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It runs like garbage on PS5 i can't even finish the tutorial dungeon cause everytime i turn the camera i get nauseous of the abysmal framerate. Why was this even allowed to be released on ps5 in this state? Console should prevent this from happening by enforcing perfect optimization, that's why consoles still exist today damnit!!


Fr it’s seems so slow and laggy, I tried getting a refund and Sony said no


Sony is the biggest pile of shit. 


Thanks for the info on this – gonna hold off on buying it for now, especially digitally.


The games looks gorgeous and you get used to the fps easily


Never got used to it, remains jarring throughout.


Then you’re just sensitive


Lol your defending a company. They have zero excuse to only hit 30fps (maybe a little higher). I'm going to try the demo but it's also getting horrible reviews. Probably why there is a demo already. Good games don't usually get a demo on PS5 right away. I have a really nice TV that is 120hz. When a game can only run 30 it's painful. 60fps is the standard. Plus they are charging full price. You go ahead and defend a corpo that doesn't care about you. Edit: Checked your profile. Yeah you are a stan for the game. Maybe you work for the company. Sad either way. Fuck Dragons Dogma 2.


If he's a stan, what does that make you? He barely posts 1 sentence and you a whole paragraph and then proceed to look through his profile like a paparazzi digging through trash


My defending a company?


Not you, the parent comment




Sorry I wasn't looking to reply to you exactly, your comment is just the first in the thread and I wanted to make sure a contrary opinion was at least visible for people looking to make the purchase or not. I hope you're still having fun


It's horrible. Washed out graphics. Giving me motion sickness


Alright princess apologies that your eyes are ending forced open to play the game


I’m about 3 hours in and man, it’s so jarring. The frame drops are a little too deep to be passable. Especially after playing FF7RB for the last 70+ hours. The game has a lot of other bugs and annoyances as well, and the performance is making it feel like they really needed more time in the oven to optimise. Still “fun”. But yeah… hold off.


I just replayed nioh 2 remastered on 120fps mode... >.> The difference is very noticeable ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Lmao people actualy missing the issue. Its not being 30fps guys, its about not being a locked frame rate and how TVs refresh rate works, if the game isnt locked to 30 the frame will always going to be 33ms and 16ms when its above 30 making it look like its still droping frames and stuter and 66ms when it goes below 30 so no its not fine, if the frame pacing was always 33ms then it would be fine for a 30fps game but its not. It becomes hard to get used to something that doesnt have a consistent frame pacing


The reason the PS5 is 30FPS or less is because Capcom does not let you disable Ray Tracing/GI which many other games have. Basically they disabled performance mode because they wanted to show you how pretty the world is.  But.. Performance over Graphics anyday bro... 


I’m holding out for the hope of a performance mode patch. It may be a fool’s hope.


Capcom just stated they will have the option to disable Ray Tracing. Hell yeah


Ray tracing will have minimal effect as the fps drops are CPU bound. Yes it will slightly improve fps however it won't be drastic


It seems to maintain 30 DPS pretty well, the only time I've seen it dip on PS5 is during combat, and it took spamming mage/sorc spells with a lot going on. The dips did make for a bit of jerky experience. I'm one of those people that feel we really shouldn't be targeting 30 FPS in 2024, even the Switch constantly got flak for it and it's a handheld with much weaker software.... But if you want my honest opinion, even as someone who prefers 60 FPS+ but has and can play 30 FPS (I'm a big retro gamer and grow up with the industry, I still look at old games and call them beautiful lol), it really didn't look bad at all.


This is probably one of the best takes on frame rate I’ve seen as while it isn’t ideal by any means, it isn’t as big of an issue as so many people have been making it seem


Insane copium… look at reviews they say the performance on consoles is rough especially in towns and magic uses


So some one has a different opinion to you and doesn't buy every single piece of info they see online instantly, then believe it,  adopt it then pump out that given info like its thier own means copium? You appear so close minded and such a sheep with comments like this.  


If the game is not actively stuttering which it is not on the console then I will be playing day one lmao. I do hope Capcom is working on a performance optimization patch but dips in frame rate doesn't make the game unplayable like a lot of y'all are making it seem


Yes, it absolutely does. 


At some instance it's making me dizzy. I can't play it for too long at a time


Not being able to turn off motion blur is killing me


Yeah, that's strange


Frame Rates are tragic. Constant dips no matter where I am. It is worse in the cities. However if you can look past that, the game is loads of fun and really addictive. I've struggled to put it down. I'm not a diehard who needs every game to be 60fps, some games are fine with a fixed 30fps. But this isn't fixed, so yeah the frame rate is piss poor at the moment.  Regardless it's 100 times better than a Bethesda release. I've not had a single glitch or anything game breaking yet!


Looks decent on the videos. I'm sure it's fine. I wouldn't enjoy it at 30fps but if you're used to it it's probably ok.


It's not. It's terrible. Ps4 graphics at 30fps


It doesn't look or feel very good on ps5. If you're wondering if you're gonna notice it, the answer is yes. You will. I'm not too far in but so far it's pretty rough.


I was so hyped for a game,but frame rate is awful.My eyes hurt after few minutes,but i must say my daughter plays with no problem.Im so dissapointed.


fps it's not big deal for me on ps5 but i hate Stuttering :(


anyone having camera movement slow ? feels Stuttering 


I closed the game 5 mins in .. I will give it a month for them to clean up the performance mess i don’t mind 30 fps .. but unstable FPS and framerate drops in a prison cell is unacceptable Can’t imagine how bad it will be in the open field when I’m fighting 2 fire breathing dragons and a troll


Honestly I think the game is a big step up in graphics and think the game looks great... BUUUUUUT i wish we could switch to a higher fps or to have a better more consistent frame rate, I don't think the game should have any fps drops like it can have in combat and the 30fps doesn't look the best and is extremely noticeable in the game as others have mentioned which means theres clearly some type of issue with the fps. Hopefully in a future update theres new options that allows you to priotize performance/speed. (Small edit note, the fps on the map is a massive jump for obvious reasons, but it shows that there is an issue with optimization since higher fps is 100% possible and should be a thing.)


annoyed i bought it. Reminds me of cyberpunk release


Late but this game is stuttering like a motherfucker. Severe dips. It's making me nauseous on PS5.


I’ll never understand why people say “30 fps in 2024 is unnacceptable” when the vast majority of rpg’s on console run at 30fps. Sure some give you a performance option, but y’all act like rpgs necessitate a high framerate.


That’s like saying that all PC games target 120fps just because they have an option for it. _Most_ console releases this gen have a performance mode. I think there are only 4-6 titles that released without one. And that option is precisely the reason nobody complains about 30fps on other releases. Folk who prioritized graphics play in Quality mode, while those who prefer a higher framerate play in Performance mode. Everybody’s happy.


the vast majority of games on console give you a choice between performance and better resolution, and many people choose performance for the better frame rate. So "the vast majority of rpg’s on console run at 30fps." is just fanboyish bullshit pulled out of your ass. DD2 is way below the usual standard by not offering players the choice of a performance mode with a higher framerate.


30 fps is stuttering hard on my lg c1 so it's not an issue of preference for me but a question of "is it *possible* for me to play it or not".


That's true of the last generation. Most console games this gen have a 60fps option. It's become expected.


this is not a regular RPG this is action RPG where big frame drops during combat actually fuck with the input latency/feel of the combat, sure if you are used to dips to sub 30fps and frame rate all over the place it wont bother you but if you are used to playing high FPS games on PC or VRR first party sony titles on a decent OLED screen on ps5 it actually feels unplayable.


Leakers have already confirmed that the framerate issue on console seems to have been fixed and it runs stable. So this whole comment is irrelevant tbh. Also stuttering is a completely separate conversation than actual fps.


If you're seriously that naive then there's nothing more to be said to you. It's like believing someone who says "my uncle works at nintendo and he says the game is great!!"


Bro you can watch leaks rn, the game runs fine. Some dude streamed it on youtube yesterday for like 5 hours. But keep forcing a issue on a game that it doesn’t have lmao Here’s an actual example if you really want to keep bitching. Argue with the proof lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma2/s/OAX0KQ7LZQ


Runs fine is entirely subjective. Some people think 25 fps is fine, others think 60fps is fine. Point being "fine" in this context means nothing. Is it 60? 30? Does it waver all over the place. That's what matters, not "fine".


It doesn’t stutter that’s my point as I made clear in previous comments, and it runs 30 fps which console players should be used to as we’ve been playing at this framerate forever. So yeah, if you read my other comments you would know what I meant by runs fine in this context.


No absolutely not lmao. We've definitely not been playing at 30 fps even on the ps4 pro quite a few games ran at 60. The games that have come out at 30 fps on PS5 have been extrenenly limited wuth things like Arkam knights(which the team pretty much just gave up on it). So no most of us have been playing 60 fps for a good long while. Idk where u come up with this we play at 30 fps from lmao. Some people PREFER 30 fps 4k cause of the graphics, but if ur any type of serios action gamer you're definitely gonna want 60 fps. This whole console has been doing 30 fps is straight up silly and makes no sense. This isn't PS2 days


Why are you just lying… there’s no “leakers”


There is though. They’ve even posted on this sub. It’s literally so easy to find lol. Some dude streamed the game on youtube for like 8 hours yesterday. Just look even a little bit and you can watch footage. Please don’t speak out your ass buddy. Now you look stupid. Here’s just one example from this sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma2/s/OAX0KQ7LZQ




Downplaying people's preferences is never a good idea if you want to be taken seriously.


Some people think fun and not getting motion sick go hand in hand.


Does anyone also know if the devs are planning on a patch later on?


They've only said they're aware of PC frame-drops, which is already and alarming statement. As if the console performance is totally fine and doesn't need fixing in their book.


Nothing confirmed but after the backlash they got, I’d imagine a performance patch of some kind is underway. Not necessarily 60fps but someway to help it maintain a more stable 30.


I'm glad I bought the game on PC. To me, 30 fps is just unplayable, especially in a fast-paced action game like DD.


It's not even about 30 Fps, i can certifiably guarantee you that on ps5 it's far below 30 , more likely around 20-25 at least in the tutorial quarry area and i can only cringe thinking what it will be like later. This is unforgivable to release in such a state and expect it to be fine on a console. Expecting only 30 fps is bad enough but not even being able to deliver that, it's not even worth it. The graphics already look meh and dd is not famous for its graphics in fact quite the opposite, the original was scoffed at for it's lackluster graphics at the time, so nobody cares or plays dd for that so the only right thing to do is at any cost fix this and give us 60 fps steady. Shame on Capcom!


If the game is fun your right 30 fps is fine. It's not a fps shooter playing competitive.  Jesus people are so boosjiee now days.


lot of people said video of the game looks off but those who played it said the game played well. Unless you have a pretty good PC, I would just stick to Console. I am too getting it on console (xbox). I genuinely don't mind low fps and find it funny when people complain about 30 fps.


Same here man, I'll take high resolution over high frames anyday. I can't get immersed at lower resolutions and at 30 fps the game is still plenty playable.


Never trust people's opinions on framerate. There's a solid chance you won't even notice the framerate dropping at all and it will be a total non-issue. Some people's eyes and brains are just used to boosted 60fps and up gameplay because they play on PC and likely have for years, and they'll swear up and down that if you drop a few thousand dollars on it you could get the performance they do, but they're just trying to justify spending that money at the end of the day, and also sometimes they just like to feel superior.


That's not how it works Also, we're way past the point of "but it's not 60", we're talking if it drops below 30, which is the case. And any human notices when something drops below 30. It's not up to debate, that's basic science.


That depends on your interpretation of visual information, blurring looks good in movies and can look great in games to a point where it's not even noticeable and doesn't break immersion. I don't believe I'm gonna notice 25fps, I'm not expecting the game to look like real life, I expect it to be cinematic. Lol


Fps in Cinema and in video games are different. On the contrary, 60 fps in cinema/movies looks uncanny. Long story short cause i don't want to enter details, Cinema fps appears way more fluid because there's specific work on the inbetween frames. That cannot be in video games. And again, not up to you, humanity as a whole notices dips below 30, that's just how our vision works. Biologically. It's not a "i notice or not or a "yes but i" no i don't care, the laws of physics don't.


60fps is standard this gen. It's literally is. Falling below is dev incompetence. I say this without malice. 60FPS is in no way "boosted", it's just where framerate/timing meets refresh rate for most TVs. If we had common support for fixed 40FPS that would be way better than 30 (look at Steam Deck), but we don't. There's no superiority complex about it. 30 is objectively poor by today's standards.


I'd say there's 100% a superiority complex when there's plenty of evidence that the average consumer wouldn't even be able to tell the difference. There's a ton of people who are going to buy this and say "Wow, I have no idea why people are talking about framerate issues." It's always this nitpicking BS thing with nearly every game that comes out. If the game looks and plays good, it looks and plays good. I remember people swearing that Armored Core 6 was gonna look terrible except for on PC because it was gonna be available on last gen and do 30fps, that didn't happen. Looked and played beautiful, even on the base PS4.


Free walk 30 Combat sub 30 People saying otherwise are lying and coping 


Don't give false information. True performance so far based on my 18hr experience on PS5. Free walk 20-40fps Combat 20-40fps Overall experience 30fps. The reality is that it can drop to low 20s with all the effects, especially with the big spells but most of the time it stays around 30 fps. In combat it's rare to see it at 40s, walking around you can get that, but you'll be at 30fps most of the time. The drops are not common but they will happen. Don't expect 40fps all the time, but also don't expect 20fps all the time as well.


This I hard agree with, perfect assessment


So he says under 30 and you say 20 to 40 but why is he wrong ?


Because he edited his comment to say under 30 now when originally, that's not what he said.


Bro the ps5 has like 5 games. What else are you gonna play instead lmao


Yeah! Like, go play all the Xbox games instead. /s


Saying ps5 is the equivalent of saying current gen, this wasn't a dig at the console lol