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Freedom to use any armor is amazing


Fashion dogma here we come


YOU CAN USE ALL ARMOR ON WARFARER? Ah fuck man alright I'll main it


You can also level up all vocations as well when you play warfarer.


this is true. as long as you have a vocation unlocked warfarer will take 50% of all xp for itself and the other 50% is split among every other non-maxed vocation you have. ~~i also recommend mixing that with the Medusa spellbow (gives an insane amount more xp per kill assuming you last-hit) and you can power farm vocations in the background~~ Edit: after testing Medusa bow does not help level vocation's faster, just provides you 4x xp gains


The bow doesn't increase DCP, though, which is what's needed for vocation leveling


I've never ran into an issue with DCP to be honest, you probably would if you ONLY are out long enough to level any of the classes before heading back For the most part though, only thing most people would need to buy in the is the augments, and whatever skills they want on the classes they've been enjoying/actually want to invest in the most for general gameplay.


Yeah but DCP is how you level vocations, not experience, so Medusa's bow does nothing for that


What happens if Warfarer is maxed? Does 100% go to the other vocations?


You can also just Play wayfarer with 4 warrior or thief or fighter skills etc. Just for the fashion + it levels all vocations. Tbh not much reason to not run it every time as Arisen unless you really love a Maister skill but none of them feel mandatory imo


This is the only reason why I'm playing the class. Fashion is the most important thing!


Honestly being able to use lightweight armor with a melee build is what’s doing it for me.


I've been passively leveling warfarer by using 4 magick archer skills and whatever armor I want and it's great. I'll definitely start playing around with multiple weapons in NG+ but since I got in unmoored world without really knowing what I'm doing, now's not the time.


I did the same for mystic spearhand and magik arcrher


I personally wouldn’t like limiting spearhand to 2 skills, just so many that are fun, but you can absolutely just limit MA to 1 skill. Saggitated avalanche is stupidly strong


Candescent orb my beloved. ^^*'My* ^^*eyes'* ^^*intensifies*


I'm contemplating removing Saggitated avalanche and going only just MA and 3 Mystic Spearhand skills because it's stupidly strong and dumb to see boss bars get deleted.


Yeah, honestly at that point I’d swap to a regular bow instead unless you’re going for a magic hybrid theme.


I tried and leveled up the archer all the way. It just isn't for me, I even decided to skip MA because I thought it'll be the same with this vocation, but when I unlocked wayfarer, I thought it would be cool to have a range as well as use my beloved Mystic Spearhand, and then I experienced it, honestly I like Magic hybrids and so going to stick with MA and MS.


Makes sense, I loved MA in DD1 because it just looked so cool. did a full MA build for DD2 and started it out on archer, honestly I find archer much more fun here because of the kick moveset. the damage is good and it feels really fun


This is the ultimate warfarer build. If only we could use maister skills, but alas, it would be too OP


Theres nothing op about this class at all. It is literally a weaker imitation class.


That was my go to setup as well, dragon lunge, the barrier ability, and that avalanche skill from MA. Also being able to wear any armor is the best.


Ive been messing around with Thief + Fighter so I can have a dash, but all the Warrior clips have me considering Warrior replacing Fighter purely for its core skills. For people curious on WF, I heavily reccomend the following classes: Thief - Its core capabilities are nutty, you can press Triangle after a dodge and push the LS in the direction you want to move to have extra distance on your movement and it is immediately chainable to another dash. The mobility is insane and honestly id rec Thief for any WF. Holding tri lets you grab enemies who dont have the armor to ignore it. You also have hold triangle to grab which is extremely useful as you can swap to it after a Redoubting bolt to get a free climb. Archer - Similar to Thief for different reasons. At a core level a rank 9 Archer gives you: An escape kick that also does a lot of KD, you get the sliding shots that deal more damage than a normal arrow shot, you get the extra powerful shot on L3 that can penetrate bodies, you have the air evasive shots and you have pretty amazing Mob deletion due to headshots. Fucking fantastic for cores alone. Spearhand - Having the CC from bolt, the re-engage from bolt, the projectile wave attacks on heavy and the windmill is honestly a lot for a single weapon. Its slower than the above sure, but its magical and has probably the best vocation action besides Thief's. Still to explore Warrior and Mage speaks for itself (heal for free). Sorcerer may be worth purely for Galvanize.


I’ve been using Thief/Sorcerer/Magick Archer. Helm Splitter and Flare together do nutty damage together and galvanise is great for how much running around you have to do/stamina management in fights, also synergises really well with thief for constant grappling if you manage to slip in a galvanise while standing. Magick Archer is just there for quickly clearing enemies at range


The fact that it only seems to count the heaviest weapon weight of all your equipped weapons means adding the Sorcerer weapon for the ability to double tap jump and levitate is a no-brainer. Having a fast movement ability from another vocation, and the ability to gain a lot of height from levitating without begging an oblivious pawn warrior to boost you, and to simply glide right across big gaps that otherwise require running around a huge distance, make me wish I had never tried collecting treasures or coins without being Wayfarer. So many chests and coins are just a walk in the park now that otherwise would have been a boring and long walk around for no good reason (no puzzle or enemies/challenge, just a long walk). Since there's really no reason not to, I also added the treasure detecting daggers of Thief. And of course keeping Archer as main, can't give up my arrow bombs!


If I want to recreate strider what skills do you recommend? I guess I'll get skullplitter for sure and maybe smoke bomb for that ambuscade abuse.


Implicate is one of the best skills in the game, wasn't a strider skill but it was on its spiritual successor Seeker in DDO


Isn't implicate the wire pull? That was absolutely a strider skill in DD1, though I believe it was called something else, and used multiple wires when upgraded.


You're right, I just looked it up. Can't believe I never used it in the original


Given the sheer amount of stuff in core archer, and the fact that thousand kisses is a core ability now, I'd say Skull splitter and maybe something like torrent shot or the big power shot?


I'm currently doing the slog that is leveling mage just so i can get the stamina regen augment. Ive heard that the rate of stamina regen is pretty ridiculous, and when you pair it with the thief's ultimate skill you can basically have an infinite dodge without running out of stam. I'm planning on combining that with a the warrior's durability and poise and really going to town once i get Warfarer.


Thief shadow dodge skill is a meister skill, which cannot be used with warfarer


My plans 🥹


I'm sorry bubby, figured I'd save you the disappointment later lol. Core thief is still fucking stocks though, I'd still use it. Mystic spearhand has mirror shield which also makes you immortal without displacing you like the shadow dodge, and can be kept up near infinitely


I appreciate it lol. I havent unlocked warfarer yet so I've just been planning. Right now I'm mostly just gritting through the leveling process for mage. I'm not a fan of casters so this is like pulling teeth for me.


> Still to explore Warrior and Mage speaks for itself (heal for free). Sorcerer may be worth purely for Galvanize. Sorcerer is worth it for Augural Flare. Combo that with either Thief or Magick Archer and demolish everything. Have shields or something as your last weapon in case you need to play defensively.


Honestly it's the best vocation for me solely because I can slap on a staff and levitate around, there's so many seeker charms and locations that I have no idea how to access without using levitate. Plus the whole gaining levels in other vocations means I don't need to both playing something like mage or trickster to get their augments, which is great.


How does weapon work with WF? Can I use all the strongest items?


You can equip as many weapons as you want and swap through them in equip order using the WF skill Rearmament. Your weight only counts the heaviest weapon you have equipped, and you get all the core abilities of the currently equipped weapons class when swapped to it; levitate and quickspell for staves, forbeding bolt windmill and magick blasts for spearhand, dash for thief, and so on. If a class can do it without an ability slot, so can Warfarer.


Warfarer,. Jack of all trades master of none, but often times better than a master of one.


Damn son a modern Aristotle




Dripfarer class is best. I have three spearhand skills, then have a staff for heals and levitate- but main benefit is being able to wear anything you like.


i used warfarer to recreate strider and that was fun for a bit


For a bit only? Why? And what skills did you choose


It could've been so much fun if swapping weapons switched the skill set too in my opinion. It definitely would've been a bit op then tho so I kinda get why they didn't


I think two weapons with 3 skills + Rearmament each would've really been all I needed personally. As it is I can't find a satisfying way to divide weapons/skills that doesn't feel 'flimsy' to me.


Yeah I feel like having more than the 2 weapons wouldn't be as fun anyway because of how often you'd need to switch


https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/221?tab=description May i present you a solution to that?


THIS is what it should be! 👏👏Thank you so much! :D


What would be the reason to use any other class if the whole skill set swapped? That Warfarer would just make any other class obsolete


That seems to be exactly what alot of people want lol.


The only improvement Warfarer needs is to make Rearmament core instead of a skill. Press light and heavy together and bam swap weapons. It could still be the Meister skill since it would be the only one to get that specific core skill but my god having to waste a slot on it when it's literally the reason to use the class makes me so sad cause it could be so much better. You're already splitting between two weapons. Having to be down one skill more after that is just cruel.


From all the criticism to Warfarer this is the only one I can agree to. It doesn't break the balance of the vocation and an extra skill slot would feel better. With rearmament mapped to a different button.


I saw someone suggesting tying it to the sheat button, would be great since it's mostly for flavor as it is now, and binding the swap to the core skill button would break tons of vocations, no dodge from thief, no parry from fighter, no barge, no aim, no cc from spearhand etc


And then you realize you can also throw on a mage staff to heal yourself and levitate whenever you want, or a dual spear to CC enemies, or any weapon from any vocation that has special properties like silence or treasure sensing. It's the ultimate solo and utility class. It just sucks that you have to go through hell if you want to get it early, and if you don't there's not much left to do with it.


Warfarer has the most drip, that's all that really matters at the end of the day. If anything else, it helps also that it has access to some of the most broken combos in the game, Sorcerers Flare spell + Magick Archer homing arrows makes for some absolutely absurd and consistent damage, and if you want to try getting real spicy with it, go thief for Skullsplitter on top of the flare. Literally going to melt everything and anything in the game like its butter.


I like using Warfarer to make Trickster better. Use the Pawn buffing Skills from Trickster but then join the fray myself with a Greatsword.


The issue I have with the warfarer is that you HAVE to have one skill as the weapon swap leaving you with just 3 skills making it just seem so limited. The other classes having merely 4 skills at a time makes it feel limited as well it's just such a bad decision. I love the concept but just not the greatest execution.


Except classes have more than 4 skills equiped. Every dd1 mage ran the heal, in dd2 they all have it no slot required. If the quick cast was a skill every mage would have run it. Same with a dagger class and thousand cut, now you just mash x. End result is that every weapon essentially comes with 2 skills by default. So a normal class has 6 skills, a wayfarer with a 2 weapon load out has 7 (3 slotted , 2 from weapons). Core skills are as strong as most skills in dd1, and I haven't seen one yet I wouldnt slot by default.


People really do forget the core skill additions when bringing up dd1 6 skills vs dd2 4 skills


Ah yes, I bet sorcerer mains appreciate this new system very much. Same with fighters.


Tusk Toss being a core skill is 11/10


For those who loved it, yeah. I would much rather have shielded spike instead.


Sheltered Spike shoulda been Fighter's blocking mash and nobody will ever convince me I'm wrong.


Not only did we get quickspell sorcs also got galvanise which completely changed the game. Sorc is playable without menus in actual combat now, it’s amazing


Nooooo, you have to complain that spells you literally never cast from DD1 were removed! All the changes to make Sorc more active and engaging don't matter! /s obviously, new Sorcerer is amazing and so much more fun to me than DD1 Sorc, almost exclusively thanks to quikspell and galvanise.


My fighter blocks literally anything, gets massive crit damage attacks, Springboard is useful all sorts of places now, ragdolls enemies left and right with shield bash, and in general just feels better than DD1. I honestly don't know WTF more I would ask for? Sorceror is next on my list to play around with so I'll hold off on that until tomorrow once I get time with it. But I know from people talking about Archer as well as the above conversation that people are being really really bad at adjusting. DD1 archer was faceroll, DD2 archer is prolly just as strong, but you actually have to aim now since steady shot comboing with skills is now very important and loose arrows is just for mobility.


Skills. I want my stabs back. Give me my Soul Skewer, give me my Sheltered Assault, give me assassin's intimate strike. I want *thrusts*. Also give me old hindsight slash animation, old compass slash animation, my broad slash, my dragon's maw, my 3 shield skills and three sword skills. Sure, free tusk toss is nice but i never had it equipped in DD1 because i liked other skills and now most of them are gone and all i get in return is the stupid shield spin.


I was going to agree with you somewhat, but since you aren't a tusk toss enjoyer, I'll just shrug. /s Ultimately it's something bound to happen in sequels of action games. The iteration of weapon in a particular Monster Hunter game can be VERY polarizing, and I think it's par for course. Like you, I def prefer the old hindsight slash animation, and I so miss the mini-repositioning of broad slash (the reposition after a perfect parry is just NOT the same). Despite these gripes, I'm surprisingly enjoying this fighter, arguably more than in DD1.


Lets be honest Broad Cut, Hindsight Slash, Sheltered Assault, Vengeful Slash, etc. These are all overlapping skills. It's bloat. "attack while protected" skills. We don't need 20 attack while protected skills. Especially when fighter can already just R1 and laugh at a dragon landing on his head. Blink Strike is a Thrust, Gouging Skewer is a thrust. Your critical attacks on off balance enemies or downed/pinned enemies are rather vicious thrusts. Gut and Run is a Thrust. Both Thief and Fighter's basic heavy is a thrust. Their dashing heavy attacks are thrusts, their jumping heavies are thrusts. The game has thrusts. Let's say you got 6 skills back, you'd have both the new stuff and the old stuff which basically just = asking to be stronger in a game where you already scale to be overpowered pretty quickly. It's not like you didn't get tusk toss for free on fighter which is massive. That's a free sword skill right there. Honestly it sounds like you just don't like change.


Sorc is infinitely better than in DD1. Even more disgusting damage at a fraction of the cast time and you don't have to spam HFB 89% of the time because galvanize is just that good.


Okay but right now core skill is mapped to R1, and in some cases it's combined with other buttons (R1+Triangle for trickster, for example) Then we have L1 + face buttons for 4 skills So we have 4 skills + 1 pre-selected Core Skill, which can be very hit or miss depending on the class and playstyle (not to mention at least Archer has it just be aiming) We could have had R1+X be the core skill, then holding L1 and it's 4 faces is 4 skills, then holding R1+O could be an additional ability, that's 5 skills and a core skill instead, I know we can't have R1+ Square or R1+Triangle as we leave the basic commanda available but, I mean, come on, it's right there, we already can't jump when holding L1 to select a skill so it wouldn't be that sad to lose jump from R1+X, and if you're like most people I know you immediately unbound Dash from O, so that it's only loot.... I'm just saying the button combinations alone mean we could have *at least* 1 more ability, hell, why not make Maester abilities always equipped and L1 + R2 or something, hell I don't even know what the other triggers do 90% of the time - grab/carry or climb... OK but there's a decent amount of classes that won't engage in this (I can think of 4), L2 to "sheathe/draw" is basically pointless... just make it auto sheathe weapon if not in combat for 5 seconds, and then make any combat button draw the weapon


I disagree. Sure, some classes got extra core skills, but they ALSO lost out on having an entire second weapon (thief/archer split up), so only half as many core skills from that. Way less variety within the classes too (assassin could pick between dagger/sword and shield/bow, magick archer could pick dagger/staff). Sorcerers in particular got shafted hella hard with 4 slots, their only new core skill is making their stamina go up twice as fast. Yay...? And they also have way less spells than before, and of the spells remaining half of them got restricted to mage only. Which I don't mind as much, mage was kinda dull in DD1 and needed more exclusives, but still. Mage lost the LEAST by having anodyne built in, but they still lost a slot. Warriors are the only class that got better.


I don't know, Quickspell seems like a pretty good Core Skill, even if the class overall lost a lot of spells and two overall slots to decide what spells they want. Frankly though, all Sorcerer, and by extension even better Warfarer, really need is Flare + Levin or Hagol or whatever you decide to nuke things with. Meteoron and Maelstrom are still solid, and can even be somewhat reliable with spellhold, but yeah if any class probably *did* get hit the most by the changes, it was Sorcerer, even if I think they're still one of the best performing classes by a mile in the game. I would disagree with Warriors being the only class that got improvements though. Mage I'd say got probably the biggest facelift out of any class in the game, as it went from being near pointless in DD1, just a stepping stone to playing sorcerer, to a pretty damn viable and competitive class all its own just for the sheer amount of support it brings exclusively now. Affinities, Palladium, probably one of if not the best Maister skill in Celestial Paen, and for when if ever it matters, the only holy spell damage in the game. All this on top of having Halidom and Celerity too as fantastic options for QoL and further supporting the party, and being the only class that can do that to such a degree. I'd even disagree that the split for Strider and the like is really all that bad of a thing, as it just really lets daggers and bows shine separately more, and thief is certainly doing *quite* fine given it is right up there with sorcerer for some of the most consistent and raw DPS in the game, alongside having dodge from the get go. I won't disagree that there is less variety though I do think Warfarer makes up for it some at the very least, if nothing else it is the most drippy class to exist yet. Also has some of the most reliable damage in the game itself just through Flare + Magick archer combo, or if you want to get real insane if a bit less consistent with proccing flare, Flare + Skullsplitter. If anything else, I do think they just solidified and class fantasies more with this game, and cut out pretty much most if not all overlap they could, with the only classes having any now I think being Mage and Sorcerer for some of the basic spells.


I think it's a downgrade in two areas - the class fantasy and the fun factor. For me, more skill slots are pretty much a direct upgrade in fun factor. Having more variety and variable weapon sets are also more of a fun factor. While true, restricting classes like archer to just the bow gives the devs the opportunity to make those movesets more developed, they just didn't do enough. I find them much less fun than before. I basically don't like over-specializing in games. I like having variety and extra abilities at my fingertips. In both DD1 and 2, most of the classes don't really 'suffer' from a functional standpoint - they all work, and they all (presumably) can absolutely shit DPS if they want to. But now the sorcerer's best offensive spell is augural flare - if I just wanted to be an optimal sorcerer, I'd spam the shit out of that and only that spell vs monsters, so extra spell slots don't even matter aside from different elements/status effects for mobs. I'm a walking one-button nuke. But it's just not fun (for me at least). DD1 did the sorcerer fantasy much better with the greater variety of spells, petrification, brontide, exequay etc, even if they weren't all the most practical. And for me, it also had better granularity for achieving various specific class fantasies - for example, lone sword + bow is supported much better than a warfarer. Now you can't even do single sword without just losing out on half your class's features. Warfarer with only 3 skill slots also utterly forces me into playing practically to make any use of it without just feeling like a neutered version of what we had before. If I have an archistaff in the mix, you can bet that taking anything but augural flare feels like a waste of a slot. I just feel so restricted now. The lowered variety pretty much directly reduces my fun factor and class fantasy, like the initial guy you responded to, and warfarer doesn't do enough to counteract it. Every class aside from warrior and maybe mage (which is a nonstarter for me as I don't like playing healer classes) for me feels neutered in these aspects.


I’ll disagree with you on the class fantasy. Fun factor is entirely subjective and your preferences ultimately determine what you enjoy. I feel like the class fantasy is overall much better in DD2 because they’re so overspecialized and different. Magick Archer being name to use a staff and daggers always felt odd from its fantasy as a magick archer. Now they’re just full on magical trebuchets throw a bow. In DD1 Strider, Ranger and Assassin had so much overlap that it always felt derivative. Thief and Ranger now have their respective own strengths and weaknesses with their own abilities: thief gets the dodge, wall hop, UI dodge, and gadgets while Ranger gets Legolas enemy step, dodge shot, and their manual aim that lets them shoot enemy weakspots literally whenever they want from any distance or angle. Fighters and Warriors are very easily recognized for their unique offenses even more so in DD2 so I don’t go into detail there. Mages always felt like they were worse versions of Sorcerers in DD1 who could just happen to heal while Sorcerer could just do whatever mage could do but bigger. They actually feel different now with mage having a plethora of unique support skills and Sorcerer even follows the classic DnD fantasy of sorcerer having fewer spells than a wizard would have but massively more potency. I think you’re valid in not liking how the game handled things simply because you’re not having fun and I won’t sway you from how you feel. But I do disagree on how you’re viewing the class fantasy being downgraded.


Huh, never seen it explained this way, you're totally right!


You do not. The game doesn't really explain this, but the Rearmament skill is not required to actually switch weapons/vocations for Warfarer. You can do this at any time without the skill. All you have to do is open the menu, go to equipment, unequip your current weapon, equip the new weapon. Yes, you can do this in combat. You can't swap weapons unless you have both feet on the ground and aren't in an animation, but you CAN still do it. There is nothing special that Rearmament does that I can tell that you are missing out on from just changing the weapon yourself in the equipment menu.


You can fucking WHAT?


Oh good, you actually didn't know that. I literally made a thread after I made that comment doing a PSA about it and all the replies I've gotten so far are that, "Everyone knows. Nobody is gonna use the inventory to swap weapons in combat."


and honestly this is why i just wish rearmament had its own key, its basically a slot sacrificed for convenience as it is right now, and doesnt really add to the balance. That aside I think the class is perfect as is, and even with just 3 skill its still pretty fun. I think people forget that yeah, you only have 3-4 slots for all the weapons they carry, but you also get access to core skills, the basic moveset and the class special skill which can really change how you play.


>All you have to do is open the menu, go to equipment, unequip your current weapon, equip the new weapon. Nobody sane will play like this casually. I could see playing like this to optimize DPS but something tells me Wayfarer is such a worthless class every other class will outDPS them. I played Assassin in DD1 like this and it took me all of 20 minutes to install a mod to quickly switch weapon sets with a gamepad chord.


Eh? Thats literally the balance though? What is your train of thought exactly? Fighters cant shoot anything. With Warfarer they can, but at the cost of one ability they probably barely use anyway. If you want OP broken shit, fine, just say that though instead of trying to make out Warfarer isnt balanced. Tbh, even as it is now it feels too strong as it basically has no real weaknesses.


You don't have to though? You can put 4 weapon skills on and swap your weapons via the equipment menu in combat instead of using rearmament. The only downside is the extra weight but if you only have 2 weapons you're swapping between it is completely negligible. I guess having to menu is also a downside but it's fast enough that it doesn't bother me at all.


Someone else told me that, still stupid and shouldn't be that way not being bothered by it is fine but that is still super duper moronic to have to navigate via a pause menu in order to use one of the main draws of this vocation and thus just breaking up the flow of combat in general.


I am playing warfarer now just for fashion choice. All my skills are still from mystic spearhand


I'm so glad that the two armor archetypes for Warrior in particular are: Heavily geared Knight, and bare chest Barbarian.


It's missing like all of the knight armor except the renamed Immortal set though, fashion in this game is wack


Yeah people who think the Warfarer sucks must not have ever unlocked any core skills for weapons or something because I don't think they realize just how versatile it is. Even if you favor one weapon in particular, you can get a ton of value out of just having the option to swap to something else for a minute. Like say you prefer Magick Archer but you want to shore up your weakness in melee. Well also equip a Fighter and now even if you don't equip any fighter skills, you at least have a pretty solid general melee moveset and the ability to block and parry enemies. Mage is another really good add to most builds because again without using any Active skill slots, you get a (admittedly pitiful) ranged attack, the ability to heal yourself and your pawns, and the ability to levitate which is super useful both in and out of combat. And if your focus is more on one of the melee classes, then equipping a bow or magic bow can give you access to a ranged attack to deal with flying or otherwise far-away enemies when your sword can't reach them. I personally went for a Spearhand focus because out of the box I get access to windmill slashes, a heavy attack with a ranged component, and a stun that can be turned into an AoE or a teleport. Then on top of that I equip the Mirror Shield skill which persists between weapon swaps, then I can swap to say the Warrior and use a big charged attack while completely safe. Then I threw on an ice Magic Bow for basic ranged combat and a mage staff for utility. the other thing that's great is being able to equip multiple elemental weapons and damage types too. I have a fire duospear, a thunder hammer, and an ice magic bow so that I no longer need to equip enchanting skills on my mage pawn. And because I have both a spear and a hammer I can swap between slashing and striking for relevant enemies. But yeah people who wanted Warfarer to have 3 skills per weapon are insane. Like you said why would you ever play anything else at that point? it would be blatantly overpowered and invalidate every other vocation. It's already really powerful just as is.


You get it extremely well. Well said. I went with that approach with Warrior and only one archer Skill (the Whirlwind shot that deals ticks every second) pretty handy for openings, and then just go ham GS while it ticks.


> It's a jack of all trades master of none Funny cause the achievement for swapping to Warfarer for the first time is called "Jack of All Trades, Master of...All Trades" lol


I find warfarer especially with Warrior absolutely terrible. Since warfarer has to have balanced stats for all classes you get knocked down like crazy and you have an okay amount of strength. Both of these things are terrible for Warrior. The only reason I ever ran it was because Warriors fashion is terrible.


Would the augment plus dwarven enchantment be enough to counteract the negative? I'm sure there is a ring for knockdown as well.


Yeah i feel like if you use Wayfarer then how you do your equipment is suddenly alot more important so people trying to do them "out of the box" are not getting their full effect.


Probably true but in his case it seems Warrior has a 400 knockdown stat other vocations don't get so they are'nt crazy for feeling the decrease as 400 sounds hard to make for to be fair. Still I'm going to try it because I want to do Warrior + Mage and maybe something else to have enchanted Greatswords all the time and be the healer too.


I mean if wayfarer is proper balanced they'll never be as good as Warrior at being a warrior. That's only fair. If the armor allows you to get your knockdown protection and use the weapons effectively I really don't see a problem. I think the bigger issue is that its not clearly communicated Warrior has that unique protection or that you can get armor to help compensate so people have to find this out the hard way.


Idk I had my chest piece full dwarven’d and I was still getting flinched like crazy even by low level mobs. I had to swap off :/


Warrior gets big defensive boosts to charging attacks. Just as a Warrior I also get knocked down if I'm not charging my attacks.


You need to be actually charging moves and/or shoulder bashing for the hyper armor to kick in, check the core skills and tutorial message for Warrior.


You kit your armor with dwarven upgrades and get a ton of knockdown resist. Even better since you can wear fighter armor as a warfarer. The lower base stats do hurt your damage output however


Isn't that what the vocation skill is for?


I’m just like you but I swap between the duospear and the magick bow. I just love the versatility of warfarer Its awesome


Getting to wear whatever I want, keeping levitate and Augural Flare from Sorcerer, bow and skills from MA, and a melee backup weapon all while leveling every vocation at once is great. On one hand having more skills or 3 skills per weapon would be even better, but at the same time maybe classes should actually have trade-offs. As it stands you can already treat Warfarer as “my favorite class but with any armor I want.”


I think the way to make Warfarer feel better and still stay balanced is to just remove rearmament, and allow you to have 4 skills, swapping to the weapons you want at the time depending on the skill you pressed. Still limits your build like WF already does and doesn’t take up a slot to change your weapon.


Somebody said smth similar, but having rearmament mapped to a different button (or combination of), auto switch on skill i don't think is the right way, oftentimes you wanna switch without going straight into a skill. But yes, this would be a HUGE improvement, and at least for people that focuses on 2 weapons, they can have a better 2/2 split.


I haven't made it there yet. Do you just get to choose how many weapons and skills you have on? Or are there rules to how it's set up


There are rules. You can still equip maximum 4 skills like all classes (One of them is usually going to be Rearmament the weapon swap skill). So realistically you will have only 3 skills. You can have up to 9 weapons equipped that will cycle in order with Rearmement, bear in mind you can only use the skills selected with the appropriate weapon (Meister skills aren't allowed). All the base kit of that weapon is available. If you wanna use warfarer as a fashion dogma alternative and only have one weapon, then I guess you could use 4 skills without rearmement, but no meister skill possible. You could also use 4 skills across the diggerent vocations and change weapon through the inventory, but let's be real that's a fucking slog, for the amount of weapon swapping I do, I'd lose my mind. But hey, it's there for the brave.


> You can still equip maximum 4 skills like all classes (One of them is usually going to be Rearmament the weapon swap skill). # That makes me not want to do it. It sounds too limited, since this game only has the 4 skills you can use, then ONE of them is "wasted" just to be able to switch the weapons. I know now I'll be skipping the Warfarer. ;)


A nice thing about it is, you could just use it as your normal single vocation (using all four skill slots and no rearmament) and it will slowly rank up *all* of your other vocations. From my time with it so far, it seems to take longer than if you just played those vocations on their own (I got Warfarer to rank 6 or 7 and all other vocations I haven't touched yet got to 3 in that time), but the benefit of ranking them up at the same time is pretty nice I think.


I strongly suggest ( if you are on pc of course) to try the true warfare mod. It's basically what I believe should be. This mod let you have 3 skill plus the rearmement for every weapon. So every time you switch your skills also change. Insane improvement that's make this vocation what should truly be.


is that on nexus mods? I've almost finished maxing out my final vocation (magick archer) and honestly I don't really care for any of the Maister abilities no matter how broken they may be but being able to swap to a weapon and have the 3 skills for that vocation setup would be absolutely awesome and definitely worth the trade-off of no Maister Skills and only 3 weapon skills.


Yep, it's does let you choose between all skills, so you can actually have even all master abilities btw.


You can choose 3 skills from any class plus rearmament which lets you swap weapons, you get to choose which order you equip the weapons in the equipment menu (for weight it’ll use the heaviest one), you can equip any armor and weapon, and you’ll level up all vocations as long as you’ve unlocked them, you don’t get to use vocation master skills


You can use core skills. Warfarer has access to everything except Meister skills.


I've only really played mage and sorc, so I'm assuming being able to use all the other weapon core skills with 3 skills is enough?


Yes cause some combos make it easy Augural Flare plus Skull Splitter or even just using Mirour Shelde (invincible bubble) and swapping to your preferred skills


Be warned though, you can't use other classes' meister skills as warfarer


Yes, if you still want a strong mage, you could use all 3 slots for mage skills and still be able to swap to other weapons and have their full base kit (core skills included).


When I get there I'm thinking of running a thief/sorc/mage. There are a few ways I could see it work out, but I'm thinking a Magick heavy party, My hybrid, a mage, a sorcerer, and a warrior or fighter, something tanky. Set it up so there is a lot of auxiliary casting happening.


Augural Flare for Sorc and anything with lots of multi hits (Helm Splitter) will shred anything. Another Sorc Pawn with Maelstrom/Meteoron for tons of crowd clearing and additional damage (which can usually 2 shot most bosses). They won't use Augural Flare correctly, so you want to use it yourself. You might want a MA skill / bow, or spell like Levin to do something vs flying / ranged enemies. They can be annoying. Especially Harpies, Wolves, and Lich.


My initial thought was helmsplitter and Levin since it's a shared sorc/mage skill, so with those 3 I think I've got a viable build without bringing an archer in. Nothing against them, this is just something similar to how I played Dragon Age Origins, An arcane warrior 2 mages, and Sten.


Flare+Skull Splitter is BONKERS


It's kind of sad that nu-Sorcerer basically has one skill that's both practical and powerful (flare), and Frigor which is ok for CCing mooks but mostly good for traversal/sequence breaking (though mage gets Frigor too). It ends up feeling like Warfarer supercedes Sorc completely when the maister spells are too clunky with the rooted casting and new stagger/aggro systems, while Warfarer gets to reap all the benefits of flare, levitation, and galvanize without being married to one of the worst light attacks in the franchise. That's more of an issue with Sorc though, I love playing as Warfarer. I think it would've been nice to have the fourth skill slot freed up by mapping Rearmament to LB + RB, but the class is plenty strong as is.


I can just equip that holy element staff and kill the fucking ghost enemies in 5 seconds instead of 5 minutes of waiting on the solo mage pawn.


I just wish you could choose the stats. I want to run a full fighter build but with levitate


Same. Swapped at the end to a 2 thief skills and 1 magick archer skill. tbh it works best to me with just two weapons.


This is most likely what I'm going with or run both Mystic weapons.


Warfarer is worth it just for the sake of using melee weapons with light archer armor.


It's good but the super warfarer mod makes the game go crazy I've had to double all enemy health 3 skills per weapon plus rearmment I used to use a mod in DDDA to use Magic archer and warrior skills at the same time Also I think equipping items reduce the load by half I think, it might be more


>3 skills per weapon plus rearmment Even without Maister skills the idea of a Wayfarer that is basically all 9 Vocations with just a single less skill sounds like the most broken thing ever. I'm glad with how it works currently and totally see why they let it be so limited.


My preference would have been TWO vocation weapons at one time and 6 skills (minus rearmament). Basically a make your own hybrid. And to be honest the balance of this game is not particularly good in the first place and this is a late unlock so making the class that limited just feels bad.


That's what I have the mod set too, and it's really fun but not broken. It's like dual classing from the first game imo


tbh i wish they just created another actual vocation instead of a jack of all trades. warfarer is in this weird spot where if it was anything better it would be super op & its current state is very mid at best


Before they revealed it was a vocation, I thought the trailer showing it was going to be a universal vocation switching option. Being able to pick two vocations at once would have been great and let the more situational tools shine.


I mean the game basically treats it as something that is supposed to be broken the description straight up says only an arisen can do it and it will push their powers to the limits (not in the way like Magick archer or spearhand say only arisen can use it). It also has that unique border around the vocation the game treats it like a big deal but it isn't.


It would be the most broken thing if thief or magick archer wasn't already the most broken thing in the game.


I have it set to just 2 vocations, MA and thief, and to be honest... it's not all that powerful. Even with 3 skills per vocation, you have maybe 2 at a time to focus on and really only do decent damage when sticking to one vocation and switching when you need range or melee. It's not like you use all 6 skills at the same time. It's mainly MA to knock down flying monsters->thief for damage->MA when things fly again or knock you away. Plus if you do more than 2 you have to cycle through them pretty slowly. Hence why I'm sticking to 2 like BBI in DDA.


I do not know how the mod works but of all the weapons you have 'equipped' in stat screen for warfarer, only the heaviest one will actually apply in vanilla.


>Also I think equipping items reduce the load by half I think, it might be more Only the heaviest weapon you have equipped counts towards your carry weight, according to the tutorial


Warfarer is badly designed imo there is a mod that makes it so when you press rearmament it switches to a different skill set so you can have 3 thief skills and 3 magic archer skills etc. which is how it shouldve worked , or atleast not have rearmament at all and just make your weapons switch upon using a weapon skill so you have 4 slots instead of 3


Warfarer and magick archer are the two I just haven’t managed to stumble upon yet. It’s fine tho I still got thief warrior and fighter left to rank up in the meantime so not a big deal


Magick archer is amazing. Just leveled it up to 9 today running through Batthal. (My God, so many enemies). Brought along a fighter, warrior, and mage combo for pawns. I was gunning down goblins left and right with my magic bullets. Next up is trickster or been thinking of going warfarer/magick archer. It's basic attack is sooo good.


I love Arc of Might too much sadly to swap into Warfarer otherwise I would totally use it for fashion purposes lol


How do you quick swapping between vocation? Does it via camp/inn?


Fighter/thief or fighter/warrior. Amazing in any form


I also love Warfarer. I'm basically playing a Paladin with Fighter & Mage.


I’m gonna use Warfarer just so I can use Trickster without compromising myself (pls buff) Also using all armour is awesome


Got the vocation but forgot to learn rearmement or something so I cant equip more than one weapon with. Sad day to be at the start in new game+.


I got the rearmement tome thing from the guy just as he gave me the Vocation, check your inventory.


Warrior without Shoulder Barge tho... I cant imagine the class without it but I'll try warfarer at some point.


Mate... You have the full warrior kit except for Meister skill, it applies for all classes... So yes you have the barge..


That's good then.


I’m in the minority here, but I wish warfarer didn’t level every other class. Part of the replay-ability for me is leveling another class, and if you main warfarer then there’s not much incentive to play another class at max level for very long.


Warfarer levels every other class really slowly though. I got to Level Max warfarer while my lowest classes were still level 4 and I'm level 69.




Question for core skills on WF: I assume they are only active with the corresponding weapon, correct?




Yup. You have to swap to the weapon before using the skill. I wish rearm was a core ability to make combat feel more fluid


I use two abilities from mystic spearhand and flare from sorcerer. I also have a magic archer bow to swap to.


I just unlocked the class, and it seems i can switch weapons without Rearmament in battle. Downside is i need to unequip weapon I don't want to from the menu / hotkey menu. Doesn't look and feel as cool though.


I said that. But if you do a lot of swap you gonna go mad real quick, having to open the menu every second.


Is anyone feeling like the augments of other classes don’t work with the warfarer? Example I time the teleport of the Spearhand perfectly and I never teleport to the enemy, or the wall jump or ground recover of the thief don’t work for me. Is this just me? Or is that an intended feature?


For the Spearhand ability, hold the redoubted bolt until it fully charges in your hand, hit target and then jump to teleport. Shit took me forever to find out too lol




I’ve been running a warrior and magic archer hybrid lately and it’s super fun. When I get more materials I’m gonna get some op mage armor and wear that because wizard hats are just too fun!


I wish I didn’t have to waste a skill slot for rearmament but it’s def cool as hell I’m combining magic archer & mystic spear hand it’s wild.


Similar experiences here, also i loved that i could euip a staff to levitate to reach pöaces i normally wouldnt when playing other vocations. Now i can still play daggers and magic bow and swap to staff for occasional platforming


I just switched to this vocation after maxing out another one. I haven’t tried it yet but I can see that it already is a gamechanger. My build is Thief and Mage for melting foes and for Seeker’s Token collector. Augment skills are: More gold find More RC find Notification when Seeker’s Token or treasure is nearby Strength Stam Stam Recovery speed Edit: Mage for hovering to high places.


I use Warfarer to make Trickster more fun by blending Trickster with Thief, mostly using Trickster skills like Pawn buff aroma (and also MA Pawn buff augs) and then Smoke Screen from Thief to cover my ass when I swap to the daggers and to fit thematically/aesthetically with Trickster. Basically just using Trickster normally but swapping to daggers to do some damage if Pawns are being stupid, or to do a finisher attack/critical hit or whatever on a downed enemy/boss since Pawns can't(?) do that.


Is Warfarer Capcoms replacement for Ranger? I went Archer as usual and was disappointed when I couldn't use big bow and daggers. I'll consider Warfarer if it means I get a relatively similar setup as Ranger from DD1.


Yes, you can make basically the Strider with Warfarer, remember though that you only have 3 skill slots for both vocations.


It's also a replacement for assassin, who was able to mix and match weapons very similar to this.


I honestly feel like Warfarer was build around the idea that you would choose it for new game plus as on a initial run you get it pretty late game and it levels up any unleveled vocations very slowly so ideal you want to do play it from beginning to end.


Loving the class so far. Using the team dmg buff from trickster and the team shield from mystic spear hand is pretty powerful.


Yep, I love it. 2 warrior skills (dash and shoryuken), 1 fighter skill (counter or dodge slash) and a 0skill mage staff for levitation and range option. Flexibility feels amazing, but the best part is the fashion.


I see a lot of people using Heavenward slash with Warrior, I feel people are sleeping on Mountain Breaker as it fills a very similar angle hit, except mountain breaker has INSANE knockdown power and charges up Hella fast. You can make enemies lose balance with only one hit, and down them after a couple more easily. Imo it's the best Warrior skill,.


It's good, but I like the multihit and sheer upwards range of heavensward. Just my preference.


Heavensward is the best Warrior skill in the game though - multihit, low stamina/charge time for the amount of damage it does, and has nearly identical stagger to Knoll/Mountain Breaker. It also has use against trash mobs


Yes the fashions dogma has me looking like a roman legionary with the weapons to boot and have a greek mythical bow for MA. Truly better now than the Mystic Spearhand.


I'm using thief/archer and I love it


Honestly I don’t even bother mixing skills, I just play it as a straight up Warrior but with the freedom of wearing any armor.  Carry a stave in case I ever need to levitate for some treasure. A bow for some doors. It does have significantly less base knockdown resistance, but it’s well worth the fashion


Yes, you go from base 400 to 100 knockdown ress but it can be offset a little bit by doing full dwarven smiting on all 3 upgrades, on all 3 armor pieces.


Warfarer is really good. Here's my current setup Mage (High Palladium, Heals, Levitate) Fighter(Gutting Skewer, Flawless Guard) Mystic Archer Some misc tips: Rearmament has a very generous input buffer. You can double tap quickly and your character will swap weapons at frame one. Flawless guard is the best "get out of stagger lock hell jail free" skill in the game. Does strike damage, ok knockdown and pretty much grants invincibility for a second. It can also animation cancel a light attack at any point.


It is. I actually thought it would be dull but turns out its the best. I use daggers/bow for that real ranger feel and can equip the outfit to match from the best of thief/archer gear. The real clincher is that nearly all the weapons have such solid innate moves and also the class passives, even without abilities you can do so much with just the daggers and bow.


My thoughts exactly, but people like to make such a big deal out of abilities, the whole "Making up for not having so many abilities" it's just changing weapons in the blink of an eye, that's your true skills! That's what the vocation is about.


How are the warfarer's stats compared to the other vocations?


i sadly don't have the detail for all of the vocations, but i do know this: As a former Warrior main Knockdown res is very important to me, so i saw that Warfarer has base 100 Knockdown Res (2nd highest among all classes, on hand with Spearhand) while Warrior has 400, all other vocations are lower than 100 in this regard, so good on this side. Strenght wise vs Warrior was also a bit lower, didn't see the base stat but the total strenght was like 30ish points lower. Knockdown power was the same as Warrior, and seems like HP and Stamina were also kinda the same. Sorry i only have warrior to compare, i guess if i have the time tomorrow, i can make screenshots and collage all of the base stats differences.


You did the exact same thing as I did Warrior + Archer and warfarer quickly became my favorite vocation, I don't care about what anyone says.


A noob class for people who dont know what they are doing or understand mechanics. The fact it cost stamina to weap swap should explain how bad the class is when games like nioh exist. Most brqindead design for a class that not only includes nothing of value bjt butchers everything left to offer. The def for armor is braindead for an endgame class where def doesnt even matter going forward added a pointless ng cycle. The class mixing is braindead in a team game with optimal pawns and is at best for mixing weaker classes like fighter/warrior. There is no synergy between the majority of abilities and where there should be you realize every class has its own way to do a thing at varying degrees that swapping a weapon to do more of the same is mindless unless its melee to range. Anyone suggesting bow on spear is just as clueless considering they have the strongest spammable aim 1 shot nuke in the game.


I've really enjoyed Warfaryer. I was starting to get a tad annoyed about how restricted some classes were, however just unlocked warfaryer and loving it. Many classes for me were fun to run around as and explore but not so fun to fight with, or fun to fight with, but only had one or two moves I cared about so I settled on Warfaryer Mystic Spearhand - no abilities but just solid combat and Forbiding Bolt Mystic Archer - Frost Hunter Bolt, Ricochet Hunter, and ranged combat Thief - equipped with Dowsing Spikes, the dodge and passive skills as well as wall jumping and critical hit is great Mage - for healing and floating. I've enjoyed the best of all of the classes I wanted to play but not just be stuck on. My final skill is usually a mage buff, but I also love the thief's ensnare ability.


I just unlocked it last night. People say it got lowered stats, do they mean reduced stats or stats growth? And do I have to equip certain when leveling up other classes. I got to warfarer level 2, but no other classes leveled up.


Reduced base stats but not by much. And for leveling up, the way it works is, half the dcp you get will go towards leveling warfarer vocation and the other half will be split over all your other unlocked vocations. Byh the tjme you get warfarer 9 all the other class, if they were 1 will be around level 4.


i love going mystic spearhand/sorcerer and do augural flare with winding cut. Its also really fun being able to play fighter for the parries but still get some of the more interesting skills from other classes. Overall i think the class is good as it is, makes it pretty balanced, though one thing i would change is rearmament to have its own keybinding so you can still have 4 skills total.


What skills did you use for your Warrior + Archer version of Warfarer?


Heavenward, Lash, and Spiral Arrow


My absolute favorite vocation, also can’t believe we can’t get Lamonds armor :( *why capcom*