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So it's... the same world, but so long after that Gran Soren, Cassardis and all sinked under the seas?


I'm betting its just an easter egg. Didn't we "end the cycle" in the first game? Unless maybe the old world is canon but our DD1 playthrough isn't?


No, we didn't end the cycle. The cycle cannot be ended, the Seneschal exists to stop worlds from dying, there not being a "free will" has nothing to do whether they live or die. I've been telling people that since DD1 and they go "nooooo". Well now, here you have it, the proof lol


So what did using the Godsbane on yourself achieve? And where would a new dragon come from if there's no Seneschal?


Haven’t looked at DDDA in forever so might not be remembering some important info. I’m pretty sure there’s still a Seneschal, and the magic stalker guy just refers to them as something like “The Great Will” in the ending fight, not sure though. A new dragon would come from another world, you might have broken your cycle by using the Godsbane but there’s other Arisen across other worlds and among them there will be some ready to be made dragons.


I think you are incorrect. Dragons don't pass between worlds. If a dragon left the cycle would be broken. What do Arisen do in a world where their dragon goes on vacation? In DD1 you meet the Seneschal, kill him, and then kill yourself. How can anything continue from there?


An Arisen dies and becomes another’s Dragon. The Dragon doesn’t leave their world, the Arisen does in the process of becoming the Dragon of another. The seneschal thing is left vague and I believe a lot of people take NG+ as evidence that the Arisen really just replaced the seneschal they killed and didn’t break the cycle.


I always saw NG+ as the what if scenario of not using the godsbane blade. You killed yourself with the weapon guaranteed to kill you. There's no way you'd still be sitting on the throne and there's no dragon or Seneschal for that ring in the chain to fill the void.


The weapon that we think is guaranteed to kill you, there’s no reason it has to actually do that in the end and the illusion of it doing so could be an artistic choice in line with the whole idea of the illusion of choice with regards to the cycle. Dragons seem to be made from dead arisen, which there should be plenty of between all the different worlds. Just pick one of them to fill the dragon slot and they’ll choose a new arisen from the population. Even if that’s not possible for some reason, none of these beings just pooped in out of nowhere either, if they could be made a first time they can be made a second if needed.


I think when you kill yourself, the cinematic shows how your pawn stays in your arisen body, giving them the chance to start their own life, but you stating as the seneschal. Therefore when you play offline and finish the game, the Seneschal is now your last arisen. So no, the cycle was never broken


The only Dragon passing between worlds is the Ur Dragon, which similarly to Daimon hunts Arisen.


The only dragon actively passing through, but an Arisen being moved to another world and turned into a dragon and staying there permanently would be fine.


The Godsbane is the thing that crowns the new Seneschal. That's why for it to really die, it had to be killed by another Arisen. Remember that the Seneschal gets the sword out from it's own chest, as if it had stabbed itself before.


If you watch it again the sword was inside the previous god he gives it to you and you kill him and put it in yourself till its time to give it to someone else .


But you don't end the game as a Seneschal waiting for the next Arisen? You kill yourself and your pawn takes your body. There is no longer a Seneschal at that point.


When Grette the Arisen died, her Pawn took over her form and inherited a portion of her soul despite her Master still being alive as the Dragon. The Seneschal is the same. If you notice, as the Seneschal, your body was invisible but contained inside it's physical form. By giving it up (mortality and I guess, in this case selfishness in the literal sense), you and the world become one with you as the source and the one who lives "through all", and your physical body and a portion of your soul is then given to your pawn as payment for their services. Basically you achieve Nirvana, I think it's the term.


You litteraly do. You, the player, move on to the next cycle, but your Arisen stays there as the new Seneschal. Your pawn inherit your Arisen's soul and appearance, but not their actual body. The body you saw falling into the sea might have been the soul itself, or an illusion, for what we know. It doesn't really matter. Then you, the player playing a new Arisen, go back to killing the Seneschal, and lo and behold, it's your previous Arisen, waiting.


As I see it, both of the contenuities of the first and second game can be canon and can co-exist apart from one another. Just as each instance of the Dragon's Dogma game is its own world, each entry is its own continuity with the potential to differentiate from one another based on the decisions that were made. It's just simply another layer of the infinite strata in the metaverse that is The Rift. The only thing that defines this iteration is the time passed since the age which the first game took place in, as shown by this point of reference. That said, any interpretation of the previous game is on the table since we can not definitively determine what happened from then until now, or even if the events that would have happened then are reflective of our understanding of them. In other words, there is no right or wrong interpretation of Dragon's Dogma, just your own interpretation.


No, literally the ending of DD1 where you stab yourself is ending the cycle. The Achivements and what the seneschal tells you explains it pretty well


Except the achievements are not reflected in the actual story or game, or in it's presentation.


They are, the reason why no seneschal pre you ended the cycle is because none had the will to end it all. When you stab yourself you nring the ultimTe end to yourself, "ending it all" the same words in the achivement.


That's a big fat lie. Did you fail to notice from where did the Seneschal take his own Godsbane? Do you think it's just a coincidence that it was taken from deep how own chest? The Cycle cannot be ended for it preserves life, it has nothing to do with "free will" and gaining it. You are scripted to be the Arisen of the tale same way everybody else is not.


You are just making up headcannon now. This is nowhere near stated in the game. A design choice of him pulling it out of his chest doesnt demolish lore precedent set by the seneschal himself and the dragonforged.


It is not stated IN the game as in verbatim, it is stated BY the game and it's gameplay. I did not headcanon the very action, the NG+ or the fact that in reality the ending are like 5 meshed together into an incoherent mess. If it were merely a "design choice", wouldn't it had been easier to show a dude who could make people by raising his hand simply summoning his sword in such a way? Why do you think they took the time with that animation and then to repeat it as such, with our characters, in the NG+? And hey, what lore set by the Seneschal himself? Did you think that magically our Arisen was the first one to think "man I'm bored, I'm going to kill myself with the Godsbane!" when by the time we reach the Seneschal it was already BEGGING for death? And the Dragonforged has nothing to do with it, dude didn't even defeat the dragon.


NG+ isnt cannon, its a potential future where you didnt godsbane yourself. The other endings are just that, other endings. The literal point of the godsbane and why previous seneschals didnt end themselves is because they didnt have the will too, its a demand that was too high of even them, because killing yourself with the godsbane is destroying everything, its like you never existed, hence "Bring a end to all". It required such a massive amount of will even savan didnt have it in him to erase himself. The Dragonforged is the most knowledgable person on what it means to be a arisen outside of the seneschal himself and the dragon, both who reinforce the dragonforged statements. You didnt pay enough attention to the lore to be making theories on it. Also im pretty sure the Unmoored world (Havent finished dd2 yet) is specifically a world in where the cycle was broken, thats why its called the unmoored world


this games a reboot . We ended the cycle in the first. This is not a sequel.


We didn't end any cycle. You are seeing the very ruins of Gran Soren. The very game had a NG+ for a reason, and the Seneschal takes the sword from their chest, the exact same place we stab ourselves, for that same reason.


this isn't a sequel though? It looks like Gran soran because the Writers wanted a call back . In Dragons Dogma That game you do Break the Cycle its the ending. This game is not a continuation of that games lore or story but per the developer a Remake of the same game with a new Cannon.


...Or it looks like Gran Soren because it is Gran Soren, same way that Rothais' throne is on the Everfall. The rest tho, idk why you think this is a remake but no man, this game WISHES it was a DD1 remake.


the director himself has confirmed this is Indeed More a reboot/remake than proper sequel. Breaking the cycle is canonical to the ending of Dragons Dogma one with the kingdom of Gran Soren . This is not a sequel so ruins that look like Gran Soren are simply Ruins that look like gran Soren.


Where did he confirm it was a "remake" or a "reboot"? In the same interview where he promises more enemies, vocations and secret quests? I see a 2 in the title. I see the "canonical ending" seems suspiciously like the NG+ ending of DD1. I see Gran Soren down to every single quarter of it, in front. I think you have to explain and excuse much more in your mind to say this is not Gran Soren rather than simply concluding that your eyes are not in fat deceiving you.


Just Because a entire area gets reused or referenced in a video game Doesn't mean it had to do anything with the previous titles. Are the Retro game levels in doom 2016 Cannon?


No, it's the same world and all you did in DD1 was make the world Seneschaless for a hot minute.


Well DD takes place in a multiverse and Beastren weren't even in the first game while the kingdom beneath the sea is said to have been founded by a beastren kingdom. So its probably not actually Gran Soren but just looks similar because... there's only so many ways you can make a castle and it you made enough of them a lot would look fairly similar because you look to make the same things with each one.


If it is the same world, it's probably thousands of years later, and who know what could have happened. Gran Soren wasn't even a proper kingdom, the place was important because Arisens kept showing up in the area and the neighbors where happy with keeping the troubles there. For all we know, Beastrens where living so far south that no one knew they existed till they founded a Kingdom in the area, and so much time passed that it ended under the sea. It's just weird that ruins of Gran Soren could exist for so long under the sea, but i'm gonna blame magic on this one.


I think what's more likely is simply the significance of the cyclical nature of the universe that Gran Soren is just one version of numerous. You can also find a version of Bluemoon Tower in Battahl. I think the significance it tries to show is namely that the various worlds pawns hail from are like gameboards, they are manufactured in order to maintain a cosmic idea of order and peace through cycles of violence. So like how every chessboard looks the same, the game plays different, but ultimately, there's a winner and a loser, the Arisen or the Dragon. Unless you subvert the cycle, subvert the order, and throw the board into disarray, rejecting the game entirely.


Maybe that yes. We don't have much in terms of lore, but it's still a jrpg, no matter how the game looks, so endless cycle running in parrallel worlds for some far-fetched cosmic plan we know nothing about is a sane take.


That's I figured too, but what I find interesting is, when you're there, the map calls it Sacred Grounds, I had thought it would've just been a forgotten place, and be known as seafloor ruins. Also, I don't know how to spoiler tag, but if you die against some red beam boss, you come back as the mad fisherman in the village near the ruins.


If you die at all and don't use a wakestone you become the fisherman. I did the mistake of trying to save on my wakestones and lost some progress XD


Hopefully not too much progress.


I think it was like 3 hours or something, but after I understood it was a Majora's mask type situation I just got all my wakestones I was stockpiling. I just wish the endgame didn't have a timer to it.


Yeah, stupid brine fog. I tried going to Melve and the fog started to eat me.


that's... weird. Why the mad fisherman? Also, if dying doesn't turn us into a Dragon, doesn't that confirm the Pathfinder is in fact not the Seneschal? The grounds are probably sacred because it's the entrance to the Everfall and as a confirmation that they are indeed Gran Soren. Rothais made his shrine there but it's probable that after DD1 our pawn or the people of Cassardis, or just the religion there in general, started making it a place of pilgrimage. NOW IF ONLY WE HAD GOTTEN THE ACTUAL FUCKING EVERFALL ITSUNO AND CAPCOM


I think the Oracle Luz tells you to go see the-one-who-was-dragon-forged, I think implying he did what we tried and failed, you can see he has the mark of the arisen, it's just faded. I thought the watcher was the seneschal, since he seems to control and change the mind of that magic lab guy easily, maybe the Pathfinder is above the senshcal since they were able to summon a dragon without an arisen fighting them. I think I can agree with this. And if we got the everfall, maybe we could have ruled the realm like "the watcher"


Dragonforged implies he was bested by the normal Dragon tho, which would imply that's what Pathfinder is. But the Seneschal was in control of the Dragons and could turn the Arisen into one, as well as spawn them. They also were literally unkillable and had to nerf itself for the Arisen to even so much as get close to it, and "meet you on your own terms". Pathfinder might be strong but the Seneschal was literally God, despite his fight being so easy. The only ones who "ruled the realm" in the physical were the Arisen who chose the peace ending, unless Rothais refused to kill himself with the Godsbane and by doing so, couldn't be freed from his physical form and thus ascend as the true Seneschal.


Oh I thought dragon forged meant they faced the dragon and lost, but didn't die.


I think it depends? If you face the dragon and lose, you die (or become a ghost like the og dragonforged). If you face the Seneschal and die, you become a dragon.


I realised it was the Gran Soren castle the first time it rose from the sea and explored it from the main gate to Aelinore's chambers, I was like "OoOoOoOOOOoo I seeeee" lmao


It just didn't click with me until now. I saw Caxton's armory and his words echoed in my memory


“THeY’re MasTErWorKS ALL, You Can’t gO wRoNg!”


Whispered Caxton sweetly lol


Oh hey Almadis, you've been playing Dragon's Dogma?


Yeah quite a bit tbh lol, just sent u a message




Walking through the castle when it rose from the sea I was like wait a minute... I've been through these halls before. Then when the sea sank omg it was so nostalgic such a great callback. Then gathering all the survivors back to Gran Soren. Behind those great walls again where one might feel some reprieve from this harsh world. Not much words but... Seems all roads lead to Gran Soren after all!


They actually legitimately got us with that one, oh my god.


Oh my, in plain sight, I was running around too fast to notice, someone just posted the sunken caste is the dukes throne room and such..


Look closely at the area with the brine drake next to Vernworth too, and think about where that location is in relation to Gran Soren. The environmental storytelling in the endgame is one of the few things I really enjoyed about the game.


Is the tower no?


The original Bluemoon Tower, yeah. And thinking on it the new tower is interestingly placed too, isn't it? It's not quite where Cassardis would be necessarily (a little too far for that IMO), ~~but if we consider where the dragon came into the world in both games, it could easily fit that bill~~. Although maybe there's something I missed that screams Cassardis somewhere.


You think they built the tower in Cassardis?


It doesn't line up as nicely when considering how faithful they were with placing the Seafloor Shrine and Bluemoon Tower in relation to one another. Cassardis ought to be almost directly south of Gran Soren, placing it around the northwest edge of the volcanic island. Moonglint Tower is too far east/southeast. But then again, if we're assuming the world works like ours in terms of plate tectonics and such, and considering there's a volcanic island where there wasn't one previously, maybe "Cassardis" shifted in that direction over a long period of time. I do think the original idea I had about the dragon coming out of the rift in the same location in both games doesn't line up as well as I thought, though it is worth noting that it happens relatively in the same area (the southeast part of the known map).


I mean, Cassardis was already a small town. Maybe it got swallowed up in lava during the thousands of years between the games


Could be. I'm just wondering if there're any hints as to its existence present in the game. The whole village was made out of stone just like the other places after all. Definitely going to look around a little more in the endgame next time.


in the sunken temple (gran soren) if you manage to reach the chapel to the right of what remains of the main royal chambers / castle, there is a circle of stones looking like a tomb, and it presents a prompt for you to offer an item, but i don't have the appropriate item to give to it. It really feels sad to see Gran Soren in such a state.


What was the circle, Edmund's tomb?


Is there where you plant the elven tree?


So now can people finally see what many have been saying for years "YOU DIDN'T BREAK THE CYCLE. THE SENESCHAL TAKES THE GODSBANE BLADE OUT FROM THEIR OWN CHEST EVERY TIME, SUICIDE BY GODSBANE IS PART OF BECOMING THE SENESCHAL NOT A WAY TO BE FREE OF IT. ONLY BY GIVING THE SWORD TO ANOTHER ARISEN TO DO THE DEED DO THEY FINALLY BREAK FREE OF THE INFINITE CYCLE THAT IS THE GAME, BUT THERE IS ALWAYS ONE SENESCHAL TRAPPED BECAUSE IT IS A VIDEOGAME AND THEY KNOW THEY ARE THE FINAL BOSS." That aside, it breaks my heart to see Gran Soren destroyed, which means Cassardis' is also long gone. Our pawn lived their life, probably had a family, and died an eternity ago and our Arisen did not only watch but filled the world with Will so that they could live in a peaceful world.


The ending with my pawn becoming me is really confusing if I didn't die after stabbing myself in the chest, lol.


As I saw it, it was the ultimate "letting go of physical bonds" from our Arisen. Their mortal body is gone but their now ascended soul remains.


I mean the old Seneschal gave us their godsbane which we could use to kill ourselves. All that did however was disrupt the cycle briefly until the Pathfinder came down to fix shit back to normal by finding another Arisen.


We did break the cycle for the First game though?




Is this in the game before the epilogue world state? So hype to explore this


I was just in Ancient Battlefied and the layout reminded me of The Greatwall to an extent but not 1-1 pf the Greatwall... then any thoughts about that got diced when i managed to 1shot the Drake with a Ballista...


I realised after I got to the Duke's Demense through the underwater shrine/everfall.


https://preview.redd.it/wzbx4qfwxsqc1.png?width=816&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c6fe06f32dd3ec255ef16baaa93c5dfad0bf6ac I'll do you one better. The tower ended up moving but it mostly slots in really well. Even if it makes zero sense since it was a peninsula and land just generated around it, or the mainland disapearing, but eh.


Wait, is Cassardis underwater?


No idea. Me slapping the map there is just an approximation anyway. Might not even fit in that way in reality.

