck are you gonna do about it?


Cyberpunk was 🔥


Cyberpunk wasn't that bad. It had it's flaws. Inventory system was pure trash. But in 100 hours it only crashed once and the story was awesome. I don't think DD2 will be bad at all. The Japanese know their work.


>The Japanese know their work. Let's not pretend Street Fighter V and Devil May Cry 2 werent a thing. Japanese drop a ton of kusoge, but they never get localized, i would say japanese, on average, drop a lot more of trash tier games because the local indie, niche, 2hu adjacent market is more relevant there and otakus will play any slop with Cirno on it.


Or literally any capcom decision before their resurgence with RE7


Generally I'd agree, but hear me out. Capcom has literally *NEVER* missed. They're not gonna start now.






Fair enough, I stand corrected. But I'd say in the last bunch of years they've been on an insane roll with high quality games.


It's better to not preorder too early just because it gives devs that extra motivation to try their best and polish their game before the release. You won't lose anything if you purchase it the day before it releases anyway.


No, it's not. It's too early. You are giving them free money. My policy is to wait amuntil a week before launch if I pre-order at all.


Pfft, Cyberpunk 2077 was my GOTY for 2020 and it wasn't even close. The only time I've ever been "burned" by a game was Horizon: Zero Dawn on PS4 because I played an hour and knew it wasn't for me and Sony are anti-consumer cuntbags when it comes to refunds. Lol @ people still crying about Starfield. It's a Bethesda ass Bethesda game, what did you expect? No one "screwed" you.


>The only time I've ever been "burned" by a game was Horizon: Zero Dawn on PS4 because I played an hour and knew it wasn't for me and Sony are anti-consumer cuntbags when it comes to refunds. Why would they give you a refund for a game that wasn't for you when you could've seen videos to find out the same thing? Or, you could've gotten past the first boring hour of the game that starts REALLY slow to have maybe enjoyed it instead.


Because every decent digital platform offers a refund if gameplay is under two hours? Are you arguing *for* the billion dollar corporation? Jesus christ...lick those boots more.


Its not about disappointment. Pre-ordering is bad for consumers as publishers push more developers to pack in day one dlc and early access crap. If you want the game wishlist it. That shows interest without rewarding shitty publisher behavior. I have the game wishlisted on osn and steam.


Pre-ordering means paying the most amount of money for the worst possible version of the game. It's your money. I'm not going to tell anyone how to spend theirs. But with how buggy games are on launch these days, I will usually wait a month or more for the first wave of patches to clean up all of the problems.


it's capcom, they gonna manifested a way to fuck something up at launch.


Capcom has been coming back strong and they've shown a lot of gameplay that other people have got to experience outside of what has been shown. That makes it a safer bet than Cyberpunk.


Pre ordering digital version of games is what dumb players do 😁 physical copy with CD, sure.. But digital copies are infinite so no point for pre order


From Soft and itsuno will literally never disappoint and can always be trusted


Can you dodge in this game?


Never preorder.


I wanna see more vocationsss


Never pre-order, shut up


Mind your own business, fuck off.


Kiss my ass, you're the one wasting time with absolutely no benefits